55 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de una aplicación para personas con problemas de visión en el ámbito de la enseñanza

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    This Project has been mostly motivated by the important and current technological improvements. My stay in Finland one year ago allowed me to be introduced in interesting aspects about technology in the educational field. Impair people have a limitation when using these technologies in education due to they can only use their hearing sense. For this reason, it would be interesting to give these people the chance to obtain information by hearing, but also by touch throughout vibrations. To start with this objective, it has been built an application for mobile devices called ‘PicRead’ that simulates the colours with sounds and vibrations, so the user, when touching the screen, may be able to obtain information that cannot be reached by sight. If at the end of the project development the visual impair people can read graphics and colours, then a learning opportunity is built to include this technology to the actual ecology of resources to support the transmission of information.Este proyecto ha estado motivado principalmente por los grandes avances tecnológicos que tenemos actualmente. Mi estancia en Finlandia hace un año me permitió conocer interesantes aspectos de la tecnología aplicada a ámbitos educativos. Las personas con problemas visuales tienen una limitación a la hora de usar estas tecnologías en educación, puesto que solamente pueden usar su sentido del oído. Por este motivo, es interesante el poder darle a estas personas la oportunidad de obtener información mediante el oído, pero también mediante el tacto a través de vibraciones. Para comenzar con este objetivo, se ha creado una aplicación para dispositivos móviles llamada ‘PicRead’ que va a simular los colores con sonidos y vibraciones, de tal manera que cuando el usuario toque la pantalla, sea capaz de obtener esa información que visualmente no puede tener. Si los usuarios al final del desarrollo de esta aplicación son capaces de reconocer colores y figuras a través de sonidos y vibraciones, se habrá creado una gran oportunidad en el campo educativo para incorporar estos recursos como apoyo en la transmisión de información


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    Admed est une application développée en 2006 par Cyberlearn, en partenariat avec la Haute École de Santé de Genève (HEdS-GE). Elle a pour but de faciliter l’apprentissage des calculs nécessaires au dosage des médicaments et les différents moyens de les administrer. Au cours de l’année 2020, elle deviendra obsolète et ne pourra plus être utilisée sur navigateur suite à la décision de la société Adobe de ne plus supporter la technologie requise pour la faire fonctionner. Cyberlearn et la HEdS envisagent de redévelopper Admed avec des technologies web plus actuelles, mais désirent tester le potentiel de la trois dimensions (3D) avant d’aller plus loin. L’objectif de ce travail consiste donc à déterminer si la réalité virtuelle (VR) représente le futur d’Admed

    Design and Analysis of Haptic-Audio Based System for the Visually Impaired to Shop Online

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    Many visually impaired customers are keen to shop online, however, they often encounter accessibility barriers such as accessing and interpreting complex designed websites and when trying to make online payment which required them to input card details by filling up payment form. In order to study whether the visually impaired could shop online without assistance, an online store which has features such as product catalogue, shopping cart and payment system was developed. The system utilizes the Falcon haptic device and voice recognition for navigation, interaction, accessing and haptic evaluation of products. Some of our qualitative analysis suggests that a framed three-section design product catalogue with directed dialogue, directional cues, audio information along with a haptic-audio enabled browser is feasible for the visually impaired to browse, select and haptically evaluate products; a XHTML and VoiceXML based shopping cart system can enable the visually impaired to interact and verify its contents; and a voice password based payment system can be used to automate forms data entry process and to help the visually impaired to make online payment independently

    Scrolling vs Paging: Reading Performance and Preference of Reading Modes in Long-form Online News

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    This study explores the impact of scrolling and dynamic pagination in long-form online documents on reader performance and reader experience. Previous research has produced mixed results, indicating no difference between modes, or a positive effect favouring scrolling. Recent advances in web standards have enabled simpler, dynamic, performant methods of pagination to tailor content responsively to any screen, meriting renewed study in this area. This paper uses one such method to load subsequent online news pages instantly without buffering. In an online browser experiment with 38 participants, an increase in reading speed in the scrolling mode was found at a level of significance. This follows previous research which has suggested that while a scrolling presentation style exacts extra demands on working memory capacity (WMC), many current web users have developed compensatory strategies and cognitive flexibility for navigating scrolling web documents

