15 research outputs found

    Sustainable user interface generation for digital devices: A case study

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    The internet has become an integral part of people’s lives. However, any digital activity results in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which are the prime drivers of global warming and climate change. The environmental cost calls for the practice of sustainable web design or green human-computer interaction. While there is substantial research on ways to reduce the energy consumption of the back-end information systems, such as data centers, few studies focus on the front-end information systems, such as web design. This study aims to analyze the impact of web design on energy consumption by conducting a case study on an institutional website. A set of major web tracking and performance metrics tools will be adopted to collect data upon web hosting, performance optimization, web design, and user experience. Descriptive analysis of the data will help generate actionable insights into environmentally friendly user interface design strategies for digital devices

    Analysis Of Multi-Platform Mobile Application Development

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    The variety of mobile devices and their operating platforms has rapidly increased. With this increase come separate standards, programming languages, and distribution markets. Typically developers want to deliver their products to a variety of users encompassing various platforms; however choosing to develop using a native program for a platform can delay the development and release on another platform. Multi-platform development applications were created in order to deploy applications to various platforms in a more timely and cost efficient manner by using a single code base. The purpose of this study was to investigate the multi-platform development applications MoSync, Appcelerator, and PhoneGap, create a test application using each multi-platform development application to run on the Android emulator and iOS simulator to determine performance, and also determine which multi-platform application was best suited for allowing a developer to create a mobile application that could be utilized on a variety of platforms

    The Use of Mobile Applications in Preventive Care and health-Related Conditions: A Review of the Literature

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    The purpose of this review of literature was to understand the role of mobile device applications in health related conditions and to analyze their effects on health outcomes related to the management of chronic illnesses. Implications for future use of applications in client-centered care and interpretation of the data by health care providers was also explored. Peer-reviewed, English-language research articles published from 2008 to present were included for synthesis. Study results revealed positive outcomes when health-related mobile applications were used in practice and support clinicians\u27 use of mobile applications as a tool for monitoring symptoms and communicating with individuals. The literature indicated nurses play a significant role in providing feedback, which reinforces self-care strategies and adherence, with the potential for improving outcomes. Additional research is needed to evaluate the long-term effects of applications on patient outcomes, nurses\u27 perspectives, and feasibility of implementation into practice

    Desenvolvimento de Aplicativo Web Progressivo para Sistema de TCCs do INE/UFSC

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Sistemas de Informação.Atualmente o sistema de gestão de TCCs do INE/UFSC, apesar de acessível via dispositivos móveis, devido à constante atualização dos dispositivos utilizados para acesso, assim como a rápida evolução dos navegadores, não apresenta um bom nível usabilidade quando acessado por aparelhos portáteis com telas pequenas e que utilizam o toque como método principal de entrada de dados. Tal comportamento, causa dificuldades aos Alunos e aos Professores que necessitam utilizar a ferramenta por meio de dispositivos móveis. Uma alternativa para o desenvolvimento de interfaes específicas para dispositivos móveis é o uso de Aplicativos Web Progressivos, que são aplicações híbridas, ou seja, tanto web quanto mobile. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho de conclusão de curso, é efetuar a pesquisa acadêmica e desenvolver um Aplicativo Web Progressivo, que por sua natureza, além de ser um site acessível em computadores de mesa, se comporta de maneira semelhante a um aplicativo nativo em dispositivos móveis. O Aplicativo Web progressivo desenvolvido, colocado em produção e avaliado por usuários por meio de um survey. Os resultados preliminares da avaliação indicam que o aplicativo apresentou um bom desempenho do ponto de vista dos alunos

    Sustainable User Interface Generation for Digital Devices: A Case Study

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    The internet has become an integral part of people’s lives. However, any digital activity results in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which are the prime drivers of global warming and climate change. The environmental cost calls for the practice of sustainable web design or green human-computer interaction. While there is substantial research on ways to reduce the energy consumption of the back-end information systems, such as data centers, few studies focus on the front-end information systems, such as web design. This study aims to analyze the impact of web design on energy consumption by conducting a case study on an institutional website. A set of major web tracking and performance metrics tools will be adopted to collect data on energy consumption, web performance optimization, web design, and user experience. Descriptive analysis of the data will help generate actionable insights into environmentally friendly user interface design strategies for digital devices.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Binary Analysis Framework

