355,310 research outputs found

    Towards versatile access networks (Chapter 3)

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    Compared to its previous generations, the 5th generation (5G) cellular network features an additional type of densification, i.e., a large number of active antennas per access point (AP) can be deployed. This technique is known as massive multipleinput multiple-output (mMIMO) [1]. Meanwhile, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) evolution, e.g., in channel state information (CSI) enhancement, and also on the study of a larger number of orthogonal demodulation reference signal (DMRS) ports for MU-MIMO, was one of the Release 18 of 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP Rel-18) work item. This release (3GPP Rel-18) package approval, in the fourth quarter of 2021, marked the start of the 5G Advanced evolution in 3GPP. The other items in 3GPP Rel-18 are to study and add functionality in the areas of network energy savings, coverage, mobility support, multicast broadcast services, and positionin

    Towards an understanding of occupational therapy professional practice knowledge in mental health services

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    This study critiqued historical, philosophical and political factors influencing occupational therapy (OT) professional practice knowledge in the context of public mental health services located in Victoria, Australia. The research was situated within the interpretive paradigm of scientific inquiry, using a hermeneutic process to construct and interpret five texts portraying the evolution of OT in mental health services. A series of conversations with key occupational therapists yielded material for further critical interpretation. Ethical approval was received from the Human Ethics Committee, University of Sydney. The first constructed and interpreted text situated early mental health services within the unique background of Australian convict settlements, 1788 - 1868. OT emerged within institutional environments echoing this past. The second and third texts interpreted OT professional literature, presenting a timeline of practice within mental health services. Occupational therapists implemented their craft-based practice within the psychiatric institutions of the 1940s and 1950s. Through the next two decades, occupational therapists made efforts to align practice with medical paradigms of knowledge before returning to occupation as a core of practice knowledge in later decades. Following closure of institutions during the 1990s, occupational therapists were challenged by relocation of services to community-based, multidisciplinary environments. The fourth text portrayed an interpretation of four transitions of practice, reflecting challenges influencing professional practice knowledge through five decades of practice. The final text interpreted six strands of professional practice knowledge, representing unifying threads woven through these decades. The study concluded that OT had a quiet, yet consistent role within mental health services in Victoria. Gender, changing social views and practice environments were significant influences on the evolution of occupation as a core of practice. The study adds to deeper understanding of the importance of practice knowledge for the development of the profession in complex socio-political environments

    Consent Verification Under Evolving Privacy Policies

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    Security and VO management capabilities in a large-scale Grid operating system

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    This paper presents a number of security and VO management capabilities in a large-scale distributed Grid operating system. The capabilities formed the basis of the design and implementation of a number of security and VO management services in the system. The main aim of the paper is to provide some idea of the various functionality cases that need to be considered when designing similar large-scale systems in the future

    Experimentation in securities market structure and regulation in China: from state to market

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    A key feature of the socialist market economy in China is the development of securities markets so as to facilitate entrepreneurship. With the national securities market now well established attention has shifted to the development of lower tier markets that may be able to meet the financing needs of smaller scale enterprises. In this article we examine how the concept of experimentation has been applied to the process of developing such markets and the regulatory framework in which they operate. We begin with a survey and critique of the policy and regulatory framework within which lower-tier markets have evolved. We argue that experimentation has been important in China but that it operates in a unique way as a result of the institutional structure in which securities markets are located. We then focus more specifically on the regulatory framework for lower tier markets and present two case studies focused on the establishment and operation of two local equity exchanges in a single province (LiaoNing). While this evidence supports our view on the significance of experimentation it also highlights the problems associated with developing lower-tier securities markets within the current policy framework

