10 research outputs found

    Professor Develops Curriculum for National Security Agency (NSA)

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    Dr. Seth Hamman, associate professor of computer science and director for Cedarville’s Center for the Advancement of Cybersecurity, and Dr. Kenneth Hopkinson, professor of computer science at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), are featured curriculum authors for the National Security Agency\u27s (NSA) National Cybersecurity Curriculum Program (NCCP)

    Challenges and reflections in designing Cyber security curriculum

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    Recently it has been noticed an increased number of cyber-incidents, sometimes causing seriously impact to organizations and governments. Cyberattacks exploits a variety of technological and social vulnerabilities to achieve a malicious objective. The emergence of new and sophisticated Cyberthreats demand very skilled operators with a solid knowledge about concepts and technologies related to Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense. However, the landscape of this base knowledge is very diverse in nature, requiring agile learning methods, besides a very demanding training process limited by the intrinsic technology's complexity and broad range of application domains. Although existing Cybersecurity and Cyberdefense curricula spans a wide array of topics and training strategies, its programs content lack focus on some particular aspect, like depth of education/training and its link to professional development. This paper intends to provide some reflections regarding the curricula contents that should be considered when a graduate level curriculum in cybersecurity is designed.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-014S-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Who\u27s In and Who\u27s Out?: What\u27s Important in the Cyber World?

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    The aim of this paper is to offer an introduction to the exploding field of cybersecurity by asking what are the most important concepts or topics that a new member of the field of cybersecurity should know. This paper explores this question from three perspectives: from the realm of business and how the cyber world is intertwined with modern commerce, including common weaknesses and recommendations, from the academic arena examining how cybersecurity is taught and how it should be taught in a classroom or laboratory environment, and lastly, from the author’s personal experience with the cyber world. Included information includes scholarly journals, news sources, special interest books, academic curricula, and relevant experience. By blending together information procured from these three distinct environments, this paper proposes a number of the most important concepts and lessons that one should know as they begin their career, whether professional or academic, in the cyber world

    Broadbandmatters.com: Recommended Broadband New for Around the Web, August 16, 2019

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    Weekly newsletter produced by the Iowa Communications Network Department. This newsletter includes information about all of the different matters that are going on in the state of Iowa

    A közszolgálati kiberbiztonsági képzés lehetősége Magyarországon = The Opportunities of Developing a Cyber Security Training Programme for Public Service in Hungary

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    A közszolgálat kiemelt célpontja a kibertámadásoknak, így ezek megelőzése és eredményes elhárítása érdekében különösen nagy hangsúlyt kell fektetni a különféle szervezetek védelmi képességeinek kialakítására és folyamatos fejlesztésére. Ennek részeként értelmezhető a lehetséges támadási alternatívák megismerését és alkalmazhatóságát célzó közszolgálati kiberbiztonsági képzés megalkotása. A képzési program megalkotása során fel kell tárni a program megvalósíthatóságának lehetőségeit, illetve a hasonló hazai képzéseket a képzés szükségességének igazolása és az esetleges „jó gyakorlatok” átvétele érdekében. Jelen tanulmány a hazai kiberbiztonsági, kibervédelmi képzéseket, ezen belül azok tartalmát, elemeit, az esetleges hiányosságait vizsgálja, valamint definiálja a közszolgálati kiberbiztonsági képzés fogalmát és meghatározza annak elemeit, követelményeit

    Judicial Protection of Popular Sovereignty: Redressing Voting Technology

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    Judicial Protection of Popular Sovereignty: Redressing Voting Technology

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    My analysis seeks to underscore the gravity of technologically threatened constitutional voting rights and values, implicating both individual rights to vote and the structural promise of popular sovereignty. Resolution of the dispute over the meaning of Fourteenth Amendment17 principles properly derived from Bush v. Gore18 will be pivotal to assuring meaningful voting rights in the information society. If the Court should hold the Fourteenth Amendment to embrace a deferential standard of review or arduous intent requirements, allowing state political branches to persist in choosing voting technologies based on scientifically unfounded premises that do not achieve classic components of voting rights, the American Republic’s future is seriously endangered.19 The argument proceeds in two parts. Part I traces illustrative empirical findings of the two comprehensive, definitive voting systems studies, offers evidence derived from actual election calamities that substantiates the experts’ findings, and translates these findings into concepts meaningful for voting rights and election law. Part II considers the judiciary’s failures thus far to understand the legal import of the scientific studies of voting systems when adjudicating the structural legal sufficiency of deployed voting systems20 and identifies questions on which scholarship is critically needed. Throughout, owing to space constraints, the argument is illustrative rather than comprehensive

