16 research outputs found

    Input significance analysis: feature ranking through synaptic weights manipulation for ANNS-based classifiers

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    Due to the ANNs architecture, the ISA methods that can manipulate synaptic weights selectedare Connection Weights (CW) and Garson’s Algorithm (GA). The ANNs-based classifiers thatcan provide such manipulation are Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Evolving Fuzzy NeuralNetworks (EFuNNs). The goals for this work are firstly to identify which of the twoclassifiers works best with the filtered/ranked data, secondly is to test the FR method by usinga selected dataset taken from the UCI Machine Learning Repository and in an onlineenvironment and lastly to attest the FR results by using another selected dataset taken fromthe same source and in the same environment. There are three groups of experimentsconducted to accomplish these goals. The results are promising when FR is applied, someefficiency and accuracy are noticeable compared to the original data.Keywords: artificial neural networks, input significance analysis; feature selection; featureranking; connection weights; Garson’s algorithm; multi-layer perceptron; evolving fuzzyneural networks

    Input significance analysis: feature selection through synaptic weights manipulation for EFuNNs classifier

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    This work is interested in ISA methods that can manipulate synaptic weights namelyConnection Weights (CW) and Garson’s Algorithm (GA) and the classifier selected isEvolving Fuzzy Neural Networks (EFuNNs). Firstly, it test FS method on a dataset selectedfrom the UCI Machine Learning Repository and executed in an online environment, recordthe results and compared with the results that used original and ranked data from the previouswork. This is to identify whether FS can contribute to improved results and which of the ISAmethods mentioned above that work well with FS, i.e. give the best results. Secondly, to attestthe FS results by using a differently selected dataset taken from the same source and in thesame environment. The results are promising when FS is applied, some efficiency andaccuracy are noticeable compared to the original and ranked data.Keywords: feature selection; feature ranking; input significance analysis; evolvingconnectionist systems; evolving fuzzy neural network; connection weights; Garson’salgorithm

    Um modelo de rede neuro-fuzzy baseada em funçþes de base radial capaz de inferir regras do tipo Mamdani

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2015.Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um novo sistema de inferência neuro-fuzzy, chamado RBFuzzy, capaz de extrair conhecimento a partir de dados e gerar regras fuzzy do tipo Mamdani com alta interpretabilidade. A RBFuzzy Ê um sistema de inferência neuro-fuzzy que aproveita o comportamento funcional de neurônios ativados por Funçþes de Base Radial (RBF) e sua relação com sistemas de inferência fuzzy. A arquitetura da rede RBFuzzy permite extrair um conjunto de regras linguísticas a partir da estrutura conexionista e dos pesos ajustados de uma rede neural. Uma extensão do algoritmo da otimização da colônia de formigas (ACO, do inglês ant colony optimization algorithm) Ê utilizada para ajustar os pesos de cada regra para gerar um conjunto de regras fuzzy acurado e interpretåvel. Tendo um conjunto de regras fuzzy um especialista pode adicionar regras novas para incorporar conhecimento novo ao modelo de previsão gerado e tambÊm corrigir regras que foram geradas por dados imprecisos.Abstract : This work presents a novel neuro-fuzzy inference system, called RBFuzzy, capable of knowledge extraction and generation of highly interpretable Mamdani-type fuzzy rules. RBFuzzy is a four layer neuro-fuzzy inference system that takes advantage of the functional behavior of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neurons and their relationship with fuzzy inference systems. Inputs are combined in the RBF neurons to compound the antecedents of fuzzy rules. The fuzzy rules consequents are determined by the third layer neurons where each neuron represents a Mamdani-type fuzzy output variable in the form of a linguistic term. The last layer weights each fuzzy rule and generates the crisp output. An extension of the ant-colony optimization (ACO) algorithm is used to adjust the weights of each rule in order to generate an accurate and interpretable fuzzy rule set. For benchmarking purposes some experiments with classic datasets were carried out to compare our proposal with the EFuNN neuro-fuzzy model. The RBFuzzy was also applied in a real world oil well-log database to model and forecast the Rate of Penetration (ROP) of a drill bit for a given oshore well drilling section. The obtained results show that our model can reach the same level of accuracy with fewer rules when compared to the EFuNN, which facilitates understandingthe operation of the system by a human expert

