17 research outputs found

    The Impact of Computerized Agents on Immediate Emotions, Overall Arousal and Bidding Behavior in Electronic Auctions

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    The presence of computerized agents has become pervasive in everyday live. In this paper, we examine the impact of agency on human bidders’ affective processes and bidding behavior in an electronic auction environment. In particular, we use skin conductance response and heart rate measurements as proxies for the immediate emotions and overall arousal of human bidders in a lab experiment with human and computerized counterparts. Our results show that computerized agents mitigated 1) the intensity of bidders’ immediate emotions in response to discrete auction events, such as submitting a bid and winning or losing an auction, and 2) the bidders’ overall arousal levels during the auction. Moreover, agency affected bidding behavior and its relation to overall arousal: whereas overall arousal and bids were negatively correlated when competing against human bidders, we did not observe this relationship for computerized agents. In other words, lower levels of agency yield less emotional behavior. The results of our study have implications for the design of electronic auction platforms and markets that include both human and computerized actors

    Eye contact and trust online:The effect of profile pictures on Airbnb booking

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    This study investigates uncertainty and trust in peer-to-peer (P2P) e-commerce in the shared economy of Airbnb. On P2P marketplaces individuals do business with each other based on the concept of sharing. This type of business may cause a feeling of risk and uncertainty. Hence, trust fulfils a key element in the transactions. On the Airbnb platform profile pictures of the renter are included to diminish consumers’ feelings of uncertainty. An experiment was performed with two accommodation offers that differed in eye contact (eye contact vs. no eye contact) on the profile picture. In total 319 participants took part in the experiment, 157 Dutch and 162 French. The results revealed that a profile picture with eye contact brought along more trust than without eye contact. Further, a higher level of trust leaded to a higher booking intention. Although the French were more uncertainty avoidant than the Dutch, no moderation effect was found for uncertainty avoidance on booking intention

    The First 10 Years of NeuroIS: A Systematic Literature Review of NeuroIS Publications (2007 - 2017)

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    NeuroIS is an emerging and promising academic field that has attracted increasing attention. The year 2017 signifies the 10th year of existence of NeuroIS as a research field in information systems area. In this study, we conduct a systematic literature review of the NeuroIS academic research publications of last 10 years (2007-2017). As a result, we categorize the existent NeuroIS literature into 8 groups, explore the correlations among various NeuroIS concepts/ constructs, and demonstrate how the study enhances our understanding of the granulated inter-relationships between pairs of NeuroIS elements. The implications of the result to the NeuroIS research community are discussed

    Theorizing the Concept of Agency in Human-Algorithmic Ensembles with a Socio-Technical Lens

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    The growing relevance of algorithmic systems, including artificial intelligence, for processes of value creation raise theoretical and practical interest in the conceptualization of actorhood and the balancing of human and technological agencies within socio-technical ensembles. Prominent theories of the IS discipline still reflect a human-centric conceptualization of agency, which we deem challenged by advances in machine learning technology. We therefore motivate a revised theorizing of the concept of agency with a socio-technical lens. For that, we apply an inductive top-down theorizing approach. In this short paper, we present the first inductive step by describing tensions, oppositions and contradictions in the discourse on agency in IS literature of the last 30 years in the AIS Senior Scholars’ Basket of journals. The preliminary findings uncover a conceptual and ontological incoherence surrounding the concept of agency in IS scholarship, and a gap between reviewed publications and the agency claims of algorithmic systems

    Measurement of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability with Wearable Devices: A Systematic Review

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    Wearables are a ubiquitous trend in both commercial and academic settings as they easily enable tracking and monitoring of physiological parameters such as heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV). This paper presents a literature review to survey the existing Neuro-Information-Systems (NeuroIS) literature on HR and HRV with a focus on measurement based on wearable devices. We addressed the following four research questions: Who published HR and HRV research? What kind of HR and HRV research has been published? With which wearable devices was HR and HRV measured? How reliable and valid are HR and HRV measurements based on wearable devices? Our review provides answers to these questions and concludes that further efforts are needed to advance the field from both a theoretical and methodological perspective


