1,083 research outputs found

    Model Checking Timed Automata pada proses Authentikasi Security Protocol Pada Jaringan Berbasis Nirkabel

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    ABSTRAKSI: Protokol authentikasi EAP MD5 dan EAP TLS adalah protokol keamanan yang masih sering dijumpai pengunaannya saat ini. Protokol Keamanan tersebut menggunakan proses authentikasi pada jaringan nirkabel dengan menggunakan IEEE 802.1x sebagai media transmisinya. Terdapat 3 komponen yang berperan pada IEEE 802.1x yaitu suplican , authenticator dan authentication server. Ketiga komponen inilah yang akan dimodelkan dengan menggunakan timed automata untuk melihat kondisi yang terjadi jika dilakukan serangan dengan menggunakan man in the middle attack dan dilakukan penambahan aspek waktu pada protokol tersebut. Salah satu bentuk pengecekan terhadap model adalah dengan menggunakan timed automata. Timed Automata adalah finate automata klasik yang dapat memanipulasi waktu, berkembang terus menerus dan mensinkonisasikan dengan waktu mutlak[2]. Tugas akhir ini mengkhususkan diri pada proses memodelkan protokol authentikasi EAP MD5 dan EAP TLS dengan menggunakan Timed Automata dengan menambahkan kemungkinan retransmisi berdasarkan aspek waktu. Setelah model selesai maka berikutnya dilakukan pengecekan terhadap model berdasarkan aturan yang ada apakah dapat berjalan sesuai dengan aturan tersebut. Dari hasil verfikasi model tersebut dengan menggunakan alat UPPAAL maka dapat dilihat bahwasannya protokol authentikasi EAP MD5 dan EAP TLS dapat dimodelkan dengan menggunakan timed automata dan sesuai dengan aturan yang terdapat pada RFC protokol tersebut.Kata Kunci : EAP MD5, EAP TLS, Timed Automata, UPPAALABSTRACT: Authentication protocols EAP MD5 and EAP TLS are security protocols that are still frequently encountered use today. This Security Protocol using the process of authentication on a wireless network using the IEEE 802.1x as the transmission medium. There are three components that use a role in the IEEE 802.1x are suplican, authenticator and authentication server. These three components will be modeled using timed automata to see the condition that occurs when an attack carried out by using the man in the middle attack and carried out additional aspects of the time in the protocol. One form of model checking is use timed automata. Timed automata are classic finate automata that can manipulate time, developing continuously and synchronously with the absolute time [2]. This final project focuses on the modeling process authentication protocols EAP MD5 and EAP TLS using Timed Automata with the added possibility of retransmission based on the aspect of time. Once completed, the next model to be checked against an existing model based on whether the rules can be run in accordance with these rules. From the results verify the model using UPPAAL tool, it can be seen authentication protocols EAP MD5 and EAP TLS can be modeled using timed automata, and in accordance with the rules contained in the RFC protocol.Keyword: EAP MD5, EAP TLS, Timed Automata, UPPAA

    Fast Authentication in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    The growing diffusion of wireless devices is leading to an increasing demand for mobility and security. At the same time, most applications can only tolerate short breaks in the data flow, so that it is a challenge to find out mobility and authentication methods able to cope with these constraints. This paper aims to propose an authentication scheme which significantly shortens the authentication latency and that can be deployed in a variety of wireless environments ranging from common Wireless LANs (WLANs) to satellite-based access networks

    IPv6 Network Mobility

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    Network Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting has been used since before the days of the Internet as we know it today. Authentication asks the question, “Who or what are you?” Authorization asks, “What are you allowed to do?” And fi nally, accounting wants to know, “What did you do?” These fundamental security building blocks are being used in expanded ways today. The fi rst part of this two-part series focused on the overall concepts of AAA, the elements involved in AAA communications, and highlevel approaches to achieving specifi c AAA goals. It was published in IPJ Volume 10, No. 1[0]. This second part of the series discusses the protocols involved, specifi c applications of AAA, and considerations for the future of AAA

    Compact extensible authentication protocol for the internet of things : enabling scalable and efficient security commissioning

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    Internet of Things security is one of the most challenging parts of the domain. Combining strong cryptography and lifelong security with highly constrained devices under conditions of limited energy consumption and no maintenance time is extremely difficult task. This paper presents an approach that combines authentication and bootstrapping protocol (TEPANOM) with Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) framework optimized for the IEEE 802.15.4 networks. The solution achieves significant reduction of network resource usage. Additionally, by application of EAP header compacting approach, further network usage savings have been reached. The EAP-TEPANOM solution has achieved substantial reduction of 42% in the number of transferred packets and 35% reduction of the transferred data. By application of EAP header compaction, it has been possible to achieve up to 80% smaller EAP header. That comprises further reduction of transferred data for 3.84% for the EAP-TEPANOM method and 10% for the EAP-TLS-ECDSA based methods. The results have placed the EAP-TEPANOM method as one of the most lightweight EAP methods from ones that have been tested throughout this research, making it feasible for large scale deployments scenarios of IoT

    Particularities of security design for wireless networks in small and medium business (SMB)

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    Small businesses often have small budgets, which often means no fulltime IT staff or no possibility to hire a security consultant to set up a wireless LAN properly. This paper tries to develop a methodology for designing security for wireless networks in SMB. There are more security options to choose from, when setting up a wireless network, thus the security features needed for a company must be carefully taken in consideration. The benefits from one security feature must be balanced with the implementation and maintenance cost and with the risk of not getting the security level wanted.security, wireless, communication networks
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