    Analysis of the macroeconomic development of European and Asia-Pacific countries with the use of connectionist models

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    Please note that this is a searchable PDF derived via optical character recognition (OCR) from the original source document. As the OCR process is never 100% perfect, there may be some discrepancies between the document image and the underlying text.The paper applies novel techniques for on-line, adaptive learning of macroeconomic data and a consecutive analysis and prediction. The evolving connectionist system paradigm (ECOS) is used in its two versions—unsupervised (evolving self-organised maps), and supervised (evolving fuzzy neural networks—EFuNN). In addition to these techniques self-organised maps (SOM) are also employed for finding clusters of countries based on their macroeconomic parameters. EFuNNs allow for modelling, clustering, prediction and rule extraction. The rules that describe future annual values for the consumer price index (CPI), interest rate, unemployment and GDP per capita are extracted from data and reported in the paper for both global—EU-Asia block of countries, and for smaller groups—EU, EU-candidate countries, Asia-Pacific countries. The analysis and prediction models proof to be useful tools for the analysis of trends in macroeconomic development of clusters of countries and their future prediction.Unpublished1. Kasabov, N. (1998) “The ECOS Framework and the ECO Learning Method for Evolving Connectionist Systems”, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, 2(6), 1-8. 2. Kohonen, T. (1997) Self-organizing Maps, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1997. 3. Deng, D. and Kasabov, N. (1999) ESOM: An Algorithm to Evolve Self-Organizing Maps from Online Data Streams, Proc. of IJCNN’200, VI:38, Como, Italy, July 2000. 4. Kasabov, N. (1998) “Evolving Fuzzy Neural Networks - Algorithms, Applications and Biological Motivation”, in: in: Yamakawa and Matsumoto (Eds.), Methodologies for the Conception, Design and Application of Scientific Computing, World Scientific, 271-274. 5 N. Kasabov, L. Erzegovesi, M.Fedrizzi, A. Beber, D. Deng: Hybrid intelligent decision support systems and applications for risk analysis and discovery of evolving economic clusters in Europe, in: Future Directions for Intelligent Systems and Information Sciences, N.Kasabov (ed), 2000, Springer Verlag (Physica Verlag)

    Analysis of the macroeconomic development of European and Asia-Pacific countries with the use of connectionist models

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    Please note that this is a searchable PDF derived via optical character recognition (OCR) from the original source document. As the OCR process is never 100% perfect, there may be some discrepancies between the document image and the underlying text.The paper applies novel techniques for on-line, adaptive learning of macroeconomic data and a consecutive analysis and prediction. The evolving connectionist system paradigm (ECOS) is used in its two versions—unsupervised (evolving self-organised maps), and supervised (evolving fuzzy neural networks—EFuNN). In addition to these techniques self-organised maps (SOM) are also employed for finding clusters of countries based on their macroeconomic parameters. EFuNNs allow for modelling, clustering, prediction and rule extraction. The rules that describe future annual values for the consumer price index (CPI), interest rate, unemployment and GDP per capita are extracted from data and reported in the paper for both global—EU-Asia block of countries, and for smaller groups—EU, EU-candidate countries, Asia-Pacific countries. The analysis and prediction models proof to be useful tools for the analysis of trends in macroeconomic development of clusters of countries and their future prediction.Unpublished1. Kasabov, N. (1998) “The ECOS Framework and the ECO Learning Method for Evolving Connectionist Systems”, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, 2(6), 1-8. 2. Kohonen, T. (1997) Self-organizing Maps, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1997. 3. Deng, D. and Kasabov, N. (1999) ESOM: An Algorithm to Evolve Self-Organizing Maps from Online Data Streams, Proc. of IJCNN’200, VI:38, Como, Italy, July 2000. 4. Kasabov, N. (1998) “Evolving Fuzzy Neural Networks - Algorithms, Applications and Biological Motivation”, in: in: Yamakawa and Matsumoto (Eds.), Methodologies for the Conception, Design and Application of Scientific Computing, World Scientific, 271-274. 5 N. Kasabov, L. Erzegovesi, M.Fedrizzi, A. Beber, D. Deng: Hybrid intelligent decision support systems and applications for risk analysis and discovery of evolving economic clusters in Europe, in: Future Directions for Intelligent Systems and Information Sciences, N.Kasabov (ed), 2000, Springer Verlag (Physica Verlag)

