7 research outputs found

    The integration of technology in supporting progressed learners in English First Additional Language comprehension

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    This study aims at finding the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) as an intervention tool for progressed learners in teaching and learning of English first additional language (FAL) comprehension in the intermediate phase. With learner progression proving a challenge facing the South African education system, the aim of this qualitative descriptive study was to investigate the extent to which first additional language educators employ ICT as an intervention tool to assist learners who are progressed. Data collection strategies used in this study were semi-structured interviews and documentation such as lesson plans, progression tracking tools and support policies used at selected schools. The study population was eight intermediate phase English FAL educators from two Tembisa schools. Tembisa is a township north of Kempton Park on the East Rand, in Gauteng, South Africa. In selecting these participants, purposive sampling techniques were used. Data was analysed using ATLAS.ti and presented in a descriptive and graphical way. There is limited research in South Africa on the impact of ICT for progressed learners or a progression policy, as this policy is a relatively new phenomenon. The findings from this study indicated that the use of ICT in a classroom to support progressed learners yields positive results. The findings further indicated that ICT has a potential to reduce failure rates that ultimately minimises the number of learners who need to be progressed without meeting promotional requirements

    Utilizzo di strategie game-based nell'apprendimento numerico tra scuola dell'infanzia e scuola primaria: una revisione della letteratura

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    Questo elaborato finale si propone di indagare, esaminando i relativi riscontri sperimentali, gli effetti del gioco digitale per l’apprendimento sulla cognizione numerica degli studenti di scuola dell’infanzia e scuola primaria. Attraverso una revisione sistematica della letteratura – condotta in aderenza alle raccomandazioni del nuovo protocollo PRISMA 2020 – proverà a restituire una risposta per ciascuno dei tre quesiti di ricerca, volti a identificare: le componenti della cognizione numerica coinvolte negli interventi game-based digitali, nonché i modelli teorici su cui hanno fondamento; le caratteristiche dell’interazione tra gioco e giocatore, incluse le tipologie di feedback utilizzate; i gradi di efficacia dimostrati dagli interventi. La ricerca ha riguardato 22 studi sperimentali o quasi sperimentali con gruppo di controllo, pubblicati dal 2013 in poi, che hanno coinvolto un totale di 4647 studenti. I risultati indicano che il gioco digitale è uno strumento estremamente valido per il potenziamento delle abilità numeriche, prospettando una sua implementazione a scopo preventivo sulle possibili difficoltà in matematica

    Conception d’une grille d’analyse des jeux sérieux pour l’enseignement de la science et de la technologie au secondaire en regard des bonnes pratiques reconnues dans le domaine de l’apprentissage par le jeu vidéo

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    L’apprentissage par le jeu vidéo ouvre de nouvelles avenues aux pédagogues du secteur secondaire, notamment en ce qui a trait à leur perfectionnement professionnel. Toutefois, l’absence d’un consensus scientifique autour de cette approche pédagogique tout comme la pluralité des discours émanant des pratiques émergentes nuisent à son intégration raisonnée. Plusieurs y voient néanmoins une occasion de diversifier leurs approches tout en agissant sur la motivation des élèves, et ce, même si le soutien nécessaire à une pédagogie du jeu fait actuellement défaut. Face à ce constat, nous avons étudié les aspects des jeux sérieux et de l’apprentissage par le jeu qui relèvent des bonnes pratiques pédagogiques et permettent de cibler les jeux sérieux disponibles dont l’objectif est de soutenir la motivation et l’apprentissage en science et technologie (ST). Cette démarche nous a amenés à constater les multiples angles sous lesquels on examine habituellement les jeux sérieux. En effet, le cadre conceptuel mis en place porte autant sur les types de jeux utilisés que sur la perception des enseignants à l’égard de ce mouvement, en passant par son impact sur l’acquisition de connaissances et le développement de compétences. Cependant, la recherche dans le domaine demeure fragmentée, ce qui impose aux différents acteurs un effort de synthèse qui semble nuire à l’émergence d’une pratique réfléchie de l’apprentissage par le jeu. Malgré cela, on tire des écrits scientifiques quelques éléments essentiels qui participent à la motivation et à l’apprentissage et qui peuvent être associés à de bonnes pratiques. C’est en prenant la mesure de l’importance d’un accompagnement pédagogique adéquat qu’il nous est apparu opportun de créer, en regard des bons principes reconnus pour ce domaine, un outil d’analyse permettant la compréhension des jeux sérieux offerts et l’évaluation de leur potentiel éducatif, tout en conservant un regard critique sur les approches pédagogiques émergentes. Ainsi, ces éléments, rassemblés dans une grille, devraient participer à l’évaluation des jeux sérieux précédant leur intégration harmonieuse à une séquence d’enseignement-apprentissage. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, nous avons ancré notre démarche aux repères méthodologiques de la recherche développement (Harvey et Loiselle, 2009). C’est dans la phase d’opérationnalisation de cette approche que prend forme l’objet conçu et qu’il est mis à l’essai. Cette méthode de conception a mené à l’établissement de la vingtaine de catégories descriptives et analytiques qui composent la grille d’analyse du potentiel éducatif des jeux sérieux. La validation du contenu de l’outil d’analyse élaboré (Rubio, Berg-Weger, Tebb, Lee et Rauch, 2003), par la rétroaction reçue de quatre experts du milieu de l’enseignement à qui nous avons envoyé un questionnaire, a permis de mettre au point les principes de la grille développée, ce qui débouchera sur une grille d’analyse améliorée pouvant servir l’intention initiale d’accompagnement de l’enseignant dans la sélection de ressources pédagogiques prometteuses. Le devis de la recherche développement (Harvey et Loiselle, 2009) comprend enfin une phase de diffusion de l’objet créé, ce qui se traduira dans un premier temps par la distribution de la grille d’analyse des jeux sérieux auprès des enseignants de notre milieu de travail, avec le souhait de former une communauté de pratique. Nous proposons ensuite d’élargir l’incidence de cette contribution en présentant les résultats de notre recherche dans le cadre de différents congrès ou ateliers de formation qui rassemblent des spécialistes de l’enseignement en science et technologie

