27 research outputs found

    CSP for binary conservative relational structures

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    We prove that whenever A is a 3-conservative relational structure with only binary and unary relations then the algebra of polymorphisms of A either has no Taylor operation (i.e. CSP(A) is NP-complete), or generates a congruence meet semidistributive variety (i.e. CSP(A) has bounded width).Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The Power of Linear Programming for Valued CSPs

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    A class of valued constraint satisfaction problems (VCSPs) is characterised by a valued constraint language, a fixed set of cost functions on a finite domain. An instance of the problem is specified by a sum of cost functions from the language with the goal to minimise the sum. This framework includes and generalises well-studied constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) and maximum constraint satisfaction problems (Max-CSPs). Our main result is a precise algebraic characterisation of valued constraint languages whose instances can be solved exactly by the basic linear programming relaxation. Using this result, we obtain tractability of several novel and previously widely-open classes of VCSPs, including problems over valued constraint languages that are: (1) submodular on arbitrary lattices; (2) bisubmodular (also known as k-submodular) on arbitrary finite domains; (3) weakly (and hence strongly) tree-submodular on arbitrary trees.Comment: Corrected a few typo

    Deciding absorption

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    We characterize absorption in finite idempotent algebras by means of J\'onsson absorption and cube term blockers. As an application we show that it is decidable whether a given subset is an absorbing subuniverse of an algebra given by the tables of its basic operations


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    A Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem (VCSP) provides a common framework that can express a wide range of discrete optimization problems. A VCSP instance is given by a finite set of variables, a finite domain of labels, and an objective function to be minimized. This function is represented as a sum of terms where each term depends on a subset of the variables. To obtain different classes of optimization problems, one can restrict all terms to come from a fixed set Γ of cost functions, called a language. Recent breakthrough results have established a complete complexity classification of such classes with respect to language Γ: if all cost functions in Γ satisfy a certain algebraic condition then all Γ-instances can be solved in polynomial time, otherwise the problem is NP-hard. Unfortunately, testing this condition for a given language Γ is known to be NP-hard. We thus study exponential algorithms for this meta-problem. We show that the tractability condition of a finite-valued language Γ can be tested in O(3‾√3|D|⋅poly(size(Γ))) time, where D is the domain of Γ and poly(⋅) is some fixed polynomial. We also obtain a matching lower bound under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). More precisely, we prove that for any constant δ<1 there is no O(3‾√3δ|D|) algorithm, assuming that SETH holds

    Toward a Dichotomy for Approximation of H-Coloring

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    Given two (di)graphs G, H and a cost function c:V(G) x V(H) -> Q_{>= 0} cup {+infty}, in the minimum cost homomorphism problem, MinHOM(H), we are interested in finding a homomorphism f:V(G)-> V(H) (a.k.a H-coloring) that minimizes sum limits_{v in V(G)}c(v,f(v)). The complexity of exact minimization of this problem is well understood [Pavol Hell and Arash Rafiey, 2012], and the class of digraphs H, for which the MinHOM(H) is polynomial time solvable is a small subset of all digraphs. In this paper, we consider the approximation of MinHOM within a constant factor. In terms of digraphs, MinHOM(H) is not approximable if H contains a digraph asteroidal triple (DAT). We take a major step toward a dichotomy classification of approximable cases. We give a dichotomy classification for approximating the MinHOM(H) when H is a graph (i.e. symmetric digraph). For digraphs, we provide constant factor approximation algorithms for two important classes of digraphs, namely bi-arc digraphs (digraphs with a conservative semi-lattice polymorphism or min-ordering), and k-arc digraphs (digraphs with an extended min-ordering). Specifically, we show that: - Dichotomy for Graphs: MinHOM(H) has a 2|V(H)|-approximation algorithm if graph H admits a conservative majority polymorphims (i.e. H is a bi-arc graph), otherwise, it is inapproximable; - MinHOM(H) has a |V(H)|^2-approximation algorithm if H is a bi-arc digraph; - MinHOM(H) has a |V(H)|^2-approximation algorithm if H is a k-arc digraph. In conclusion, we show the importance of these results and provide insights for achieving a dichotomy classification of approximable cases. Our constant factors depend on the size of H. However, the implementation of our algorithms provides a much better approximation ratio. It leaves open to investigate a classification of digraphs H, where MinHOM(H) admits a constant factor approximation algorithm that is independent of |V(H)|

    Absorbing Subalgebras, Cyclic Terms, and the Constraint Satisfaction Problem

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    The Algebraic Dichotomy Conjecture states that the Constraint Satisfaction Problem over a fixed template is solvable in polynomial time if the algebra of polymorphisms associated to the template lies in a Taylor variety, and is NP-complete otherwise. This paper provides two new characterizations of finitely generated Taylor varieties. The first characterization is using absorbing subalgebras and the second one cyclic terms. These new conditions allow us to reprove the conjecture of Bang-Jensen and Hell (proved by the authors) and the characterization of locally finite Taylor varieties using weak near-unanimity terms (proved by McKenzie and Mar\'oti) in an elementary and self-contained way

    Algebra and the Complexity of Digraph CSPs: a Survey

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    We present a brief survey of some of the key results on the interplay between algebraic and graph-theoretic methods in the study of the complexity of digraph-based constraint satisfaction problems