11 research outputs found

    Exploring the Empirical Link Between Game Features, Player Motivation, and Game Behavior

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    This research-in-progress paper aims to propose a framework for predicting use continuance and subsequent in-game purchases in the context of online, free-to-play (F2P) mobile games. Using previous games research, we first propose Perceived Enjoyment (PE) and Use Continuance (UC) as the key predictors of Purchase Intention (PI). However, in order to extend the extant literature and generate practical insights for game developers into how to enhance the level of PE and UC generated by their games, we further explore the relations between a set of technical game features and their impact on users’ motivations for playing online F2P mobile games. Specifically, we look at three groups of features—connect, bonding, and share-in features—and test their effect on three key motivations underpinning perceived enjoyment in the context of digital game play, namely Achievement, Social, and Immersion motivations. Using data from a scenario-based questionnaire, our findings show that although all three motivations—Achievement, Social, and Immersion—result in greater enjoyment, and in turn, use continuance and purchase intention, only a single technical feature of the games—namely the share-in feature—triggers greater perceived immersion motivation. Implications for theory and practice are discussed

    Nanotecnologia e videojogos: contestar a narrativa do Norte a partir das Epistemologias do Sul

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    A nanotecnologia é apresentada como uma tecnologia emergente capaz de revolucionar o mundo em que vivemos. A sua convergência com outros sectores tecnológicos como a biotecnologia e as tecnologias de informação e com sectores de aplicação, como a área da energia, produção alimentar, saúde, esfera militar, constitui-a como um campo do conhecimento multidisciplinar e de aplicação interindustrial. Questionamos assim qual o contributo dos videojogos e a forma como esta indústria retrata a nanotecnologia de forma a perceber a criação dos atuais paradigmas tecnológicos, bem como se servem os videojogos analisados para contestar os paradigmas tecnológicos e culturais vigentes. Este artigo visa identificar a forma como a nanotecnologia é retratada em alguns videojogos da presente geração de consolas (2005-2013) nos principais géneros – Ação/Aventura, First Person Shooter (FPS) e Role Playing Games (RPG) –, estimando também quais os papéis que são atribuídos pelas diferentes produtoras e editoras ao conjunto das suas personagens. Assim, a partir das Epistemologias do Sul, pretendemos demonstrar de que forma a nanotecnologia se associa aos sectores de aplicação, mas também que configurações geopolíticas são representadas em cada um dos videojogos analisados. O objetivo deste texto assenta na criação de um modelo de análise baseado nas Epistemologias do Sul que pudesse compreender a forma como uma tecnologia é retratada num meio marcadamente produzido nas indústrias do Norte e que não permite as análises de conteúdo ou de discurso mais tradicionais. A partir da narrativa de cada um dos videojogos estudados, criámos um modelo que integrou as conclusões nas perspetivas teóricas abordadas. A incorporação da nanotecnologia nos videojogos analisados revela a relação a que o Sul está sujeito: ignorado, nunca visto como o herói, mas sempre como um espaço envolto em conflitualidade a que ele próprio parece estar inerente.Nanotechnology is presented as an emerging technology capable of revolutionizing the world in which we live. Its convergence with other technology sectors such as biotechnology and information technologies and with sectors of application such as energy, food production, health and the military, constitute it as a field of multidisciplinary knowledge with inter-industrial applications. We set out to identify the contribution of video games and the way the industry portrays nanotechnology in order to understand the creation of the current technological paradigms and to see if the video games studied challenge the prevailing technological and cultural paradigms. We describe how nanotechnology is portrayed in some video games created in the present generation of consoles (2005-2013) in the major genres - Action / Adventure, First Person Shooter (FPS) and Role Playing Games(RPG). We also estimate what roles are assigned by different developers and publishers to their characters. Thus, guided by the Epistemologies of the South framework we try to show how nanotechnology is associated with the sectors of application, and which geopolitical configurations are represented in the video games analyzed. The objective of this text rests on the creation of an analysis model based on the Epistemologies of the South that can understand how a given technology is portrayed in a medium largely produced in industries in the North and that rejects the traditional content and discourse analysis. We used the narrative of each video game to establish a model that incorporated the conclusions in the theoretical perspectives. The incorporation of nanotechnology in the video games reveals how the South is seen, i.e. sometimes ignored, never as the hero, always as a place engulfed in a conflict that seems inherent to it.La nanotechnologie est présentée comme une technologie émergente capable de révolutionner le monde dans lequel nous vivons. Sa convergence avec d’autres secteurs technologiques comme les technologies de l’information et la biotechnologie et avec des secteurs d’application tels que le domaine de l’énergie, la production alimentaire, la santé et le secteur militaire en font un domaine de connaissances pluridisciplinaires et d’inter-applications industrielles. Nous questionnons la contribution des jeux vidéo et la façon dont cette industrie imagine la nanotechnologie afin de comprendre la création des paradigmes technologiques actuels et comment elle se sert des jeux vidéo analysés pour défier les paradigmes technologiques et culturels en vigueur. Cet article vise à déterminer comment la nanotechnologie est représentée dans les jeux vidéo de cette génération de consoles (2005-2013) dans les principaux genres - action / aventure, first person shooter (FPS) et jeux de rôle (RPG) – mais également estimer les rôles qui sont attribués par les différents développeurs et éditeurs à leurs personnages. Ainsi, à partir des épistémologies du Sud, nous visons à démontrer comment la nanotechnologie est associée aux secteurs d’application, mais également que les configurations géopolitiques sont représentées dans chacun des jeux vidéo analysés. L’objectif de ce texte est la création d’un modèle d’analyse basé sur les épistémologies du Sud, qui pourrait comprendre comment la technologie est dépeinte dans un moyen de communication fortement produit par las industries du Nord, qui interdit les analyses de contenu et de discours plus traditionnel. À partir de la narration de chaque jeu vidéo étudié, nous avons créé un modèle qui intègre les résultats abordés dans les perspectives théoriques. L’intégration de la nanotechnologie dans les jeux vidéo révèle la relation à laquelle le Sud est soumise : parfois ignoré, jamais le héros mais plutôt comme des espaces impliqués dans des conflits dont il semble lui-même inhérent

