720 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Consumption Experience of Mobile Device: A Study from Experiential View

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    Among the large number of studies on adoption of mobile commerce, the major research perspective is the utilitarian factors. In this study, we interpreted consumers’ consumption experience of handphones from an experiential view of the intervening response system which focuses on hedonic factors of customers. We studied the following research questions. First, whether hedonic factors (e.g. subjective norms) and utilitarian factors (e.g. convenience), are positively related to emotional factors. Second, whether emotional factors are positively related to customers’ consumption experience of mobile device. A survey study was conducted to collect data from 293 mobile phone users. The results of this research implied that hedonic factors performed a positive effect on the consumption experience, while the utilitarian factors had a negative effect on the consumption experience of consumers

    An Empirical Study of Behavioral Factors Influencing Text Messaging Intention

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    This manuscript provides a comprehensive review of many of the behavioral factors associated with the use of technology and tests their applicability to text messaging. The theories explored included End User Computer Satisfaction, Theory of Reasoned Action, Diffusion of Innovation, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Technology Acceptance Model. In addition, Positive and Negative Emotion factors were developed and tested to examine their influence on text messaging behavioral intention. Several statistical processes were utilized to develop and confirm the factors. The results of the study suggest that no one model can fully explain texting behavior but several factors did have a significant influence on intention at p \u3c .05. These factors were Attitude, Compatibility, Ease of Use, Satisfaction, and Visibility. These factors can serve as areas that practitioners and researchers can focus on to improve text messaging intention and obtain the significant benefits of this technology

    What drives consumers to patronise a hedonic social network? an empirical test of consumers' experiences, and their impact on continuance intention

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    My doctoral research focuses on the analysis of the various factors that potentially contribute to loyalty towards hedonic social networks. Among all the social networks, our study focuses on Facebook. After reviewing the relevant literature, we built a model including factors in three different categories: user experience (flow, interactivity and presence), social influence (subjective norms) and users' personality (OSL and attitude). With all the forgoing factors, we built a model containing the relationships between the constructs proposed, and its role in the construction of loyalty. The model has been validated and empirically analysed with a field research. For that purpose, we took a 371 valid records sample. The model was analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). The empirical study yielded a positive relationship between the following constructs: interactivity with social and spatial presence, flow, attitude and loyalty; spatial presence with flow and social presence; social presence with loyalty; flow with attitude; subjective norms with loyalty; and attitude with loyalty.Esta tesis doctoral se enfoca en identificar y analizar los factores que puedan contribuir a la formación de lealtad hacia el uso de las redes sociales hedónicas. Entre todas las redes sociales, nuestro estudio se ha enfocado en Facebook. Después de revisar la literatura relevante, construimos un modelo que incluía factores relacionados de tres categorías distintas: la experiencia de uso (flujo, presencia e interactividad), la influencia social (normas subjetivas) y la personalidad del usuario (actitud y OSL). Con todo ello hemos construido un modelo que recoge las relaciones entre los constructos propuestos, y su papel dentro de la construcción de la lealtad. El modelo ha sido validado y contrastado empíricamente con una investigación de campo. Para ello se ha tomado una muestra de 371 registros. El modelo fue analizado utilizando una metodología de modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). El estudio empírico arrojó una influencia positiva entre los siguientes constructos: interactividad con presencia social y espacial, con flujo, actitud y lealtad; presencia espacial con flujo y presencia espacial; presencia social con lealtad; flujo con actitud; normas subjetivas con lealtad; y actitud con lealtad.Aquesta tesi doctoral s'enfoca en identificar i analitzar els factors que puguin contribuir a la formació de lleialtat cap a l'ús de les xarxes socials hedòniques. Entre totes les xarxes socials hedòniques, el nostre estudi s'ha enfocat a Facebook. Després de revisar la literatura rellevant, vam construir un model que incloïa factors relacionats de tres categories diferents: l'experiència d'ús (flux, interactivitat i presència), la influència social (normes subjectives) i la personalitat de l'usuari (actitud y OSL). Amb tot això hem construït un model que recull les relacions entre els constructes proposats, i el seu paper dins de la construcció de la lleialtat. El model ha estat validat i contrastat empíricament amb una investigació de camp. Per això s'ha obtingut una mostra de 371 registres. El model va ser analitzat utilitzant una metodologia de modelatge d'equacions estructurals (SEM). Aquest contrast va permetre mostrar una influència positiva entre els següents constructes: interactivitat amb presència social i espacial, amb flux, actitud i lleialtat; presència espacial amb flux i presència espacial; presència social amb lleialtat; flux amb actitud; normes subjectives amb lleialtat; i actitud amb lleialtat.Societat de la informació i el coneixemen

    Does Gender Play A Role In Text Messaging?

