15,767 research outputs found

    The Drivers of Entrepreneurial Intentions - An Empirical Study among Information Systems and Computer Science Students

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    The last decade has seen an enormous increase in research on entrepreneurship education. However, there is so far only little research on entrepreneurship education in the field of information technology. To address this research gap, we conducted an empirical study based on an extended model of the Theory of Planned Behavior among Information Systems and Computer Science students. We found Attitude being the main driver for Information Systems students, and having discovered a Business Idea being the most influential factor for Computer Science students. In a more detailed analysis, the perception that being an entrepreneur does not come with a high risk to fail, the opportunity for self-fulfillment, and the chance of a high monetary reward could be identified as the crucial drivers regarding Information Systems students. Based on our findings, we discuss the implications for developing more entrepreneurially-oriented courses tailored to both groups of students

    Key Drivers for Women in IT Entrepreneurship: Insights from Saudi Arabia

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    IT entrepreneurs represent a valuable source to the societies. They prompt socio-economic growth, and innovation. Despite the increasing awareness of this importance, evidence indicates that women engagement in technology entrepreneurship is scant, which has received limited attention in both information systems and female entrepreneurship literature. Drawing on the theory of planned behaviour, this research highlights the existing gap by analyzing influential aspects that affect the decision-making process of women techentrepreneurs in the Saudi context. Hypotheses were tested using survey data that has been collected from different Saudi female public universities as well as technology incubators, and entrepreneurship programs. Findings from PLS support the core entrepreneurial intention model and highlight the important role of traditional determinants of intention. In addition, the research findings highlight and contribute a new understanding of the value of IT factors for women in increasing their entrepreneurial intention and subsequent decisions, actions, and outcomes

    Interaction of Psychological Factors in Shaping Entrepreneurial Intention Among Computer and Electrical Engineering Students

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    Numerous technopreneurs start their ventures at college age, but the entrepreneurship of computer and electrical engineering (CEE) students remains under-studied. This study analysed both the combined and interactive effects of psychological factors on the entrepreneurial intentions of CEE students. In this study, entrepreneurial intention comprised two dimensions, conviction and preparation. Regarding the direct effects, the results indicated that self-efficacy affected entrepreneurial conviction the most, followed by negative emotion, intrinsic motivation, and metacognition. Negative emotion affected entrepreneurial preparation the most, followed by self-efficacy and positive emotion. The results also revealed several crucial interactive effects resulting from psychological factors. An increase in cognitive load increased the entrepreneurial intention of students exhibiting high intrinsic motivation and reduced the intention of students exhibiting low intrinsic motivation. An increase in metacognition increased the entrepreneurial conviction of students exhibiting either high or low intrinsic motivation. An increase in positive emotion reduced the entrepreneurial intention of students exhibiting high negative emotion and increased the intention of students exhibiting low negative emotion. An increase in self-efficacy increased the entrepreneurial intention of students exhibiting either high or low negative emotion.Przedsiębiorcy w dziedzinie zaawansowanych technologii (techno-przedsiębiorcy) często rozpoczynają aktywność już w okresie studiów, jednak działalność przedsiębiorcza studentów wydziałów elektronicznych i informatycznych nie została do tej pory dostatecznie zbadana. W tym badaniu analizowano wpływ czynników psychologicznych na intencje przedsiębiorcze tych studentów w oparciu o dwa wymiary, przekonanie i przygotowanie. W odniesieniu do skutków bezpośrednich, wyniki wskazują, że poczucie własnej skuteczności wpływa najbardziej na przekonanie o przedsiębiorczości, a kolejnymi czynnikami są negatywne emocje, motywacja wewnętrzna oraz meta-poznanie. Negatywne emocje najmocniej wpłynęły na przygotowanie do podjęcia działań przedsiębiorczych, a następnie na poczucie własnej skuteczności i na pozytywne emocje. Wyniki wykazały również kilka ważnych efektów interakcji wynikających z czynników psychologicznych. Wzrost obciążenia poznawczego wzmocnił intencje przedsiębiorcze studentów, którzy wykazywali znaczącą motywację wewnętrzną, a osłabił intencje studentów ze słabą wewnętrzną motywacją. Wzrost meta-poznania zwiększył intencje przedsiębiorcze zarówno studentów wykazujących mocną jak i słabą motywację wewnętrzną. Wzrost pozytywnych emocji wpłynął na osłabienie intencji przedsiębiorczości u studentów wykazujących wysoki poziom emocji negatywnych oraz podniósł intencję u studentów z niskim poziomem negatywnych emocji. Wzrost poczucia własnej skuteczności wzmocnił intencje przedsiębiorczości u studentów wykazujących zarówno wysoki jak i niski poziom negatywnych emocji

    The Influence of IT on Women’s Entrepreneurial Intention in the Saudi Context

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    IT entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly a vital source for promoting socio-economic growth, innovation and job opportunities. Despite the increasing awareness of this importance, evidence indicates that the level of female involvement in IT entrepreneurial activity is still remains low. Furthermore, there has been minimal research about female entrepreneurship from a technological point of view. Our goal in this study is to propose a theoretical model that extends Theory of Planned Behavior by incorporating the technological factors into established entrepreneurial models. Investigating such factors is beneficial for motivating a new generation of women entrepreneurs in the IT context. In addition, it helps to provide a further understanding to IS researchers and practitioners

    The Role of IT on Entrepreneurial Intention: The Effect of General Computer Self-Efficacy and Computer Anxiety

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    Entrepreneurs represent valuable assets to any society. They contribute to the economy of nations by creating new ventures and job opportunities. The question of what drives individuals to become entrepreneurs has received much attention by entrepreneurship scholars. However, the entrepreneurship literature is lacking with regard to IT cognitive and emotional factors that can significantly influence individuals to become entrepreneurs. In this study, we propose a theoretical model that extends theory of planned behavior by incorporating the technological role into established entrepreneurial models. In particular, the proposed model explains how general computer self-efficacy and computer anxiety determine entrepreneurial intention. We plan to replicate established hypotheses and test novel ones using a unique design that has a potential methodological contribution

    Does Institutional Environment Promote Women\u27s IT Entrepreneurial Intention in Saudi Arabia ?Technological and Institutional Perspectives

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    From the foregoing studies, they unanimously agreed that women in technological entrepreneurship and innovation are strongly underrepresented. Based on previous literature of female entrepreneurship and Information Systems (IS), the study for the first time aims to propose an integrated model to explain women’s IT entrepreneurial intention as a new driver of IT entrepreneurial behavior. In particular, we aim to investigate the influence of socio-cultural factors as well as technological factors on intention and decision-making processes that lead women to become tech-entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia. Investigating such factors that affect women’s entrepreneurial intention to become so is beneficial for motivating a new generation of women entrepreneurs in the IT context as well as providing a further understanding to IS researchers and practitioner