    Case Notes

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    Constitutional Law- Freedom of Speech- Dismissal of Public School Teacher for Symbolic Expression of Political Opinion in the Classroom Held Unconstitutional. This case note discusses the first amendment issue in James v. Board of Education, 461 F.2d 566 (2d Cir. 1972), and the extent to which schools may limit a teacher\u27s freedom of expression in the classroom. The note reviews the various tests used to analyze freedom of expression in general and then analyzes case law in the school context to infer that a court may permit state or local governments to control classroom expression when a teacher uses his or her captive audience, an unbalanced presentation of information, or the threat of sanctions to teach his or her political views to the students. Environmental Law- Rivers and Harbors Appropriations Act- Private Persons May Not Sue Qui Tam Without Explicit Legislative Grant of Permission For Citizen Suits. This case note explores the attempts to use qui tam actions as a private right of action to enforce compliance with anti-pollution laws such as the Refuse Act by evaluating Action Now, Inc. v. Roberts Plating Co., 457 F.2d 81 (2d Cir. 1972), and other related cases. It then analyzes the impact of the amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act on the availability of private rights of action and the Refuse Act of 1899 and suggests a need for further legislative reform to ensure adherence to environmental standards and involve citizens in the process. Landlord-Tenant Law- Summary Proceedings to Oust- Tenant Has No Seventh Amendment Right to Jury Trial When Counter-claiming for Breach of Implied Warranty of Habitability. This case note evaluates Pernell v. Southall Realty, 294 A.2d 490 (D.C. Ct. App. 1972), denying the right to a jury trial for breach of warranty of habitability actions. The Plaintiff argued, inter alia, that the action was the common law action for ejectment and should therefore afford the right to a jury. This note reviews the history of the seventh amendment right to a jury trial for common law actions and its evolution from English common law, arguing that viewing United States common law as the English common law of 1791 is contrary to the purpose of the seventh amendment despite the court\u27s justification for excluding the warranty of habitability under the theory of waiver. Welfare Law- Retroactivity of Benefits- Federal Court-Ordered State Retroactive Payments of Federally-Supported Public Assistance Funds (AABD and AFDC) Precluded by Economic Realities of Welfare Program Goals and Eleventh Amendment. This case note analyzes the Rothstein v. Wyman, 467 F.2d 226 (2d Cir. 1972), case challenging the New York Social Services Law providing for welfare payments to New York City recipients at a higher rate than set for residents of other New York counties. Recognizing the Supreme Court\u27s nonaction in the area of retroactive welfare payments, the court denyed retroactive welfare payments on the basis of public policy and eleventh amendment concerns. Zoning Law- Growth Restrictions- Town Ordinance Conditioning Approval of Residential Subdivision Plan on the Availability of Necessary Municipal Services Held Valid. This case note analyzes Golden v. Planning Board, 30 N.Y.2d 359 (1972), upholding the town of Ramapo\u27s amendment to its zoning policy. The note discusses the methods of zoning available in New York of district zoning and submission and approval of town plats to a town planning board before permits allowing subdivision development will be approved in conjunction with relevant case law regarding zoning ordinances. It also addresses the impact of zoning ordinances on communities and open questions remaining after the Golden case

    Web Services: A Process Algebra Approach

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    It is now well-admitted that formal methods are helpful for many issues raised in the Web service area. In this paper we present a framework for the design and verification of WSs using process algebras and their tools. We define a two-way mapping between abstract specifications written using these calculi and executable Web services written in BPEL4WS. Several choices are available: design and correct errors in BPEL4WS, using process algebra verification tools, or design and correct in process algebra and automatically obtaining the corresponding BPEL4WS code. The approaches can be combined. Process algebra are not useful only for temporal logic verification: we remark the use of simulation/bisimulation both for verification and for the hierarchical refinement design method. It is worth noting that our approach allows the use of any process algebra depending on the needs of the user at different levels (expressiveness, existence of reasoning tools, user expertise)

    The history of WiMAX: a complete survey of the evolution in certification and standarization for IEEE 802.16 and WiMAX

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    Most researchers are familiar with the technical features of WiMAX technology but the evolution that WiMAX went through, in terms of standardization and certification, is missing and unknown to most people. Knowledge of this historical process would however aid to understand how WiMAX has become the widespread technology that it is today. Furthermore, it would give insight in the steps to undertake for anyone aiming at introducing a new wireless technology on a worldwide scale. Therefore, this article presents a survey on all relevant activities that took place within three important organizations: the 802.16 Working Group of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) for technology development and standardization, the WiMAX Forum for product certification and the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) for international recognition. An elaborated and comprehensive overview of all those activities is given, which reveals the importance of the willingness to innovate and to continuously incorporate new ideas in the IEEE standardization process and the importance of the WiMAX Forum certification label granting process to ensure interoperability. We also emphasize the steps that were taken in cooperating with the ITU to improve the international esteem of the technology. Finally, a WiMAX trend analysis is made. We showed how industry interest has fluctuated over time and quantified the evolution in WiMAX product certification and deployments. It is shown that most interest went to the 2.5 GHz and 3.5GHz frequencies, that most deployments are in geographic regions with a lot of developing countries and that the highest people coverage is achieved in Asia Pacific. This elaborated description of all standardization and certification activities, from the very start up to now, will make the reader comprehend how past and future steps are taken in the development process of new WiMAX features
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