20,872 research outputs found


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    Neste trabalho, objetivou-se analisar as transformações ocorridas no uso da linguagem por parte de seus usuários tendo como base o período correspondente ao início dos anos 90, momento histórico em que a internet ainda não havia sido popularizada no mundo, em comparação ao ano de 2017, período marcado pelo amplo acesso à internet, principalmente nos países mais desenvolvidos. Para tal, realizou-se uma investigação tendo como base o COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English) com o intuito de se verificar, através da associação de palavras com seus colocados, como alguns termos eram utilizados antes da popularização da internet e após o mesmo fenômeno. Através da análise estatística dos insumos, foi possível identificar que certos termos da língua (neste caso da língua inglesa) passaram a ser utilizados mais frequentemente para expressar algo relacionado à tecnologia, tendo sido os sentidos anteriores rebaixados, nesta transformação semântica, a uma frequência menor ou muito menor de uso após a realidade do acesso amplo à internet, o que representa uma transformação léxico-semântica propiciada por um fenômeno de alcance global que influencia a vida das pessoas de modo a ressignificar o uso que fazem do mundo e consequentemente a metalinguagem que utilizam nas trocas que realizam com o mesmo.REFERÊNCIASBENSON, M., BENSON, E., ILSON, R. (orgs.)The BBI dictionary of english word combinations. Amsterdã/Filadélfia: John Benjamins, 1986.BIBER, D. Variation across speech and writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988Davies, Mark. The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): 600 million words, 1990-present, 2008. Disponível em: https://www.english-corpora.org/coca/. Acesso em: 19 fev. 2020.CASTELLVI, Maria Teresa CABRÉ. La clasificación de neologismos. Alfa, São Paulo, 50 (2): 229-250, 2006DAVIES, Mark. The Corpus of Contemporary American English as the first reliable monitor corpus of English. Literary and Linguistic Computing, Brigham, v. 25, n. 4, 2010. Disponível em: <https://academic.oup.com/dsh/article-abstract/25/4/447/997323?redirectedFrom=fulltext>. Acesso em: 21 ago. 2019.FRANCIS, W. N.; KUCERA, H. Frequency analysis of English usage: lexicon and grammar. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982DAVIES, Mark; KIM, Jong-Bok. Historical shifts with the INTO-CAUSATIVE construction in American English. The Gruyter mouton, [S.L.], v. 57, n. 1, 2019. Disponível em: <http://web.khu.ac.kr/~jongbok/research/2019/2019-ahci-into-historical-shift-linguistics.pdf> Acesso em 21 ago. 2019DICIONÁRIO PRIBERAM DA LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA. Desenvolvido por Lello editores, Porto, 1996 e 1999. Licensiado à Priberam em 2008. Disponível em: < https://dicionario.priberam.org/sobre.aspx> Acesso em 21 ago. 2019KJELLMER, G. A. A dictionary of English collocations: based on the Brown Corpus, v. 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994KREMELBERG, David. Practical statistic: a quick and easy guide to IBM ℗ SPSS ℗ Statistics, STATA, and other statistical software. Sage: Los Angeles, 2011.MC ENERY, Tony, et al. Corpus Linguistics, Learner Corpora, and SLA: Employing Technology to Analyze Language Use. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (2019), 39, 74–92MODIS, Theodore. The end of the internet rush. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Lugano, v. 72, n. 8, 2005. Disponível em: < https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040162505000843> Acesso em: 21 ago. 2019OLIVEIRA, Lúcia Pacheco de. Linguística de corpus: Teoria, interfaces e aplicações. Matraga, Rio de janeiro, v. 16, n. 24, 2009. Disponível em: < https://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/index.php/matraga/article/view/27796>. Acesso em: 21 ago. 2019PARTINGTON, A. Patterns and meanings: using corpora for english language research and teaching. Amsterdã/Filadélfia: John Benjamnins, 1998ROBINSON, Mary; DUNCAN, Daniel (2019) Holistic Approaches to Syntactic Variation: Wh-all Questions in English. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: v. 25, n. 1 , 2019. Disponível em: <https://repository.upenn.edu/pwpl/vol25/iss1/23/>. Acesso em: 21 ago. 2019SANCHEZ, A. Definición e historia de los corpos. In: SANCHEZ, A. et al. (orgs.). CUMBRE: corpus linguístico de español contemporaneo. Madri: SGEL, 1995, p. 7-24.BERBER SARDINHA.  T. Linguística de Corpus. Barueri, SP: Manole, 2004.SINCLAIR, J. McH. Beginning the study of lexis. In: BAZELL, C. E. In memory of R. Firth. Londres: Longman, 1966, p. 410-430.SVARTVIK, Jan. Corpora are becoming mainstream. In: THOMAS, J. and SHORT, M. (orgs). Using corpora for language research. London and New York: Longman,1996. p 3-13.Recebido em 16-11-2019 | Aceito em 12-02-202


