30 research outputs found

    Development and Maintenance of Self-Disclosure on Facebook: The Role of Personality Traits

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    This study explored the relationships between Facebook self-disclosure and personality traits in a sample of Italian users. The aim was to analyze the predictive role of Big Five personality traits on different parameters of breadth and depth of selfdisclosed behaviors online. Facebook users, aged between 18 and 64 years of age (Mage = 25.3 years, SD = 6.8; N = 958), of which 51% were female, voluntarily completed an online survey assessing personality traits and Facebook self-disclosure. Results at a series of hierarchical regression analyses significantly corroborated the hypotheses that high extroverted and openness people tend to disclose on Facebook a significant amount of personal information, whereas high consciousness and agreeableness users are less inclined to do it. Furthermore, more extroverts and agreeableness people develop less intimacy on Facebook, differently from those with high levels of openness. Results also corroborated the hypothesis of a full mediation of time usage in the relationship between personality factors such as extroversion and conscientiousness with breadth of Facebook self-disclosure. Overall, according to the findings of the current study, personality traits and Facebook self-disclosure become central both as predictive variables for depicting the different profiles of potential addicted and as variables to help educators, teachers, and clinicians to develop training or therapeutic programs aimed at preventing the risk of Internet addiction. Limitations of the study are discussed, and directions for future research are suggested

    Beyond ‘Facebook addiction’: the role of cognitive-related factors and psychiatric distress in social networking addiction

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    The use of social networking sites (SNSs) is rapidly increasing as billions of individuals use SNS platforms regularly to communicate with other users, follow the news and play browser games. Given the widespread use of SNS platforms, investigating the potential predictors of addictive SNS use beyond Facebook use has become paramount given that most studies were focused on ‘Facebook addiction’. In the present study, a total of 511 English-speaking SNS users (58.1% young adults aged 20-35 years; 64.6% female) were recruited online and asked to complete a battery of standardized psychometric tools assessing participants’ sociodemographic characteristics, SNS preferences and patterns of use, SNS addiction, preference for online social interaction (POSI), maladaptive cognitions, Fear of Missing Out (FoMo), dysfunctional emotion regulation, and general psychiatric distress. Overall, about 4.9% (n = 25) of all participants could be classed as having a high SNS addiction risk profile. Moreover, the results further indicated that FoMo (β = .38), maladaptive cognitions (β = .25), and psychiatric distress (β = .12) significantly predicted SNS addiction (i.e., p < .0001) and accounted for about 61% of the total variance in SNS addiction, with FoMo providing the strongest predictive contribution over and above the effects of sociodemographic variables and patterns of SNS use. The implications of the present findings were discussed in light of extant literature on behavioral addictions and Facebook addiction and further considerations were provided regarding the potential clinical implications for cognitive-based psychological treatment approaches to SNS addiction

    Screen addicts: A meta-analysis of internet addiction in adolescence

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    Currently, the incidence of Internet addiction is growing among teenagers. However, most review studies do not differentiate between the adolescent and young adult population. The sample of this meta-analysis consists of 20 studies (K = 28) comprised of 21 878 adolescents whose mean age was 15.13 years. Regarding the methodology, the protocol of registration of the research of the Cochrane systematic review manuals in Higgins and Green (2011) and PRISMA (2015) was followed. The results show a high heterogeneity. Thus, the Random Effects Model has been necessary followed. The effect size of the Internet addiction is Z = 16.04; p = 0.000 with a 95% confidence interval (3.164 – 4.045). In other words, the population does not suffer from severe Internet addiction, although the incidence is still alarming. Moderator variables, such as age, explained 24% of variance; instrument explained 31% of variance, in particular CIAS (Z = 1.75; p = 0.07) and IGD-20 (Z = 4.53; p = 0.00); and finally culture explained 47%, and more concretely, the international sample (Z = -1.71; p = 0.00). Thus, Internet addiction is inversely proportional to age and is influenced by the geographical area in which one resides. On the other hand, it should be noted that there is no agreement on the diagnosis of Internet addiction or on the instruments used to measure it. It is necessary to build an explanatory and intervention model for this pathology based on an international framework. The absence of clear criteria has generated multiple psychometric instruments around which there is no solid consensus. Finally, a complex etiology is presented in which educational, socio-familial, cultural and individual variables are involved

