77 research outputs found

    Microfluidics and Bio-MEMS for Next Generation Healthcare.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    Workshop on "Robotic assembly of 3D MEMS".

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    Proceedings of a workshop proposed in IEEE IROS'2007.The increase of MEMS' functionalities often requires the integration of various technologies used for mechanical, optical and electronic subsystems in order to achieve a unique system. These different technologies have usually process incompatibilities and the whole microsystem can not be obtained monolithically and then requires microassembly steps. Microassembly of MEMS based on micrometric components is one of the most promising approaches to achieve high-performance MEMS. Moreover, microassembly also permits to develop suitable MEMS packaging as well as 3D components although microfabrication technologies are usually able to create 2D and "2.5D" components. The study of microassembly methods is consequently a high stake for MEMS technologies growth. Two approaches are currently developped for microassembly: self-assembly and robotic microassembly. In the first one, the assembly is highly parallel but the efficiency and the flexibility still stay low. The robotic approach has the potential to reach precise and reliable assembly with high flexibility. The proposed workshop focuses on this second approach and will take a bearing of the corresponding microrobotic issues. Beyond the microfabrication technologies, performing MEMS microassembly requires, micromanipulation strategies, microworld dynamics and attachment technologies. The design and the fabrication of the microrobot end-effectors as well as the assembled micro-parts require the use of microfabrication technologies. Moreover new micromanipulation strategies are necessary to handle and position micro-parts with sufficiently high accuracy during assembly. The dynamic behaviour of micrometric objects has also to be studied and controlled. Finally, after positioning the micro-part, attachment technologies are necessary

    Bilateral Macro-Micro Teleoperation Using A Magnetic Actuation Mechanism

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    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the advancement of microrobotic systems in micro-engineering, micro-fabrication, biological research and biomedical applications. Untethered magnetic-based microrobotic systems are one of the most widely developing groups of microrobotic systems that have been extensively explored for biological and biomedical micro-manipulations. These systems show promise in resolving problems related to on-board power supply limitations as well as mechanical contact sealing and lubrication. In this thesis, a high precision magnetic untethered microrobotic system is demonstrated for micro-handling tasks. A key aspect of the proposed platform concerns the integration of magnetic levitation technology and bilateral macro-micro teleoperation for human intervention to avoid imperceptible failures in poorly observed micro-domain environments. The developed platform has three basic subsystems: a magnetic untethered microrobotic system (MUMS), a haptic device, and a scaled bilateral teleoperation system. The MUMS produces and regulates a magnetic field for non-contact propelling of a microrobot. In order to achieve a controlled motion of the magnetically levitated microrobot, a mathematical force model of the magnetic propulsion mechanism is developed and used to design various control systems. In the workspace of 30 × 32 × 32 mm 3, both PID and LQG\LTR controllers perform similarly the position accuracy of 10 µ m in a vertical direction and 2 µ m in a horizontal motion. The MUMS is equipped with an eddy-current damper to enhance its inherent damping factor in the microrobot's horizontal motions. This paper deals with the modeling and analysis of an eddy-current damper that is formed by a conductive plate placed below the levitated microrobot to overcome inherent dynamical vibrations and improve motion precision. The modeling of eddy-current distribution in the conductive plate is investigated by solving the diffusion equation for vector magnetic potential, and an analytical expression for the horizontal damping force is presented and experimentally validated. It is demonstrated that eddy-current damping is a crucial technique for increasing the damping coefficient in a non-contact way and for improving levitation performance. The damping can be widely used in applications of magnetic actuation systems in micro-manipulation and micro-fabrication. To determine the position of the microrobot in a workspace, the MUMS uses high-accuracy laser sensors. However, laser positioning techniques can only be used in highly transparent environments. A novel technique based on real-time magnetic flux measurement has been proposed for the position estimation of the microrobot in case of laser beam blockage, whereby a combination of Hall-effect sensors is employed to find the microrobot's position in free motion by using the produced magnetic flux. In free motion, the microrobot tends to move toward the horizontally zero magnetic field gradient, Bmax location. As another key feature of the magnetic flux measurement, it was realized that the applied force from the environment to the microrobot can be estimated as linearly proportional to the distance of the microrobot from the Bmax location. The developed micro-domain force estimation method is verified experimentally with an accuracy of 1.27 µ N. A bilateral macro-micro teleoperation technique is employed in the MUMS for the telepresence of a human operator in the task environment. A gain-switching position-position teleoperation scheme is employed and a human operator controls the motion of the microrobot via a master manipulator for dexterous micro-manipulation tasks. The operator can sense a strong force during micro-domain tasks if the microrobot encounters a stiff environment, and the effect of hard contact is fed back to the operator's hand. The position-position method works for both free motion and hard contact. However, to enhance the feeling of a micro-domain environment in the human operator, the scaled force must be transferred to a human, thereby realizing a direct-force-reflection bilateral teleoperation. Additionally, a human-assisted virtual reality interface is developed to improve a human operator's skills in using the haptic-enabled platform, before carrying out an actual dexterous task.1 yea

