175 research outputs found

    Predictive Maintenance on the Machining Process and Machine Tool

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    This paper presents the process required to implement a data driven Predictive Maintenance (PdM) not only in the machine decision making, but also in data acquisition and processing. A short review of the different approaches and techniques in maintenance is given. The main contribution of this paper is a solution for the predictive maintenance problem in a real machining process. Several steps are needed to reach the solution, which are carefully explained. The obtained results show that the Preventive Maintenance (PM), which was carried out in a real machining process, could be changed into a PdM approach. A decision making application was developed to provide a visual analysis of the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of the machining tool. This work is a proof of concept of the methodology presented in one process, but replicable for most of the process for serial productions of pieces

    Artificial intelligence approaches to software engineering

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    Artificial intelligence approaches to software engineering are examined. The software development life cycle is a sequence of not so well-defined phases. Improved techniques for developing systems have been formulated over the past 15 years, but pressure continues to attempt to reduce current costs. Software development technology seems to be standing still. The primary objective of the knowledge-based approach to software development presented in this paper is to avoid problem areas that lead to schedule slippages, cost overruns, or software products that fall short of their desired goals. Identifying and resolving software problems early, often in the phase in which they first occur, has been shown to contribute significantly to reducing risks in software development. Software development is not a mechanical process but a basic human activity. It requires clear thinking, work, and rework to be successful. The artificial intelligence approaches to software engineering presented support the software development life cycle through the use of software development techniques and methodologies in terms of changing current practices and methods. These should be replaced by better techniques that that improve the process of of software development and the quality of the resulting products. The software development process can be structured into well-defined steps, of which the interfaces are standardized, supported and checked by automated procedures that provide error detection, production of the documentation and ultimately support the actual design of complex programs

    Un modello multidimensionale per lo studio delle Felt Obligation : implicazioni generazionali, individuali, e familiari

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    Questo lavoro di tesi ha come obiettivo generale quello di indagare attraverso un modello multidimensionale come le Felt Obligation, definite nelle dimensioni del mantenimento dei contatti e dei rituali familiari, del ricambiare nella relazione per ciò che si è ricevuto e del personal sharing, si delineano e si costruiscono nelle relazioni familiari. Il primo studio è di carattere strettamente psicometrico ed è volto a definire la struttura fattoriale della Felt Obligation Measure nel contesto italiano. La Felt Obligation Measure rappresenta a tutt’oggi l’unico strumento presente in letteratura che permette di valutare ciò che le persone sentono (felt) essere gli obblighi da assolvere nelle loro relazioni familiari. Il secondo studio è volto ad indagare le possibili implicazioni a livello generazionale e individuale delle Felt Obligation in due differenti generazioni (generazione di mezzo e giovani adulti); sono quindi indagate sia variabili di outcome qualificanti le relazioni familiari quali la soddisfazione e l’identità familiare sia variabili di adattamento individuale come autostima, depressione e benessere psicologico. Infine, il terzo studio è dedicato allo studio delle Felt Obligation nelle famiglie di giovani adulti. La transizione all’età adulta nel contesto italiano è caratterizzata da una prolungata co-abitazione di due generazioni adulte. Obiettivo del lavoro è pertanto approfondire il ruolo delle Felt Obligation per capire come esse diventino parte qualificante della relazione genitori – figli in questa fase del ciclo di vita e come siano legate a specifiche variabili del funzionamento familiare, quali soddisfazione e identità familiare.The general aim of this research is to investigate, through a multi-dimensional model, how Felt Obligation, defined in the dimensions of maintenance contacts and family rituals, repayment in the relationship and personal sharing, are delineated and build in family relationships. First study’s aim is to identify the factorial structure of Felt Obligation Measure in the Italian context. Felt Obligation Measure is the only instrument in literature by which people could report feelings about their obligations to fulfill in their family relationships. Second study’s aim is to investigate the generational and individual implications of Felt Obligation into two different generations (middle – adults and young adults). Finally, the third study is aimed to examine Felt Obligation in young adults’ families . The transition to adulthood in Italy is characterized by a prolonged co-habitation of two generations of adults; therefore the aim is to enhance the role of Felt Obligation in this specific phase of the life cycle and how they are linked to specific variables of family functioning (family satisfaction and family identity)

    Analysis of the influence to productivity of software corrective maintenance using an economic model

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    © 2014 IEEE. This paper presents an economic model for productivity of software corrective maintenance. The productivity is modeled using economic value of the maintenance process as the output, and the pre-committed fixed cost and variable cost as input. The relationship of the economic value and these cost components are modeled using analytical theory of investment. The values of corrective maintenance process are analyzed. A simulation approach is demonstrated to analyze the influences to the productivity in corrective maintenance. This approach provides a tool to identify and analyze the optimal parameters in productivity using the economic model and simulation
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