1,681 research outputs found

    The perceived meaning and benefits of people analytics in selected organisations in South Africa

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    Regardless of the widespread application of analytics to a variety of business measurements, it is noteworthy that the use of people analytics is still no place close where it could be. The main aim of this study is to examine the perceived meaning and benefits of people analytics in selected South African organisations. People analytics is a burning-fresh topic in HR field aiming at using data to make organisational decisions and little has been done in this area especially in the South African context. The study employed qualitative-exploratory design which comprised of 10 senior HR officers from selected organisations in South Africa. From the findings, it shows that the employment of people analytics in South African context is in its early stage and its conception and repercussions are little understood. In addition, there is an accord on its usefulness, however the workforce analytic skills have found to be the major difficulty to foster its successful implementation and adoption by organisations. Because of its qualitative nature, this study had a limitation that it lack representativeness hence the findings cannot be generalised. Research opportunities for future can be quantitative and longitudinal research to objectively ascertain the extent future employability of people analytics

    The perceived meaning and benefits of people analytics in selected organisations in South Africa

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    Regardless of the widespread application of analytics to a variety of business measurements, it is noteworthy that the use of people analytics is still no place close where it could be. The main aim of this study is to examine the perceived meaning and benefits of people analytics in selected South African organisations. People analytics is a burning-fresh topic in HR field aiming at using data to make organisational decisions and little has been done in this area especially in the South African context. The study employed qualitative-exploratory design which comprised of 10 senior HR officers from selected organisations in South Africa. From the findings, it shows that the employment of people analytics in South African context is in its early stage and its conception and repercussions are little understood. In addition, there is an accord on its usefulness, however the workforce analytic skills have found to be the major difficulty to foster its successful implementation and adoption by organisations. Because of its qualitative nature, this study had a limitation that it lack representativeness hence the findings cannot be generalised. Research opportunities for future can be quantitative and longitudinal research to objectively ascertain the extent future employability of people analytics

    Recruitment Methodology based on a "Reskilling" and "Upskilling" Strategy

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementIn the era of “Digital Transformation”, new technologies have emerged in recent years, which have provided organizations with the opportunity to efficiently evolve their operations, transform their business models or even create new ones. The possibilities are enormous, but for this digital transformation process to happen, digital skills are essential, particularly highly qualified ICT professionals capable of implementing new technologies. The demand for these professionals is high, especially in Europe, and the scarcity is increasing. To face this shortage and respond to organisations’ needs, a reskilling and upskilling strategy can be a solution to bring more qualified professionals to the ICT labour market with these new technologies. However, hiring professionals to be trained in new technologies is challenging and risky to succeed. Therefore, the recruitment process needs to be more precise to select and validate candidates who can quickly and successfully acquire new technological skills. This research intends to create a method that can help in this process, applying a systematic approach to selecting and validating candidates with the most adequate technical and interpersonal skills for their requalification in new technologies. With the application of this method, a competency model is created for the target job, candidates are evaluated, and gaps are identified. In case of the feasibility of requalifying the candidate, a training plan is developed to acquire new technological skills

