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    Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi Dan Teknologi Informasi Si/ti Pendidik Dan Tenaga Kependidikan (Studi Kasus: Pada Disdikbudpora Metro)

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    The Education, Culture , Youth and Sport Agency of Metro has not got a plan for main implementation for Information System /Information Technology so the information needed cannot be managed accurately. For that reason, it is really needed an IT-based system to produce precise and puctual information. This study is aimed at identifying data needs and information in formulating the policy and developing strategic information system plan in the educational agency. The main concept in designing this study is a methodology stated by John Ward and Joe Peppard. The steps start from analyzing internal business circumtance and external organization, IT internal analysis and it is continued by processing strategic indentification and doing future portofolio design. The analysis methods used in this study include SWOT, Critical Success Factor, Value Chain, PEST, and Mc Fardan Strategic Grid.The result of this study is a stratgic plan blue print which refers to the organization business plan based on the data derived from the analysis method. The information resulted is then to be used as an integrated method for administrative needs and public services. The strategic purpose is a prime service that can be used to increase the data management for maximizing functions of Educators and Educational Officers (PTK). They are supported with IT factors, IT roles to provide the qualified educational infra structures and develop IT application for improving the quality of educational management. The IT strategic plan produced can be used in planning the next strategic plan and give some priorities for activities to find the great results and are based on the aims to achieve

    Strategic Planning of Information System/Infromation Technology (Case Study: Gresik Regency Government Environment)

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    Using IS (Information System)/IT (Information technology) has become the organization's need to carry out its operational activities and services. The government has also used IS/IT in carrying out its activities and services considering the benefits that are get, efficient, effective, and transparency to support good and clean governance. Gresik Regency does not yet have a master plan for implementing IS/IT so that what it needs cannot be managed. Gresik Regency needs a planned information technology-based system that can produce correct and prompt information. purpose of this study was to identify data and information needs in policy formulation and to develop an information system strategic plan in Gresik Regency. Basic concept used in compiling this research is the method proposed by John Ward and Joe Peppard. stages carried out start from analyzing the internal and external business environment of the organization, analyzing internal and external organization IS/IT, followed by identifying strategies and designing future portfolios. Method of analysis carried out uses several methods, among others, SWOT, Critical Success Factors, Value Chain, PEST, and Mc Farlan Strategic Grid. The results of this study is a blueprint of strategic planning that refers to the organization's business plan based on data obtained through the analytical methods used. It will integrate the information produced for administrative and public service needs. organization's strategic objectives in the form of superior prime service will be achieved by implementing an optimal improvement of data processing functions with the support of Information Technology. preparation of IS / IT strategic planning according to the resulting portfolio is expecting to be using in future strategic planning so it can give priority to the activities needed to get optimal results and based on its contribution to the objectives to be achievin

    Method of calculating nursing workload based on individualised patient care

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    This thesis describes a method of calculating nursing workload based upon individualised patient care, a concept which is supported by the International Council of Nurses. An aid to this practice is the nursing care plan, the use and iñtroduction of which into a group of Scottish hospitals is described. Nursing care plans provide a description of the care which nurses prescribe and can be used as a source from which to determine the nursing care elements of the workload.A formula was developed and is presented for the calculation of the nursing workload based on the amount of time required for Planned Activities and the average percentage of time spent in Planned Activities. This formula incorporates time for Unplanned Activities. The methods of determining the time and percentage of time in Planned Activities are described. The major method used was non -participant observation.The formula was originally tested by the researcher on one medical ward where subsequently the nursing staff participated in the recording and collection of workload data.The system was extended to two other medical wards where the nursing staff also participated in the operation of the system for a period of six months.The information produced by this system has a variety of management uses which are discussed