    Evolving self-organizing maps for on-line learning, data analysis and modelling

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    In real world information systems, data analysis and processing are usually needed to be done in an on-line, self-adaptive way. In this respect, neural algorithms of incremental learning and constructive network models are of increased interest. In this paper we present a new algorithm of evolving self-organizing map (ESOM), which features fast one-pass learning, dynamic network structure, and good visualisation ability. Simulations have been carried out on some benchmark data sets for classification and prediction tasks, as well as on some macroeconomic data for data analysis. Compared with other methods, ESOM achieved better classification with much shorter learning time. Its performance for time series modelling is also comparable, requiring more hidden units but with only one-pass learning. Our results demonstrate that ESOM is an effective computational model for on-line learning, data analysis and modelling.UnpublishedBezdek J.C., Pal N.R. 1995. A note on self-organizing semantic maps. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 6(5):1029-1036. Blackmore J., and Miikkulainen R. 1993. Incremental Grid Growing: Encoding High-Dimensional Structure into a Two-Dimensional Feature Map, Proc. ICNN’93, Int. Conf. on Neural Networks, Vol. I, 450-455, IEEE Service Center. Bruske, J., and Sommer G. 1995. Dynamic cell structure learns perfectly topology preserving map. Neural Comp., 7, 845-865. Deboeck, G. 1999. Investment maps for emerging markets. Neuro-fuzzy techniques for intelligent information systems (N.Kasabov and R.Kozma Eds.). Physica Verlag, 373-395. Fritzke, B. 1991. Unsupervised clustering with growing cell structures. Proc. IJCNN 91, 531-536. Fritzke, B. 1994. Growing cell structures - a self-organizing network for unsupervised and supervised learning. Neural Networks, 7, 1441-1460. Fritzke, B. 1995. A growing neural gas network learns topologies, in Advances in neural information processing Systems , D. Touretzky, T.K. Keen eds., pp.625-632, Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Heinke, D., and Hamker, F.H. 1998. Comparing neural networks: a benchmark on growing neural gas, growing cell structures, and fuzzy ARTMAP. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 9, 1279- 1291. Heskes, T.M., and Kappen B. 1991. Learning processes in neural networks. Physical Review A, 44, 2718-2726. Kadirkamanathan, V., Niranjan, M. 1993. A function estimation approach to sequential learning with neural networks, Neural Comp., 5, 954-975. Kasabov, N. 1998a. The ECOS framework and the ECO learning method for evolving connectionist systems. Jour. of Advanced Computational Intelligence, 2, 1-8. Kasabov, N. 1998b. Evolving fuzzy neural networks - algorithms, applications and biological moti- vation. in: Yamakawa and Matsumoto (Eds.) Methodologies for the Conception, Design, and Application of Soft Computing, World Scientific, 271-274. Kasabov, N., Erzegoveri, L. et. al. 2000. Hybrid intelligent decision support systems and applications for risk analysis and prediction of evolving economic clusters in Europe. To appear in N.Kasabov (ed), Future Directions for Intelligent Systems and Information Sciences, Physica Verlag (Springer Verlag). Kaski, S. 1997. Data exploration using self-organizing maps. Mathematics, Computing and Management in Engineering Series No. 82, Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica. Kohonen T. 1982. Self-organizing formation of topologically correct feature maps, Biological Cybernetics, v. 43, 59-69. Kohonen, T., Hynninen, J., Kangas, J. et al. 1996. LVQ PAK: The learning vector quantization program package, Report A30, Laboratory of Computer and Information Science, Helsinki University of Technology. Kohonen, T. 1997. Self-Organizing Maps, second edition, Springer. Lawrence, S., and Giles, C.L. 1998. Searching the world wide web, Science, Apr. 3, 1998, pp.98-100. Mao J., and Jain, A.K. 1995. Artificial neural networks for feature extraction and multivariate data projection. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 6, 296-317. MacQueen, J. 1967. Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariate observations, Proc. 5th Berkeley Symp. on Mathematics, L.M. LeCam and J. Neyman eds., pp.281-297. Martinetz T.M., Berkovich S.G. and Schulten K.J. 1993. “Neural-Gas” network for vector quantization and its application to time-series prediction. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 4, 558-569. Meyering, A. and Ritter H. 1992. Learning 3d-shape-perception with local linear maps, in Proc. of IJCNN 92, pp.IV:432-436, Baltimore. Mulier, F. and Cherkassky, V. 1995. Self-organization as an interative kernel smoothing process, Neural Comp., 7, 1165-1177. Nowlan, S.J. 1990. Maximum likelihood competitive learning, in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2, D. Touretzky ed., pp.574-582, New York: Morgan Kauffman. Platt, J. 1991. A resource-allocating network for function interpolation. Neural Comp., 3, 213-225. Ritter H., Kohonen T. 1989. Self-organizing semantic maps, Biological Cybernetics, 61, 241-254. Robinson A.J. 1989. Dynamic error propagation networks. Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge University. Rosipal R., Koska M., and Farkas, I. 1998. Prediction of chaotic time-series with a resource-allocating RBF network. Neural Processing Letters, 7, 185-197. Sammon, Jr., J. 1969. A non-linear mapping for data structure analysis. IEEE Trans. on Comput- ers, 18, 401-09. Serrano-Cinca, C. 1996. Self organizing neural networks for financial diagnosis. Decision Support Systems, 17, 227-38. Schaal, S., & Atkeson, C.G. 1998. Constructive incremental learning from only local information. Neural Comp., 10, 2047-2084. Vesanto, J. 1997. Using the SOM and local models in time-series prediction. Proc. of WSOM’97, pp.209-214. Helsinki University of Technology, Neural Networks Research Centre, Finland