    Adoption Factors of Artificial intelligence in Human Resource Management

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El mundo es testigo de nuevos avances tecnológicos que afectan significativamente a las organizaciones en diferentes departamentos. La inteligencia artificial (IA) es uno de estos avances, visto como una tecnología revolucionaria en la gestión de recursos humanos (RRHH). Profesionales y académicos han discutido el brillante papel de la IA en RRHH. Sin embargo, el análisis profundo de esta tecnología en el proceso de RRHH es aún escaso. Con todo ello, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es investigar el estado de la IA en RRHH y así identificar factores clave de implementación concretos. Primero, construyendo un marco académico para la IA en RRHH; segundo, analizar las aplicaciones de IA más utilizada en los procesos de RRHH; tercero, identificar las formas óptimas de transferir el conocimiento en los procesos de implementación de IA. La metodología utilizada para la investigación combina la revisión sistemática de la literatura y técnicas de investigación cualitativa. Como base y medida preparatoria para abordar las preguntas de investigación, se llevó a cabo un extenso análisis de la literatura en el campo AI-RRHH, con un enfoque particular en las publicaciones de algoritmos de IA en HRM, análisis de HR-Big data, aplicaciones/soluciones de IA en HRM e implementación de IA. En la misma línea, el autor publicó artículos en varias conferencias que contribuyeron a mejorar la madurez de las preguntas de investigación. Con base en este conocimiento, los estudios publicados ilustraron la brecha entre la promesa y la realidad de la IA en RRHH, teniendo en cuenta los requisitos técnicos de la implementación de la IA, así como las aplicaciones y limitaciones. Posteriormente, se entrevistó a expertos en recursos humanos y consultores de IA que ya habían adquirido experiencia de primera mano con los procesos de recursos humanos en un entorno de IA para descubrir la verdad de la aplicación de la IA dominante en el proceso de RRHH. Los principales hallazgos de esta tesis incluyen la derivación de una definición completa de IA en RRHH, así como el estado de las estrategias de adopción de aplicaciones de IA en RRHH. Como resultado adicional, se explora la utilidad y las limitaciones de los chatbots en el proceso de contratación en la India. Además, factores clave para transferir el conocimiento del proceso de implementación de IA a los gerentes y empleados de recursos humanos. Finalmente, se concluye identificando desafíos asociados con la implementación de IA en el proceso de recursos humanos y el impacto de COVID-19 en la implementación de IA.[CA] El món és testimoni de nous avanços tecnològics, que afecten significativament les organitzacions en diferents departaments. La intel·ligència artificial (IA) és un d'aquests avanços que s'anuncia àmpliament com una tecnologia revolucionària en la gestió de recursos humans (HRM). Professionals i acadèmics han discutit el brillant paper de la IA en HRM. No obstant això, encara és escàs l'anàlisi profund d'aquesta tecnologia en el procés de HRM. Per tant, l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és investigar l'estat de la IA en HRM i derivar factors clau d'implementació concrets. Primer, construint un marc acadèmic per a la IA en HRM; segon, analitzar l'aplicació de IA més utilitzada en el procés de recursos humans; tercer, identificar les formes òptimes de transferir el coneixement dels processos d'implementació de IA. La metodologia utilitzada per a la investigació es combina entre una revisió sistemàtica de la literatura i una tècnica d'investigació qualitativa. Com a base i mesura preparatòria per a abordar les preguntes d'investigació, es va dur a terme una extensa anàlisi de la literatura en el camp IA-HRM, amb un enfocament particular en les publicacions d'algorismes de IA en HRM, anàlisis de HR-Big data, aplicacions/soluciones de IA en HRM i implementació de IA. En la mateixa línia, l'autor va publicar articles en diverses conferències que van procedir a millorar la maduresa de les preguntes d'investigació. Amb base en aquest coneixement, els estudis publicats van illustrar la bretxa entre la promesa i la realitat de la IA en HRM, tenint en compte els requisits tècnics de la implementació de la IA, així com les aplicacions i limitacions. Posteriorment, es va entrevistar experts en recursos humans i consultors de IA que ja havien adquirit experiència de primera mà amb els processos de recursos humans en un entorn de IA per a descobrir la veritat de l'aplicació de la IA dominant en el procés de recursos humans. Les principals troballes d'aquesta tesi són la derivació d'una definició completa de IA en HRM, així com l'estat de les estratègies d'adopció d'aplicacions de IA en HRM. Com a resultat addicional, explore la utilitat i les limitacions dels chatbots en el procés de contractació a l'Índia. A més, factors clau per a transferir el coneixement del procés d'implementació de IA als gerents i empleats de recursos humans. També es van concloure els desafiaments associats amb la implementació de IA en el procés de recursos humans i l'impacte de COVID-19 en la implementació de IA.[EN] The world is witnessing new technological advancements, which significantly impacts organizations across different departments. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of these advancements that is widely heralded as a revolutionary technology in Human Resource Management (HRM). Professionals and scholars have discussed the bright role of AI in HRM. However, deep analysis of this technology in the HR process is still scarce. Therefore, the main goal of this thesis is to investigate the status of AI in HRM and derive concrete implementation key factors. Through, first, building an academic framework for AI in HRM; second, analyzing the most commonly used AI applications in HR process; third, identifying the optimal ways to transfer the knowledge of AI implementation processes. The methodology used for the investigation combines a systematic literature review and a qualitative research technique. As a basis and preparatory measure to address the research questions, an extensive literature analysis in the AI-HRM field was carried out, with a particular focus on publications of AI in HRM, HR-Big data analysis, AI applications/solutions in HRM and AI implementation. Along similar lines, the author published papers in several conference proceedings to improve the maturity of research questions. Based on this work, the published studies illustrate the gap between the promise and reality of AI in HRM, taking into account the requirements of AI implementation as well as the applications and limitations. Subsequently, HR experts and AI consultants, who had already gained first-hand experience with HR processes in an AI environment, were interviewed to find out the truth of the dominant AI's application in HR process. The main findings of this thesis are the derivation of a complete definition of AI in HRM as well as the status of the adoption strategies of AI applications in HRM. As a further result, it explores the usefulness and limitations of chatbots in the recruitment processes in India. In addition, derived the key factors to transfer the knowledge of AI implementation process to HR managers and employees. Challenges associated with AI implementation in the HR process and the impact of COVID-19 on AI implementation were also concluded.Tuffaha, M. (2022). Adoption Factors of Artificial intelligence in Human Resource Management [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185909Compendi