    Values shaping consumer interactions on social commerce sites within game retail

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    The game industry has continued to grow for decades and the social interaction trend has been growing for years in gaming. In retail, the e-commerce companies have been extending the social interaction trend to the e-commerce platforms and turning the e-commerce into social commerce. Even though the social commerce and gaming have aroused the interest of the researchers earlier, social commerce interactions have not been studied from the value perspective and how the consumer interactions are shaped by the consumer values. In addition, game purchases have not been studied from a value co-creation perspective even though the gaming has been discussed from a value co-creation perspective. This study approaches the console game retail by exploring how the game retailers support value proposition in the social commerce, how do the consumers reflect on the use of social interaction possibilities on these sites and how do the values shape these interactions. Ethnographic study was conducted in spring 2017, where 5 game retail sites were analyzed, 12 Xbox and PlayStation console gamers were interviewed in Finland and in Sweden and one gaming group’s chat was analyzed as part of the data collection. Content analysis revealed the game retailers offering several possibilities for the gamers to interact on their site from user reviews to participation in the streaming services. The discovered themes, why consumers used interactions, were the aspect of discovery, the aspect of offering the helping hand and the aspect of enjoyment. The study revealed how gamers, who had the possibility to interact privately on social commerce sites seemed to experience utilitarian, hedonic, social and altruistic values and these values shaped their interaction culture. The consumers, who only participated in the public social commerce interactions, only referred to utilitarian and hedonic values as part of their interactions

    An Evaluation Of Perceived Safety Of Free Software: The Brafs Model

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    This dissertation explores the perceived safety of free software and its relationship with the intention to use this technology in a business setting. The newly created construct of perceived safety is developed out of the theory of planned behavior. It is researched, scrutinized, and refined according to academic guidelines and two different environmental settings. The constructs that impact perceived safety and its relationship with intention to use consist of technology perceived risk, technology trusting beliefs, expected financial utility, and perceived adverse impact on professional reputation. Each construct consists of multiple operationalized elements. To explore this empirically, beneficial and risk measurements have been adapted from relevant literature in information systems/technology, management, risk, financial, and psychology academic publications. Three pilot studies were done in sequence among a student population before the instrument was tested among a main study that consisted of individuals with the ability to make software decisions for a nonprofit organization. The results suggest that perceived safety is needed in order for the intention to use free software in business, and that this relationship is impacted through various benefits and risks constructs. The study raises a number of opportunities to be explored and debated by future research, both in the realm of free software and beyond

