252 research outputs found

    Evasiveness and the Distribution of Prime Numbers

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    We confirm the eventual evasiveness of several classes of monotone graph properties under widely accepted number theoretic hypotheses. In particular we show that Chowla's conjecture on Dirichlet primes implies that (a) for any graph HH, "forbidden subgraph HH" is eventually evasive and (b) all nontrivial monotone properties of graphs with ≤n3/2−ϵ\le n^{3/2-\epsilon} edges are eventually evasive. (nn is the number of vertices.) While Chowla's conjecture is not known to follow from the Extended Riemann Hypothesis (ERH, the Riemann Hypothesis for Dirichlet's LL functions), we show (b) with the bound O(n5/4−ϵ)O(n^{5/4-\epsilon}) under ERH. We also prove unconditional results: (a′') for any graph HH, the query complexity of "forbidden subgraph HH" is (n2)−O(1)\binom{n}{2} - O(1); (b′') for some constant c>0c>0, all nontrivial monotone properties of graphs with ≤cnlog⁡n+O(1)\le cn\log n+O(1) edges are eventually evasive. Even these weaker, unconditional results rely on deep results from number theory such as Vinogradov's theorem on the Goldbach conjecture. Our technical contribution consists in connecting the topological framework of Kahn, Saks, and Sturtevant (1984), as further developed by Chakrabarti, Khot, and Shi (2002), with a deeper analysis of the orbital structure of permutation groups and their connection to the distribution of prime numbers. Our unconditional results include stronger versions and generalizations of some result of Chakrabarti et al.Comment: 12 pages (conference version for STACS 2010

    Bounds on the diameter of Cayley graphs of the symmetric group

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    In this paper we are concerned with the conjecture that, for any set of generators S of the symmetric group of degree n, the word length in terms of S of every permutation is bounded above by a polynomial of n. We prove this conjecture for sets of generators containing a permutation fixing at least 37% of the points.Comment: 17 pages, 6 table

    Affine Symmetries of Orbit Polytopes

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    An orbit polytope is the convex hull of an orbit under a finite group G≤GL⁡(d,R)G \leq \operatorname{GL}(d,\mathbb{R}). We develop a general theory of possible affine symmetry groups of orbit polytopes. For every group, we define an open and dense set of generic points such that the orbit polytopes of generic points have conjugated affine symmetry groups. We prove that the symmetry group of a generic orbit polytope is again GG if GG is itself the affine symmetry group of some orbit polytope, or if GG is absolutely irreducible. On the other hand, we describe some general cases where the affine symmetry group grows. We apply our theory to representation polytopes (the convex hull of a finite matrix group) and show that their affine symmetries can be computed effectively from a certain character. We use this to construct counterexamples to a conjecture of Baumeister et~al.\ on permutation polytopes [Advances in Math. 222 (2009), 431--452, Conjecture~5.4].Comment: v2: Referee comments implemented, last section updated. Numbering of results changed only in Sections 9 and 10. v3: Some typos corrected. Final version as published. 36 pages, 5 figures (TikZ

    Most primitive groups are full automorphism groups of edge-transitive hypergraphs

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    We prove that, for a primitive permutation group G acting on a set of size n, other than the alternating group, the probability that Aut(X,Y^G) = G for a random subset Y of X, tends to 1 as n tends to infinity. So the property of the title holds for all primitive groups except the alternating groups and finitely many others. This answers a question of M. Klin. Moreover, we give an upper bound n^{1/2+\epsilon} for the minimum size of the edges in such a hypergraph. This is essentially best possible.Comment: To appear in special issue of Journal of Algebra in memory of Akos Seres

    Automorphisms of Cayley graphs on generalised dicyclic groups

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    A graph is called a GRR if its automorphism group acts regularly on its vertex-set. Such a graph is necessarily a Cayley graph. Godsil has shown that there are only two infinite families of finite groups that do not admit GRRs : abelian groups and generalised dicyclic groups. Indeed, any Cayley graph on such a group admits specific additional graph automorphisms that depend only on the group. Recently, Dobson and the last two authors showed that almost all Cayley graphs on abelian groups admit no automorphisms other than these obvious necessary ones. In this paper, we prove the analogous result for Cayley graphs on the remaining family of exceptional groups: generalised dicyclic groups.Comment: 18 page
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