229 research outputs found

    Interring the Pioneer Invention Doctrine

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    The Emergence of new Successful Export Activities in Uruguay

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    El proyecto “El surgimiento de nuevas actividades exportadoras exitosas en América Latina” busca identificar los elementos claves en el proceso de descubrimiento de nuevas oportunidades de exportación en diferentes países de la región, con el objetivo de proponer políticas y reformas que permitan aumentar el ritmo de descubrimientos, en particular teniendo en cuenta la importancia relativa de diversas fallas de mercado. El enfoque general del estudio puede resumirse en que “los mercados se desempeñan bien al brindar señales de la rentabilidad de actividades que ya existen, pero su desempeño es pobre cuando se trata de actividades que podrían existir pero no existen. Aun si estas actividades no son nuevas en el sentido de que están presentes en economías más ricas, los productores se ven enfrentados a una considerable incertidumbre respecto a los costos y la productividad bajo las condiciones del mercado local. Introducirse en estos nuevos sectores típicamente requiere un inversor pionero, que indica a otros la rentabilidad de dichas actividades. Llamamos a este proceso de descubrir la estructura de costos interna de la economía auto-descubrimiento” (Hausmann y Rodrik, 2003). “En el proceso de auto-descubrimiento abundan las externalidades de información, debido a que la información de costos descubierta por un empresario no puede conservarse en forma privada. Si la empresa pionera resulta rentable, esto es fácilmente observable por otros. Los imitadores entran entonces en la actividad, la renta del productor establecido se disipa y se establece un nuevo sector. Si, por el contrario, el pionero quiebra, las pérdidas son soportadas en su totalidad por el empresario. En consecuencia, la actividad empresarial de esta naturaleza no es una actividad con alta recompensa: las pérdidas son privadas mientras las ganancias se socializan. Por tanto, los mercados no proporcionan suficiente actividad empresarial en actividades nuevas” (Hausmann, Rodríguez-Clare y Rodrik, 2006). El estudio realizado para Uruguay consistió en analizar cuatro actividades exportadoras nuevas para el país, en el contexto del marco teórico propuesto por el BID y siguiendo la metodología común establecida para todos los casos incluidos en el proyecto regional. Asimismo, en el marco de este estudio se construyó una base de datos armonizada de las exportaciones uruguayas de bienes a nivel de producto y empresa, que permite analizar la actividad exportadora a nivel de empresa, producto y mercado de destino en las últimas dos décadas. La disponibilidad de series de tiempo consistentes permitió superar las limitaciones de información que provocaban en las estadísticas los cambios introducidos en la clasificación de productos en cuatro oportunidades (1985, 1993, 1997, 2002). Este estudio busca una mejor comprensión de estos problemas en el caso de Uruguay, presentando, en primer término, una visión de conjunto del desempeño exportador de Uruguay y su política comercial, y un análisis de la actividad exportadora a nivel de firma. En segundo lugar se analizan en profundidad cuatro sectores: software, forestal, caviar y esturión, y vacunas de origen animal a partir de los cuales se extraen lecciones de políticas públicas.exportaciones, fallas de mercado, fallas de coordinación, proceso de auto-descubrimiento, software, sector forestal, vacunas de origen animal, caviar y esturión

    P-15 Evolution Over Revolution: A Generic Criticism of the Muscle Car’s Past and Present Hierarchy

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    Since the early 1960’s the Muscle Car has been seen as representative of American cultural idealism; a post-war expression of Americanism through the medium of octane obsession. Muscle Cars are seen abstractly as an embodiment of several cultural principles; however, what physically constitutes this embodiment, the convergence of these features into the ‘soul’ of the muscle car, is broadly the subject of speculation. The ‘soul’, or formative characteristics, will be established through the generic criticism of a cross section of First Generation 1960’s Muscle Cars. Through analysis of physical features and technical specifications, the substantive and stylistic elements necessary for participation in the Muscle Car Genre, as shaped around an organizing principle, will be generically described. This descriptive yardstick will then be applied against modern incarnations of the muscle car to judge if they generically participate in the muscle car genre, as demonstrated by the 1960’s First Generation of their ‘lineage’. Conditions for future participation in the genre will then be established upon the First Generation’s generic characteristics

    Pioneer Irrigation District v. City of Caldwell Clerk\u27s Record v. 4 Dckt. 37242

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    Voices from the future: pioneers as a signal of change