    An Examination of Fit and the Use of Mobile Devices for Performing Tasks

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    This research seeks to better understand an individual’s use of mobile devices and the matching fit between type of mobile device and activity. As mobile devices swiftly progress and alter individuals’ ways of interacting with technology, a more comprehensive understanding of how tasks are impacted may help ensure appropriate device selection. The ability for more targeted device selection may increase use and help mobile device users and designers avoid the pitfalls of pre-existing, traditional technology. Building on identified antecedents of success from the DeLone & McLean Information Systems Success Model and focusing on the measurement of hedonic and utilitarian tasks and Goodhue & Thompson’s Task-Technology Fit Model, the study was applied against four defined categories of mobile devices. The primary study used a survey to test a research model which examines task-technology fit in the context of mobile devices. A secondary feasibility study employed neurophysiological tools with a focused experiment to explore the impact of the technology and the nature of the task on fit. At present, this is one of the first studies that attempts to manipulate both task and technology in a study of fit yielding results for practitioner and researcher alike. Specifically, researchers will gain additional insight into users’ engagement with smartphones, tablets and mini-tablets for hedonic and utilitarian tasks. For practitioners, this study hopes to inform them of the types of tasks users are performing regularly and types of devices are being used. This work may assist in forming future device technical designs and specifications

    A phenomenological study of problematic internet use with massively multiplayer online games

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    Massively multiplayer online games (MMOG’s) are a specific form of online computer games that allow for millions of people to simultaneously play online at any time. This form of online gaming has become a huge phenomenon worldwide both as a popular past time and a business endeavour for many individuals. There are more than 16 million people worldwide who subscribe to fantasy role-playing online games. Although such games can provide entertainment for many people, they can also lead to problematic Internet use (PIU). PIU has also been referred to as Internet addiction, and can cause significant problems in an individual’s functioning. The study aimed to enhance a greater understanding of the phenomenon of male adults’ experiences PIU with MMOG’s. More specifically the study aims to identify if PIU with MMOG’s can be considered a form of Internet addiction within South Africa. Furthermore, assisting in the further development of online addiction diagnosis and treatment strategies. The study utilised an interpretive phenomenological approach (IPA) and participants were purposively sampled. The data was collected using semi-structured individual interviews. Furthermore, Braun and Clarks thematic analysis was used during data analysis while incorporating the four major processes in phenomenological research, namely 1) epoche, 2) phenomenological reduction, 3) imaginative variation and, 4) synthesis. Themes that emerged from the analysis of the participants’ experiences included, initial description of use, motives for continued use of MMOG’s, consequences of PIU with MMOG’s, perceptions of PIU with MMOG’s, and treatment considerations. This study provided a thick description of South African and international literature and combines the literature with the themes that emerged from the participants experiences in order to produce discussions based on the findings of this qualitative study. Conclusions, recommendations, and limitations of this study informed future research on cyber citizenship by providing a detailed understanding of the context of South African male adults’ experiences of PIU with MMOG’s

    Stillborn: The Libidinal Economy of Gadgetized Mediation in the Era of Socialization for Consumption; An Explanatory Political Project

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    This project captures an attempt to politicize one aspect of Western middle class youth’s everyday experience growing up and living in postindustrial consumer society—the replacement of experiential, material, and libidinal gratification with that of ideological satisfaction. The dissertation takes up problematic adolescent gaming as a site to interrogate the ways and means of technologically-backed consumer socialization, and draw out the implications for subject-formation and possibility of self-determination. Developing new ways to conceptualize politics of youth, the project re-reads existing academic research on youth and gaming. Its main goal is to create a theoretical framework that can sustain an understanding of the importance of consumerizing gadget-mediated self-self cultivation across the dimensions of political economy and its strict materiality, psycho-sociality and its relational concreteness, and the realm of the mind in which ideology meets consciousness. Under the guise of critiquing the banality of gaming studies, the project excavates ideas from various critical theory, phenomenological and psychoanalytic traditions to raise political questions of social reproduction and clarify a concretely political path beyond the present circumstances. I am interested in exploring how it is that generation after generation young people born in the compromised consumption-rendered centers of global capital do not revolt against the seemingly repressive institutions shaping their lives. In this question, there is an intergenerational politics, a politics in which the question of youth and their otherness is crashed into the structuration of political economy and social reproduction within it. This is ultimately the theme of my inquiry. The present work is a study of gaming as a site where we should expect to see the manifestations of this kind of intersection, but instead what we see is a single-minded preference for celebrating the gaming industry and securing the ideologically soothing reproduction. I want to address the politics signaled by the changing role of play in advanced consumer economy, where in the site of gaming, through controlled bursts of traumatization and regularization, prediction of subjective experience is commodified into the global capitalistic circuits


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    Configurações, n.º 12 (Dez. 2013). O número desta revista é subordinado ao tema Epistemologias do Sul: contextos de investigaçãoFundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT