681,741 research outputs found

    On Weakly Associative Lattices and Near Lattices

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    The main aim of this article is to introduce formally two generalizations of lattices, namely weakly associative lattices and near lattices, which can be obtained from the former by certain weakening of the usual well-known axioms. We show selected propositions devoted to weakly associative lattices and near lattices from Chapter 6 of [15], dealing also with alternative versions of classical axiomatizations. Some of the results were proven in the Mizar [1], [2] system with the help of Prover9 [14] proof assistant.Damian Sawicki - Institute of Informatics, University of Białystok, PolandAdam Grabowski - Institute of Informatics, University of Białystok, PolandGrzegorz Bancerek, Czesław Bylinski, Adam Grabowski, Artur Korniłowicz, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Naumowicz, Karol Pak, and Josef Urban. Mizar: State-of-the-art and beyond. In Manfred Kerber, Jacques Carette, Cezary Kaliszyk, Florian Rabe, and Volker Sorge, editors, Intelligent Computer Mathematics, volume 9150 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 261–279. Springer International Publishing, 2015. ISBN 978-3-319-20614-1. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20615-8_17.Grzegorz Bancerek, Czesław Bylinski, Adam Grabowski, Artur Korniłowicz, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Naumowicz, and Karol Pak. The role of the Mizar Mathematical Library for interactive proof development in Mizar. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 61(1):9–32, 2018. doi:10.1007/s10817-017-9440-6.Garrett Birkhoff. Lattice Theory. Providence, Rhode Island, New York, 1967.B.A. Davey and H.A. Priestley. Introduction to Lattices and Order. Cambridge University Press, 2002.Ervin Fried and George Grätzer. Some examples of weakly associative lattices. Colloquium Mathematicum, 27:215–221, 1973. doi:10.4064/cm-27-2-215-221.Adam Grabowski. Mechanizing complemented lattices within Mizar system. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 55:211–221, 2015. doi:10.1007/s10817-015-9333-5.Adam Grabowski and Markus Moschner. Managing heterogeneous theories within a mathematical knowledge repository. In Andrea Asperti, Grzegorz Bancerek, and Andrzej Trybulec, editors, Mathematical Knowledge Management Proceedings, volume 3119 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 116–129. Springer, 2004. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-27818-4_9. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, Bialowieza, Poland, Sep. 19–21, 2004.Adam Grabowski and Damian Sawicki. On two alternative axiomatizations of lattices by McKenzie and Sholander. Formalized Mathematics, 26(2):193–198, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0017.Adam Grabowski and Christoph Schwarzweller. Translating mathematical vernacular into knowledge repositories. In Michael Kohlhase, editor, Mathematical Knowledge Management, volume 3863 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 49–64. Springer, 2006. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/11618027 4. 4th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, MKM 2005, July 15–17, 2005, Revised Selected Papers.Adam Grabowski, Artur Korniłowicz, and Christoph Schwarzweller. Equality in computer proof-assistants. In Ganzha, Maria and Maciaszek, Leszek and Paprzycki, Marcin, editor, Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, volume 5 of ACSIS-Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, pages 45–54. IEEE, 2015. doi:10.15439/2015F229.George Grätzer. General Lattice Theory. Academic Press, New York, 1978.George Grätzer. Lattice Theory: Foundation. Birkhäuser, 2011.Dominik Kulesza and Adam Grabowski. Formalization of quasilattices. Formalized Mathematics, 28(2):217–225, 2020. doi:10.2478/forma-2020-0019.William McCune. Prover9 and Mace4. 2005–2010.William McCune and Ranganathan Padmanabhan. Automated Deduction in Equational Logic and Cubic Curves. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.Ranganathan Padmanabhan and Sergiu Rudeanu. Axioms for Lattices and Boolean Algebras. World Scientific Publishers, 2008.Piotr Rudnicki and Josef Urban. Escape to ATP for Mizar. In First International Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving-PxTP 2011, 2011.Stanisław Zukowski. Introduction to lattice theory. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):215–222, 1990.292778

