269 research outputs found

    Modeling and analysis of semiconductor manufacturing processes using petri nets

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    This thesis addresses the issues in modeling and analysis of multichip module (MCM) manufacturing processes using Petri nets. Building such graphical and mathematical models is a crucial step to understand MCM technologies and to enhance their application scope. In this thesis, the application of Petri nets is presented with top-down and bottom-up approaches. The theory of Petri nets is summarized with its basic notations and properties at first. After that, the capability of calculating and analyzing Petri nets with deterministic timing information is extended to meet the requirements of the MCM models. Then, using top-down refining and system decomposition, MCM models are built from an abstract point to concrete systems with timing information. In this process, reduction theory based on a multiple-input-single-output modules for deterministic Petri nets is applied to analyze the cycle time of Petri net models. Besides, this thesis is of significance in its use of the reduction theory which is derived for timed marked graphs - an important class of Petri nets

    A coarse granular approach to software development allowing non-programmers to build and deploy reliable, web based applications

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    Today's software development is mainly performed by IT experts. The application expert participates only in a light way in the software development process: traditionally, he is only involved within the requirements analysis and the acceptance test. He has no influence on the software development. The result of the loose integration of the application expert are long delivery times. This is due to the fact that IT experts are a rare resource and that misunderstandings lead to fallbacks within the software development cycle. This thesis presents a component-based software development process for Web-based applications and its concrete application within the ETI project which directly integrates the application expert into the software development on his level of understanding. Based on a set of building blocks modeling activities of the application domain, the application expert can specify the workflows the application has to implement. Afterwards, the actual application is automatically generated and packaged. During the design of the workflows the application expert is guided by formal methods which guarantee the consistency of the application at the workflow level

    Language-Driven Engineering An Interdisciplinary Software Development Paradigm

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    We illustrate how purpose-specific, graphical modeling enables application experts with different levels of expertise to collaboratively design and then produce complex applications using their individual, purpose-specific modeling language. Our illustration includes seven graphical Integrated Modeling Environments (IMEs) that support full code generation, as well as four browser-based applications that were modeled and then fully automatically generated and produced using DIME, our most complex graphical IME. While the seven IMEs were chosen to illustrate the types of languages we support with our Language-Driven Engineering (LDE) approach, the four DIME products were chosen to give an impression of the power of our LDE-generated IMEs. In fact, Equinocs, Springer Nature's future editorial system for proceedings, is also being fully automatically generated and then deployed at their Dordrecht site using a deployment pipeline generated with Rig, one of the IMEs presented. Our technology is open source and the products presented are currently in use.Comment: 43 pages, 30 figure

    jETI: ein serviceorientiertes framework zur high level Ausführung von Remote-Komponenten

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    Mit dem massiven Aufkommen an geschäftlichem Datenaustausch in Zeiten voranschreitender Globalisierung, dem Erfolg des Community getriebenen Web 2.0 und dem expliziten Wandel hin zur serviceorientierten Denkweise insbesondere im Kontext komplexer Geschäftsprozesse wird vor allem deutlich, dass wachsender Bedarf an einer offenen, standardisierten Technologie zur Vernetzung, Ausführung und Bereitstellung von Diensten und Prozessen besteht. Um diesen Bedarf zu decken, bestehende Probleme zu lösen und neue Aspekte der Ausführung vernetzter Dienste zu erkennen soll in dieser Arbeit eine ganzheitliche Experimentierplattform zur serviceorientierten Orchestrierung, insbesondere von verteilt agierenden Komponenten vorgestellt werden. Nutzer sollen dabei in die Lage versetzt werden, Funktionalitäten auf eine möglichst einfache Art und Weise ausprobieren, benutzen und anbieten zu können. Im Kern soll hier der Teilbereich einer integrierten Umgebung beleuchtet werden, welche die Verifikation und Handhabung von standardisierten Remote Service Komponenten als auch die Anbindung heterogener, proprietärer Dienste von Drittanbietern unterstützt. Die vorgelegte Arbeit umfasst dabei vor allem die Konzeption und Realisierung einer ganzheitlichen Service-Integrationsplattform, welche es nicht ausschließlich, aber insbesondere Domänenexperten ermöglichen soll, Funktionalitäten verteilt und effizient anbieten und nutzen zu können, was anhand komplexer und divergenter Fallstudien aus verschiedenen Fachrichtungen belegt wird. Zum Testen und evaluieren komplexer Technologien soll dabei zusätzlich eine integrierte Testumgebung dienen. Aktuelle Technologien des Semantic Web vervollständigen letztendlich das Einsatzgebiet in puncto automatischer Modellierung und Verifikation sowie dynamischer Suche von adäquat dedizierten Diensten