    Models to optimise medication safety in elderly and oncology inpatients

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    Medication therapy is recognised as a high-risk process. German Federal Ministry of Health has proposed certain measures to ensure an optimal medication process with the aim of reducing medication errors and thereby avoidable risks for the patient in drug therapy. The concept is called medication safety. Its centre of attention is fostering awareness of medication safety among patients, physicians, pharmacists and caregivers, to improve information on medicines and intersectional communication about drug therapy as well as facilitation of medication safety research. A central point represents the need for greater involvement and information of the patient with regard to his medication therapy. The focus of this thesis is to propose models to optimise medication safety in the hospital setting. The first part of the thesis presents a study protocol for multi-professional model to reduce drug-related readmissions in care-dependent elderly. The protocol is based on the foundation of Spirit 2013 statement, which defines standard protocol items for clinical trials. The model recognises the need for safer medication use through the concerted efforts of all caregivers. It has been developed and recently tested in a pilot study. First results showed the model’s tendency toward active collaboration among the ward-based caregivers and outlined a positive impact on medication safety. However, its effectiveness has still to be assessed in a full-scale evaluation with an adequate sample size. The planed evaluation study is an open randomised controlled trial supplemented by a qualitative evaluation of the intervention. During the hospital stay, patients are randomly allocated to either a control or an intervention group. Control group represent current medical standard of care where the intervention represents multi-professional care according to the defined Standard Operating Procedure for this purpose. After the hospital stay, both patient groups are followed up in the same manner for 12 months to assess the long-term efficacy of the model with a patient-relevant outcome – drug-related hospital readmissions. Qualitative assessment in this evaluation study consists of patient interviews at the end of the hospital stay and focus group for care providers after the study intervention time. Integrating qualitative methodologies implies studying individuals in their natural setting to characterise and provide potential explanations for particular events and behaviours. Evaluation of the model using mixed-methods approach should provide a useful example for further improvements of multi-professional complex intervention models and medication safety in Germany. The second part of this thesis presents the model of optimised pharmaceutical care service on the oncology ward and development of a prediction model. It is a pilot study outlined by STROBE and TRIPOD statement. Pharmaceutical care service was assessed in terms of management of drug-related problems (DRPs). The aim was to develop DRP prognostic model. The pharmaceutical care model was further assessed in terms of number, type and risk factors of DRPs leading to intervention, type of intervention provided, and PRO-CTCAE symptom burden and impact on pharmaceutical intervention. The most important measurements were: German PRO-CTCAE core item set (weekly assessment, recall period 7 days, 12 symptom item clusters, three dimensions: frequency, severity, interference), adverse drug reaction risk score on admission, APS-Doc® classification system for drug-related problems and Doku-PIK documentation system for pharmaceutical intervention, both developed for the hospital setting. In the study sample of 101 patients, 46 were women. Average age was 65 years and average stay on the ward was 10 days. The most frequent diagnoses were malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and multiple myeloma. On average each patient had two DRPs leading to pharmaceutical intervention. The most common drug-related problems were drug-drug interactions, drug dosage, drug prescription/monitoring, indication and contraindication. The most frequent pharmaceutical interventions were symptom surveillance, information to physicians and nurses, initiated diagnostic tests, stop/pause the drug and change of the drug dose. The most frequently reported PRO-CTCAE symptoms were fatigue, anxiety and sadness, and pain. For 13 patients pharmaceutical recommendations were based on the PRO-CTCAE items. The implementation rate of pharmaceutical recommendations by the ward-based team was 93 %. Poisson regression model was performed to assess risk factors predicting pattern of DRPs leading to pharmaceutical intervention on the oncology ward. In the second step, the regression was used to combine multiple predictors by assigning relative weights to each predictor to obtain a probability of DRP during the stay on the oncology ward. There are two models to be distinguished: the initial or up to 5th day on the study ward, and follow-up model from the 5th day up to 10th day on the study ward. Significant risk factors in the initial model were ECOG performance score, adverse drug reaction risk score and presence of heart failure; in the follow-up model ECOG performance score and presence of renal failure. Prognostic ability of both regression models was assessed with ROC curve showing AUC of 0.777 (95 % CI 0.686 – 0.868, SE 0.046, p < 0.001) and AUC of 0.683 (95 % CI 0.532 – 0.835, SE 0.077, p = 0.033), respectively. Based on the initial regression model, DRP prognostic model has been proposed (AUC of 0.790 (95 % CI 0.697 – 0.883, SE 0.048, p < 0.001), with a scoring system from 0 to 10 and cut off at 5. That means patients with 5 or more points are according to the Initial DRP prognostic model highly probable to experience DRP leading to a pharmaceutical intervention during the five-day stay on oncology ward. The pilot study has showed that cancer patients exhibit many DRPs requiring a pharmaceutical intervention. PRO-CTCAE may support pharmaceutical care on the oncology ward. The high acceptance of the intervention indicates the need of a pharmacist as integrated part of the oncology ward-based team. The initial DRP prognostic model may assist pharmacist to prioritise their service and to optimise their workload. But small study sample and lack of internal validation limits score interpretation, considering current results provisional and calling for the score development and validation in a study with bigger sample size. The approach, however, provides the methodology for further research of the most optimised patient-oriented, quality-driven, outcome-based oncology ward teamwork

    Quality Standards and Criteria for Health Services

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    Examination of Community Members’ Contribution on Child Protection in Tanzania: A Case of Makole Ward in Dodoma City.

