1,568 research outputs found

    Innovative Techniques for Digitizing and Restoring Deteriorated Historical Documents

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    Recent large-scale document digitization initiatives have created new modes of access to modern library collections with the development of new hardware and software technologies. Most commonly, these digitization projects focus on accurately scanning bound texts, some reaching an efficiency of more than one million volumes per year. While vast digital collections are changing the way users access texts, current scanning paradigms can not handle many non-standard materials. Documentation forms such as manuscripts, scrolls, codices, deteriorated film, epigraphy, and rock art all hold a wealth of human knowledge in physical forms not accessible by standard book scanning technologies. This great omission motivates the development of new technology, presented by this thesis, that is not-only effective with deteriorated bound works, damaged manuscripts, and disintegrating photonegatives but also easily utilized by non-technical staff. First, a novel point light source calibration technique is presented that can be performed by library staff. Then, a photometric correction technique which uses known illumination and surface properties to remove shading distortions in deteriorated document images can be automatically applied. To complete the restoration process, a geometric correction is applied. Also unique to this work is the development of an image-based uncalibrated document scanner that utilizes the transmissivity of document substrates. This scanner extracts intrinsic document color information from one or both sides of a document. Simultaneously, the document shape is estimated to obtain distortion information. Lastly, this thesis provides a restoration framework for damaged photographic negatives that corrects photometric and geometric distortions. Current restoration techniques for the discussed form of negatives require physical manipulation to the photograph. The novel acquisition and restoration system presented here provides the first known solution to digitize and restore deteriorated photographic negatives without damaging the original negative in any way. This thesis work develops new methods of document scanning and restoration suitable for wide-scale deployment. By creating easy to access technologies, library staff can implement their own scanning initiatives and large-scale scanning projects can expand their current document-sets

    The Use of Interactive Raster Graphics in the Display and Manipulation of Multidimensional Data

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    Techniques for the review, display, and manipulation of multidimensional data are developed and described. Multidimensional data is meant in this context to describe scalar data associated with a three dimensional geometry or otherwise too complex to be well represented by traditional graphs. Raster graphics techniques are used to display a shaded image of a three dimensional geometry. The use of color to represent scalar data associated with the geometries in shaded images is explored. Distinct hues are associated with discrete data ranges, thus emulating the traditional representation of data with isarithms, or lines of constant numerical value. Data ranges are alternatively associated with a continuous spectrum of hues to show subtler data trends. The application of raster graphics techniques to the display of bivariate functions is explored

    Parallel hierarchical radiosity rendering

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    The radiosity equation is examined, and is found to contain a previously unexploited symmetry. This symmetry is formalized, and a solution method previously unusable in the field of computer graphics (conjugate gradients) is shown to be superior to all methods currently in use. A detailed analysis of all solution techniques previously applied to the radiosity problem is conducted, and results presented;So-called hierarchical methods have reduced the operational complexity of the N-body problem from O(N[superscript]2) to O(N log N) assuming a pre-set error tolerance. An algorithm following the same basic tenets has been applied to radiosity rendering by other researchers, and has reduced the operational complexity from O(N[superscript]2) to (arguably) O(N);Shortcomings in the state-of-the-art hierarchical radiosity method are pointed out, and enhancements are offered. A consistent treatment of various types of error is found to be absent from present methods. Catastrophic error is possible in the visibility assessment between two polygons. A self-consistency check is possible during the solution process, but never exploited;Until now, supercomputer-class computers have not been used to solve radiosity problems at a production-quality level even though realistic image synthesis has always been a prodigious consumer of computer time. A state-of-the-art hierarchical radiosity code is implemented on an nCUBE-2 parallel computer, and discussed in detail. The algorithm is found to have ample sources of parallelism, in both data- and operational modes. Its performance is analyzed in detail;The hierarchical method has only been applied to realistic image synthesis since 1991. Not surprisingly, many avenues of further research are open. Some are pointed out, and include: analytic determination of coupling factors, quantifying discretization error, incorporating specular light reflection modes into the hierarchical treatment, and exploring what other important physical problems might benefit from the hierarchical approach

