136,582 research outputs found

    Analysis of international graduate programmes structures for engineering education

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    This article traces the evolution of graduate study in Engineering in Ireland over three decades. Very few studies have shown the different norms and structures of graduate programmes in Ireland. In this paper, a review of traditional and structured PhD in terms of credit requirements and co-ordination structures is presented. The authors summarise the characteristics of graduate programmes in different universities in Ireland and compare these to those obtained in some of the leading international universities. The implementation of graduate programmes in Ireland is relatively recent and the structure of these programmes is still under development in the different universities. Plans for enhancement of graduate programs and the development of new initiatives to support graduate student academic and professional development are very important for the success of these programmes. The growth in enrolment reflects a broad diversity in background of students which will require not only increased financial resources but an adequate and sound organisational structure in order to move forward

    From Models to Simulations

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    This book analyses the impact computerization has had on contemporary science and explains the origins, technical nature and epistemological consequences of the current decisive interplay between technology and science: an intertwining of formalism, computation, data acquisition, data and visualization and how these factors have led to the spread of simulation models since the 1950s. Using historical, comparative and interpretative case studies from a range of disciplines, with a particular emphasis on the case of plant studies, the author shows how and why computers, data treatment devices and programming languages have occasioned a gradual but irresistible and massive shift from mathematical models to computer simulations

    ANDROID Exchange Vol 2 Issue 3: #roadtosendai

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    William (Bill) Peterson's contributions to ocean science, management, and policy

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Schwing, F. B., Sissenwine, M. J., Batchelder, H., Dam, H. G., Gomez-Gutierrez, J., Keister, J. E., Liu, H., & Peterson, J. O. William (Bill) Peterson's contributions to ocean science, management, and policy. Progress in Oceanography, 182, (2020): 102241, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102241.In addition to being an esteemed marine ecologist and oceanographer, William T. (Bill) Peterson was a dedicated public servant, a leader in the ocean science community, and a mentor to a generation of scientists. Bill recognized the importance of applied science and the need for integrated “big science” programs to advance our understanding of ecosystems and to guide their management. As the first US GLOBEC program manager, he was pivotal in transitioning the concept of understanding how climate change impacts marine ecosystems to an operational national research program. The scientific insight and knowledge generated by US GLOBEC informed and advanced the ecosystem-based management approaches now being implemented for fishery management in the US. Bill held significant leadership roles in numerous international efforts to understand global and regional ecological processes, and organized and chaired a number of influential scientific conferences and their proceedings. He was passionate about working with and training young researchers. Bill’s academic affiliations, notably at Stony Brook and Oregon State Universities, enabled him to advise, train, and mentor a host of students, post-doctoral researchers, and laboratory technicians. Under his collegial guidance they became critical independent thinkers and diligent investigators. His former students and colleagues carry on Bill Peterson’s legacy of research that helps us understand marine ecosystems and informs more effective resource stewardship and conservation

    Using Automatic Static Analysis to Identify Technical Debt

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    The technical debt (TD) metaphor describes a tradeoff between short-term and long-term goals in software development. Developers, in such situations, accept compromises in one dimension (e.g. maintainability) to meet an urgent demand in another dimension (e.g. delivering a release on time). Since TD produces interests in terms of time spent to correct the code and accomplish quality goals, accumulation of TD in software systems is dangerous because it could lead to more difficult and expensive maintenance. The research presented in this paper is focused on the usage of automatic static analysis to identify Technical Debt at code level with respect to different quality dimensions. The methodological approach is that of Empirical Software Engineering and both past and current achieved results are presented, focusing on functionality, efficiency and maintainabilit

    Development of a Variable Roller Pump and Evaluation of its Power Saving Potential as a Charge Pump in Hydrostatic Drivetrains