    Formalization of Quasilattices

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    The main aim of this article is to introduce formally one of the generalizations of lattices, namely quasilattices, which can be obtained from the axiomatization of the former class by certain weakening of ordinary absorption laws. We show propositions QLT-1 to QLT-7 from [15], presenting also some short variants of corresponding axiom systems. Some of the results were proven in the Mizar [1], [2] system with the help of Prover9 [14] proof assistant.Dominik Kulesza - Institute of Informatics, University of Białystok, PolandAdam Grabowski - Institute of Informatics, University of Białystok, PolandGrzegorz Bancerek, Czesław Byliński, Adam Grabowski, Artur Korniłowicz, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Naumowicz, Karol Pąk, and Josef Urban. Mizar: State-of-the-art and beyond. In Manfred Kerber, Jacques Carette, Cezary Kaliszyk, Florian Rabe, and Volker Sorge, editors, Intelligent Computer Mathematics, volume 9150 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 261–279. Springer International Publishing, 2015. ISBN 978-3-319-20614-1. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20615-8_17.Grzegorz Bancerek, Czesław Byliński, Adam Grabowski, Artur Korniłowicz, Roman Matuszewski, Adam Naumowicz, and Karol Pąk. The role of the Mizar Mathematical Library for interactive proof development in Mizar. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 61(1):9–32, 2018. doi:10.1007/s10817-017-9440-6.Garrett Birkhoff. Lattice Theory. Providence, Rhode Island, New York, 1967.B.A. Davey and H.A. Priestley. Introduction to Lattices and Order. Cambridge University Press, 2002.G. Gierz, K.H. Hofmann, K. Keimel, J.D. Lawson, M. Mislove, and D.S. Scott. A Compendium of Continuous Lattices. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1980.Adam Grabowski. Mechanizing complemented lattices within Mizar system. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 55:211–221, 2015. doi:10.1007/s10817-015-9333-5.Adam Grabowski and Robert Milewski. Boolean posets, posets under inclusion and products of relational structures. Formalized Mathematics, 6(1):117–121, 1997.Adam Grabowski and Markus Moschner. Managing heterogeneous theories within a mathematical knowledge repository. In Andrea Asperti, Grzegorz Bancerek, and Andrzej Trybulec, editors, Mathematical Knowledge Management Proceedings, volume 3119 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 116–129. Springer, 2004. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-27818-4_9. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, Bialowieza, Poland, Sep. 19–21, 2004.Adam Grabowski and Damian Sawicki. On two alternative axiomatizations of lattices by McKenzie and Sholander. Formalized Mathematics, 26(2):193–198, 2018. doi:10.2478/forma-2018-0017.Adam Grabowski and Christoph Schwarzweller. Translating mathematical vernacular into knowledge repositories. In Michael Kohlhase, editor, Mathematical Knowledge Management, volume 3863 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 49–64. Springer, 2006. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/11618027_4. 4th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, MKM 2005, July 15–17, 2005, Revised Selected Papers.Adam Grabowski, Artur Korniłowicz, and Christoph Schwarzweller. Equality in computer proof-assistants. In Ganzha, Maria and Maciaszek, Leszek and Paprzycki, Marcin, editor, Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, volume 5 of ACSIS-Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, pages 45–54. IEEE, 2015. doi:10.15439/2015F229.George Grätzer. General Lattice Theory. Academic Press, New York, 1978.George Grätzer. Lattice Theory: Foundation. Birkhäuser, 2011.William McCune. Prover9 and Mace4. 2005–2010.William McCune and Ranganathan Padmanabhan. Automated Deduction in Equational Logic and Cubic Curves. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.Ranganathan Padmanabhan and Sergiu Rudeanu. Axioms for Lattices and Boolean Algebras. World Scientific Publishers, 2008.Piotr Rudnicki and Josef Urban. Escape to ATP for Mizar. In First International Workshop on Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving-PxTP 2011, 2011.Stanisław Żukowski. Introduction to lattice theory. Formalized Mathematics, 1(1):215–222, 1990.28221722

    Higher Prostate Weight Is Inversely Associated With Gleason Score Upgrading In Radical Prostatectomy Specimens