    Heavy meta: model-driven domain-specific generation of generative domain-specific modeling tools

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    Software is so prevalent in all areas of life that one could expect we have come up with more simple and intuitive ways for its creation by now. However, software development is still too complicated to easily and efficiently cope with individual demands, customizations, and changes. Model-based approaches promise improvements through a more comprehensible layer of abstraction, but they are rarely fully embraced in practice. They are perceived as being overly complex, imposing additional work, and lacking the flexibility required in the real world. This thesis presents a novel approach to model-driven software engineering that focuses on simplicity through highly specialized tools. Domain experts are provided with development tools tailored to their individual needs, where they can easily specify the intent of the software using their known terms and concepts. This domain specificity (D) is a powerful mechanism to boil down the effort of defining a system to relevant aspects only. Many concepts are set upfront, which imposes a huge potential for automated generation. However, the full potential of domain-specific models can only unfold, if they are used as primary artifacts of development. The presented approach thus combines domain specificity with full generation (F) to achieve an overall pushbutton generation that does not require any round-trip engineering. Furthermore, service orientation (S) introduces a ‘just use’ philosophy of including arbitrarily complex functionality without needing to know their implementation, which also restores flexibility potentially sacrificed by the domain focus. The unique combination of these three DFS properties facilitates a focused, efficient, and flexible simplicity-driven way of software development. Key to the approach is a holistic solution that in particular also covers the simplicity-driven development of the required highly specialized DFS tools, as nothing would be gained if the costs of developing such tools outweighed the resulting benefits. This simplicity is achieved by applying the very same DFS concepts to the domain of tool development itself: DFS modeling tools are fully generated from models and services specialized to the (meta) domain of modeling tools. The presented Cinco meta tooling suite is a first implementation of such a meta DFS tool. It focuses on the generation of graphical modeling tools for graph structures comprising of various types of nodes and edges. Cinco has been very successfully applied to numerous industrial and academic projects, and thus also serves as a proof of concept for the DFS approach itself. The unique combination of the three DFS strategies and Cinco's meta-level approach towards their realization in practice lay the foundation for a new paradigm of software development that is strongly focused on simplicity

    Software Perfomance Assessment at Architectural Level: A Methodology and its Application

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    Las arquitecturas software son una valiosa herramienta para la evaluación de las propiedades cualitativas y cuantitativas de los sistemas en sus primeras fases de desarrollo. Conseguir el diseño adecuado es crítico para asegurar la bondad de dichas propiedades. Tomar decisiones tempranas equivocadas puede implicar considerables y costosos cambios en un futuro. Dichas decisiones afectarían a muchas propiedades del sistema, tales como su rendimiento, seguridad, fiabilidad o facilidad de mantenimiento. Desde el punto de vista del rendimiento software, la ingeniería del rendimiento del software (SPE) es una disciplina de investigación madura y comúnmente aceptada que propone una evaluación basada en modelos en las primeras fases del ciclo de vida de desarrollo software. Un problema en este campo de investigación es que las metodologías hasta ahora propuestas no ofrecen una interpretación de los resultados obtenidos durante el análisis del rendimiento, ni utilizan dichos resultados para proponer alternativas para la mejora de la propia arquitectura software. Hasta la fecha, esta interpretación y mejora requiere de la experiencia y pericia de los ingenieros software, en especial de expertos en ingeniería de prestaciones. Además, a pesar del gran número de propuestas para evaluar el rendimiento de sistemas software, muy pocos de estos estudios teóricos son posteriormente aplicados a sistemas software reales. El objetivo de esta tesis es presentar una metodología para el asesoramiento de decisiones arquitecturales para la mejora, desde el punto de vista de las prestaciones, de las sistemas software. La metodología hace uso del Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (UML) para representar las arquitecturas software y de métodos formales, concretamente redes de Petri, como modelo de prestaciones. El asesoramiento, basado en patrones y antipatrones, intenta detectar los principales problemas que afectan a las prestaciones del sistema y propone posibles mejoras para mejoras dichas prestaciones. Como primer paso, estudiamos y analizamos los resultados del rendimiento de diferentes estilos arquitectónicos. A continuación, sistematizamos los conocimientos previamente obtenidos para proponer una metodología y comprobamos su aplicabilidad asesorando un caso de estudio real, una arquitectura de interoperabilidad para adaptar interfaces a personas con discapacidad conforme a sus capacidades y preferencias. Finalmente, se presenta una herramienta para la evaluación del rendimiento como un producto derivado del propio ciclo de vida software

