13 research outputs found

    Real valued negative selection for anomaly detection in wireless ad hoc networks

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    Wireless ad hoc network is one of the network technologies that have gained lots of attention from computer scientists for the future telecommunication applications. However it has inherits the major vulnerabilities from its ancestor (i.e., the fixed wired networks) but cannot inherit all the conventional intrusion detection capabilities due to its features and characteristics. Wireless ad hoc network has the potential to become the de facto standard for future wireless networking because of its open medium and dynamic features. Non-infrastructure network such as wireless ad hoc networks are expected to become an important part of 4G architecture in the future. In this paper, we study the use of an Artificial Immune System (AIS) as anomaly detector in a wireless ad hoc network. The main goal of our research is to build a system that can learn and detect new and unknown attacks. To achieve our goal, we studied how the real-valued negative selection algorithm can be applied in wireless ad hoc network network and finally we proposed the enhancements to real-valued negative selection algorithm for anomaly detection in wireless ad hoc network

    Построение диагностических моделей для бинарных данных на основе отрицательного отбора

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    Проведен анализ методов отрицательного отбора на основе искусственных иммунных систем, пригодных для построения диагностических моделей, работающих с бинарными данными. Проанализированы бинарные метрики, используемые в отрицательном отборе. Предложена модификация метода отрицательного отбора с цензурированием, позволяющая повысить скорость генерации набора детекторов и обеспечивающая при этом высокую точность диагностирования.Проведено аналіз методів негативного відбору на основі штучних імунних систем, що придатні для побудови діагностичних моделей, які працюють з бінарними даними. Проаналізовано бінарні метрики, що використовуються в негативному відборі. Запропоновано модифікацію методу негативного відбору із цензуруванням, яка дозволяє підвищити швидкість генерації набору детекторів і забезпечує при цьому високу точність діагностування.Negative selection methods suitable for the synthesis of diagnostic models for binary data are analyzed. Binary matching rules used in the negative selection are investigated. A modified negative selection method with censoring is proposed. It allows to increase detector generation speed and provide high accuracy of the diagnostics

    Recognizing Patterns of Music Signals to Songs Classification Using Modified AIS-Based Classifier

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    Human capabilities of recognizing different type of music and grouping them into categories of genre are so remarkable that experts in music can perform such classification using their hearing senses and logical judgment. For decades now, the scientific community were involved in research to automate the human process of recognizing genre of songs. These efforts would normally imitate the human method of recognizing the music by considering every essential component of the songs from artist voice, melody of the music through to the type of instruments used. As a result, various approaches or mechanisms are introduced and developed to automate the classification process. The results of these studies so far have been remarkable yet can still be improved. The aim of this research is to investigate Artificial Immune System (AIS) domain by focusing on the modified AIS-based classifier to solve this problem where the focuses are the censoring and monitoring modules. In this highlight, stages of music recognition are emphasized where feature extraction, feature selection, and feature classification processes are explained. Comparison of performances between proposed classifier and WEKA application is discussed

    Content-based feature selection for music genre classification

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    The most important aspect that one should consider in a content-based analysis study is the feature that represents the information. In music analysis one should know the details of the music contents that can be used to differentiate the songs. The selection of features to represent each music genre is an important step to identify, label, and classify the songs according to the genres. This research investigates, analyzes, and select timbre, rhythm, and pitch-based features to classify music genres. The features that were extracted from the songs consist the singer's voice, the instruments and the melody. The feature selection process focuses on the supervised and unsupervised methods with the reason to select significant generalized and specialized music features. Besides the selection process, two modules of Negative Selection Algorithm; censoring and monitoring are highlighted as well in this work. We then proposed the Modified AIS-based classification algorithm to solve the music genre classification problem. The results from our experiments demonstrate that the features selection process contributes to the proposed modified AIS-based music genre classification performs significantly in classifying the music genres

    An intelligent fault diagnosis method using variable weight artificial immune recognizers (V-AIR)

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    The Artificial Immune Recognition System (AIRS), which has been proved to be a successful classification method in the field of Artificial Immune Systems, has been used in many classification problems and gained good classification effect. However, the network inhibition mechanisms used in these methods are based on the threshold inhibition and the cells with low affinity will be deleted directly from the network, which will misrepresent the key features of the data set for not considering the density information within the data. In this paper, we utilize the concept of data potential field and propose a new weight optimizing network inhibition algorithm called variable weight artificial immune recognizer (V-AIR) where we replace the network inhibiting mechanism based on affinity with the inhibiting mechanism based on weight optimizing. The concept of data potential field was also used to describe the data distribution around training samples and the pattern of a training data belongs to the class with the largest potential field. At last, we used this algorithm to rolling bearing analog fault diagnosis and reciprocating compressor valves fault diagnosis, which get a good classification effect