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    There are several options, perspectives, and presentations for outlining the future. The key here is the question of change: what kind of change awaits us and how it will be achieved. In understanding change, the question is often approached in the light of weak signals and past trajectories, but change can also be anticipated through concreteness: by experimenting and producing artifacts or intangible assets that emerge from own goals and a mission. Thus, the aim is not to understand the future but to encounter it in a straightforward way: through a creating process. The progress of phenomena tends to follow a curve of development, beginning with the individuals, the pioneers, who are the ones creating the initiatives or who are the first to adopt them. These forerunners take the first step in a possible change to come. The aim of this study is to shed light on the future from the perspective of pioneering and pioneers: what are the characteristics of a pioneer and what kind of futures can be expected based on their views. The empirical part of the study is based on personal thematic in-depth interviews. An essential factor for the topic is the delimitation of the target group. In this study, 11 individuals were identified as pioneers and further, selected as respondents: they strive for change and actively conduct experiments according to their own vision. In addition, the target group was limited to persons whose activities include a self-sufficient aspect. There are 11 pioneering characteristics identified based on the interview material: 1) Personal resilience; 2) Network and charisma; 3) Spirituality and metaphors; 4) All instincts in use; 5) Perfect timing; 6) The miracle of unplanning; 7) Surrending to flow; 8) Licence to make mistakes; 9) Controlled anarchy; 10) Making impossible possible and 11) The playfulness. Further, the categories were analysed through a futures table analysis to derive futures images providing views for possible futures. Based on this, three futures images were pictured: “Pioneering-generalist” describing a strong, self-directed individual and a project-driven society; “Experimentalist” based on creativity, playfulness, and experimentation and “Techno-utopist” leaning on the unlimited technological resources and the integration of technology and human.Tulevaisuuksien hahmotteluun on olemassa useita vaihtoehtoja, näkökulmia ja esittämistapoja. Näissä kaikissa on kysymys muutoksesta: minkälainen muutos meitä odottaa ja miten se saavutetaan. Muutoksen ymmärtämisessä asiaa lähestytään usein heikkojen signaalien ja aiempien kehityskaarien valossa, mutta muutosta voi ennakoida myös konkretian kautta: kokeilemalla ja tekemällä asioita, jotka kumpuavat omista tavoitteista ja missiosta. Näin ollen tulevaisuutta ei pyritä niinkään ymmärtämään vaan siihen suunnataan suoraviivaisesti tekemisen kautta. Ilmiöiden yleistyminen seuraa yleisesti kehityskaarta, jonka alkupäässä ovat henkilöt, pioneerit, jotka luovat kyseiset asiat tai ottavat ne aivan ensimmäisenä käyttöön. Nämä edelläkävijät ottavat siis ensimmäisen askeleen mahdollisessa muutoksessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on valottaa tulevaisuutta nimenomaan pioneriteetin ja pioneerien näkökulmasta: mitkä ovat pioneerin ominaisuudet ja minkälaiset tulevaisuudet meitä voi heidän näkemystensä perusteella odottaa. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa perustuu henkilökohtaisiin teemallisiin syvähaastatteluihin. Aiheen kannalta olennainen tekijä on kohderyhmän rajaus. Tässä tutkimuksessa vastaajiksi valittiin 11 henkilöä, jotka on tunnistettu edelläkävijöiksi: he pyrkivät muutokseen ja tekevät aktiivisesti oman visionsa mukaisia kokeiluja. Tämän lisäksi kohderyhmä rajattiin koskemaan henkilöitä, joiden toimissa on mukana omavaraisuutta edistävä näkökulma. Haastatteluaineiston perusteella pystyttiin tunnistamaan 11 ominaisuutta, jotka kuvaavat pioneriteettiä ja edelläkävijämäistä toimintatapaa: 1) henkilökohtainen resilienssi; 2) verkosto ja karisma; 3) henkisyys ja metaforat; 4) kaikkien aistien käyttäminen; 5) täydellinen ajoitus; 6) suunnittelemattomuuden ihme; 7) antautuminen flow-tilalle; 8) lupa tehdä virheitä; 9) hallittu anarkia; 10) mahdottoman tekemisen mahdolliseksi ja 11) leikkisyys. Tunnistetuista kategorioista johdettiin tulevaisuustaulukkoanalyysin avulla tulevaisuuskuvia, jotka tuottavat näkymiä mahdollisiin tulevaisuuksiin. Tältä pohjalta avautuu näkymä kolmeen tulevaisuuskuvaan: vahvan, itseohjautuvan yksilön ja projektiluonteisesti toimivan yhteiskunnan ”Pioneriteetti-yleisosaaja”; luovuuteen, leikkisyyteen ja kokeiluihin nojaava ”Kokeilija” ja rajattomiin teknologisiin resursseihin ja teknologian ja ihmisen sulautumiseen perustuva ”Teknologia-utopisti”

    Effecting Data Quality Through Data Governance: a Case Study in the Financial Services Industry

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    One of the most significant challenges faced by senior management today is implementing a data governance program to ensure that data is an asset to an organization\u27s mission. New legislation aligned with continual regulatory oversight, increasing data volume growth, and the desire to improve data quality for decision making are driving forces behind data governance initiatives. Data governance involves reshaping existing processes and the way people view data along with the information technology required to create a consistent, secure and defined processes for handling the quality of an organization\u27s data. In examining attempts to move towards making data an asset in organizations, the term data governance helps to conceptualize the break with existing ad hoc, siloed and improper data management practices. This research considers a case study of large financial services company to examine data governance policies and procedures. It seeks to bring some information to bare on the drivers of data governance, the processes to ensure data quality, the technologies and people involved to aid in the processes as well as the use of data governance in decision making. This research also addresses some core questions surrounding data governance, such as the viability of a golden source record, ownership and responsibilities for data, and the optimum placement of a data governance department. The findings will provide a model for financial services companies hoping to take the initial steps towards better data quality and ultimately a data governance capability

    NASA CORE: Central Operation of Resources for Educators-Educational Materials Catalog

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    The NASA Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE), established in cooperation with Lorain County Joint Vocational School, serves as the worldwide distribution center for NASA-produced educational materials. For a minimal charge, CORE will provide a valuable service to educators unable to visit one of the NASA Educator Resource Centers by making NASA educational audiovisual materials available through its mail order service. Through CORE's distribution network, the public has access to more than 200 videocassette, slide, and CD-ROM programs, chronicling NASA!s state-of-the-art research and technology. Through the use of these curriculum supplement materials, teachers can provide their students with the latest in aerospace information. NASAs educational materials on aeronautics and space provide a springboard for classroom discussion of life science, physical science, astronomy, energy, Earth resources, environment, mathematics, and career education

    Supporting the Work of Lesser Geniuses: An Argument for Removing Obstructions to Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

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