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    This purpose of this research was to study the effect of gender on text messaging (SMS). A comprehensive survey was developed to explore various aspects of text messaging usage. The survey included factors from the Theory of Reasoned Action, Technology Acceptance Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, End User Computer Satisfaction, Expectation/Confirmation Theory, and Diffusion of Innovation. Overall, there was very little statistical difference based on gender with the exception of emotions. All of the positive emotions were higher for females than males. In other words, females were more pleased, satisfied, contented, and delighted with their text messaging experience

    Music listening in everyday life: Devices, selection methods, and digital technology

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    Two studies considered whether psychological variables could predict everyday music listening practices more than those demographic and technology-related variables studied predominantly hitherto. Study 1 focused on music-listening devices, while Study 2 focused on music selection strategies (e.g. playlists). Study 1 indicated the existence of a one-dimensional identity based on music technology. Further, psychological variables (such as innovativeness and self-efficacy) predicted whether individuals possess such an identity. Moreover, while psychological variables predicted whether individuals preferred ‘familiarized’ advantages inherent to listening devices, a preference for ‘progressive’ advantages was predicted by technological behaviors. Study 2 supported the first study in terms of identity, and demonstrated that a different pattern of variables predicted playlist listening from listening to music via shuffle. More generally, the findings suggest the utility of applying constructs from consumer psychology to everyday music-listening behaviors

    Understanding consumer behavior in an evolving context: from single channel to omnichannel use

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    La presente tesis doctoral tiene como principal objetivo avanzar en el conocimiento del comportamiento del consumidor en el actual contexto, caracterizado por el uso de múltiples canales durante todo el proceso de decisión de compra. Dicho objetivo general se desagrega en cuatro objetivos específicos que, a partir de cuatro investigaciones independientes, buscan entender desde diferentes enfoques teóricos y empíricos dicha cuestión. Para testar empíricamente las propuestas realizadas en cada una de las investigaciones, la tesis se sirve principalmente dos metodologías de investigación, la encuesta y el diseño experimental. Las cuatro investigaciones ofrecen resultados que enriquecen la literatura del comportamiento del consumidor. Los hallazgos de esta tesis doctoral también se traducen en distintas implicaciones para las empresas en el actual contexto cambiante. Particularmente, los resultados ayudan a los profesionales del marketing a adoptar estrategias útiles tanto en el contexto de compra móvil como en el contexto de compra omnicanal

    Online Exploration: Browsing Behavior and Website Feature Preferences

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    This exploratory study examines the novel variable of cross-category online browse range (the variety of product categories browsed online by a consumer) and its relationship to general website feature preferences. Utilizing data collected through an online survey, the results are based on a final sample of 313 respondents from the United States, 287 of whom were University students, and 26 of whom were contacts of the research team. The general nature of cross-category online browse range was examined using simple correlation, MANOVA, and ANOVA. Results indicate that the variable is normally distributed throughout the sample population and positively associated with time spent online purchasing, time spent online browsing, online shopping intention (purchasing, browsing, and searching), and Domain Specific Innovativeness. Though cross-category online browse range is weakly related to the amount of hours spent online in general, it was not found to be significantly related to any of the demographic variables tested, or to Internet experience. A discriminant analysis revealed that consumers in the discrete cross-category online browse range groups (low, medium, high) differed in their preference for a variety of hedonically-oriented website features, the majority of which composed a function representing online exploration. Results from this study provide support for the idea that the individual difference of cross-category online browse range may reflect manifestations of several interrelated concepts, including exploratory shopping behavior, hedonic shopping motivation, and consumer innovativeness. In addition, this study illustrates the importance of accounting for individual differences in consumers\u27 online navigation habits and highlights the potential that exists in collecting meaningful cross-category clickstream data. For practitioners in particular, the results provide insights into how one can structure a shopping website to appeal to those consumers most likely to seek out new retail websi

