29 research outputs found

    An Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Discovering Diverse-Frequent Patterns

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    Working with exhaustive search on large dataset is infeasible for several reasons. Recently, developed techniques that made pattern set mining feasible by a general solver with long execution time that supports heuristic search and are limited to small datasets only. In this paper, we investigate an approach which aims to find diverse set of patterns using genetic algorithm to mine diverse frequent patterns. We propose a fast heuristic search algorithm that outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a standard set of benchmarks and capable to produce satisfactory results within a short period of time. Our proposed algorithm uses a relative encoding scheme for the patterns and an effective twin removal technique to ensure diversity throughout the search.Comment: 2015 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Communication Technology (ICEEICT

    Automatically Discovering Hidden Transformation Chaining Constraints

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    Model transformations operate on models conforming to precisely defined metamodels. Consequently, it often seems relatively easy to chain them: the output of a transformation may be given as input to a second one if metamodels match. However, this simple rule has some obvious limitations. For instance, a transformation may only use a subset of a metamodel. Therefore, chaining transformations appropriately requires more information. We present here an approach that automatically discovers more detailed information about actual chaining constraints by statically analyzing transformations. The objective is to provide developers who decide to chain transformations with more data on which to base their choices. This approach has been successfully applied to the case of a library of endogenous transformations. They all have the same source and target metamodel but have some hidden chaining constraints. In such a case, the simple metamodel matching rule given above does not provide any useful information

    Towards Exploratory Reformulation of Constraint Models

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    It is well established that formulating an effective constraint model of a problem of interest is crucial to the efficiency with which it can subsequently be solved. Following from the observation that it is difficult, if not impossible, to know a priori which of a set of candidate models will perform best in practice, we envisage a system that explores the space of models through a process of reformulation from an initial model, guided by performance on a set of training instances from the problem class under consideration. We plan to situate this system in a refinement-based approach, where a user writes a constraint specification describing a problem above the level of abstraction at which many modelling decisions are made. In this position paper we set out our plan for an exploratory reformulation system, and discuss progress made so far.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Towards exploratory reformulation of constraint models

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    Funding: Ian Miguel: EPSRC grant EP/V027182/1; Christopher Stone: EPSRC grant EP/V027182/1.It is well established that formulating an effective constraint model of a problem of interest is crucial to the efficiency with which it can subsequently be solved. Following from the observation that it is difficult, if not impossible, to know a priori which of a set of candidate models will perform best in practice, we envisage a system that explores the space of models through a process of reformulation from an initial model, guided by performance on a set of training instances from the problem class under consideration. We plan to situate this system in a refinement-based approach, where a user writes a constraint specification describing a problem above the level of abstraction at which many modelling decisions are made. In this position paper we set out our plan for an exploratory reformulation system, and discuss progress made so far.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Constraints in Non-Boolean Contexts

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    In high-level constraint modelling languages, constraints can occur in non-Boolean contexts: implicitly, in the form of partial functions, or more explicitly, in the form of constraints on local variables in non-Boolean expressions. Specifications using these facilities are often more succinct. However, these specifications are typically executed on solvers that only support questions of the form of existentially quantified conjunctions of constraints. We show how we can translate expressions with constraints appearing in non-Boolean contexts into conjunctions of ordinary constraints. The translation is clearly structured into constrained type elimination, local variable lifting and partial function elimination. We explain our approach in the context of the modelling language Zinc. An implementation of it is an integral part of our Zinc compiler

    Solving the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Generalized Precedences by Lazy Clause Generation

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    The technical report presents a generic exact solution approach for minimizing the project duration of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with generalized precedences (Rcpsp/max). The approach uses lazy clause generation, i.e., a hybrid of finite domain and Boolean satisfiability solving, in order to apply nogood learning and conflict-driven search on the solution generation. Our experiments show the benefit of lazy clause generation for finding an optimal solutions and proving its optimality in comparison to other state-of-the-art exact and non-exact methods. The method is highly robust: it matched or bettered the best known results on all of the 2340 instances we examined except 3, according to the currently available data on the PSPLib. Of the 631 open instances in this set it closed 573 and improved the bounds of 51 of the remaining 58 instances.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, 16 table

    Automatically generating streamlined constraint models with ESSENCE and CONJURE

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    Streamlined constraint reasoning is the addition of uninferred constraints to a constraint model to reduce the search space, while retaining at least one solution. Previously, effective streamlined models have been constructed by hand, requiring an expert to examine closely solutions to small instances of a problem class and identify regularities. We present a system that automatically generates many conjectured regularities for a given Essence specification of a problem class by examining the domains of decision variables present in the problem specification. These conjectures are evaluated independently and in conjunction with one another on a set of instances from the specified class via an automated modelling tool-chain comprising of Conjure, Savile Row and Minion. Once the system has identified effective conjectures they are used to generate streamlined models that allow instances of much larger scale to be solved. Our results demonstrate good models can be identified for problems in combinatorial design, Ramsey theory, graph theory and group theory - often resulting in order of magnitude speed-ups.Postprin