6,565 research outputs found

    Quo vadimus? The 21st Century and multimedia

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    The concept is related of computer driven multimedia to the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP). Multimedia is defined here as computer integration and output of text, animation, audio, video, and graphics. Multimedia is the stage of computer based information that allows access to experience. The concepts are also drawn in of hypermedia, intermedia, interactive multimedia, hypertext, imaging, cyberspace, and virtual reality. Examples of these technology developments are given for NASA, private industry, and academia. Examples of concurrent technology developments and implementations are given to show how these technologies, along with multimedia, have put us at the threshold of the 21st century. The STI Program sees multimedia as an opportunity for revolutionizing the way STI is managed

    Hypermedia = hypercommunication

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    New hardware and software technology gave application designers the freedom to use new realism in human computer interaction. High-quality images, motion video, stereo sound and music, speech, touch, gesture provide richer data channels between the person and the machine. Ultimately, this will lead to richer communication between people with the computer as an intermediary. The whole point of hyper-books, hyper-newspapers, virtual worlds, is to transfer the concept and relationships, the 'data structure', from the mind of creator to that of user. Some of the characteristics of this rich information channel are discussed, and some examples are presented

    Utilizing a 3D game engine to develop a virtual design review system

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    A design review process is where information is exchanged between the designers and design reviewers to resolve any potential design related issues, and to ensure that the interests and goals of the owner are met. The effective execution of design review will minimize potential errors or conflicts, reduce the time for review, shorten the project life-cycle, allow for earlier occupancy, and ultimately translate into significant total project savings to the owner. However, the current methods of design review are still heavily relying on 2D paper-based format, sequential and lack central and integrated information base for efficient exchange and flow of information. There is thus a need for the use of a new medium that allow for 3D visualization of designs, collaboration among designers and design reviewers, and early and easy access to design review information. This paper documents the innovative utilization of a 3D game engine, the Torque Game Engine as the underlying tool and enabling technology for a design review system, the Virtual Design Review System for architectural designs. Two major elements are incorporated; 1) a 3D game engine as the driving tool for the development and implementation of design review processes, and 2) a virtual environment as the medium for design review, where visualization of design and design review information is based on sound principles of GUI design. The development of the VDRS involves two major phases; firstly, the creation of the assets and the assembly of the virtual environment, and secondly, the modification of existing functions or introducing new functionality through programming of the 3D game engine in order to support design review in a virtual environment. The features that are included in the VDRS are support for database, real-time collaboration across network, viewing and navigation modes, 3D object manipulation, parametric input, GUI, and organization for 3D objects

    Realistic Virtual Human Character Design Strategy and Experience for Supporting Serious Role-Playing Simulations on Mobile Devices

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    Promoting awareness of social determinants of health (SDoH) among healthcare providers is important to improve the patient care experience and outcome as it helps providers understand their patients in a better way which can facilitate more efficient and effective communication about health conditions. Healthcare professionals are typically educated about SDoH through lectures, questionaries, or role-play-based approaches; but in today’s world, it is becoming increasingly possible to leverage modern technology to create more impactful and accessible tools for SDoH education. Wright LIFE (Lifelike Immersion for Equity) is a simulation-based training tool especially created for this purpose. It is a mobile app that would be available on both Google Play and Apple Store for easy access to the providers. This highly realistic, interactive, and captivating app is essential for creating mindfulness about SDoH and generating long-lasting compassion and empathy in health care workers for their real patients and helping them to build a good clinician-patient relationship. An important aspect of this simulation is the realism of the characters and their behavior. This thesis specifically focuses on the strategy and experience of designing and developing realistic human character models and animations so that the players connect naturally and deeply with the virtual characters. This contributes to the generation of a greater level of empathy in the providers and decreases the level of biases. In addition to its contribution to creating efficient design methodologies, this effort also resulted in a portfolio of high-quality, low-memory multi-modal avatars resembling diverse people of various ethnicities, ages, body types, and gender

    Multimodal interface for an intelligent wheelchair

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Major Automação). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Conversando con la ciudad: Una plataforma de Internet de las Cosas para interacción entre ciudadanos y espacios públicos

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster en Máster en Internet de las Cosas, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Curso 2019/2020This work presents the development of a technological platform for cities whose objective is to allow citizens and tourists to “communicate with it” in an interactive way, through voice commands and without a predetermined script. These characteristics allow users to guide their own learning process in order to obtain information and better understand the history of the cities where they live or visit. More than a strictly technological approach, the project invites the user to explore the different narratives about cities and to positively occupy their public spaces. The platform consists of four technologies that work together: a web application, a mobile application, IoT devices and cognitive assistants that operate with Artificial Intelligence. Different concepts, programming languages and tools were combined to create the project, such as software development frameworks, databases, Bluetooth Low Energy protocol-based devices and cloud computing services. For this first version of the project, the idea is that interested users or institutions can add devices to the platform – and the mechanism for this is presented throughout the chapters of this work.Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de una plataforma tecnológica para ciudades cuyo objetivo es permitir que ciudadanos y turistas “se comuniquen con ella” de forma interactiva, a través de comandos de voz y sin un guion predeterminado. Estas características permiten a los usuarios orientar su propio proceso de aprendizaje para obtener información y comprender mejor la historia de las ciudades donde viven o que visitan. Más que un enfoque estrictamente tecnológico, el proyecto invita al usuario a explorar las diferentes narrativas sobre las ciudades y a ocupar positivamente sus espacios públicos. La plataforma consta de cuatro tecnologías que funcionan juntas: una aplicación web, una aplicación móvil, dispositivos IoT y asistentes cognitivos que operan con Inteligencia Artificial. Diferentes conceptos, lenguajes de programación y herramientas fueron combinados para crear el proyecto, como frameworks de desarrollo de software, bases de datos, dispositivos basados en el protocolo Bluetooth Low Energy y servicios de computación en la nube. Para esta primera versión del proyecto, la idea es que los usuarios o instituciones interesados puedan agregar dispositivos a la plataforma – y el mecanismo para esto se presenta a lo largo de los capítulos de este trabajoDepto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Spartan Daily, September 11, 2018

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    Volume 151, Issue 9https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartan_daily_2018/1051/thumbnail.jp

    Further dimensions: text, typography and play in the metaverse

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    In this text I wish to delve into the creation of textual content as well as its visualization through typographic design mechanisms inside three dimensional virtual worlds, which are known as the metaverse. I am particularly focused upon the way in which such virtually three dimensional environments may place the usage of text within a context that stands in contradiction to its traditional one by creating an unexpected novel purpose which takes a marked departure from the intrinsic attribute with which text has inherently been associated – namely the attribute of readability. In such environments readability, or indeed even legibility, may often be displaced through the usage of text and typography as a playful device, as artifacts which may manifest in puzzle-like configurations, or as visual structures the contents of which are meant to be understood through means other than straightforward reading; thus bringing about states of heightened engagement, wonder and ‘play’ through their manipulation or indeed simply by being immersed within the spaces which are brought about through their very agency. I also wish to expand upon this subject by talking about my own experiments with this material and will conclude by positing that further virtual dimensions can be instrumental in eliciting exciting alternative usages of text and typography which bring to the fore the allographic properties of text as an artistic/creative expressive media that may well bear further scrutiny and exploration

    The Future of the Internet III

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    Presents survey results on technology experts' predictions on the Internet's social, political, and economic impact as of 2020, including its effects on integrity and tolerance, intellectual property law, and the division between personal and work lives

    Digital divide: a collection of papers from the Toshiba/Becta digital divide seminar, 19th February 2002

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