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    This study titled “Examination of the Contribution of Community Members on Child Protection at Makole Ward in Dodoma” is guided by three specific objectives; to identify child protection initiatives available at Makole Ward; to explore the roles of community members on child protection initiatives and lastly to identify the challenges facing community members on child protection initiatives at Makole ward. Further, the study used a sample size of thirty research subjects, where 17 of them were female and 13 were male. Since no research exists in vacuum, this work was guided by System theory to address the above specific objectives. The study employed descriptive research design in order to harness qualitative information. The findings revealed that limited knowledge of child protection system was a noticeable factor among others that contributed heavily on the increase of child violence and abuse. Adding on, various subsystems, namely; parents, family, schools, religious leaders, neighbourhood were identified as a fundamental mechanism that should work to ensure the best interest of the children. The realization of child protection system cannot be recognized by government alone, it also requires the efforts of all stakeholders around all children. Therefore, the study concluded by arguing on the need for allowing all interested parties to join and cherish the effort of creating awareness of child protection systems and the role of each community member. Also, the Government is urged to make follow up on the child protection initiatives it has put in place and assessing their impact in reducing and /or eliminate violence and abuse among children. Hence, making improvement where necessary. Keywords: Concept of child, Child protection, Community members, Child protection initiativ

    Pick-n-mix approaches to technology supply : XML as a standard “glue” linking universalised locals

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    We report on our experiences in a participatory design project to develop ICTs in a hospital ward working with deliberate self-harm patients. This project involves the creation and constant re-creation of sociotechnical ensembles in which XML-related technologies may come to play vital roles. The importance of these technologies arises from the aim underlying the project of creating systems that are shaped in locally meaningful ways but reach beyond their immediate context to gain wider importance. We argue that XML is well placed to play the role of "glue" that binds multiple such systems together. We analyse the implications of localised systems development for technology supply and argue that inscriptions that are evident in XML-related standards are and will be very important for the uptake of XML technologies

    Criminal Intelligence Management System and Security in Kenya: A Case Study of Kirinyaga County

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    Law enforcement agents require Criminal Intelligence about their immediate and that of the wider environment in which they operate in order to guarantee their safety and that of others, they need to keep track of internal and external threats. It is a combination of these internal and external threats that develop the concept of security. The purpose of this study was to look at Criminal Intelligence management system and security in Kenya. The objective of the study was to; assess the extent to which integrated criminal intelligence management system is used in Kenya. The study targeted Kirinyaga County from where  the findings were realized. The study employed a descriptive survey design targeting various levels of Intelligence Management in Kirinyaga County. The levels comprised of County, Sub county and Ward security and intelligence committees. The Total target Population of the group was 79 people. However, for practical reasons the research sampled 55 persons. An interview schedule and individual questionnares were used to collect data. Prior to engaging in actual data collection a pilot study was carried out in Kiambu County which had population with similar characteristics with Kirinyaga county to test validity and reliability of the instruments. Data collected was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The data was then described in statistics from where it was captured in frequencies and percentages arrived at through excel computer package. The results were then presented using tables and charts from where the discussions were based and findings drawn. The finding from the study revealed that criminal intelligence management system did not have proper control mechanisms to gather actionable information to be able to fully curb crime. Other findings were that the system was riddled with some challenges which included lack of trust among the various agencies, bureaucracies in disseminating the intelligence to the operations teams among others. The main recommendation of the study is that there is urgent need to put in place criminal intelligence plan detailing information gathering, collation and sharing, proper vetting and joint training of all the officers handling intelligence be undertaken so as to achieve synergy at various levels and have enabling legislations to address issues of autocracy. Keywords: Criminal Intelligence, Management System,  Security DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-8-04 Publication date:October 31st 202