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    One of the fundamental characteristics of language is that it can change over time. One method to monitor the change is by observing its corpora: a structured language documentation. Recent development in technology, especially in the field of Natural Language Processing allows robust linguistic processing, which support the description of diverse historical changes of the corpora. The interference of human linguist is inevitable as it determines the gold standard, but computer assistance provides considerable support by incorporating computational approach in exploring the corpora, especially historical corpora. This paper proposes a model for corpus development, where corpus are annotated to support further computational operations such as lexicogrammatical pattern matching, automatic retrieval and extraction. The corpus processing operations are performed by local grammar based corpus processing software on a contemporary Indonesian corpus. This paper concludes that data collection and data processing in a corpus are equally crucial importance to monitor language change, and none can be set aside

    Automatic Detection of Online Jihadist Hate Speech

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    We have developed a system that automatically detects online jihadist hate speech with over 80% accuracy, by using techniques from Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. The system is trained on a corpus of 45,000 subversive Twitter messages collected from October 2014 to December 2016. We present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the jihadist rhetoric in the corpus, examine the network of Twitter users, outline the technical procedure used to train the system, and discuss examples of use.Comment: 31 page

    Selecting ELL Textbooks: A Content Analysis of Language-Teaching Models

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    Many middle school teachers lack adequate criteria to critically select materials that represent a variety of L2 teaching models. This study analyzes the illustrated and written content of 33 ELL textbooks to determine the range of L2 teaching models represented. The researchers asked to what extent do middle school ELL texts depict frequency and variation of language-teaching models in illustrations and written texts. Using content analysis, they measured the range of depiction of the 4 language-teaching models and concluded that 4 of the 33 textbooks had considerable to extensive frequency and variation of L2 teaching model

    Selecting ELL Textbooks: A Content Analysis of Language-Teaching Models

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    Many middle school teachers lack adequate criteria to critically select materials that represent a variety of L2 teaching models. This study analyzes the illustrated and written content of 33 ELL textbooks to determine the range of L2 teaching models represented. The researchers asked to what extent do middle school ELL texts depict frequency and variation of language-teaching models in illustrations and written texts. Using content analysis, they measured the range of depiction of the 4 language-teaching models and concluded that 4 of the 33 textbooks had considerable to extensive frequency and variation of L2 teaching model

    Freeze-frame pictures: micro-diachronic variations in synchronic corpora

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    The focus of this study was to explore the frequencies and collocations analysis in Contemporary American English for the verbs come and go. To conduct the study, the researchers employed quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and analyzed using Benson et al.'s (1986; 2010) grammatical and lexical collocation types. COCA stores all tokens of academic, fiction, movies, blogs, newspapers, and magazine domains. All occurrences frequency of COCA was retrieved, and 300 tokens consisting of the words come and go were collected. The results showed that the word deictic go was more frequent than the word come in COCA, with a total frequency of occurrence of 55% and 45%, respectively. The type of collocation in the word go also had more variations. The word go had nine types of collocation, whereas the word come had seven types of collocations. This study gives applicable and relevant knowledge to non-native speakers of English