    Kutatási készségek fejlesztése játékos kutatásalapú tanulással biológia tantárgyi tartalmon, 8. évfolyamon

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    The aim of this research is to develop a game-transformed inquiry-based development program that can be used to improve inquiry skills of 8th grade students in biology. In the theoretical background of the research the dissertation discusses the concept of inquiry skills and scientific thinking, concepts related to scientific inquiry, inquiry-based learning, games for educational purposes, and teachers’ beliefs about technology and pedagogical content knowledge of games. This research includes five sub studies: (1) the examination of the Hungarian teachers’ beliefs about digital game-based learning, (2) piloting of the student demo; (3) a database and website testing; (4) the experimental trial of the BioScientist development program; (5) and the extended trial of the BioScientist development program. To examine the teachers' (N=102) beliefs about digital game-based learning, the Game-based Learning Teaching Belief Scale instrument was adapted to Hungarian, and a few new background variables were added to the original questionnaire. The responses of the questionnaire help to develop the BioScientist program and to learn about the beliefs of the Hungarian teachers. As part of this research, the BioScientist digital program was developed. Completing the stations of the BioScientist program was partly a home task and partly a classroom task, which was complemented by class discussion. The class discussion was facilitated by the teachers. The program development was aided by two smaller studies with students: the piloting of the student demo (N=34) and a database and website testing (N=20). Subsequently, the impact assessment of the program was aided by two steps: the experimental trial (Nexperimental=83, Ncontrol=122) and the extended trial (Nexperimental=132, Ncontrol=125). The students' inquiry skills were measured with the Inquiry Skill Test, and their biology learning motivation was measured with the Biology Learning Motivation Questionnaire. The most important results of the research are that the inquiry skills of 8th grade students did develop due to the six-week intervention with the BioScientist program in both the experimental trial and the extended trial, though the effect size appeared to be small (dexperimental trial=0,29; dextended trial=0,27). The students’ biology learning motivation did not change significantly due to the development program. Based on feedback from the teachers, the program proved to be suitable for classroom application. The teacher's guide, the own BioScientist account, and the teacher's mode of the website provided enough help for teachers to effectively use the program in everyday practice. Based on the student feedback, the BioScientist program is suitable for students to study at home on their own. According to the students, the tasks of the program helped them understand the curriculum and the scientific process, the latter being an important objective of teaching science. This research draws attention to the huge pedagogical potential of technology-supported hybrid inquiry-based approaches and the value of researching them. The importance of the research is that it supports with data the international trend that the inquiry skills of primary school students can be improved through game-transformed inquiry-based learning

    The Playful Citizen

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    This edited volume collects current research by academics and practitioners on playful citizen participation through digital media technologies

    The Playful Citizen

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    This edited volume collects current research by academics and practitioners on playful citizen participation through digital media technologies