    Towards a High Quality Real-Time Graphics Pipeline

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    Modern graphics hardware pipelines create photorealistic images with high geometric complexity in real time. The quality is constantly improving and advanced techniques from feature film visual effects, such as high dynamic range images and support for higher-order surface primitives, have recently been adopted. Visual effect techniques have large computational costs and significant memory bandwidth usage. In this thesis, we identify three problem areas and propose new algorithms that increase the performance of a set of computer graphics techniques. Our main focus is on efficient algorithms for the real-time graphics pipeline, but parts of our research are equally applicable to offline rendering. Our first focus is texture compression, which is a technique to reduce the memory bandwidth usage. The core idea is to store images in small compressed blocks which are sent over the memory bus and are decompressed on-the-fly when accessed. We present compression algorithms for two types of texture formats. High dynamic range images capture environment lighting with luminance differences over a wide intensity range. Normal maps store perturbation vectors for local surface normals, and give the illusion of high geometric surface detail. Our compression formats are tailored to these texture types and have compression ratios of 6:1, high visual fidelity, and low-cost decompression logic. Our second focus is tessellation culling. Culling is a commonly used technique in computer graphics for removing work that does not contribute to the final image, such as completely hidden geometry. By discarding rendering primitives from further processing, substantial arithmetic computations and memory bandwidth can be saved. Modern graphics processing units include flexible tessellation stages, where rendering primitives are subdivided for increased geometric detail. Images with highly detailed models can be synthesized, but the incurred cost is significant. We have devised a simple remapping technique that allowsfor better tessellation distribution in screen space. Furthermore, we present programmable tessellation culling, where bounding volumes for displaced geometry are computed and used to conservatively test if a primitive can be discarded before tessellation. We introduce a general tessellation culling framework, and an optimized algorithm for rendering of displaced BĂ©zier patches, which is expected to be a common use case for graphics hardware tessellation. Our third and final focus is forward-looking, and relates to efficient algorithms for stochastic rasterization, a rendering technique where camera effects such as depth of field and motion blur can be faithfully simulated. We extend a graphics pipeline with stochastic rasterization in spatio-temporal space and show that stochastic motion blur can be rendered with rather modest pipeline modifications. Furthermore, backface culling algorithms for motion blur and depth of field rendering are presented, which are directly applicable to stochastic rasterization. Hopefully, our work in this field brings us closer to high quality real-time stochastic rendering

    Volumetric surface sculpting

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 77-81).by Aseem Agarwala.M.Eng

    Analysis of (iso)surface reconstructions: Quantitative metrics and methods

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    Due to sampling processes volumetric data is inherently discrete and most often knowledge of the underlying continuous model is not available. Surface rendering techniques attempt to reconstruct the continuous model, using isosurfaces, from the discrete data. Therefore, it natural to ask how accurate the reconstructed isosurfaces are with respect to the underlying continuous model. A reconstructed isosurface may look impressive when rendered ( photorealism ), but how well does it reflect reality ( physical realism )?;The users of volume visualization packages must be aware of the short-comings of the algorithms used to produce the images so that they may properly interpret, and interact with, what they see. However, very little work has been done to quantify the accuracy of volumetric data reconstructions. Most analysis to date has been qualitative. Qualitative analysis uses simple visual inspection to determine whether characteristics, known to exist in the real world object, are present in the rendered image. Our research suggests metrics and methods for quantifying the physical realism of reconstructed isosurfaces.;Physical realism is a many faceted notion. In fact, a different metric could be defined for each physical property one wishes to consider. We have defined four metrics--Global Surface Area Preservation (GSAP), Volume Preservation (VP), Point Distance Preservation (PDP), and Isovalue Preservation (IVP). We present experimental results for each of these metrics and discuss their validity with respect to those results.;We also present the Reconstruction Quantification (sub)System (RQS). RQS provides a flexible framework for measuring physical realism. This system can be embedded in existing visualization systems with little modification of the system itself. Two types of analysis can be performed; reconstruction analysis and algorithm analysis. Reconstruction analysis allows users to determine the accuracy of individual surface reconstructions. Algorithm analysis, on the other hand, allows developers of visualization systems to determine the efficacy of the visualization system based on several reconstructions