    Evolving fuzzy neural networks for on-line knowledge discovery

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    Fuzzy neural networks are connectionist systems that facilitate learning from data, reasoning over fuzzy rules, rule insertion, rule extraction, and rule adaptation. The concept evolving fuzzy neural networks (EFuNNs), with respective algorithms for learning, aggregation, rule insertion, rule extraction, is further developed here and applied for on-line knowledge discovery on both prediction and classification tasks. EFuNNs operate in an on-line mode and learn incrementally through locally tuned elements. They grow as data arrive, and regularly shrink through pruning of nodes, or through node aggregation. The aggregation procedure is functionally equivalent to knowledge abstraction. The features of EFuNNs are illustrated on two real-world application problems---one from macroeconomics and another from Bioinformatics. EFuNNs are suitable for fast learning of on-line incoming data (e.g., financial and economic time series, biological process control), adaptive learning of speech and video data, incremental learning and knowledge discovery from growing databases (e.g. in Bioinformatics), on-line tracing of processes over time, life-long learning. The paper includes also a short review of the most common types of rules used in the knowledge-based neural networks for knowledge discovery and data mining.Unpublished1. Alpaydin, E. “GAL: networks that grow when they learn and shrink when they forget”, TR 91-032, Int.Computer Sci. Inst., Berkeley, CA (1991). 2. Amari, S. and Kasabov, N. eds, Brain-like computing and intelligent information systems, Springer Verlag (1997). 3. Andrews, R., J. Diederich, A.B.Tickle, "A Survey and Critique of Techniques for Extracting Rules from Trained Artificial Neural Networks", Knowledge-Based Systems, 8, 373–389 (1995). 4. Arbib, M (ed.) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, The MIT Press (1995) 5. Berenji, H., Khedkar, P. “Learning and tuning fuzzy logic controllers through. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 3, 724–740 (1992) 6. Carpenter, G. and Grossberg, S., Pattern recognition by self-organizing neural networks , The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1991) 7. Carpenter, G.A., Grossberg, S., Markuzon, N., Reynolds, J.H., Rosen, D.B., FuzzyARTMAP: A neural network architecture for incremental supervised learning of analog multi-dimensional maps, IEEE Transactions of Neural Networks , vol.3, No.5, 698–713, (1991) 8. DeGaris, H. , Circuits of Production Rule - GenNets – The genetic programming of nervous systems, in: Albrecht, R., Reeves, C. and N. Steele (eds) Artifical Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Springer Verlag (1993) 9. Duch, W., and Diercksen, G. “Feature Space Mapping as a universal adaptive system”, Computer Physics Communication, 87 (1995) 341–371 10. Edelman, G., Neuronal Darwinism: The theory of neuronal group selection, Basic Books (1992). 11. Encarnacao, L.M., and Gross, M.H. “An adaptive classification scheme to approximate decision boundaries using local Bayes criterias – Melting Octree Networks, Rep.92-047, Int.Computer Sci. Inst., Berkeley, CA (1992). 12. Fahlman, C .,and C. Lebiere, "The Cascade-Correlation Learning Architecture", in: Turetzky, D (ed) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol.2, Morgan Kaufmann, 524–532 (1990). 