388 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network for Smart Homes

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become indispensable to the realization of smart homes. The objective of this paper is to develop such a WSN that can be used to construct smart home systems. The focus is on the design and implementation of the wireless sensor node and the coordinator based on ZigBee technology. A monitoring system is built by taking advantage of the GPRS network. To support multi-hop communications, an improved routing algorithm based on the Dijkstra algorithm is presented. Preliminary simulations have been conducted to evaluate the performance of the algorithm.Comment: International Workshop on Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems (MobiCPS 2010), in conjunction with UIC2010, IEEE, Xi'an, China, 26 - 29 October, 201

    Application of Wireless Nano Sensors Network and Nanotechnology in Precision Agriculture: Review

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    Due to a series of global issues in recent years, such as the food crisis, the impact of fertilizer on climate change, and improper use of irrigation that’s way precision agriculture is the best solution for alleviating this problem. One of the most important and interesting information technology is the wireless Nanosensor network with the help of Nanotechnology will boost crop productivity, maintain the fertility status of the soil, save the water with precise application of irrigation in the field and minimize the loss of excess fertilizer through the precise application. In this paper, we have surveyed the importance of sensor networks in precision agriculture and the importance of Nanosensors with the help of Nanotechnology for remote monitoring in the various application of the agriculture field. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2022.v09i04.00

    Low-Power Pıc-Based Sensor Node Devıce Desıgn And Theoretıcal Analysıs Of Energy Consumptıon In Wıreless Sensor Networks

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    Teknolojinin ilerlemesi, daha enerji verimli ve daha ucuz elektronik bileşenlerinin daha küçük üretilmesini sağlamıştır. Bu nedenle, daha önce mevcut birçok bilgisayar ve elektronik bilim-mühendislik fikirleri uygulanabilir hale gelmiştir. Bunlardan birisi de kablosuz sensör ağları teknolojisidir. Kablosuz algılayıcı ağlar, düşük enerji tüketimi ve gerekli teknik gereksinimlerin gerçekleşmesi ile uygulanabilir hale gelmiştir. Ayrıca, Kablosuz algılayıcı ağlarının tasarımında iletişim algoritmaları, enerji tasarruf protokolleri ve yenilenebilir enerji teknolojileri gibi diğer bilimsel çalışmalar zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Bu tez, mikroelektronik sistemler, kablosuz iletişim ve dijital elektronik teknolojisinin ilerlemesiyle uygulanabilir hale gelmiş sensör ağları teknolojisini kapsamaktadır. Birincisi, algılama görevleri ve potansiyel algılayıcı ağ uygulamaları araştırılmış ve algılayıcı ağlarının tasarımını etkileyen faktörlerin gözden geçirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Ardından sensör ağları için iletişim mimarisi ana hatlarıyla belirtilmiştir. Ayrıca, tek bir düğümün WLAN ile iletişim kurabilmesi için yeni donanım mimarisi tasarlanmış ve düğümlerde yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları kullanılmıştır. Bu tezde WSN, analitik bilim ve uygulamalı bilim açısından incelenmiştir. Düşük enerji tüketimi ve iletişim protokolleri arasındaki ilişki değerlendirilmiş ve bilimsel sonuçlara varılmıştır. Teorik analizler bilimsel uygulamalarla desteklenmiştir. Çalışmalar, düşük enerji ve maksimum verimlilik prensibinin gerçekleştirilmesine dayalı kablosuz sensör ağları üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kablosuz sensör ağlari sistemi tasarlandıktan sonra; sensör düğümlerinin enerji tüketimi ve kablosuz ağdaki davranışları test ve analiz edilmiştir. Düşük enerji tüketimi ile sensör düğümleri arasındaki ilişki detaylı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. PIC Tabanlı mikro denetleyiciler sensör düğümlerinin tasarımında kullanılmış ve çok düşük maliyetli tasarım için ultra düşük güçte, nanoWatt teknolojisi ile desteklenen sensör düğümleri tasarlanmıştır. İşleme birimi, bellek birimi ve kablosuz iletişim birimi sensör viii düğümlerine entegre edilmiştir. Tasarlanan sensör düğümünün işletim sistemi PIC C dili ile yazılmıştır ve PIC işletim sistemi nem, sıcaklık, ışığa duyarlılık ve duman sensörü gibi farklı özelliklerin ölçülmesine izin vermiştir. Sensörlerden gelen verilerin merkezi bir konumdan kaydedilmesi ve izlenebilmesi için, C# programlama dili ile bilgisayar yazılımı geliştirilmiştir. Gelişmiş algılayıcı düğümler tarafından alınan kararların uygulanması için yazılım algoritması ve donanım modüllerini içeren karar verme sistemi tasarlanmıştır. Gelişmiş PIC Tabanlı sensör düğümleri, enerji üretimi ve enerji tasarrufu için, güneş enerjisi paneli, şarj edilebilir pil ve süper kapasitör gibi yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ile benzersiz bir PIC Kontrollü voltaj birimi ile desteklenmiştir. Geliştirilmiş kablosuz sensör ağları sistemi, endüstri uygulamaları, akıllı fabrikalar ve akıllı evler gibi günlük hayat uygulamaları için de kullanılabilecektir. Kablosuz algılayıcı ağlar geniş bir aralıkta kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır. Tezin sonuçları, özellikle yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ile WSN'nin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olmayı amaçlamaktadır