    Perigos das redes sociais: como educar nossas crianças em segurança cibernética

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    This research aims to analyze the state of the art in the country of the knowledge of dangers of online social networks and how to protect minors through good cybersecurity practices.Through a bibliographic review, different topics related to the management of social networks and dangers young people in Costa Rica are exposed to. Security and privacy terms are evaluated, as well as the role of parents, and some elements of Cybersecurity of the most popular Social Networks among underage people. Among the most important findings, it was determined that the greatest dangers of social networks for minors are harassment, cyberbullying, grooming, sexting and addiction, which, without an adequate education in Cybersecurity, make children vulnerable. The most popular social networks online among children and adolescents are Facebook, Instragram, Whatsapp, and SnapChat, and each one is governed by a series of conditions; these media also offer a series of tools to ensure privacy and data security, but they must be configured and this is basically what we know as Cybersecurity. Educating children in cybersecurity is a new challenge for parents: they must know and be prepared to teach their children on how to protect themselves from these new dangers.El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el estado del arte en el país sobre el conocimiento de los peligros de las redes sociales en línea y cómo protegerse por medio de buenas prácticas de ciberseguridad para las personas menores de edad. Por medio de una revisión bibliográfica se exponen diferentes temáticas relacionadas con manejo de las redes sociales y el peligro al que se exponen niños, niñas y adolescentes en Costa Rica; se evalúan términos de seguridad y privacidad, el rol de los padres y las madres de familia y algunos de los elementos en ciberseguridad de las redes sociales más populares en estas generaciones. Entre los principales hallazgos, se determinó que los mayores peligros de las redes sociales para las personas menores de edad son el ciberbulling, grooming, sexting y adicción, los cuales, sin una adecuada educación en seguridad cibernética, les hace más vulnerables. Las redes sociales más populares entre la niñez y la juventud son Facebook, Instragram, Whatsapp y SnapChat, y cada una se rige por una serie de condiciones de uso; además cada red social ofrece herramientas para asegurar la privacidad y la seguridad de los datos, pero deben ser configurados, y esto es básicamente lo que conocemos como ciberseguridad. Educar en ciberseguridad a las personas menores de edad es un nuevo reto para los padres y las madres de familia, que deben prepararse y conocer para enseñarles a protegerse de estos nuevos peligros.O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o estado da questão no país sobre o conhecimento dos perigos das redes sociais em linha e como se proteger através de boas práticas de segurança cibernética para pessoas menores de idade. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, são considerados diferentes temas relacionados à gestão das redes sociais e ao perigo que estão expostas crianças e adolescentes na Costa Rica; os termos de segurança e privacidade são avaliados, o papel dos pais e mães de família e alguns dos elementos da segurança cibernética das redes sociais mais populares dessas gerações. Entre as principais conclusões, determina-se que os maiores perigos das redes sociais para menores são o cyberbulling, grooming, sexting e o vício, que, sem uma educação adequada em segurança cibernética, os torna você mais vulnerável. As redes sociais mais populares entre crianças e jovens são Facebook, Instragram, Whatsapp e SnapChat, e cada uma é administrada por uma série de condições de uso; além disso, cada rede social oferece ferramentas para garantir a privacidade e a segurança dos dados, porém devem ser configuradas, e isso é basicamente o que conhecemos como segurança cibernética. Educar menores em segurança cibernética é um novo desafio para pais e mães, que devem se preparar e conhecer para ensiná-los a se proteger desses novos perigos

    Cybersecurity Explained: An Analysis of the Influence of a Security-Focused Seminar Series

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    The cybersecurity field has grown exponentially in recent history with little to no general understanding of the requirements for professionals in the field. Our research question is: how can the perception of the cybersecurity field be improved through a seminar designed to teach first-year engineering students the importance, opportunities within, and purpose of the field? We test and evaluate the benefits of an intervention through the implementation of a three- or four-part seminar series. The effectiveness of this intervention is determined by student reported perception of cybersecurity and interest in a cybersecurity minor as evaluated through surveys. The result of this seminar series is an increase in student confidence regarding their perception of the profession and increased self-reported interest in the cybersecurity minor. Our implementation was limited by participation but demonstrates the basic trends expected with exposure to the seminar series. The implementation of this series clarifies questions and uncertainties students have regarding cybersecurity. Future implementations of this series should be conducted on large, diverse, populations of first year students to demystify the profession of cybersecurity for all students due to its interdisciplinary nature. Additionally, the public release of the seminar materials benefits the cybersecurity community by providing insight into the effectiveness of current event-focused seminars to increase interest in the field