    Ray Tracing Gems

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    This book is a must-have for anyone serious about rendering in real time. With the announcement of new ray tracing APIs and hardware to support them, developers can easily create real-time applications with ray tracing as a core component. As ray tracing on the GPU becomes faster, it will play a more central role in real-time rendering. Ray Tracing Gems provides key building blocks for developers of games, architectural applications, visualizations, and more. Experts in rendering share their knowledge by explaining everything from nitty-gritty techniques that will improve any ray tracer to mastery of the new capabilities of current and future hardware. What you'll learn: The latest ray tracing techniques for developing real-time applications in multiple domains Guidance, advice, and best practices for rendering applications with Microsoft DirectX Raytracing (DXR) How to implement high-performance graphics for interactive visualizations, games, simulations, and more Who this book is for: Developers who are looking to leverage the latest APIs and GPU technology for real-time rendering and ray tracing Students looking to learn about best practices in these areas Enthusiasts who want to understand and experiment with their new GPU

    Semantic definition of a subset of the structured query language (SQL)

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    Journal ArticleSQL is a relational database definition and manipulation language. Portions of the manipulation language are readily described in terms of relational algebra. The semantics of a subset of the SQL select statement is described. The select statement allows the user to query the database. The select statement is shown to be equivalent to a series of relational and set operations. The semantics are described in terms of abstract data types for relation schemes, tuples, and relations. Certain forms of the union or intersection of two select statements are shown to have equivalent single select statement forms

    A novel parallel algorithm for surface editing and its FPGA implementation

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophySurface modelling and editing is one of important subjects in computer graphics. Decades of research in computer graphics has been carried out on both low-level, hardware-related algorithms and high-level, abstract software. Success of computer graphics has been seen in many application areas, such as multimedia, visualisation, virtual reality and the Internet. However, the hardware realisation of OpenGL architecture based on FPGA (field programmable gate array) is beyond the scope of most of computer graphics researches. It is an uncultivated research area where the OpenGL pipeline, from hardware through the whole embedded system (ES) up to applications, is implemented in an FPGA chip. This research proposes a hybrid approach to investigating both software and hardware methods. It aims at bridging the gap between methods of software and hardware, and enhancing the overall performance for computer graphics. It consists of four parts, the construction of an FPGA-based ES, Mesa-OpenGL implementation for FPGA-based ESs, parallel processing, and a novel algorithm for surface modelling and editing. The FPGA-based ES is built up. In addition to the Nios II soft processor and DDR SDRAM memory, it consists of the LCD display device, frame buffers, video pipeline, and algorithm-specified module to support the graphics processing. Since there is no implementation of OpenGL ES available for FPGA-based ESs, a specific OpenGL implementation based on Mesa is carried out. Because of the limited FPGA resources, the implementation adopts the fixed-point arithmetic, which can offer faster computing and lower storage than the floating point arithmetic, and the accuracy satisfying the needs of 3D rendering. Moreover, the implementation includes Bézier-spline curve and surface algorithms to support surface modelling and editing. The pipelined parallelism and co-processors are used to accelerate graphics processing in this research. These two parallelism methods extend the traditional computation parallelism in fine-grained parallel tasks in the FPGA-base ESs. The novel algorithm for surface modelling and editing, called Progressive and Mixing Algorithm (PAMA), is proposed and implemented on FPGA-based ES’s. Compared with two main surface editing methods, subdivision and deformation, the PAMA can eliminate the large storage requirement and computing cost of intermediated processes. With four independent shape parameters, the PAMA can be used to model and edit freely the shape of an open or closed surface that keeps globally the zero-order geometric continuity. The PAMA can be applied independently not only FPGA-based ESs but also other platforms. With the parallel processing, small size, and low costs of computing, storage and power, the FPGA-based ES provides an effective hybrid solution to surface modelling and editing
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