13. Freeman, J.A.S., Saad, D., On-line learning in radial basis function networks, Neural Computation, vol. 9, No.7 (1997) 14. Fritzke, B. “Vector quantization with growing and splitting elastic net”, in: ICANN’93: Proc. of the Intern.Conf. on artificial neural networks, Amsterdam, (1993) 15. Fritzke, B., A growing neural gas network learns topologies, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol.7 (1995) 16.Golub, T.R., et al. Molecular Classification of Cancer: Class Discovery and Class Prediction by Gene Expression Monitoring, Science 286: 531-7, 1999 17. Goodman, R.M., C.M. Higgins, J.W. Miller, P.Smyth, "Rule-based neural networks for classification and probability estimation", Neural Computation, 14, 781–804 (1992) 18. Hashiyama, T., Furuhashi, T., Uchikawa, Y. “A Decision Making Model Using a Fuzzy Neural Network”, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks, Iizuka, Japan, 1057–1060, (1992). 19.Hassibi and Stork, “Second order derivatives for network pruning: Optimal Brain Surgeon”, in: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 4, 164–171, (1992). 20. Heskes, T.M., Kappen, B., “On-line learning processes in artificial neural networks”, in: Math. foundations of neural networks, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 199–233, (1993). 21. Ishikawa, M. "Structural Learning with Forgetting", Neural Networks 9, 501–521, (1996). 22.Jang, R. ANFIS: adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system, IEEE Trans. on Syst.,Man, Cybernetics, 23(3), May/June 1993, 665–685, (1993). 23. Kasabov, N. and M. Watts, “Spatio-temporal evolving fuzzy neural networks and their applications for on-line, adaptive phoneme recognition”, TR 99/03, Department of Information Science, University of Otago, New Zealand 24.Kasabov, N. Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering, The MIT Press, CA, MA(1996). 25. Kasabov, N., "Adaptable connectionist production systems”. Neurocomputing, 13 (2-4) 95–117 (1996). 26. Kasabov, N., "Investigating the adaptation and forgetting in fuzzy neural networks by using the method of training and zeroing", Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks ICNN'96, Plenary, Panel and Special Sessions volume, 118–123 (1996). 27. Kasabov, N., "Learning fuzzy rules and approximate reasoning in fuzzy neural networks and hybrid systems", Fuzzy Sets and Systems 82 (2) 2–20 (1996). 28. Kasabov, N., “ECOS: A framework for evolving connectionist systems and the eco learning paradigm”, Proc. of ICONIP'98, Kitakyushu, Oct. 1998, IOS Press, 1222–1235 29.Kasabov, N., “The ECOS framework and the ECO learning method for evolving connectionist systems, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, 2(6) 195–202 (1998) 30. Kasabov, N. Adaptive learning system and method, Patent Reg.No.503882, New Zealand (2000) 31.Kasabov, N., Evolving Fuzzy Neural Networks—Algorithms, Applications and Biological Motivation, in Proc. of Iizuka'98, Iizuka, Japan, Oct.1998, World Sci., 271– 274 (1998) 32. Kasabov, N., Kim J S, Watts, M., Gray, A., “FuNN/2—A Fuzzy Neural Network Architecture for Adaptive Learning and Knowledge Acquisition”, Information Sciences — Applications, 101(3–4): 155–175 (1997). 