    Uncovering social media outcomes in a context of social distancing

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceSocial media platforms are very used nowadays in developed countries. Since lockdown and social distancing took place due to COVID-19, its importance has soared. This is understandable, as people try other ways of communicating when deprived of their primary mode of communication. This study aims to investigate how the state of social distancing and lockdown affects people's use of these platforms. Even though social media is a widely researched topic, few studies have been conducted in these circumstances, hence the importance of the study. The current study was designed to test the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2). In addition, it was hypothesized that COVID-19-induced isolation would cause people to use social media excessively, leading to social media fatigue. The moderation effect of loneliness on the relationship between social media use and social media fatigue was also investigated. A survey was conducted to test our theory. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to analyze the outcome. The results revealed that both social media use and loneliness are significant causes of social media fatigue among isolated individuals due to the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Dimensions of Facebook Addiction as Measured by Facebook Addiction Italian Questionnaire and Their Relationships with Individual Differences

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    The studies reported analyze the factorial structure of Facebook Addiction Italian Questionnaire (FAIQ), a variant of 20-item Young's Internet Addiction Test (IAT). In Study 1, we tested FAIQ psychometric properties using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). In Study 2, we performed a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to verify the FAIQ factorial structure identified through EFA. Results from CFA confirm the presence of a four-factor model accounting for 58 percent of total variance, plus a general higher order factor that best fits the data. Further relationships between FAIQ factor scores, personality, and Facebook usage have been explored

    Avaliação da utilização do Facebook numa amostra de adultos

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    Embora existam alguns estudos referentes à utilização excessiva do Facebook, o seu número é reduzido nomeadamente em Portugal. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a utilização do Facebook (desde o uso pontual à adição), com o intuito de caracterizar diferentes formas de envolvimento com esta plataforma virtual, exemplo paradigmático das denominadas redes sociais. O presente trabalho foi realizado com uma amostra de 499 indivíduos portugueses (394 mulheres e 105 homens) utilizadores do Facebook, com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 75 anos. Para tal, foi utilizado um questionário sociodemográfico e a Escala de Adição ao Facebook de Bergen (BFAS). Os resultados revelaram que 7,6% da amostra apresenta uma utilização adicta do Facebook que cumpre os requisitos de uma adição. Mais especificamente verificamos que quanto mais horas os participantes usam o Facebook maior é a probabilidade de se desenvolver uma adição, sendo que os sujeitos mais novos são aqueles que passam mais tempo nesta rede social. O estado civil também parece influenciar os resultados, visto que os indivíduos solteiros e numa relação informal passam mais tempo no Facebook, mas em contrapartida os viúvos passam menos tempo. O estudo também revelou que são as mulheres que passam mais tempo no Facebook durante o fim de semana e que, à medida que a idade aumenta, os sintomas de conflito diminuem.Despite the existence of some studies addressing the excessive use of Facebook, their number is still limited, especially in Portugal. In this context, the present study aims to evaluate the Facebook use (from punctual use to addiction), to characterize the different involvement forms with this virtual platform, a paradigmatic example of the so-called social networks. The present study was conducted with a sample of 499 Portuguese individuals (394 women and 105 men), aged between 19 and 75 years old. For this purpose, a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS) were used. The results highlighted that 7,6% of the individuals have an addicted use of Facebook, in line with the addiction requirements. In detail, we observed that the more the participants spend time on Facebook, the higher is the probability to develop an addiction, being the young people the ones who spend more time in this social network. The marital status also plays a role in the results, since single individuals and those into an informal relationship spend more time on Facebook, while the widowed ones spend less time. The study also pointed out that women are the ones who spend more time on Facebook over the weekend and that the symptoms of conflict decrease with age