    Online Exploration: Browsing Behavior and Website Feature Preferences

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    This exploratory study examines the novel variable of cross-category online browse range (the variety of product categories browsed online by a consumer) and its relationship to general website feature preferences. Utilizing data collected through an online survey, the results are based on a final sample of 313 respondents from the United States, 287 of whom were University students, and 26 of whom were contacts of the research team. The general nature of cross-category online browse range was examined using simple correlation, MANOVA, and ANOVA. Results indicate that the variable is normally distributed throughout the sample population and positively associated with time spent online purchasing, time spent online browsing, online shopping intention (purchasing, browsing, and searching), and Domain Specific Innovativeness. Though cross-category online browse range is weakly related to the amount of hours spent online in general, it was not found to be significantly related to any of the demographic variables tested, or to Internet experience. A discriminant analysis revealed that consumers in the discrete cross-category online browse range groups (low, medium, high) differed in their preference for a variety of hedonically-oriented website features, the majority of which composed a function representing online exploration. Results from this study provide support for the idea that the individual difference of cross-category online browse range may reflect manifestations of several interrelated concepts, including exploratory shopping behavior, hedonic shopping motivation, and consumer innovativeness. In addition, this study illustrates the importance of accounting for individual differences in consumers\u27 online navigation habits and highlights the potential that exists in collecting meaningful cross-category clickstream data. For practitioners in particular, the results provide insights into how one can structure a shopping website to appeal to those consumers most likely to seek out new retail websi

    Music-related activities on Facebook

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    Despite the current prevalence of users performing musical activities on social media, and on Facebook in particular, little research has examined these behaviors from the perspective of consumer psychology. A cross-sectional, convenience sample of 400 participants (Mage = 22.56, SDage = 7.79) completed an online questionnaire. The findings illustrated that the constructs of opinion leadership, innovativeness, and self-efficacy within the consumer psychology literature were associated with performing music-related activities on Facebook, including the active creation/consumption of music content and use of music listening applications. Thus, music activities performed on Facebook have an overt consumer psychological component. These findings indicate that to understand music-related activities on social media, further research should consider psychological variables in explaining this common and economically important activity

    Perceived mobile interactivity influence on usability and mobile marketing acceptance in the informal hair-care business

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Strategic Marketing 2016The African hair-care business has become a multibillion-dollar industry, stretching from India to china attracting global retailers such as Unilever and L’Oréal. The African hair-care market will continue to grow, especially in the informal sector where it is said to employ about 1.5 people per business on permanent basis. In order for small businesses’ performance to improve in emerging markets, especially in the informal sector, improving their marketing skills is quite essential. Mobile marketing is cost effective and can be utilised to benefit both marketing practitioners and consumers. This is imperative in the informal hair-care industry, where businesses generally lack financial resources and therefore do not have a budget to spend on marketing and advertising. The mobile phone therefore becomes an important marketing channel to reach customers and increase profitability in informal hair-care businesses, yet there has not been much academic research conducted on this and little is known about the factors that might influence mobile marketing acceptance. The purpose of this study is therefore to bridge the gap by investigating perceived mobile interactivity influence on usability and mobile marketing acceptance in the informal hair-care industry in South Africa. A quantitative study was conducted using a sample of 312 informal hair-care business operators in the Johannesburg area. Given the nature of the informal sector, a nonprobability sampling method, known as convenience sampling, was used for data collection. For analysing and interpreting data, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach was utilised. The study findings indicate that perceived interactivity dimensions (control, responsiveness and nonverbal information) have a positive effect on mobile phone usability and lead to mobile marketing acceptance. However, the findings showed a negative relation between perceived personalisation and mobile phone usability. This study aims to contribute to mobile marketing literature, be of benefit to Small, Medium and Micro-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) policy makers and add value to the field of marketing. Key words: perceived control, perceived responsiveness, nonverbal information, perceived personalisation, mobile phone usability, mobile marketing acceptanceGR201
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