    Software development process mining: discovery, conformance checking and enhancement

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    Context. Modern software projects require the proper allocation of human, technical and financial resources. Very often, project managers make decisions supported only by their personal experience, intuition or simply by mirroring activities performed by others in similar contexts. Most attempts to avoid such practices use models based on lines of code, cyclomatic complexity or effort estimators, thus commonly supported by software repositories which are known to contain several flaws. Objective. Demonstrate the usefulness of process data and mining methods to enhance the software development practices, by assessing efficiency and unveil unknown process insights, thus contributing to the creation of novel models within the software development analytics realm. Method. We mined the development process fragments of multiple developers in three different scenarios by collecting Integrated Development Environment (IDE) events during their development sessions. Furthermore, we used process and text mining to discovery developers’ workflows and their fingerprints, respectively. Results. We discovered and modeled with good quality developers’ processes during programming sessions based on events extracted from their IDEs. We unveiled insights from coding practices in distinct refactoring tasks, built accurate software complexity forecast models based only on process metrics and setup a method for characterizing coherently developers’ behaviors. The latter may ultimately lead to the creation of a catalog of software development process smells. Conclusions. Our approach is agnostic to programming languages, geographic location or development practices, making it suitable for challenging contexts such as in modern global software development projects using either traditional IDEs or sophisticated low/no code platforms.Contexto. Projetos de software modernos requerem a correta alocação de recursos humanos, técnicos e financeiros. Frequentemente, os gestores de projeto tomam decisões suportadas apenas na sua própria experiência, intuição ou simplesmente espelhando atividades executadas por terceiros em contextos similares. As tentativas para evitar tais práticas baseiam-se em modelos que usam linhas de código, a complexidade ciclomática ou em estimativas de esforço, sendo estes tradicionalmente suportados por repositórios de software conhecidos por conterem várias limitações. Objetivo. Demonstrar a utilidade dos dados de processo e respetivos métodos de análise na melhoria das práticas de desenvolvimento de software, colocando o foco na análise da eficiência e revelando aspetos dos processos até então desconhecidos, contribuindo para a criação de novos modelos no contexto de análises avançadas para o desenvolvimento de software. Método. Explorámos os fragmentos de processo de vários programadores em três cenários diferentes, recolhendo eventos durante as suas sessões de desenvolvimento no IDE. Adicionalmente, usámos métodos de descoberta e análise de processos e texto no sentido de modelar o fluxo de trabalho dos programadores e as suas características individuais, respetivamente. Resultados. Descobrimos e modelámos com boa qualidade os processos dos programadores durante as suas sessões de trabalho, usando eventos provenientes dos seus IDEs. Revelámos factos desconhecidos sobre práticas de refabricação, construímos modelos de previsão da complexidade ciclomática usando apenas métricas de processo e criámos um método para caracterizar coerentemente os comportamentos dos programadores. Este último, pode levar à criação de um catálogo de boas/más práticas no processo de desenvolvimento de software. Conclusões. A nossa abordagem é agnóstica em termos de linguagens de programação, localização geográfica ou prática de desenvolvimento, tornando-a aplicável em contextos complexos tal como em projetos modernos de desenvolvimento global que utilizam tanto os IDEs tradicionais como as atuais e sofisticadas plataformas "low/no code"

    Sixth Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools Aarhus, Denmark, October 24-26, 2005

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, October 24-26, 2005. The workshop is organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The papers are also available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop0
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