17 research outputs found

    A Combinatorial Methodology for Optimizing Non-Binary Graph-Based Codes: Theoretical Analysis and Applications in Data Storage

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    Non-binary (NB) low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are graph-based codes that are increasingly being considered as a powerful error correction tool for modern dense storage devices. Optimizing NB-LDPC codes to overcome their error floor is one of the main code design challenges facing storage engineers upon deploying such codes in practice. Furthermore, the increasing levels of asymmetry incorporated by the channels underlying modern dense storage systems, e.g., multi-level Flash systems, exacerbates the error floor problem by widening the spectrum of problematic objects that contributes to the error floor of an NB-LDPC code. In a recent research, the weight consistency matrix (WCM) framework was introduced as an effective combinatorial NB-LDPC code optimization methodology that is suitable for modern Flash memory and magnetic recording (MR) systems. The WCM framework was used to optimize codes for asymmetric Flash channels, MR channels that have intrinsic memory, in addition to canonical symmetric additive white Gaussian noise channels. In this paper, we provide an in-depth theoretical analysis needed to understand and properly apply the WCM framework. We focus on general absorbing sets of type two (GASTs) as the detrimental objects of interest. In particular, we introduce a novel tree representation of a GAST called the unlabeled GAST tree, using which we prove that the WCM framework is optimal in the sense that it operates on the minimum number of matrices, which are the WCMs, to remove a GAST. Then, we enumerate WCMs and demonstrate the significance of the savings achieved by the WCM framework in the number of matrices processed to remove a GAST. Moreover, we provide a linear-algebraic analysis of the null spaces of WCMs associated with a GAST. We derive the minimum number of edge weight changes needed to remove a GAST via its WCMs, along with how to choose these changes. Additionally, we propose a new set of problematic objects, namely oscillating sets of type two (OSTs), which contribute to the error floor of NB-LDPC codes with even column weights on asymmetric channels, and we show how to customize the WCM framework to remove OSTs. We also extend the domain of the WCM framework applications by demonstrating its benefits in optimizing column weight 5 codes, codes used over Flash channels with soft information, and spatially-coupled codes. The performance gains achieved via the WCM framework range between 1 and nearly 2.5 orders of magnitude in the error floor region over interesting channels

    A Combinatorial Methodology for Optimizing Non-Binary Graph-Based Codes: Theoretical Analysis and Applications in Data Storage

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    Non-binary (NB) low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are graph-based codes that are increasingly being considered as a powerful error correction tool for modern dense storage devices. Optimizing NB-LDPC codes to overcome their error floor is one of the main code design challenges facing storage engineers upon deploying such codes in practice. Furthermore, the increasing levels of asymmetry incorporated by the channels underlying modern dense storage systems, e.g., multi-level Flash systems, exacerbates the error floor problem by widening the spectrum of problematic objects that contributes to the error floor of an NB-LDPC code. In a recent research, the weight consistency matrix (WCM) framework was introduced as an effective combinatorial NB-LDPC code optimization methodology that is suitable for modern Flash memory and magnetic recording (MR) systems. The WCM framework was used to optimize codes for asymmetric Flash channels, MR channels that have intrinsic memory, in addition to canonical symmetric additive white Gaussian noise channels. In this paper, we provide an in-depth theoretical analysis needed to understand and properly apply the WCM framework. We focus on general absorbing sets of type two (GASTs) as the detrimental objects of interest. In particular, we introduce a novel tree representation of a GAST called the unlabeled GAST tree, using which we prove that the WCM framework is optimal in the sense that it operates on the minimum number of matrices, which are the WCMs, to remove a GAST. Then, we enumerate WCMs and demonstrate the significance of the savings achieved by the WCM framework in the number of matrices processed to remove a GAST. Moreover, we provide a linear-algebraic analysis of the null spaces of WCMs associated with a GAST. We derive the minimum number of edge weight changes needed to remove a GAST via its WCMs, along with how to choose these changes. Additionally, we propose a new set of problematic objects, namely oscillating sets of type two (OSTs), which contribute to the error floor of NB-LDPC codes with even column weights on asymmetric channels, and we show how to customize the WCM framework to remove OSTs. We also extend the domain of the WCM framework applications by demonstrating its benefits in optimizing column weight 5 codes, codes used over Flash channels with soft information, and spatially-coupled codes. The performance gains achieved via the WCM framework range between 1 and nearly 2.5 orders of magnitude in the error floor region over interesting channels

    Conception Avancée des codes LDPC binaires pour des applications pratiques

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    The design of binary LDPC codes with low error floors is still a significant problem not fully resolved in the literature. This thesis aims to design optimal/optimized binary LDPC codes. We have two main contributions to build the LDPC codes with low error floors. Our first contribution is an algorithm that enables the design of optimal QC-LDPC codes with maximum girth and mini-mum sizes. We show by simulations that our algorithm reaches the minimum bounds for regular QC-LDPC codes (3, d c ) with low d c . Our second contribution is an algorithm that allows the design optimized of regular LDPC codes by minimizing dominant trapping-sets/expansion-sets. This minimization is performed by a predictive detection of dominant trapping-sets/expansion-sets defined for a regular code C(d v , d c ) of girth g t . By simulations on different rate codes, we show that the codes designed by minimizing dominant trapping-sets/expansion-sets have better performance than the designed codes without taking account of trapping-sets/expansion-sets. The algorithms we proposed are based on the generalized RandPEG. These algorithms take into account non-cycles seen in the case of quasi-cyclic codes to ensure the predictions.La conception de codes LDPC binaires avec un faible plancher d’erreurs est encore un problème considérable non entièrement résolu dans la littérature. Cette thèse a pour objectif la conception optimale/optimisée de codes LDPC binaires. Nous avons deux contributions principales pour la construction de codes LDPC à faible plancher d’erreurs. Notre première contribution est un algorithme qui permet de concevoir des codes QC-LDPC optimaux à large girth avec les tailles minimales. Nous montrons par des simulations que notre algorithme atteint les bornes minimales fixées pour les codes QC-LDPC réguliers (3, d c ) avec d c faible. Notre deuxième contribution est un algorithme qui permet la conception optimisée des codes LDPC réguliers en minimisant les trapping-sets/expansion-sets dominants(es). Cette minimisation s’effectue par une détection prédictive des trapping-sets/expansion-sets dominants(es) définies pour un code régulier C(d v , d c ) de girth gt . Par simulations sur des codes de rendement différent, nous montrons que les codes conçus en minimisant les trapping-sets/expansion-sets dominants(es) ont de meilleures performances que les codes conçus sans la prise en compte des trapping-sets/expansion-sets. Les algorithmes que nous avons proposés se basent sur le RandPEG généralisé. Ces algorithmes prennent en compte les cycles non-vus dans le cas des codes quasi-cycliques pour garantir les prédictions

    Error-Correction Coding and Decoding: Bounds, Codes, Decoders, Analysis and Applications

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    Coding; Communications; Engineering; Networks; Information Theory; Algorithm