    Modeling and experimental validation of a parallel microrobot for biomanipulation

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    The main purpose of this project is the development of a commercial micropositioner's (SmarPod 115.25, SmarAct GmbH) geometrical model. SmarPod is characterized by parallel kinematics and is employed for precise and accurate sample's positioning under SEM microscope, being vacuum-compatible, for various applications. Geometrical modeling represents the preliminar step to fully understand, and possibly improve, robot's closed loop behaviour in terms of task's quality precision, when enterprises does not provide sufficient documentation. The robotic system, in fact, represents in this case a "black box" from which it's possible to extract information. This step is essential in order to improve, consequently, the reliability of bio-microsystem manipulation and characterization. Disposing of a detailed microrobot's model becomes essential to deal with the typical lack of sensing at microscale, as it allows a 3D precise and adequate reconstruction, realized through proper softwares, of the manipulation set-up. The roles of Virtual Reality (VR) and of simulations, carried out, in this case, in Blender environment, are asserted as well as an essential helping tool in mycrosystem's task planning. Blender is a professional free and open-source 3D computer graphics software and it is proven to be a basic instrument to validate microrobot's model, even to simplify it in case of complex system's geometries

    Cooperative Manipulation using a Magnetically Navigated Microrobot and a Micromanipulator

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    The cooperative manipulation of a common object using two or more manipulators is a popular research field in both industry and institutions. Different types of manipulators are used in cooperative manipulation for carrying heavy loads and delicate operations. Their applications range from macro to micro. In this thesis, we are interested in the development of a novel cooperative manipulator for manipulation tasks in a small workspace. The resultant cooperative manipulation system consists of a magnetically navigated microrobot (MNM) and a motorized micromanipulator (MM). The MNM is a small cylinder permanent magnet with 10mm diameter and 10mm height. The MM model is MP-285 which is a commercialized product. Here, the MNM is remotely controlled by an external magnetic field. The property of non-contact manipulation makes it a suitable choice for manipulation in a confined space. The cooperative manipulation system in this thesis used a master/slave mechanism as the central control strategy. The MM is the master side. The MNM is the slave side. During the manipulation process, the master manipulator MM is always position controlled, and it leads the object translation according to the kinematic constraints of the cooperative manipulation task. The MNM is position controlled at the beginning of the manipulation. In the translation stage, the MNM is switched to force control to maintain a successful holding of the object, and at the same time to prevent damaging the object by large holding force. Under the force control mode, the motion command to the MNM is calculated from a position-based impedance controller that enforces a relationship between the position of the MNM and the force. In this research, the accurate motion control of both manipulators are firstly studied before the cooperative manipulation is conducted. For the magnetic navigation system, the magnetic field in its workspace is modeled using an experimental measurement data-driven technique. The developed model is then used to develop a motion controller for navigating of a small cylindrical permanent magnet. The accuracy of motion control is reached at 20 µm in three degrees of freedom. For the motorized micromanipulator, a standard PID controller is designed to control its motion stage. The accuracy of the MM navigation is 0.8 µm. Since the MNM is remotely manipulated by an external magnetic field in a small space, it is challenging to install an on-board force sensor to measure the contact force between the MNM and the object. Therefore, a dual-axial o_-board force determination mechanism is proposed. The force is determined according to the linear relation between the minimum magnetic potential energy point and the real position of the MNM in the workspace. For convenience, the minimum magnetic potential energy point is defined as the Bmax in the literature. In this thesis, the dual-axial Bmax position is determined by measuring the magnetic ux density passing through the workspace using four Hall-effect sensors installed at the bottom of an iron pole-piece. The force model is experimentally validated in a horizontal plane with an accuracy of 2 µN in the x- and y- direction of horizontal planes. The proposed cooperative manipulator is then used to translate a hard-shell small object in two directions of a vertical plane, while one direction is constrained with a desired holding force. During the manipulation process, a digital camera is used to capture the real-time position of the MNM, the MM end-effector, and the manipulated object. To improve the performance of force control on the MNM, the proposed dual-axial force model is used to examine the compliant force control of the MNM while it is navigated to contact with uncertain environments. Here, uncertain refers to unknown environmental stiffness. An adaptive position-based impedance controller is implemented to estimate the stiffness of the environment and the contact force. The controller is examined by navigating the MNM to push a thin aluminum beam whose stiffness is unknown. The studied cooperative manipulation system has potential applications in biomedical microsurgery and microinjection. It should be clarified that the current system setup with 10mm ×10 mm MNM is not proper for this micromanipulation. In order to conduct research on microinjection, the size of the MNM and the end-effector of the MNM should be down-scaled to micrometers. In addition, the navigation accuracy of the MNM should also be improved to adopt the micromanipulation tasks