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    PredloĆŸenĂĄ doktorandskĂĄ dizertačnĂĄ prĂĄca (ďalej len prĂĄca) sa zaoberĂĄ rozsiahlou analĂœzou valčekovĂ©ho hydrogenerĂĄtora s premenlivĂœm geometrickĂœm objemom a predikciou vĂœkonovĂœch Ășspor dosiahnutĂœch aplikĂĄciou navrhnutĂ©ho valčekovĂ©ho hydrogenerĂĄtora s premenlivĂœm geometrickĂœm objemom v hydrostatickom pohone vybranĂœch mobilnĂœch pracovnĂœch strojov. TeoretickĂœ rozbor princĂ­pov fungovania valčekovĂ©ho hydrogenerĂĄtora a teĂłria jednorozmernĂ©ho simulačnĂ©ho modelu sĂș popĂ­sanĂ© v prvej časti prĂĄce. Na zĂĄklade odvodenej teĂłrie je vytvorenĂœ simulačnĂœ model, ktorĂœ je vhodnĂœ na predikciu priebehu tlaku v komorĂĄch valčekovĂ©ho hydrogenerĂĄtora, sĂ­l pĂŽsobiacich na valček a na predikciu vnĂștornĂœch Ășnikov vzniknutĂœch skratovanĂ­m rozvodovej dosky, ktorĂ© majĂș priamy vplyv na objemovĂș ĂșčinnosĆ„ valčekovĂ©ho hydrogenerĂĄtora. SimulačnĂœ model bol ĂșspeĆĄne pouĆŸitĂœ pre optimalizĂĄciu rozvodovĂœch dosiek valčekovĂ©ho hydrogenerĂĄtora a vhodnosĆ„ simulačnĂ©ho modelu potvrdili nĂĄslednĂ© merania PrĂĄca obsahuje aj analĂœzu sĂ­l pĂŽsobiacich na vodiaci prstenec, ktorej vĂœsledky boli taktieĆŸ potvrdenĂ© meranĂ­m. AnalĂœza tĂœchto sĂ­l mĂŽĆŸe vylepĆĄiĆ„ v konečnom dĂŽsledku parametre budĂșcich tlakovĂœch regulĂĄcii. PrĂĄca ďalej obsahuje zĂĄkladnĂ© porovnanie pouĆŸitĂœch tlakovĂœch regulĂĄcii. VĆĄetky uskutočnenĂ© merania potvrdili, ĆŸe valčekovĂœ hydrogenerĂĄtor s premenlivĂœm geometrickĂœm objemom s testovanĂœmi tlakovĂœmi regulĂĄciami je schopnĂœ ĂșspeĆĄne pracovaĆ„ v hydrostatickej prevodovke. DruhĂĄ časĆ„ prĂĄce analyzuje potenciĂĄl vĂœkonovĂœch Ășspor valčekovĂ©ho hydrogenerĂĄtora s premenlivĂœm geometrickĂœm objemom pre dve mobilnĂ© aplikĂĄcie - teleskopickĂœ nakladač s hmotnosĆ„ou 9 ton a kombajn s hmotnosĆ„ou 20 ton. AnalĂœza vyĆŸaduje jednorozmernĂœ simulačnĂœ model hydrostatickĂ©ho pohonu s teplotnou predikciou hydrostatickej prevodovky. Dva rozdielne koncepty variabilnĂ©ho doplƈovacieho systĂ©mu hydrostatickej prevodovky sĂș porovnanĂ© so ĆĄtandardnĂœm doplƈovacĂ­m systĂ©mom pre pracovnĂœ a transportnĂœ reĆŸim oboch vybranĂœch typov vozidiel. SimulĂĄcia pohonu vozidla s valčekovĂœm hydrogenerĂĄtorom s premenlivĂœm geometrickĂœm objemom vo funkcii doplƈovacieho hydrogenerĂĄtora a obtokovou clonou potvrdili vyĆĄĆĄie Ășspory iba v prĂ­padoch, kedy rĂœchlosĆ„ doplƈovacieho hydrogenerĂĄtora bola vĂœrazne vyĆĄĆĄia a prietok cez obtokovĂș clonu do skrine hlavnĂ©ho hydrogenerĂĄtora zabezpečil dostatočnĂ© chladenie. NajvyĆĄĆĄie vĂœkonovĂ© Ășspory boli dosiahnutĂ© s premenlivĂœm preplachovacĂ­m systĂ©mom, ktorĂ©ho prietok sa menil podÄŸa poĆŸiadaviek hydrostatickej prevodovky. ZĂĄver druhej časti prĂĄce sa zaoberĂĄ metodikou dimenzovania veÄŸkosti doplƈovacieho hydrogenerĂĄtora.Presented doctoral thesis deals with an extensive hydraulic variable roller pump analysis and the power saving prediction of hydrostatic drivetrains in the mobile machines achieved with a variable roller charge pump implementation. At the first part of the work, the roller pump functionality was described and the theory of a 1-D simulation model was developed. Based on this developed simulation model is suitable for pressure profile prediction, roller force prediction and cross port leakage prediction which has a direct impact on the total volumetric efficiency. The simulation model was successfully used as a tool for optimization of the port plates, which was confirmed by measurements. The first part of the work includes the pump control force analysis validated by measurements and also the basic pressure compensator controls comparison. Developed control force prediction could help to improve the control performance. The measurements confirmed that the variable roller charge pump is able to successfully work in transmissions with measured types of the control. The second part of the work analyzed the power saving potential of a variable charge pump for two selected typical mobile applications: telehandler (9 ton) and combine harvester (20 ton). This part required a 1-D drivetrain simulation model together with thermal behaviour of the hydrostatic transmission. Two different modifications of the charging systems were compared with the conventional charging system in simulations performed for the working and transporting mode. The drivetrain simulation of the variable roller charge pump with a bypass orifice confirms higher power savings only in cases when the pump speed was significantly higher than normal speeds and a relatively constant flushing flow through the bypass orifice to the pump case still ensures suitable cooling. The highest power savings were achieved with variable flushing flows, where the demand for charging flow was adjusted according to the hydrostatic transmission cooling requirements. At the end of the second part, this thesis deals with a variable charge pump sizing.

    Taking a break: doctoral summer schools as transformative pedagogies

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    This chapter focuses on the doctoral summer school as a challenging pedagogy for doctoral education, in which the traditional supervisory relationship and the disciplinary curriculum are deconstructed through intensive group processes. We draw on our experiences as pedagogues on the Roskilde University Graduate School in Lifelong Learning which has hosted an international summer school for the last ten years. We describe the new learning spaces created and explore the democratic group processes and the collaborative action learning in-volved when discipline and stage of study are set to the side in this multi-paradigmatic, multi-national context. Despite the wide range of participants in terms of length of study, focus and methodological approach, the respite from supervisory pedagogies and the careful critiques of multi-national peer ‘opponents’ is often transformative in the doctoral students’ research sub-jectivities and continuing journeys