    Computer-Assisted Interactive Documentary and Performance Arts in Illimitable Space

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    This major component of the research described in this thesis is 3D computer graphics, specifically the realistic physics-based softbody simulation and haptic responsive environments. Minor components include advanced human-computer interaction environments, non-linear documentary storytelling, and theatre performance. The journey of this research has been unusual because it requires a researcher with solid knowledge and background in multiple disciplines; who also has to be creative and sensitive in order to combine the possible areas into a new research direction. [...] It focuses on the advanced computer graphics and emerges from experimental cinematic works and theatrical artistic practices. Some development content and installations are completed to prove and evaluate the described concepts and to be convincing. [...] To summarize, the resulting work involves not only artistic creativity, but solving or combining technological hurdles in motion tracking, pattern recognition, force feedback control, etc., with the available documentary footage on film, video, or images, and text via a variety of devices [....] and programming, and installing all the needed interfaces such that it all works in real-time. Thus, the contribution to the knowledge advancement is in solving these interfacing problems and the real-time aspects of the interaction that have uses in film industry, fashion industry, new age interactive theatre, computer games, and web-based technologies and services for entertainment and education. It also includes building up on this experience to integrate Kinect- and haptic-based interaction, artistic scenery rendering, and other forms of control. This research work connects all the research disciplines, seemingly disjoint fields of research, such as computer graphics, documentary film, interactive media, and theatre performance together.Comment: PhD thesis copy; 272 pages, 83 figures, 6 algorithm

    Memórias digitais de Araranguá: desenvolvimento de uma aplicação multimídia para web do museu histórico de Araranguá

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    TCC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá. Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação.Atualmente, graças aos avanços tecnológicos e aos estudos das tecnologias da informação e comunicação, é possível utilizar ferramentas da área de museologia as quais contribuam para a disseminação e recuperação de documentos históricos. Afinal, a história deve ser preservada e os acervos documentais em papel não oferecem confiança de integridade a longo prazo, pois sofrem com a ação do tempo, além de outros problemas. Com este intuito o objetivo deste tra-balho é desenvolver uma aplicação multimídia para Web do museu histórico de Araranguá, no qual seja possível disponibilizar o acervo de documentos e fotografias digitalizadas em grande escala, utilizando como base para o estudo um Totem Digital desenvolvido em projetos ante-riores dentro do contexto do Laboratório de Mídia e Conhecimento (LabMídia) da UFSC (Araranguá). Na busca de mais informações sobre as imagens que representam as memórias virtuais de Araranguá, há uma necessidade de expansão, sendo necessário disponibilizar o acervo na Web, onde as pessoas podem obter informações e anotar suas contribuições na apli-cação Web através do acompanhamento de um moderador como ocorre em conteúdos dispo-nibilizados na plataforma Wikipédia. Para tal investigou-se os diferentes tipos de museus vir-tuais, as principais tecnologias utilizadas em museus virtuais e soluções tecnológicas para de-senvolver a aplicação Web utilizando tecnologias open source. Ao final, os resultados deste trabalho estão disponibilizados para comunidade de Araranguá e ao redor do mundo, através da navegação e anotação de conteúdo de aproximadamente 8 mil documentos do acervo histó-rico do Museu de Araranguá, em uma aplicação multimídia para Web hospedada em um ser-vidor do SETIC da UFSC a qual pode ser acessada através de um Web browser utilizando computadores desktop ou dispositivos móveis sensíveis ao toque, tais como notebooks, smar-tphones e tablets.Today, thanks to technological advances and studies of information and communication tech-nologies, we can use tools of museology area in order to contribute to the dissemination and retrieval of historical documents. After all, history must be preserved and documentary collec-tions on paper do not offer long-term integrity of confidence as suffering from the destructive effects of time, and other related problems. With that in mind, the purpose of this work is to develop a Web multimedia application for the Web to the history museum of Araranguá to provide the collection of scanned documents and photos on a large scale, using as a basis for the study the Digital Totem project developed within the context of Media and Knowledge Laboratory (LabMídia) at UFSC (Araranguá). In the search for more information about the images that represent the virtual memories of Araranguá, there is a need for expansion, requir-ing to make available in the Web the museum collection, where people can get information and write down their contributions in the Web application being managed by a moderator as in the content available on Wikipedia platform. With that goal, we investigated the different types of virtual museums, main technologies used in virtual museums and technological solu-tions to develop the Web application using open source technologies. At the end, the results of this work are available to Araranguá community and around the world through navigation and annotation content of approximately 8000 documents of the historical collection of the Ara-ranguá Museum in a multimedia application for the Web hosted on a SETIC server at UFSC and it can be accessed through a Web browser using desktop computers or touch-sensitive surface mobile devices such as notebooks, smartphones and tablets