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    Background. Protective factors against Gleason upgrading and its impact on outcomes after surgery warrant better definition. Patients and Methods. Consecutive 343 patients were categorized at biopsy (BGS) and prostatectomy (PGS) as Gleason score, ≤6, 7, and ≥8; 94 patients (27.4%) had PSA recurrence, mean followup 80.2 months (median 99). Independent predictors of Gleason upgrading (logistic regression) and disease-free survival (DFS) (Kaplan-Meier, log-rank) were determined. Results. Gleason discordance was 45.7% (37.32% upgrading and 8.45% downgrading). Upgrading risk decreased by 2.4% for each 1 g of prostate weight increment, while it increased by 10.2% for every 1 ng/mL of PSA, 72.0% for every 0.1 unity of PSA density and was 21 times higher for those with BGS 7. Gleason upgrading showed increased clinical stage (P = 0.019), higher tumor extent (P = 0.009), extraprostatic extension (P = 0.04), positive surgical margins (P < 0.001), seminal vesicle invasion (P = 0.003), less "insignificant" tumors (P < 0.001), and also worse DFS, χ 2 = 4.28, df = 1, P = 0.039. However, when setting the final Gleason score (BGS ≤ 6 to PGS 7 versus BGS 7 to PGS 7), avoiding allocation bias, DFS impact is not confirmed, χ 2 = 0.40, df = 1, P = 0.530. Conclusions. Gleason upgrading is substantial and confers worse outcomes. Prostate weight is inversely related to upgrading and its protective effect warrants further evaluation. © 2013 Leonardo Oliveira Reis et al.Pinthus, J.H., Witkos, M., Fleshner, N.E., Sweet, J., Evans, A., Jewett, M.A., Krahn, M., Trachtenberg, J., Prostate Cancers Scored as Gleason 6 on Prostate Biopsy are Frequently Gleason 7 Tumors at Radical Prostatectomy: Implication on Outcome (2006) Journal of Urology, 176 (3), pp. 979-984. , DOI 10.1016/j.juro.2006.04.102, PII S0022534706011645King, C.R., McNeal, J.E., Gill, H., Presti Jr., J.C., Extended prostate biopsy scheme improves reliability of Gleason grading: Implications for radiotherapy patients (2004) International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 59 (2), pp. 386-391. , DOI 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2003.10.014, PII S0360301603021187Chun, F.K., Steuber, T., Erbersdobler, A., Currlin, E., Walz, J., Schlomm, T., Haese, A., Karakiewicz, P.I., Development and internal validation of a nomogram predicting the probability of prostate cancer Gleason sum upgrading between biopsy and radical prostatectomy pathology (2006) European Urology, 49 (5), pp. 820-826. , 2-s2.0-33645760008 10.1016/j.eururo.2005.11.007Gonzalgo, M.L., Bastian, P.J., Mangold, L.A., Trock, B.J., Epstein, J.I., Walsh, P.C., Partin, A.W., Relationship between primary Gleason pattern on needle biopsy and clinicopathologic outcomes among men with Gleason score 7 adenocarcinoma of the prostate (2006) Urology, 67 (1), pp. 115-119. , DOI 10.1016/j.urology.2005.07.037, PII S0090429505011337Kvåle, R., Møller, B., Wahlqvist, R., Fosså, S.D., Berner, A., Busch, C., Kyrdalen, A.E., Halvorsen, O.J., Concordance between Gleason scores of needle biopsies and radical prostatectomy specimens: A population-based study (2009) BJU International, 103 (12), pp. 1647-1654. , 2-s2.0-67149126604 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08255.xBillis, A., Magna, L.A., Ferreira, U., Correlation between tumor extent in radical prostatectomies and preoperative PSA, histological grade, surgical margins, and extraprostatic extension: Application of a new practical method for tumor extent evaluation (2003) International Braz J Urol, 29 (2), pp. 113-120Epstein, J.I., Allsbrook Jr., W.C., Amin, M.B., Egevad, L.L., Bastacky, S., Lopez Beltran, A., Berner, A., Young, R.H., The 2005 International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) consensus conference on Gleason grading of prostatic carcinoma (2005) American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 29 (9), pp. 1228-1242. , DOI 10.1097/01.pas.0000173646.99337.b1Cookson, M.S., Aus, G., Burnett, A.L., Canby-Hagino, E.D., D'Amico, A.V., Dmochowski, R.R., Eton, D.T., Thompson, I., Variation in the Definition of Biochemical Recurrence in Patients Treated for Localized Prostate Cancer: The American Urological Association Prostate Guidelines for Localized Prostate Cancer Update Panel Report and Recommendations for a Standard in the Reporting of Surgical Outcomes (2007) Journal of Urology, 177 (2), pp. 540-545. , DOI 10.1016/j.juro.2006.10.097, PII S0022534706028576Colleselli, D., Pelzer, A.E., Steiner, E., Ongarello, S., Schaefer, G., Bartsch, G., Schwentner, C., Upgrading of Gleason score 6 prostate cancers on biopsy after prostatectomy in the low and intermediate tPSA range (2010) Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, 13 (2), pp. 182-185. , 2-s2.0-77952543434 10.1038/pcan.2009.54Montironi, R., Mazzucchelli, R., Scarpelli, M., Lopez-Beltran, A., Mikuz, G., Algaba, F., Boccon-Gibod, L., Prostate carcinoma II: Prognostic factors in prostate needle biopsies (2006) BJU International, 97 (3), pp. 492-497. , 2-s2.0-33645000123 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.05973.xFitzsimons, N.J., Presti Jr., J.C., Kane, C.J., Terris, M.K., Aronson, W.J., Amling, C.L., Freedland, S.J., Is Biopsy Gleason Score Independently Associated With Biochemical Progression Following Radical Prostatectomy After Adjusting for Pathological Gleason Score? 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    Revisión de los métodos computerizados para la reconstrucción de fragmentos arqueológicos de cerámica