33. Kater, S.B., Mattson, N.P., Cohan, C. and Connor, J., “Calcium regulation of the neuronal cone growth”, Trends in Neuroscience, 11, 315–321(1988). 34.Kim, J. and Kasabov, N. “HyFIS: Adaptive hybrid connectionist fuzzy inference systems”, TR 99/05, Department of Information Science, University of Otago, New Zealand 35. Kohonen, T. The Self-Organizing Map. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.78, N-9, pp.1464–1497, (1990). 36. Kohonen, T.,. Self-Organizing Maps, second edition, Springer Verlag, 1997. 37. Kozma, R. and N.Kasabov, “Rules of chaotic behaviour extracted from the fuzzy neural network FuNN”, Proc. of the WCCI’98 FUZZ-IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Anchorage, May (1998). 38. Krogh, A. and Hertz, J.A., “A simple weight decay can improve generalisation. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems”, 4, 951–957, (1992) 39. Le Cun, Y., J.S. Denker and S.A. Solla, “Optimal Brain Damage”, in: D.S. Touretzky, ed., Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Morgan Kaufmann, 2, 598–605 (1990). 40. Lin, C.T. and C.S. G. Lee, Neuro Fuzzy Systems, Prentice Hall (1996). 41. Miller, D.,J.Zurada and J.H. Lilly, "Pruning via Dynamic Adaptation of the Forgetting Rate in Structural Learning," Proc. IEEE ICNN'96, Vol.1, p.448 (1996). 42. Mitchell, M.T. Machine Learning, MacGraw-Hill (1997) 43. Mitchell, Melanie, An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1996). 44. Mozer. M, and Smolensky, P., “A technique for trimming the fat from a network via relevance assessment”, in: D.Touretzky (ed) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol.2, Morgan Kaufmann, 598–605 (1989). 45.Quartz, S.R., and Sejnowski, T.J., “The neural basis of cognitive development: a constructivist manifesto”, Behavioral and Brain Science, to appear 46. Reed, R., “Pruning algorithms — a survey”, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 4 (5) 740–747, (1993). 47. Sankar, A. and R.J. Mammone, “Growing and Pruning Neural Tree Networks”, IEEE Trans. Comput. 42(3), 291–299, (1993). 48. Schiffman, W., Joost, M. and Werner. R., “Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Construction of Topologies for Multilayer Perceptrons”, In: Albrecht, R.F., Reeves, C. R., Steele, N. C. (Eds.), Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, Springer-Verlag Wien, New York (1993) 49. Sun, R. “A connectionist model for commonsense reasoning incorporating rules and similarities”, in: Knowledge Acquisitions, Academic Press, Cambridge (1992) 50. Towel, G., J. Shavlik, J. and M. Noordewier, "Refinement of approximate domain theories by knowledge-based neural networks", Proc. of the 8th National Conf. on Artificial Intelligence AAAI'90, Morgan Kaufmann, 861–866 (1990). 51. Vapnik, V. and Bottou, L. Neural Computation, 5 (1993) 893–909 52.Watts, M., and Kasabov, N. “Genetic algorithms for the design of fuzzy neural networks”, in Proc. of ICONIP'98, Kitakyushu, Oct. 1998, IOS Press, 793–795 (1998) 53. Wang, L.X., "Adaptive fuzzy systems and control, Prentice Hall, 1994 54. Woldrige, M. and Jennings, N., “Intelligent agents: Theory and practice”, The Knowledge Engineering review (10), 1995. 55. Yamakawa, T., H. Kusanagi, E. Uchino and T.Miki, "A new Effective Algorithm for Neo Fuzzy Neuron Model", in: Proceedings of Fifth IFSA World Congress, 1017–1020, (1993) 56. Zadeh, L. Fuzzy Sets, Information, and Control, vol.8, 338–353, (1965)