    Editing Team: Markus Fiedler

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    and contributions of the FIA community on the important research topics that should be addressed for the Framework Programme 8 research programmes broadly grouped around three main concerns; economic and business interests; societal interests and challenges; technical disruptions and capabilities. The contents of this roadmap originate with the community of researchers working on all aspects of the Future Internet and meet to share and discuss ideas through the Future Internet Assembly through an open consultation of research projects who participate in FIA. This roadmap is primarily concerned with identifying research that can be carried out in the second half of this decade and which will have an impact in 2020 and beyond. By ‘impact ’ we mean will result in products, services, systems, capabilities, that come to market and are available and deployed in that timeframe The approach adopted in this report is to integrate contributions across the entire space of future Internet research with the aim of bringing out the vision for how and where the Internet will make a significant difference in the future and identifying the broad challenges and gaps, and identifying the solutions and research needs in the future. In this report we have summarised and grouped ideas with the aim of identifying the strong themes and consistent challenges that emerge looking acros

    Mobilizing the Past for a Digital Future : The Potential of Digital Archaeology

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    Mobilizing the Past is a collection of 20 articles that explore the use and impact of mobile digital technology in archaeological field practice. The detailed case studies present in this volume range from drones in the Andes to iPads at Pompeii, digital workflows in the American Southwest, and examples of how bespoke, DIY, and commercial software provide solutions and craft novel challenges for field archaeologists. The range of projects and contexts ensures that Mobilizing the Past for a Digital Future is far more than a state-of-the-field manual or technical handbook. Instead, the contributors embrace the growing spirit of critique present in digital archaeology. This critical edge, backed by real projects, systems, and experiences, gives the book lasting value as both a glimpse into present practices as well as the anxieties and enthusiasm associated with the most recent generation of mobile digital tools. This book emerged from a workshop funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities held in 2015 at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. The workshop brought together over 20 leading practitioners of digital archaeology in the U.S. for a weekend of conversation. The papers in this volume reflect the discussions at this workshop with significant additional content. Starting with an expansive introduction and concluding with a series of reflective papers, this volume illustrates how tablets, connectivity, sophisticated software, and powerful computers have transformed field practices and offer potential for a radically transformed discipline.https://dc.uwm.edu/arthist_mobilizingthepast/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Design of an application with Virtual Reality for neurorehabilitation purposes

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    The purpose of this project is to carry out a study of virtual reality and its applications in hospital environments such as neurorehabilitation or physiotherapy, since it is a technology which is starting to be used nowadays. A 3D virtual reality application for a basic demonstration of a game which could be useful for these trainings will be also done. To achieve this, we will work with Unity, a graphic motor for 3D application and game creation. The hardware for the development of the virtual reality immersive system will be the HTC Vive system, which additionally allows position and movement detection in a room scale using the light signalling technology Lighthouse. This application will focus on the creation of an immersive videogame to track upper extremity movement from the user so he can do his rehabilitation training in a more enjoyable and motivating way, in the form of avoiding obstacles in the videogame using those movements. In addition, the necessary informatic support will be done so the application can be used in a virtual reality headset to improve visual immersion. It will also be obtained some parameter indicating how the game play was