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    Penerimaan negara bukan pajak menjadi salah satu penerimaan negara yang penting, salah satunya berasal dari penerimaan bea lelang. Bea Lelang dihitung dari harga laku lelang atas pelelangan atas aset-aset negara atau berhubungan dengan negara atas pelepasan aset tersebut. Penerimaan bea lelang menjadi objek penelitian. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa penerimaan bea lelang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor dari jumlah peserta, aspek demografis pemenang lelang, masa tayang, dan nilai limit terhadap harga laku. Harga limit ini menjadi dasar pengenaan bea lelang sebagai penerimaan negara bukan pajak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode korelasi. Data dikumpulkan dari data pelelangan Kementerian Keuangan dan BPS. Teknik analisis yang digunakan ialah analisis regresi dengan data cross section. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa jumlah peserta lelang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga laku lelang yang terbentuk. Aspek demografis berupa umur pemenang lelang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan harga laku lelang. Masa tayang lelang tidak berpengaruh signifikan dalam peningkatan harga laku lelang. Nilai limit berpengaruh signifikan terhadap besarnya harga laku lelang yang terbentuk. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan penambahan publikasi lelang internet yang bersifat komersial yang utamanya ditargetkan pada pria

    An Economic Analysis of Consumer Learning on Entertainment Shopping Websites

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    Online entertainment shopping, normally supported by the pay-to-bid auction mechanism, represents an innovative business model in e-commerce. Because the unique selling mechanism combines features of shopping and online auction, consumers expect both monetary return and entertainment value from their participation. We propose a dynamic structural model to analyze consumer behaviors on entertainment shopping websites. The model captures the consumer learning process, based both on individual participation experiences and also on observational learning of historical auction information. We estimate the model using a large data set from an online entertainment shopping website. Results show that consumers’ initial participation incentives mainly come from a significant overestimation of the entertainment value and an obvious underestimation of the auction competition. Both types of learning contribute to a general decreasing participation trend among consumers over time. Our model provides both a theoretical explanation and empirical evidence of the consumer churn issue. It further identifies two groups of consumers with different risk characteristics: One group is risk-averse and quits using the website before effective learning takes place, while the other group exhibits risk-seeking behavior and overly commits to the auction games. Based on the estimated parameters of the model, we perform counterfactual analyses to evaluate the effects of policy changes on consumers’ participation behaviors. We discuss several important design implications and recommend strategies for building a sustainable business model in the entertainment shopping industry

    Mapping Design Contributions in Information Systems Research: The Design Research Activity Framework

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    Despite growing interest in design science research in information systems, our understanding about what constitutes a design contribution and the range of research activities that can produce design contributions remains limited. We propose the design research activity (DRA) framework for classifying design contributions based on the type of statements researchers use to express knowledge contributions and the researcher role with respect to the artifact. These dimensions combine to produce a DRA framework that contains four quadrants: construction, manipulation, deployment, and elucidation. We use the framework in two ways. First, we classify design contributions that the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) published from 2007 to 2019 and show that the journal published a broad range of design research across all four quadrants. Second, we show how one can use our framework to analyze the maturity of design-oriented knowledge in a specific field as reflected in the degree of activity across the different quadrants. The DRA framework contributes by showing that design research encompasses both design science research and design-oriented behavioral research. The framework can help authors and reviewers assess research with design implications and help researchers position and understand design research as a journey through the four quadrants

    Competition matters! Self-efficacy, effort, and performance in crowdsourcing teams

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    Advances in information technologies (IT) have enabled organizations to seek solutions for their business problems from beyond their own workforce through digital crowdsourcing platforms. In the most common form of crowdsourcing, teams that offer solutions compete for rewards. Thus, a question of interest is whether competition is a key crowdsourcing characteristic that influences how teams allocate their effort and achieve desired performance. Motivated by this question, we investigate how competition moderates the relationship between self-efficacy and effort using comprehensive, time-variant data collected from crowdsourcing teams that completed a project under competitive and non-competitive conditions. Under competitive conditions, self-efficacy shows a positive effect on effort, which in turn, affects performance positively. Whereas, under noncompetitive conditions, self-efficacy has a negative effect on effort and subsequently on performance. Our results also show a recursive relationship between self-efficacy and performance, in which performance subsequently affects self-efficacy positively. Thus, inducing a sense of competition through competitive reward structures and IT-based “gaming elements” helps improve team effort and subsequent performance. We also tested for mediation of team motivation in the self-efficacy and effort relationship, and we found that motivation partially mediates the relationship. Based on our findings, implications for both theory and practice are discussed