    A fuzzy logic micro-controller enabled system for the monitoring of micro climatic parameters of a greenhouse

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    Motivation behind this master dissertation is to introduce a novel study called " A fuzzy logic micro-controller enabled system for the monitoring of micro-climatic parameters of a greenhouse" which is capable of intelligently monitoring and controlling the greenhouse climate conditions in a preprogrammed manner. The proposed system consists of three stations: Sensor Station, Coordinator Station, and Central Station. To allow for better monitoring of the climate condition in the greenhouse, fuzzy logic controller is embedded in the system as the system becomes more intelligent with fuzzy decision making. The sensor station is equipped with several sensor elements such as MQ-7 (Carbon monoxide sensor), DHT11 (Temperature and humidity sensor), LDR (light sensor), grove moisture sensor (soil moisture sensor). The communication between the sensor station and the coordinator station is achieved through XBee wireless modules connected to the Arduino Mega and the communication between coordinator station and the central station is also achieved via XBee wireless modules connected to the Arduino Mega. The experiments and tests of the system were carried out at one of IKHALA TVET COLLEGE’s greenhouses that is used for learning purposes by students studying agriculture at the college. The purpose of conducting the experiments at the college’s green house was to determine the functionality and reliability of the designed wireless sensor network using ZigBee wireless technology. The experiment result indicated that XBee modules could be used as one solution to lower the installation cost, increase flexibility and reliability and create a greenhouse management system that is only based on wireless nodes. The experiment result also showed that the system became more intelligent if fuzzy logic was used by the system for decision making. The overall system design showed advantages in cost, size, power, flexibility and intelligence. It is trusted that the results of the project will give the chance for further research and development of a low cost greenhouse monitoring system for commercial use.Electrical and Mining EngineeringM. Tech. (Electrical Engineering

    A Study of Delay and Data Traffic of IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee-Based WSN in a Smart Home

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) play a key role in modern applications, for instance, in smart homes as will be demonstrated in this paper. ZigBee technology provides better support when compared with WiFi, Bluetooth and Ultra Wide Band (UWB) standards regarding transmission range. This paper deals with the use of ZigBee WSN in a domestic application, namely smart home control. This model comprises a smart home with multiple rooms, designed in such a way that each room has sensors comprise for a varied environment. The sensor nodes will be presented by ZigBee end device which transmits the traffic to a master node in the form of a ZigBee coordinator. An OPNET modeler V14.5 was used in this simulation study. This paper presents seven models related to delay and data traffic received to improve WSN performance. Seven different WSN designs variations were utilized according to the number of rooms, sensors, coordinators, and routers. The outcomes demonstrate that one coordinator model causes more delay when compared with multiple coordinator models. Conversely, the presence of a router causes additional delay. This model should help electrical engineers when designing smart homes that utilize WSNs