    Employee outcomes of talent identification and development

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    Managing talents effectively has been regarded as one of the main solutions for human re-source challenges in current labor market. Based on the increasing mobility and globalization and the economic shift from product-based to knowledge-based businesses, more talented employees are needed, and organizations are updating their management strategies to be better confronted with talent challenges. Talent and talent management (TM) have become popular topics in human resource field for practitioners and literatures, especially from the 1990s. However, there is limited empirical research dealing with the ultimate questions of TM strategies – do TM strategies produce positive outcomes for employees and organizations? For organizations and employees alike, it is important to know if the “chosen ones” that are identified as “high potential” succeed or not in their subsequent career/roles. Therefore, it worth examining "Does TM produce the intended consequences?" More specifically, there are two sub-points to be explored: Are (1) talent identification and (2) talent development practices effective in supporting positive employee outcomes? In order to research the impact of TM strategy of the case company, data of 200 employees of a Finnish multinational (100 identified as talent, 100 not identified as talent in 2015) were selected to be studied. A hypothesis model is established to investigate the relationship between talent identification (being formally identified as talent, performance, and potential), talent development (joining development activities), and talent outcome (speed of promotion). To add more evidence for the research question and explore the opinions of TM managers towards the employee outcome, a supplementary interview was conducted. In terms of the findings, talent identification and development were found to have positive correlation to the career progress of employees. However, only being identified as talent can significantly lead to faster promotion in the company. Achieving higher performance, higher potential, or joining more (quantity of) development activities do not obviously result in faster promotion. The result suggests that exclusive TM is a proper and popular approach for selecting and developing a small number of employees to become future leaders. Therefore, identifying the correct and necessary talents are one of the most critical things in TM strategy, be-cause talents are allocated much more resources, their abilities and motivation may be improved, they may gain more opportunities, which can directly lead to positive outcomes such as promotion. The finding is supposed to be true for many other organizations. The topic also worth organizations and researchers to explore based on larger samples in the global scale. Because in real TM process, the assessment of employees’ performance and potential, the identification results, the process of development, and the employee outcomes may be influenced by objective conditions as well as subjective views and biases

    Global Talent Management The Identification Process of Pivotal Talent in Multinational Hotel Corporations

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    Global talent management (GTM) has become a critical factor of organisational practice in multinational corporations. The key assumption is that GTM is a source of competitive advantage for organisations. The aim of this research is to explore and understand the talent identification process in multinational hotel corporations (MNHCs). Drawing from multiple theoretical perspectives – human and social capital as well as agency and social network theories – the study takes an interpretivist stance to examine critically the talent identification process. By means of a qualitative collective case study design, three MNHCs were selected and 73 semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with key stakeholders from these organisations. The interviews were held with human resources and operations leaders at business unit and corporate levels. Findings show that the organisations developed a competency-based GTM strategy and applied various tools to differentiate the workforce. Firms conceptualise pivotal talent as high performers and high potentials. In addition, pivotal positions such as the general manager of a hotel, were identified. The MNHCs established a core talent identification construct with minor variations across regions at a corporate level, but with sometimes considerable differences in the implementation across business units. The developed talent identification model shows that individual human and social capital attributes remain the dominant factors of the formal identification process. The two-level model further illustrates the discrepancies between the corporate GTM strategies and the actual global implementation at a business unit level. Relationships and social networks play a critical role during the talent identification. The current study contributes to the GTM knowledge with an extensive empirical research in the often disregarded context of MNHCs and the exploration of elected talent management theories. It provides greater clarity of the concept of pivotal talent and its identification

    Talent management practices for the future of work: how can artificial intelligence reconcile recruitment tensions in organizations

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    Talent Management Practices for the Future of Work: How Can Artificial Intelligence Reconcile Recruitment Tensions in Organizations? Over the years, the academic field has been coming up with new studies, frameworks, and definitions of what work is and, consecutively, what its future is, taking into account all the technological evolution and disruptors, such as the case of Covid-19. In this way, it is necessary to follow what are the new trends in the market and be able to adapt. This project is then based on an in-depth analysis of the Company XYZ to understand its readiness for the Future of Work within Talent Management, focusing more concretely on the role of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment

    The importance of talent management in the changing retail business banking work environment.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The talent management (TM) concept is deemed as the cornerstone in human resource management studies as it covers different features of human recourses by polishing employees’ skills and expertise with different methods. The digital age is reshaping the way in which organisations recruit, select and develop skills. The world of working has changed, the working environment has been described as consisting of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) which has impacted how large organisations deal with their talent programmes. The banking group predicted in February 2020 a full recession for South Africa due to Eskom’s load shedding and the corona virus outbreak (The Price Waterhouse Report, 2020). Markets are volatile and the rand is taking a pounding. Evidently, limited research has focused on TM in the changing world of work within the retail business banking (RBB) division in South Africa. Previous studies investigated ways of retaining SA talent without a clear focus on the conceptualization of talent and TM and its importance in the banking sector. This gave birth to the need for an empirical study which explores the relevant TM practices and its importance in the changing world of work within the RBB in SA. Hence, the purpose of this study was to examine the importance of talent management in the changing world of work within the RBB division. The relationship between TM practices and retention of new generation employees in value analytics teams within the RBB division was examined. The study analysed the effect of technology, new generation (millennials) and critical skills on talent management practices in RBB. The study also explored the challenges faced by HR with regards to 21st century talent management and change readiness within RBB. The study aimed to add value to existing literature by examining the relationship between talent management and the retention of new generation employees in value analytics teams within RBB while it also explored the importance and significance of talent management in the scarce/critical skills environment. This study will contribute to the banking industry, looking at current talent crisis that markets are experiencing as they are trying to protect and preserve the core business during the COVID-19 pandemic or any other crisis that organisations might face which will affect the economy. This study further provided great insight for understanding the talent management concept and its importance in the banking sector. Banks can utilise these results to shape their talent management practices. The researcher used a mixed methods design, particularly a concurrent embedded strategy. The case study research strategy was utilised, and it was underpinned by the exploratory and descriptive approaches. The researcher selected a case study based on its suitability for exploring, explaining, understanding and describing a research phenomenon. The study focused on the case of the RBB (Analytics division). The target population was value analytics employees within a major banking institution (RBB). The data collection methods that were used for this study were both self-administered questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. Due to the corona virus outbreak, the researcher made use of Microsoft teams to conduct online interviews using Zoom, while ensuring the adherence to all covid-19 regulations by using online self-administered questionnaires. The key findings of the study revealed that employees strongly believe in the importance of TM and its contribution to the retention of scarce skilled employees in the volatile business environment. The participants accorded that Robotics and automation has changed banking and that information technology enables better banking solutions. Employees believe that the younger generation are more innovative and contribute excellently to the success of the organisation. On the flip side of the coin, employees dissent that upskilling and developing employees is currently the main priority for the bank. They contend that not all people managers have been upskilled for future readiness and that banks are currently lacking robust succession planning and development programmes for all staff. Furthermore, the study identified the COVID-19 pandemic impact on talent management and how HR managers view human resource management’s future and priorities

    Human resource transformation as a strategy for addressing talent management challenges at ESwatini electricity company.

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    Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Business and Leadership). University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, 2019.Faced with looming talent challenges, uncertain business environments and changing demographics, organizations find themselves forced to adapt or perish. These changes not only suppress an organizations’ competitive edge but also greatly affect the manner in which they are positioned to respond to the changes. Adapting to such volatile environments requires organizations to rethink and reinvent their operations. Moreover, with these changes having human capital implications in both strategy and operations, HR professionals find themselves under immense pressure to rise to the challenge and help their organizations achieve competitive advantage. The aim of the study was to explore the nature of HR transformation and determine the impact it has in addressing talent management challenges. To address the research questions and objectives, the study employed a descriptive mixed method approach. The survey strategy by means of questionnaires and interviews was used for data collection. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis was performed using the statistical package for social sciences and the NVIVO system respectively. The results indicated that there was consensus that the company has taken strides in transforming the HR function through the adoption of the business partner model however, the findings also revealed that HR lacks the in-depth knowledge of business operations necessary to function optimally as a business partner. As such, respondents felt that HR does not add as much value as expected. Furthermore, the study found that HR does not have a clear talent strategy, lags in instilling a talent culture in the organization and application of data analytics. While some employees showed confidence in the HR department and were happy with the support they get, they also expressed dissatisfaction with major talent management practices and the delivery of the employee value proposition. The study recommended that HR should improve on the value-adding aspects of their activities by gaining deeper understanding of core business operations. This requires a shift from tactical to strategic management where HR issues are viewed from both a people and business perspective. This mind-set shift would provide a crucial balance, which would enable HR to tailor its TM strategies to critical business requirements

    Talent management practices for the future of work: leading a successful remote onboarding program

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    Talent Management Practices for the Future of Work: Leading a Successful Remote Onboarding Program Over the years, the academic field has been coming up with new studies, frameworks, and definitions of what work is and, consecutively, what its future is, taking into account all the technological evolution and disruptors, such as the case of Covid-19. In this way, it is necessary to follow what are the new trends in the market and be able to adapt. This project is then based on an in-depth analysis of the Company XYZ to understand its readiness for the Future of Work within Talent Management, focusing more concretely on how to lead a successful remote onboarding program