    Ioonsete elektroaktiivsete täiturite elektromehaaniline modelleerimine ja juhtimine

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneIoonsed elektroaktiivsed polümeerid e. tehislihased on polümeermaterjalid, mille oluline iseärasus on võime muuta elektrienergiat mehhaaniliseks energiaks. Elektroaktiivsetest polümeeridest valmistatud pehmetel täituritel on mitmed huvipakkuvad omadused, näiteks suur deformatsioon madala rakendatud pinge korral, märkimisväärne tekitatud jõu ja massi suhe ning võime töötada nii vesikeskkonnas kui õhus. Niisuguste täiturite kasutamine on paljutõotav eriti just miniatuursetes elusloodusest inspireeritud robootikarakendustes. Näiteks võib tuua aktiivsed mikro-manipulatsioonisüsteemid või isepainduvad pehmed kateetrid, mis on iseäranis nõutud meditsiini-tehnoloogias. Käesoleva väitekirja uurimissfääriks on sellistest materjalidest valmistatud täiturmehhanismide modelleerimine, valmistamine ja juhtimine, päädides sisuliselt ühes tükis valmistatud mitme vabadusastmega paralleelmanipulaatorite väljatöötamisega. Kasutades kompleksset füüsikalistel, elektrokeemilistel ning mehaanilistel alusteadmistel põhinevat mudelit kirjeldatakse ja ennustatakse sellist tüüpi täiturmehhanismide elektrilise sisendi ja mehhaanilise väljundi vahelisi seoseid. Mudel kirjeldab ioonide transpordi dünaamikat elektriväljas, kombineerides Nernst-Plancki ja Poissoni võrrandeid. Mitmekihilise polümeermaterjali mehhaaniline käitumine on seotud laengu- ja massitasakaalu poolt põhjustatud eri kihtide erineva ruumilise paisumisega ja kahanemisega. Kõike seda kokku võttes ning rakendades numbrilist modelleerimist lõplike elementide meetodil saadakse kvantitatiivsed tulemused, mis suudavad prognoosida täiturmehhanismi käitumist ja võimaldavad projekteerida, simuleerida ja optimeerida ka neil täituritel põhinevaid keerulisemaid mehhanisme. Koostatud mudeli valideerimiseks modelleeriti ja valmistati kaks tööpõhimõtteliselt sarnast, kuid erinevatel elektroaktiivsetel polümeermaterjalidel põhinevat ning eri metoodikatel valmistatud mitmest täiturist koosnevat mitme vabadusastmega mikromanipulaatorit. Väitekirjas demonstreeritakse, et koostatud mudel on suure täpsusega võimeline ennustama nii iga individuaalse täituri kui ka mõlema manipulaatori käitumist. Demonstreerimaks piisksadestusprintimismeetodil valmistatud manipulaatori efektiivsust, kirjeldatakse kahte erinevat kontrollrakendust. Esmalt näidatakse tagasisidestamata kontrollitavat seadet, kus pööratakse nelja täituri abil peeglit, suunates laserikiirt X-Y tasapinnas ettemääratud punktidele. Teiseks näidisrakenduseks on tagasisidestatud kontrollmetoodikaga juhitav mikroskoobi preparaadiliigutaja, mille abil saab preparaati nii tõsta-langetada kui ka pöörata. Manipulaatorite valmistamise käigus leiti, et piisksadestusprintimise meetodi täpsus, jõudlus ja skaleeritavus võimaldavad suure tootlikkusega valmistada identseid keerulisi mitmeosalisi manipulaatoreid. See tulemus näitab ilmekalt uue tehnoloogia eeliseid traditsiooniliste valmistamisviiside ees.Ionic electroactive polymers (IEAPs) actuators are kind of smart composite materials that have the ability to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The actuators fabricated using IEAP materials will benefit from attractive features such as high compliance, lightweight, large strain, low voltage, biocompatibility, high force to weight ratio, and ability to operate in an aqueous environment as well as in open air. The future of soft robotic actuation system with IEAP actuators is very promising especially in the microdomain for cutting edge applications such as micromanipulation systems, medical devices with higher dexterity, soft catheters with built-in actuation, bio-inspired robotics with better-mimicking properties and active compliant micromechanisms. This dissertation has introduced an effective modelling framework representing the complex electro-chemo-mechanical dynamics that can predict the electromechanical transduction in this kind of actuators. The model describes the ion transport dynamics under electric field by combining the Nernst-Planck and Poisson’s equation and the mechanical response is associated with the volumetric swelling caused by resulting charge and mass balance. The framework of this modelling method to predict the behavior of the actuator enabled to design, simulate and optimize compliant mechanism using IEAP actuators. As a result, a novel parallel manipulator with three degrees of freedom was modelled and fabricated with two different types of electrode materials and is characterized and compared with the simulation model. It is shown that the developed model was able to predict the behavior of the manipulator with a good agreement ensuring the high fidelity of the modelling framework. In the process of the fabrication, it is found that the manipulator fabricated through additive manufacturing method allows to fabricate multipart and intricate patterns with high throughput production capability and also opens the opportunity to print a matrix array of identical actuators over a wide size scale along with improved performance. Finally, to showcase the competence of the printed manipulator two different control application was demonstrated. At first, an open loop four-way optical switch showing the capability of optically triggering four switches in the X-Y plane in an automated sequence is shown followed by closed-loop micromanipulation of an active microscope stage using model predictive control system architecture is shown. The application of the manipulator can be extended to other potential applications such as a zoom lens, a microscope stage, laser steering, autofocusing systems, and micromirror. Overall this dissertation results in modelling, fabrication, and control of ionic electroactive polymer actuators leading to the development of a low cost, monolithic, flat, multi DOF parallel manipulator for micromanipulation application.https://www.ester.ee/record=b524351