    Evolving fuzzy neural networks for on-line knowledge discovery

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    Fuzzy neural networks are connectionist systems that facilitate learning from data, reasoning over fuzzy rules, rule insertion, rule extraction, and rule adaptation. The concept evolving fuzzy neural networks (EFuNNs), with respective algorithms for learning, aggregation, rule insertion, rule extraction, is further developed here and applied for on-line knowledge discovery on both prediction and classification tasks. EFuNNs operate in an on-line mode and learn incrementally through locally tuned elements. They grow as data arrive, and regularly shrink through pruning of nodes, or through node aggregation. The aggregation procedure is functionally equivalent to knowledge abstraction. The features of EFuNNs are illustrated on two real-world application problems---one from macroeconomics and another from Bioinformatics. EFuNNs are suitable for fast learning of on-line incoming data (e.g., financial and economic time series, biological process control), adaptive learning of speech and video data, incremental learning and knowledge discovery from growing databases (e.g. in Bioinformatics), on-line tracing of processes over time, life-long learning. The paper includes also a short review of the most common types of rules used in the knowledge-based neural networks for knowledge discovery and data mining.Unpublished1. Alpaydin, E. “GAL: networks that grow when they learn and shrink when they forget”, TR 91-032, Int.Computer Sci. Inst., Berkeley, CA (1991). 2. Amari, S. and Kasabov, N. eds, Brain-like computing and intelligent information systems, Springer Verlag (1997). 3. Andrews, R., J. Diederich, A.B.Tickle, "A Survey and Critique of Techniques for Extracting Rules from Trained Artificial Neural Networks", Knowledge-Based Systems, 8, 373–389 (1995). 4. Arbib, M (ed.) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, The MIT Press (1995) 5. Berenji, H., Khedkar, P. “Learning and tuning fuzzy logic controllers through. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 3, 724–740 (1992) 6. Carpenter, G. and Grossberg, S., Pattern recognition by self-organizing neural networks , The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1991) 7. Carpenter, G.A., Grossberg, S., Markuzon, N., Reynolds, J.H., Rosen, D.B., FuzzyARTMAP: A neural network architecture for incremental supervised learning of analog multi-dimensional maps, IEEE Transactions of Neural Networks , vol.3, No.5, 698–713, (1991) 8. DeGaris, H. , Circuits of Production Rule - GenNets – The genetic programming of nervous systems, in: Albrecht, R., Reeves, C. and N. Steele (eds) Artifical Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Springer Verlag (1993) 9. Duch, W., and Diercksen, G. “Feature Space Mapping as a universal adaptive system”, Computer Physics Communication, 87 (1995) 341–371 10. Edelman, G., Neuronal Darwinism: The theory of neuronal group selection, Basic Books (1992). 11. Encarnacao, L.M., and Gross, M.H. “An adaptive classification scheme to approximate decision boundaries using local Bayes criterias – Melting Octree Networks, Rep.92-047, Int.Computer Sci. Inst., Berkeley, CA (1992). 12. Fahlman, C .,and C. Lebiere, "The Cascade-Correlation Learning Architecture", in: Turetzky, D (ed) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol.2, Morgan Kaufmann, 524–532 (1990). 