    Usos problemáticos de internet en la infancia y adolescencia

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    La tesis doctoral presentada tiene como máxima finalidad arrojar luz acerca de los usos problemáticos de Internet en la infancia y adolescencia, acotando y definiendo, los riesgos que suponen para las nuevas generaciones.Atendiendo a la literatura científica que trata estas cuestiones, se ha planteado un objetivo principal y tres objetivos específicos, desglosados a su vez para favorecer su concreción. Estos son expuestos en el apartado correspondiente de “objetivos”. En modo de síntesis los objetivos específicos son:1. Determinar la incidencia del consumo de redes sociales en la primera infancia, clarificando si existen diferencias culturales en el contexto europeo y estableciendo el tipo de canales más consumidos (recreativos versus educativos).2. Comprender la ecología de los grupos sociales o comunidades virtuales en YouTube en la adolescencia, mediante el estudio de los 100 gamers más influyentes y seguidos a nivel internacional, estudiando la comunicación de sus publicaciones más populares, con el fin de determinar qué elementos consiguen captar la atención de la comunidad virtual adolescente.3. Esclarecer la prevalencia de la adicción a Internet con y sin comorbilidad depresiva en menores de edad; clarificando su diagnóstico y evaluación; analizando el rol de las variables sociodemográficas de sexo, edad y cultura; exponer su etiología y consecuencias socio-emocionales; esclarecer su cormobilidad con la depresión, y explicar el rol ejercido por familia y escuela.4. Exponer la prevalencia y el desarrollo del rol mixto de víctima y agresor en casos de ciberacoso; clarificando los procesos emocionales y sociales; el rol de variables sociodemográficas de sexo, edad y cultura; y analizando el papel de la familia y la escuela.Para dar respuesta a estos objetivos se han planteado cuatro investigaciones basadas en las metodologías de analítica de redes sociales y meta-análisis. Ambas metodologías son descritas en detalle en el apartado de “metodología”.Los resultados se estructuran en cinco investigaciones que responden a las necesidades planteadas.La investigación 1 “YouTube’s growth in use among children 0–5 during COVID19: The Occidental European case” donde se expone el crecimiento del consumo y las diferencias culturales encontradas en Europa Occidental, diferenciando entre los canales educativos y recreativos.La investigación 2 “Analizing Teens an Analysis from the Perspective of Gamers in Youtube”, donde se analiza el comportamiento de los 100 “gamers” más influyentes en la comunidad adolescente. Se expone como estos “youtubers” son un fenómeno social consolidado. Las publicaciones con mayor capacidad de atracción son aquellas con una visión optimista, alegre acompañada de humor y de una jerga popular en la comunidad digital adolescente como “bro”. Se establece una comunicación afectiva entre “gamer” y seguidores de forma que se generan relaciones parasociales.La investigación 3 “Adictos a las pantallas: un meta-análisis sobre la adicción en la adolescencia”, donde se explica la etiología, las consecuencias, la dificultad de diagnóstico y evaluación; el rol de las variables sociodemográficas de sexo, edad y cultura y de las variables sociales de familia y escuela. Se establece el pérfil del menor que es más propenso a sufrir adicción a Internet.La investigación 4 “Problematic Internet uses and depression in adolescents: A meta-analysis”, donde se aborda la cormobilidad entre adicción a Internert y depresión, reflexionando de nuevo sobre la dificultad de diagnosticar, evaluar e intervenir de manera temprana. Se explica el rol de variables de personalidad, sociales, como escuela y familia y socio-demográficas de edad, sexo y cultura. Se ofrece explicación sobre la posible etiología, consecuencias socio-emocionales y se describe el perfil del adolescente especialmente vulnerable ante estos trastornos.La investigación 5 “Being a cybervictim and a cyberbully – The duality of cyberbullying: A meta-analysis”, versa sobre el nuevo rol mixto mediante el cual las víctimas de ciberacoso se convierten en agresores. Explicita las causas y consecuencias emocionales en esta problemática, al igual que el rol de las variables personales, sociodemográficas de sexo, edad, cultura y sociales de familia y escuela.Cada una de estas investigaciones puede ser leída y comprendida de manera individual. Si bien, entre ellas existen fuertes nexos de unión acerca de la misma temática. Pues en su conjunto pretenden acotar y establecer de manera fehaciente dónde y cuándo ocurren situaciones de vulnerabilidad en las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación<br /