7 research outputs found

    The Domain Name System—Past, Present, and Future

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    The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of the global Internet infrastructure. Throughout its history, its design and administration has experienced significant dynamic changes as the Internet itself has evolved. The history of the DNS is divided into six eras, based on underlying technological and administrative themes within each era. Developments in its governance, its application, and in other factors are discussed. Future directions for DNS use and abuse are explored, along with challenges in its future governance. Finally, a proposed research model is included to guide future study of the DNS evolution and its influences from political, legal, psychological, sociological, and technological perspectives

    Kuormantasaus pilvipalveluissa

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    Kuormantasaus on oleellinen osa pilvialustoille rakennettuja palveluita. Kuormantasauksella on tärkeä rooli palvelun saatavuuden, viansietokyvyn ja skaalautuvuuden kannalta. Tämän tutkielman tavoite on selvittää vastaus siihen, millaisia kuormantasausmetodeja on olemassa, mihin teknologiaan ne perustuvat ja mihin ne soveltuvat. Käytän tutkimusmenetelmänä kirjallisuuskatsausta. Rajaan aineiston 1990-luvun jälkeen kuormantasaukseen liittyviin englanninkielisiin vertaisarvioituihin julkaisuihin. Keskityn tutkielmassa käyttäjäkokemuksen sijaan arkkitehtuurin ja kyselyiden reitityksen tutkimiseen. Käyn läpi vakiintuneimmat kuormantasausmenetelmät ja pohdin niiden vaikutusta toteutettavan palvelun ominaisuuksiin. Tutkielmassa käsitellyt tekniikat ovat keskitetty kuormantasaus, sisällönjakeluverkostot, dynaamiset DNS-vastaukset ja asiakaspuolen kuormantasaus. Pohdin tutkielmassa näiden tekniikoiden soveltamista erilaisten palveluiden näkökulmasta. Tutkielman tulokset näyttävät, että kuormantasauksen tutkimus on edistynyt viimevuosina. Tulokset myös kertovat palveluiden yleisestä siirtymisestä pilveen ja käyttäjäläheisten tekniikoiden, kuten reuna- ja sumulaskennan, yleistymisestä. Oleellisia asioita kuormantasausta suunniteltaessa ovat luku- ja kirjoittamistapahtumien optimointi, loppukäyttäjän sijainti ja latenssi, viansietokyky ja toteutuksen vaikeus

    Comparing the Effectiveness of Different Classification Techniques in Predicting DNS Tunnels

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    DNS is one of the most widely used protocols on the internet and is used in the translation of domain names into IP address in order to correctly route messages between computers. It presents an attractive attack vector for criminals as the service is not as closely monitored by security experts as other protocols such as HTTP or FTP. Its use as a covert means of communication has increased with the availability of tools that allow for the creation of DNS tunnels using the protocol. One of the primary motivations for using DNS tunnels is the illegal extraction of information from a company’s network. This can lead to reputational damage for the organisation and result in significant fines – particularly with the introduction of General Data Protection Regulations in the EU. Most of the research into the detection of DNS tunnels has used anomalies in the relationship between DNS requests and other protocols, or anomalies in the rate of DNS requests made over specific time periods. This study will look at the characteristics of an individual DNS requests to see how effective different classification techniques are at identifying tunnels. The different techniques selected are Logistic Regression (LR), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The effectiveness of the different techniques will be measured and compared to see if there are statistically significant differences between them using a Cochran’s Q test. The results will indicate that DT, RF and SVM, are the most effective techniques at categorising DNS requests, and that they are significantly different to the other models. Key Words: DNS Tunnel, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Cochran’s Q Test

    Time Orientation, Rational Choice and Deterrence: an Information Systems Perspective

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    The present study examines General Deterrence Theory (GDT) and its parent, Rational Choice Theory (RCT), in an information security setting, assessing the behavioral intent to violate organizational policy under varying levels of certainty, severity and celerity of negative sanction. Also assessed is the individual computer user\u27s time orientation, as measured by the Consideration of Future Consequences (CFC) instrument (Strathman et. al, 1994). How does rational consideration of violation rewards influence the impact of sanctions on individuals? How does time orientation impact intent to violate security policy? How do these operate in an IS context? These questions are examined by assessing the responses of university students (N = 443) to experimental manipulations of sanctions and rewards. Answering vignettes with the factorial survey method, intent to violate is assessed in a setting of Internet piracy of electronic textbooks while being monitored by computer security systems. Findings show that, although traditional GDT variables and reward impact intent to violate, CFC does not cause the hypothesized moderating effect on these variables. However, post-hoc analysis reveals a direct effect of time orientation on behavioral intent, as well as a weak moderating effect opposite of the hypotheses, indicating increased time orientation positively moderates, rather than negatively moderates, the impact of reward on intent to violate. Implications for theory and practice, and future research directions, are discussed

    Extração estruturada de dados em fontes heterogêneas com Web Crawlers

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no Curso de Ciência da Computação da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.Com crescimento de dados na web torna-se cada vez maior a necessidade de ferramentas que auxiliam no consumo dessas informações. Dentre as categorias desses dados estão as fontes de notícias, em que há um grande número de portais disponíveis e no qual um determinado assunto pode ser tratado por diferentes sites. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar formas de extração estruturada desses dados ao mesmo tempo em que as fontes são adquiridas automaticamente de acordo o assunto desejado. Tanto para a extração da notícia como para as suas respectivas fontes, fez-se o uso de web crawlers, um agente que realiza a coleta e o parser de dados na web. A extração estruturada das fontes, previamente desconhecidas, foi possível através da leitura das novas tags semânticas do HTML5 e de metadados que são utilizados para o compartilhamento de artigos em redes sociais. Ambos, quando utilizados da forma correta, se mostraram eficientes na indicação das partes do documento, sendo portanto um meio comum de definir a informação. Já a obtenção das sementes do rastreador foi realizada através de requisições ao motor de busca do Google. Por fim foi possível identificar padrões semânticos de representação dos dados nas tecnologias envolvidas no desenvolvimento web, possibilitando distribuí-los de formas suscetíveis ao processamento automático

    Sistema web para la mejora de control del proceso de transporte en la empresa Operador Logístico Herelsa

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la influencia de un sistema web para la mejora del control del proceso de transporte en la empresa Operador Logístico Herelsa. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada, con diseño pre experimental. Se utilizó la metodología XP para el desarrollo del sistema, así como HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP y MySQL. La presente investigación tiene como indicadores al tiempo promedio de entrega de las guías de transporte (TPEGT) y tiempo promedio de búsqueda de guías de transporte (TPBGT). Los resultados que se obtuvieron luego de la implementación del sistema es que el indicador TPEGT disminuyó de 4,52 horas a 4,68 minutos y el indicador TPBGT disminuyó de 11,07 minutos a 1,1 minutos. Debido a estos resultados se concluyó que el sistema web ayuda a la mejora de control del proceso de transporte en la empresa Operador Logístico Herelsa

    The Domain Name System—Past, Present, and Future

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