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    The binary analysis of software has become an integral activity for security researchers and attackers alike. As the value of being able to exploit a vulnerability has increased, the need to discover, fix and prevent such vulnerabilities has never been greater. This paper proposes the Binary Analysis Framework, which is intended to be used by security researchers to query and analyze information about system and third party libraries. Researchers can use the tool to evaluate and discover unknown vulnerabilities in these libraries. Furthermore, the framework can be utilized to analyze mitigation techniques implemented by operating system and thirdparty vendors. The Binary Analysis Framework takes a novel approach to system-level security by introducing a framework that provides for binary analysis of libraries utilizing a relational data model for permanent storage of the binary instructions, as well as providing novel ways of searching and interacting with the parsed instructions

    A web-based adolescent depression support system: feedback and implications for the future

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    The aim is to describe feedback from the adolescents on their use of a web-based depression support system. Web-based support systems can serve as an alternative to conventional treatment or to complement the current services. Mixed methods were used to approach the topic from multiple perspectives. Feedback was collected from adolescents with symptoms of depression or anxiety. Adolescents (n = 46) responded to a questionnaire after participating on the support system, and 24 adolescents did not provide feedback. The data were analyzed with quantitative descriptive statistics and qualitative thematic analysis. Out of 45 adolescents, 93% agreed that the web-based support system was targeted at them, and 89% felt it was reliable and safe. It was perceived as a good channel for reflecting thoughts. However, some adolescents felt it was difficult to use or that using it did not help them. Ideas for development were also offered. Depis.Net provided the adolescents with a reliable way to ease their condition at home. Using feedback from the adolescents on the support system makes it possible to identify those who are able to use this kind of system in daily practice.</p

    Twisting Web Pages for Saving Energy

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    Analysis of Smartphone and Tablet Usage Habits

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    Erilaisten mobiililaitteiden suosio on kasvanut viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana suuresti. Älypuhelimet ja tabletit ovat suhteellisen nuoresta iästään huolimatta korvanneet tietokoneita useissa työ- ja vapaa-ajan toimissa. Laitteet vastaavat toisiaan niiden toiminnallisuuden ja useiden ominaisuuksien osalta. Tästä huolimatta, niiden käyttötarkoitukset ja -tapaukset poikkeavat silti toisistaan. Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin älypuhelimien ja tablettien käyttötottumuksia internetissä toteutetun kyselytutkimuksen avulla. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, oliko kyseisten laitteiden välillä havaittavissa esimerkiksi käyttökontekstiin, -määriin ja -tarkoituksiin liittyviä eroja. Laitteiden välisten erojen lisäksi tutkittiin, oliko tuloksista havaittavissa vastaajien demografiaan perustuvia käyttötottumuseroja. Tutkimuksen tulokset noudattivat pääpiirteiltään aiemman kirjallisuuden havaintoja. Tablettien havaittiin toimivan pääosin hieman epäsäännöllisesti käytettävinä tiedonhaku- ja viihdelaitteina, joita käytettiin kodin ulkopuolella lähinnä ulkomaanmatkoilla. Älypuhelimia havaittiin käytettävän päivittäin paljon kotona, työpaikalla ja näiden välillä, yleisimmin erinäisiin yhteydenpitotarkoituksiin.A variety of mobile device types have increased greatly in popularity over the past decade. Despite their relatively young age, smartphones and tablets have replaced computers in several work and everyday activities. The devices correspond to each other with regard to their functionality and multiple features, but their uses and use cases still differ from each other. In this thesis, smartphone and tablet usage habits were studied by carrying out a survey on the internet. The aim was to find out whether it was possible to identify differences related to the context of use, usage amounts and uses between the concerned mobile device types. In addition to the differences between the device types, it was studied if any usage habit differences related to the demography of the respondents could be identified within the results. The results of the study followed the main features of the findings in previous literature. Tablets were found to be used somewhat irregularly, as devices mainly intended for searching information and consuming entertainment. They were rarely taken outside of the home, the main exception being traveling abroad. Smartphones on the other hand were found to be used a lot on a daily basis at home, at work, and in between, most commonly for various communication purposes

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