46 research outputs found

    On the convergence of a regularization scheme for approximating cavitation solutions with prescribed cavity volume size

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    Let ΩRn\Omega\in\mathbb{R}^n, n=2,3n=2,3, be the region occupied by a hyperelastic body in its reference configuration. Let E()E(\cdot) be the stored energy functional, and let x0x_0 be a flaw point in Ω\Omega (i.e., a point of possible discontinuity for admissible deformations of the body). For V>0 fixed, let uVu_V be a minimizer of E()E(\cdot) among the set of discontinuous deformations uu constrained to form a hole of prescribed volume VV at x0x_0 and satisfying the homogeneous boundary data u(x)=Axu(x)=Ax for xΩx\in\partial \Omega. In this paper we describe a regularization scheme for the computation of both uVu_V and E(uV)E(u_V) and study its convergence properties. In particular, we show that as the regularization parameter goes to zero, (a subsequence) of the regularized constrained minimizers converge weakly in W1,p(ΩBδ(x0))W^{1,p}(\Omega\setminus{{\mathcal{B}}_{\delta}(x_0)}) to a minimizer uVu_{V} for any \delta>0. We obtain various sensitivity results for the dependence of the energies and Lagrange multipliers of the regularized constrained minimizers on the boundary data AA and on the volume parameter VV. We show that both the regularized constrained minimizers and uVu_V satisfy suitable weak versions of the corresponding Euler--Lagrange equations. In addition we describe the main features of a numerical scheme for approximating uVu_V and E(uV)E(u_V) and give numerical examples for the case of a stored energy function of an elastic fluid and in the case of the incompressible limit

    On the convergence of a regularization scheme for approximating cavitation solutions with prescribed cavity volume size

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    Let ΩRn\Omega\in\mathbb{R}^n, n=2,3n=2,3, be the region occupied by a hyperelastic body in its reference configuration. Let E()E(\cdot) be the stored energy functional, and let x0x_0 be a flaw point in Ω\Omega (i.e., a point of possible discontinuity for admissible deformations of the body). For V>0 fixed, let uVu_V be a minimizer of E()E(\cdot) among the set of discontinuous deformations uu constrained to form a hole of prescribed volume VV at x0x_0 and satisfying the homogeneous boundary data u(x)=Axu(x)=Ax for xΩx\in\partial \Omega. In this paper we describe a regularization scheme for the computation of both uVu_V and E(uV)E(u_V) and study its convergence properties. In particular, we show that as the regularization parameter goes to zero, (a subsequence) of the regularized constrained minimizers converge weakly in W1,p(ΩBδ(x0))W^{1,p}(\Omega\setminus{{\mathcal{B}}_{\delta}(x_0)}) to a minimizer uVu_{V} for any \delta>0. We obtain various sensitivity results for the dependence of the energies and Lagrange multipliers of the regularized constrained minimizers on the boundary data AA and on the volume parameter VV. We show that both the regularized constrained minimizers and uVu_V satisfy suitable weak versions of the corresponding Euler--Lagrange equations. In addition we describe the main features of a numerical scheme for approximating uVu_V and E(uV)E(u_V) and give numerical examples for the case of a stored energy function of an elastic fluid and in the case of the incompressible limit

    Infinite energy cavitating solutions: a variational approach

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    We study the phenomenon of cavitation for the displacement boundary value problem of radial, isotropic compressible elasticity for a class of stored energy functions of the form W(F)+h(detF)W(F) + h(\det F), where WW grows like Fn||F||^n, and nn is the space dimension. In this case it follows (from a result of Vodopyanov, Goldshtein and Reshetnyak) that discontinuous deformations must have infinite energy. After characterizing the rate at which this energy blows up, we introduce a modified energy functional which differs from the original by a null lagrangian, and for which cavitating energy minimizers with finite energy exist. In particular, the Euler--Lagrange equations for the modified energy functional are identical to those for the original problem except for the boundary condition at the inner cavity. This new boundary condition states that a certain modified radial Cauchy stress function has to vanish at the inner cavity. This condition corresponds to the radial Cauchy stress for the original functional diverging to -\infty at the cavity surface. Many previously known variational results for finite energy cavitating solutions now follow for the modified functional, such as the existence of radial energy minimizers, satisfaction of the Euler-Lagrange equations for such minimizers, and the existence of a critical boundary displacement for cavitation. We also discuss a numerical scheme for computing these singular cavitating solutions using regular solutions for punctured balls. We show the convergence of this numerical scheme and give some numerical examples including one for the incompressible limit case. Our approach is motivated in part by the use of the renormalized energy for Ginzberg-Landau vortices.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Global invertibility of Sobolev maps

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    We define a class of Sobolev W 1,p (Ω , Rn ) functions, with p > n − 1, such that its trace on ∂Ω is also Sobolev, and do not present cavitation in the interior or on the boundary. We show that if a function in this class has positive Jacobian and coincides on the boundary with an injective map, then the function is itself injective. We then prove the existence of minimizers within this class for the type of functionals that appear in nonlinear elasticityC. Mora-Corral has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (Projects MTM2014-57769-C3-1-P, MTM2017-85934-C3-2-P and the “Ramón y Cajal” programme RYC-2010-06125) and the ERC Starting grant no. 307179. D. Henao has been supported by the FONDECYT project 1150038 of the Chilean Ministry of Education and the Millennium Nucleus Center for Analysis of PDE NC130017 of the Chilean Ministry of Econom

    Minimizers of Nonlocal Polyconvex Energies in Nonlocal Hyperelasticity

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    We develop a theory of existence of minimizers of energy functionals in vectorial problems based on a nonlocal gradient under Dirichlet boundary conditions. The model shares many features with the peridynamics model and is also applicable to nonlocal solid mechanics, especially nonlinear elasticity. This nonlocal gradient was introduced in an earlier work, inspired by Riesz’ fractional gradient, but suitable for bounded domains. The main assumption on the integrand of the energy is polyconvexity. Thus, we adapt the corresponding results of the classical case to this nonlocal context, notably, Piola’s identity, the integration by parts of the determinant and the weak continuity of the determinant. The proof exploits the fact that every nonlocal gradient is a classical gradient

    Minimizers of Nonlocal Polyconvex Energies in Nonlocal Hyperelasticity

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    We develop a theory of existence of minimizers of energy functionals in vectorial problems based on a nonlocal gradient under Dirichlet boundary conditions. The model shares many features with the peridynamics model and is also applicable to nonlocal solid mechanics, especially nonlinear elasticity. This nonlocal gradient was introduced in an earlier work, inspired by Riesz' fractional gradient, but suitable for bounded domains. The main assumption on the integrand of the energy is polyconvexity. Thus, we adapt the corresponding results of the classical case to this nonlocal context, notably, Piola's identity, the integration by parts of the determinant and the weak continuity of the determinant. The proof exploits the fact that every nonlocal gradient is a classical gradient. Contrary to classical elasticity, this existence result is compatible with cavitation and fracture