    Development of novel micropneumatic grippers for biomanipulation

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    Microbjects with dimensions from 1 μm to 1 mm have been developed recently for different aspects and purposes. Consequently, the development of handling and manipulation tools to fulfil this need is urgently required. Micromanipulation techniques could be generally categorized according to their actuation method such as electrostatic, thermal, shape memory alloy, piezoelectric, magnetic, and fluidic actuation. Each of which has its advantage and disadvantage. The fluidic actuation has been overlooked in MEMS despite its satisfactory output in the micro-scale. This thesis presents different families of pneumatically driven, low cost, compatible with biological environment, scalable, and controllable microgrippers. The first family demonstrated a polymeric microgripper that was laser cut and actuated pneumatically. It was tested to manipulate microparticles down to 200 microns. To overcome the assembly challenges that arise in this family, the second family was proposed. The second family was a micro-cantilever based microgripper, where the device was assembled layer by layer to form a 3D structure. The microcantilevers were fabricated using photo-etching technique, and demonstrated the applicability to manipulate micro-particles down to 200 microns using automated pick-and-place procedure. In addition, this family was used as a tactile-detector as well. Due to the angular gripping scheme followed by the above mentioned families, gripping smaller objects becomes a challenging task. A third family following a parallel gripping scheme was proposed allowing the gripping of smaller objects to be visible. It comprises a compliant structure microgripper actuated pneumatically and fabricated using picosecond laser technology, and demonstrated the capability of gripping microobject as small as 100 μm microbeads. An FEA modelling was employed to validate the experimental and analytical results, and excellent matching was achieved


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    Optical tweezers (OT) can be viewed as a robot that uses a highly focused laser beam for precise manipulation of biological objects and dielectric beads at micro-scale. Using holographic optical tweezers (HOT) multiple optical traps can be created to allow several operations in parallel. Moreover, due to the non-contact nature of manipulation OT can be potentially integrated with other manipulation techniques (e.g. microfluidics, acoustics, magnetics etc.) to ensure its high throughput. However, biological manipulation using OT suffers from two serious drawbacks: (1) slow manipulation due to manual operation and (2) severe effects on cell viability due to direct exposure of laser. This dissertation explores the problem of autonomous OT based cell manipulation in the light of addressing the two aforementioned limitations. Microfluidic devices are well suited for the study of biological objects because of their high throughput. Integrating microfluidics with OT provides precise position control as well as high throughput. An automated, physics-aware, planning approach is developed for fast transport of cells in OT assisted microfluidic chambers. The heuristic based planner employs a specific cost function for searching over a novel state-action space representation. The effectiveness of the planning algorithm is demonstrated using both simulation and physical experiments in microfluidic-optical tweezers hybrid manipulation setup. An indirect manipulation approach is developed for preventing cells from high intensity laser. Optically trapped inert microspheres are used for manipulating cells indirectly either by gripping or pushing. A novel planning and control approach is devised to automate the indirect manipulation of cells. The planning algorithm takes the motion constraints of the gripper or pushing formation into account to minimize the manipulation time. Two different types of cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Dictyostelium discoideum) are manipulated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the indirect manipulation approach