13. Freeman, J.A.S., Saad, D., On-line learning in radial basis function networks, Neural Computation, vol. 9, No.7 (1997) 14. Fritzke, B. “Vector quantization with growing and splitting elastic net”, in: ICANN’93: Proc. of the Intern.Conf. on artificial neural networks, Amsterdam, (1993) 15. Fritzke, B., A growing neural gas network learns topologies, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol.7 (1995) 16.Golub, T.R., et al. Molecular Classification of Cancer: Class Discovery and Class Prediction by Gene Expression Monitoring, Science 286: 531-7, 1999 17. Goodman, R.M., C.M. Higgins, J.W. Miller, P.Smyth, "Rule-based neural networks for classification and probability estimation", Neural Computation, 14, 781–804 (1992) 18. Hashiyama, T., Furuhashi, T., Uchikawa, Y. “A Decision Making Model Using a Fuzzy Neural Network”, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks, Iizuka, Japan, 1057–1060, (1992). 19.Hassibi and Stork, “Second order derivatives for network pruning: Optimal Brain Surgeon”, in: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 4, 164–171, (1992). 20. Heskes, T.M., Kappen, B., “On-line learning processes in artificial neural networks”, in: Math. foundations of neural networks, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 199–233, (1993). 21. Ishikawa, M. "Structural Learning with Forgetting", Neural Networks 9, 501–521, (1996). 22.Jang, R. ANFIS: adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system, IEEE Trans. on Syst.,Man, Cybernetics, 23(3), May/June 1993, 665–685, (1993). 23. Kasabov, N. and M. Watts, “Spatio-temporal evolving fuzzy neural networks and their applications for on-line, adaptive phoneme recognition”, TR 99/03, Department of Information Science, University of Otago, New Zealand 24.Kasabov, N. Foundations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering, The MIT Press, CA, MA(1996). 25. Kasabov, N., "Adaptable connectionist production systems”. Neurocomputing, 13 (2-4) 95–117 (1996). 26. Kasabov, N., "Investigating the adaptation and forgetting in fuzzy neural networks by using the method of training and zeroing", Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks ICNN'96, Plenary, Panel and Special Sessions volume, 118–123 (1996). 27. Kasabov, N., "Learning fuzzy rules and approximate reasoning in fuzzy neural networks and hybrid systems", Fuzzy Sets and Systems 82 (2) 2–20 (1996). 28. 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    Spatial-temporal adaptation in evolving fuzzy neural networks for on-line adaptive phoneme recognition

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Both feature-based similarities and temporal dependencies, that are present in the input data, are learned and stored in the connections, and adjusted over time. This is an important requirement for the task of adaptive, speaker independent spoken language recognition, where new pronunciations and new accents need to be learned in an on-line, adaptive mode. Experiments with EFuNNs, and also with multi-layer perceptrons, and fuzzy neural networks (FuNNs), conducted on the whole set of New Zealand English phonemes, show the superiority and the potential of EFuNNs when used for the task. Spatial allocation of nodes and their aggregation in EFuNNs allow for similarity preserving and similarity observation within one phoneme data and across phonemes, while subtle temporal variations within one phoneme data can be learned and adjusted through temporal feedback connections. 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