    Distributed environmental monitoring

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    With increasingly ubiquitous use of web-based technologies in society today, autonomous sensor networks represent the future in large-scale information acquisition for applications ranging from environmental monitoring to in vivo sensing. This chapter presents a range of on-going projects with an emphasis on environmental sensing; relevant literature pertaining to sensor networks is reviewed, validated sensing applications are described and the contribution of high-resolution temporal data to better decision-making is discussed

    Study on an Agricultural Environment Monitoring Server System using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper proposes an agricultural environment monitoring server system for monitoring information concerning an outdoors agricultural production environment utilizing Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology. The proposed agricultural environment monitoring server system collects environmental and soil information on the outdoors through WSN-based environmental and soil sensors, collects image information through CCTVs, and collects location information using GPS modules. This collected information is converted into a database through the agricultural environment monitoring server consisting of a sensor manager, which manages information collected from the WSN sensors, an image information manager, which manages image information collected from CCTVs, and a GPS manager, which processes location information of the agricultural environment monitoring server system, and provides it to producers. In addition, a solar cell-based power supply is implemented for the server system so that it could be used in agricultural environments with insufficient power infrastructure. This agricultural environment monitoring server system could even monitor the environmental information on the outdoors remotely, and it could be expected that the use of such a system could contribute to increasing crop yields and improving quality in the agricultural field by supporting the decision making of crop producers through analysis of the collected information

    Diseño de una red de sensores inalámbricos para el despliegue óptimo de los nodos sensores en un cultivo de Cacao

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    In this study, factorial experiments were conducted in two different scenarios to design a Wireless Sensor Network for monitoring a cocoa crop in a rural area in Colombia. Node sensors measured temperature, relative humidity, soil moisture, Ultra-Violet light, and visible light intensity. The factors considered in the experiments were distance between node sensors, height from the ground, and type of antenna; in turn, Received Signal Strength Indicator and data transfer time were the outputs. The wireless sensor network was deployed in the crop, covering approximately 3 % of the area and using 7 different nodes in a cluster tree topology. First, an open field scenario with line of sight was used to determine the appropriate height of the node sensors. Second, a scenario in the actual cocoa crop was utilized to find the appropriate distance between modules and type of antenna. We found, based on our calculations and experimental data, that a height of 1.25 m was required to avoid the Fresnel zone and improve the RSSI of the network. Furthermore, we determined that a distance below 35 m was needed to guarantee signal reception and avoid long data transfer times. The wire antenna exhibited a better performance. Finally, the proposed methodology and monitoring system can be used for agronomic applications in rural areas in Colombia to increase crop yield.En este trabajo se realizaron experimentos factoriales en dos escenarios diferentes, para diseñar una red de sensores inalámbricos, que permita monitorear un cultivo de cacao en una zona rural de Colombia. Los nodos sensores miden la temperatura, la humedad relativa, la humedad del suelo, la luz ultravioleta y la intensidad de la luz visible. Los factores considerados en los experimentos fueron la distancia entre los nodos sensores, la altura con respecto al suelo y el tipo de antena; el indicador de intensidad de señal recibida y el tiempo de transferencia de datos fueron las salidas. La red de sensores inalámbricos se implementó en el cultivo, cubriendo aproximadamente el 3 % del área, utilizando 7 nodos diferentes en una topología de cluster-tree. En primer lugar, se utilizó un escenario de campo abierto con línea de vista para determinar la altura adecuada de los sensores de nodo. Luego, se utilizó un escenario en el cultivo de cacao real para encontrar la distancia adecuada entre los módulos y el tipo de antena. Se obtuvo, por cálculos y datos experimentales, que se requería una altura de 1.25 m para evitar la zona de Fresnel y mejorar el RSSI de la red. Además, se determinó que se necesitaba una distancia inferior a 35 m para garantizar la recepción de la señal y evitar largos tiempos de transferencia de datos. Adicionalmente, la antena tipo Wire exhibió un mayor rendimiento y la metodología propuesta y el sistema de monitoreo se pueden usar para aplicaciones agronómicas en áreas rurales de Colombia, con el fin de aumentar el rendimiento de los cultivos