    Bio-Inspired Generalized Global Shape Approach for Writer Identification

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    Abstract—Writer identification is one of the areas in pattern recognition that attract many researchers to work in, particularly in forensic and biometric application, where the writing style can be used as biometric features for authenticating an identity. The challenging task in writer identification is the extraction of unique features, in which the individualistic of such handwriting styles can be adopted into bio-inspired generalized global shape for writer identification. In this paper, the feasibility of generalized global shape concept of complimentary binding in Artificial Immune System (AIS) for writer identification is explored. An experiment based on the proposed framework has been conducted to proof the validity and feasibility of the proposed approach for off-line writer identification

    A Bio-Inspired Music Genre Classification Framework using Modified AIS-Based Classifier

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    For decades now, scientific community are involved in various works to automate the human process of recognizing different types of music using different elements for example different instruments used. These efforts would imitate the human method of recognizing the music by considering every essential component of the songs from artist voice, melody of the music through to the type of instruments used. Various approaches or mechanisms are introduced and developed to automate the classification process since then. The results of these studies so far have been remarkable yet can still be improved. The aim of this research is to investigate Artificial Immune System (AIS) domain by focusing on the modified AIS-based classifier to solve this problem where the focuses are the censoring and monitoring modules. In this highlight, stages of music recognition are emphasized where feature extraction, feature selection, and feature classification processes are explained. Comparison of performances between proposed classifier and WEKA application is discussed. Almost 20 to 30 percent of classification accuracies are increased in this study

    Application of the feature-detection rule to the negative selection algorithm

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    The Negative Selection Algorithm developed by Forrest et al. was inspired by the way in which T-cell lymphocytes mature within the thymus before being released into the blood system. The mature T-cell lymphocytes exhibit an interesting characteristic, in that they are only activated by non-self cells that invade the human body. The Negative Selection Algorithm utilises an affinity matching function to ascertain whether the affinity between a newly generated (NSA) T-cell lymphocyte and a self-cell is less than a particular threshold; that is, whether the T-cell lymphocyte is activated by the self-cell. T-cell lymphocytes not activated by self-sells become mature T-cell lymphocytes. A new affinity matching function termed the feature-detection rule is introduced in this paper. The feature-detection rule utilises the interrelationship between both adjacent and non-adjacent features of a particular problem domain to determine whether an antigen is activated by an artificial lymphocyte. The performance of the featuredetection rule is contrasted with traditional affinity matching functions, currently employed within Negative Selection Algorithms, most notably the r-chunks rule (which subsumes the r-contiguous bits rule) and the hamming distance rule. This paper shows that the feature-detection rule greatly improves the detection rates and false alarm rates exhibited by the NSA (utilising the r-chunks and hamming distance rule) in addition to refuting the way in which permutation masks are currently being applied in artificial immune systems.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/esw

    Survey of negative selection algorithms

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    对否定选择算法进行了综述,首先回顾了否定选择算法的产生与发展;接着按照不同技术标准对其进行分类,并列举否定选择算法的实际应用情况;最后讨论了该算法所存在的问题以及未来的发展方向。A review of NS was given.Firstly,the basic principle of negative selection algorithm and its history were introduced.Secondly,various negative selection algorithms were grouped into different categories by different criteria and the application of NS was described.Besides,some open problems in the development of NS algorithms were presented and analyzed.Finally,a discussion of future trends was conclued.国家自然科学基金资助项目(61272310); 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2010J01342); 中央高校基本科研业务费基金资助项目~

    An Evolutionary Algorithm to Generate Ellipsoid Detectors for Negative Selection

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    Negative selection is a process from the biological immune system that can be applied to two-class (self and nonself) classification problems. Negative selection uses only one class (self) for training, which results in detectors for the other class (nonself). This paradigm is especially useful for problems in which only one class is available for training, such as network intrusion detection. Previous work has investigated hyper-rectangles and hyper-spheres as geometric detectors. This work proposes ellipsoids as geometric detectors. First, the author establishes a mathematical model for ellipsoids. He develops an algorithm to generate ellipsoids by training on only one class of data. Ellipsoid mutation operators, an objective function, and a convergence technique are described for the evolutionary algorithm that generates ellipsoid detectors. Testing on several data sets validates this approach by showing that the algorithm generates good ellipsoid detectors. Against artificial data sets, the detectors generated by the algorithm match more than 90% of nonself data with no false alarms. Against a subset of data from the 1999 DARPA MIT intrusion detection data, the ellipsoids generated by the algorithm detected approximately 98% of nonself (intrusions) with an approximate 0% false alarm rate