    Affordable flexible hybrid manipulator for miniaturised product assembly

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    Miniaturised assembly systems are capable of assembling parts of a few millimetres in size with an accuracy of a few micrometres. Reducing the size and the cost of such a system while increasing its flexibility and accuracy is a challenging issue. The introduction of hybrid manipulation, also called coarse/fine manipulation, within an assembly system is the solution investigated in this thesis. A micro-motion stage (MMS) is designed to be used as the fine positioning mechanism of the hybrid assembly system. MMSs often integrate compliant micro-motion stages (CMMSs) to achieve higher performances than the conventional MMSs. CMMSs are mechanisms that transmit an output force and displacement through the deformation of their structure. Although widely studied, the design and modelling techniques of these mechanisms still need to be improved and simplified. Firstly, the linear modelling of CMMSs is evaluated and two polymer prototypes are fabricated and characterised. It is found that polymer based designs have a low fabrication cost but not suitable for construction of a micro-assembly system. A simplified nonlinear model is then derived and integrated within an analytical model, allowing for the full characterisation of the CMMS in terms of stiffness and range of motion. An aluminium CMMS is fabricated based on the optimisation results from the analytical model and is integrated within an MMS. The MMS is controlled using dual-range positioning to achieve a low-cost positioning accuracy better than 2µm within a workspace of 4.4×4.4mm2. Finally, a hybrid manipulator is designed to assemble mobile-phone cameras and sensors automatically. A conventional robot manipulator is used to pick and place the parts in coarse mode while the aluminium CMMS based MMS is used for fine alignment of the parts. A high-resolution vision system is used to locate the parts on the substrate and to measure the relative position of the manipulator above MMS using a calibration grid with square patterns. The overall placement accuracy of the assembly system is ±24µm at 3σ and can reach 2µm, for a total cost of less than £50k, thus demonstrating the suitability of hybrid manipulation for desktop-size miniaturised assembly systems. The precision of the existing system could be significantly improved by making the manipulator stiffer (i.e. preloaded bearings…) and adjustable to compensate for misalignment. Further improvement could also be made on the calibration of the vision system. The system could be either scaled up or down using the same architecture while adapting the controllers to the scale.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Image-Guided Robot-Assisted Techniques with Applications in Minimally Invasive Therapy and Cell Biology

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    There are several situations where tasks can be performed better robotically rather than manually. Among these are situations (a) where high accuracy and robustness are required, (b) where difficult or hazardous working conditions exist, and (c) where very large or very small motions or forces are involved. Recent advances in technology have resulted in smaller size robots with higher accuracy and reliability. As a result, robotics is fi nding more and more applications in Biomedical Engineering. Medical Robotics and Cell Micro-Manipulation are two of these applications involving interaction with delicate living organs at very di fferent scales.Availability of a wide range of imaging modalities from ultrasound and X-ray fluoroscopy to high magni cation optical microscopes, makes it possible to use imaging as a powerful means to guide and control robot manipulators. This thesis includes three parts focusing on three applications of Image-Guided Robotics in biomedical engineering, including: Vascular Catheterization: a robotic system was developed to insert a catheter through the vasculature and guide it to a desired point via visual servoing. The system provides shared control with the operator to perform a task semi-automatically or through master-slave control. The system provides control of a catheter tip with high accuracy while reducing X-ray exposure to the clinicians and providing a more ergonomic situation for the cardiologists. Cardiac Catheterization: a master-slave robotic system was developed to perform accurate control of a steerable catheter to touch and ablate faulty regions on the inner walls of a beating heart in order to treat arrhythmia. The system facilitates touching and making contact with a target point in a beating heart chamber through master-slave control with coordinated visual feedback. Live Neuron Micro-Manipulation: a microscope image-guided robotic system was developed to provide shared control over multiple micro-manipulators to touch cell membranes in order to perform patch clamp electrophysiology. Image-guided robot-assisted techniques with master-slave control were implemented for each case to provide shared control between a human operator and a robot. The results show increased accuracy and reduced operation time in all three cases