2,934 research outputs found

    Connectivity in Sub-Poisson Networks

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    We consider a class of point processes (pp), which we call {\em sub-Poisson}; these are pp that can be directionally-convexly (dcxdcx) dominated by some Poisson pp. The dcxdcx order has already been shown useful in comparing various point process characteristics, including Ripley's and correlation functions as well as shot-noise fields generated by pp, indicating in particular that smaller in the dcxdcx order processes exhibit more regularity (less clustering, less voids) in the repartition of their points. Using these results, in this paper we study the impact of the dcxdcx ordering of pp on the properties of two continuum percolation models, which have been proposed in the literature to address macroscopic connectivity properties of large wireless networks. As the first main result of this paper, we extend the classical result on the existence of phase transition in the percolation of the Gilbert's graph (called also the Boolean model), generated by a homogeneous Poisson pp, to the class of homogeneous sub-Poisson pp. We also extend a recent result of the same nature for the SINR graph, to sub-Poisson pp. Finally, as examples we show that the so-called perturbed lattices are sub-Poisson. More generally, perturbed lattices provide some spectrum of models that ranges from periodic grids, usually considered in cellular network context, to Poisson ad-hoc networks, and to various more clustered pp including some doubly stochastic Poisson ones.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Proc. of Allerton 2010. For an extended version see http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00497707 version

    Hausdorff and packing dimensions of the images of random fields

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    Let X={X(t),tRN}X=\{X(t),t\in\mathbb{R}^N\} be a random field with values in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. For any finite Borel measure μ\mu and analytic set ERNE\subset\mathbb{R}^N, the Hausdorff and packing dimensions of the image measure μX\mu_X and image set X(E)X(E) are determined under certain mild conditions. These results are applicable to Gaussian random fields, self-similar stable random fields with stationary increments, real harmonizable fractional L\'{e}vy fields and the Rosenblatt process.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/09-BEJ244 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Max-stable random sup-measures with comonotonic tail dependence

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    Several objects in the Extremes literature are special instances of max-stable random sup-measures. This perspective opens connections to the theory of random sets and the theory of risk measures and makes it possible to extend corresponding notions and results from the literature with streamlined proofs. In particular, it clarifies the role of Choquet random sup-measures and their stochastic dominance property. Key tools are the LePage representation of a max-stable random sup-measure and the dual representation of its tail dependence functional. Properties such as complete randomness, continuity, separability, coupling, continuous choice, invariance and transformations are also analysed.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Concentration for Coulomb gases and Coulomb transport inequalities

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    We study the non-asymptotic behavior of Coulomb gases in dimension two and more. Such gases are modeled by an exchangeable Boltzmann-Gibbs measure with a singular two-body interaction. We obtain concentration of measure inequalities for the empirical distribution of such gases around their equilibrium measure, with respect to bounded Lipschitz and Wasserstein distances. This implies macroscopic as well as mesoscopic convergence in such distances. In particular, we improve the concentration inequalities known for the empirical spectral distribution of Ginibre random matrices. Our approach is remarkably simple and bypasses the use of renormalized energy. It crucially relies on new inequalities between probability metrics, including Coulomb transport inequalities which can be of independent interest. Our work is inspired by the one of Ma{\"i}da and Maurel-Segala, itself inspired by large deviations techniques. Our approach allows to recover, extend, and simplify previous results by Rougerie and Serfaty.Comment: Improvement on an assumption, and minor modification

    Non-parametric indices of dependence between components for inhomogeneous multivariate random measures and marked sets

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    We propose new summary statistics to quantify the association between the components in coverage-reweighted moment stationary multivariate random sets and measures. They are defined in terms of the coverage-reweighted cumulant densities and extend classic functional statistics for stationary random closed sets. We study the relations between these statistics and evaluate them explicitly for a range of models. Unbiased estimators are given for all statistics and applied to simulated examples.Comment: Added examples in version

    Critical Brownian sheet does not have double points

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    We derive a decoupling formula for the Brownian sheet which has the following ready consequence: An NN-parameter Brownian sheet in Rd\mathbf{R}^d has double points if and only if d<4Nd<4N. In particular, in the critical case where d=4Nd=4N, the Brownian sheet does not have double points. This answers an old problem in the folklore of the subject. We also discuss some of the geometric consequences of the mentioned decoupling, and establish a partial result concerning kk-multiple points in the critical case k(d2N)=dk(d-2N)=d.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOP665 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Levy processes: Capacity and Hausdorff dimension

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    We use the recently-developed multiparameter theory of additive Levy processes to establish novel connections between an arbitrary Levy process XX in Rd\mathbf{R}^d, and a new class of energy forms and their corresponding capacities. We then apply these connections to solve two long-standing problems in the folklore of the theory of Levy processes. First, we compute the Hausdorff dimension of the image X(G)X(G) of a nonrandom linear Borel set GR+G\subset \mathbf{R}_+, where XX is an arbitrary Levy process in Rd\mathbf{R}^d. Our work completes the various earlier efforts of Taylor [Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 49 (1953) 31-39], McKean [Duke Math. J. 22 (1955) 229-234], Blumenthal and Getoor [Illinois J. Math. 4 (1960) 370-375, J. Math. Mech. 10 (1961) 493-516], Millar [Z. Wahrsch. verw. Gebiete 17 (1971) 53-73], Pruitt [J. Math. Mech. 19 (1969) 371-378], Pruitt and Taylor [Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete 12 (1969) 267-289], Hawkes [Z. Wahrsch. verw. Gebiete 19 (1971) 90-102, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 17 (1978) 567-576, Probab. Theory Related Fields 112 (1998) 1-11], Hendricks [Ann. Math. Stat. 43 (1972) 690-694, Ann. Probab. 1 (1973) 849-853], Kahane [Publ. Math. Orsay (83-02) (1983) 74-105, Recent Progress in Fourier Analysis (1985b) 65-121], Becker-Kern, Meerschaert and Scheffler [Monatsh. Math. 14 (2003) 91-101] and Khoshnevisan, Xiao and Zhong [Ann. Probab. 31 (2003a) 1097-1141], where dimX(G)\dim X(G) is computed under various conditions on GG, XX or both.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117904000001026 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Clustering comparison of point processes with applications to random geometric models

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    In this chapter we review some examples, methods, and recent results involving comparison of clustering properties of point processes. Our approach is founded on some basic observations allowing us to consider void probabilities and moment measures as two complementary tools for capturing clustering phenomena in point processes. As might be expected, smaller values of these characteristics indicate less clustering. Also, various global and local functionals of random geometric models driven by point processes admit more or less explicit bounds involving void probabilities and moment measures, thus aiding the study of impact of clustering of the underlying point process. When stronger tools are needed, directional convex ordering of point processes happens to be an appropriate choice, as well as the notion of (positive or negative) association, when comparison to the Poisson point process is considered. We explain the relations between these tools and provide examples of point processes admitting them. Furthermore, we sketch some recent results obtained using the aforementioned comparison tools, regarding percolation and coverage properties of the Boolean model, the SINR model, subgraph counts in random geometric graphs, and more generally, U-statistics of point processes. We also mention some results on Betti numbers for \v{C}ech and Vietoris-Rips random complexes generated by stationary point processes. A general observation is that many of the results derived previously for the Poisson point process generalise to some "sub-Poisson" processes, defined as those clustering less than the Poisson process in the sense of void probabilities and moment measures, negative association or dcx-ordering.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figure