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    [ES] Las cerámicas son los hallazgos más numerosos encontrados en las excavaciones arqueológicas; a menudo se usan para obtener información sobre la historia, la economía y el arte de un sitio. Los arqueólogos rara vez encuentran jarrones completos; en general, están dañados y en fragmentos, a menudo mezclados con otros grupos de cerámica.El análisis y la reconstrucción de fragmentos se realiza por un operador experto mediante el uso del método manual tradicional. Los artículos revisados proporcionaron evidencias de que el método tradicional no es reproducible, no es repetible, consume mucho tiempo y sus resultados generan grandes incertidumbres. Con el objetivo de superar los límites anteriores, en los últimos años, los investigadores han realizado esfuerzos para desarrollar métodos informáticos que permitan el análisis de fragmentos arqueológicos de cerámica, todo ello destinado a su reconstrucción. Para contribuir a este campo de estudio, en este artículo, se presenta un análisis exhaustivo de las publicaciones disponibles más importantes hasta finales de 2019. Este estudio, centrado únicamente en fragmentos de cerámica, se realiza mediante la recopilación de artículos en inglés de la base de datos Scopus, utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: "métodos informáticos en arqueología", "arqueología 3D", "reconstrucción 3D", "reconocimiento y reconstrucción automática de características", "restauración de reliquias en forma de cerámica ". La lista se completa con referencias adicionales que se encuentran a través de la lectura de documentos seleccionados. Los 53 trabajos seleccionados se dividen en tres períodos de tiempo. Según una revisión detallada de los estudios realizados, los elementos clave de cada método analizado se enumeran en función de las herramientas de adquisición de datos, las características extraídas, los procesos de clasificación y las técnicas de correspondencia. Finalmente, para superar las brechas reales, se proponen algunas recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones.[EN] Potteries are the most numerous finds found in archaeological excavations; they are often used to get information about the history, economy, and art of a site. Archaeologists rarely find complete vases but, generally, damaged and in fragments, often mixed with other pottery groups. By using the traditional manual method, the analysis and reconstruction of sherds are performed by a skilled operator. Reviewed papers provided evidence that the traditional method is not reproducible, not repeatable, time-consuming and its results have great uncertainties. To overcome the aforementioned limits, in the last years, researchers have made efforts to develop computer-based methods for archaeological ceramic sherds analysis, aimed at their reconstruction. To contribute to this field of study, in this paper, a comprehensive analysis of the most important available publications until the end of 2019 is presented. This study, focused on pottery fragments only, is performed by collecting papers in English by the Scopus database using the following keywords: “computer methods in archaeology", "3D archaeology", "3D reconstruction", "automatic feature recognition and reconstruction", "restoration of pottery shape relics”. The list is completed by additional references found through the reading of selected papers. The 53 selected papers are divided into three periods of time. According to a detailed review of the performed studies, the key elements of each analyzed method are listed based on data acquisition tools, features extracted, classification processes, and matching techniques. Finally, to overcome the actual gaps some recommendations for future researches are proposed.Highlights:The traditional manual method for reassembling sherds is very time-consuming and costly; it also requires a great deal effort from skilled archaeologists in repetitive and routine activities.Computer-based methods for archaeological ceramic sherds reconstruction can help archaeologists in the above-mentioned repetitive and routine activities.In this paper, the state-of-the-art computer-based methods for archaeological ceramic sherds reconstruction are reviewed, and some recommendations for future researches are proposed.Eslami, D.; Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Pane, C. (2020). Review of computer-based methods for archaeological ceramic sherds reconstruction. Virtual Archaeology Review. 11(23):34-49. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2020.13134OJS34491123Andrews, S., & Laidlaw, D. H. (2002). Toward a framework for assembling broken pottery vessels. In Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (August 2003), (pp. 945-946).Banterle, F., Itkin, B., Dellepiane, M., Wolf, L., Callieri, M., Dershowitz, N., & Scopigno, R. (2017). VASESKETCH: Automatic 3D Representation of Pottery from Paper Catalog Drawings. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR, 1(693548), (pp. 683-690). https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDAR.2017.117Belenguer, C. S., & Vidal, E. V. (2012). Archaeological fragment characterization and 3D reconstruction based on projective GPU depth maps. In Proceedings of the 2012 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia, VSMM 2012: Virtual Systems in the Information Society, (pp. 275-282). https://doi.org/10.1109/VSMM.2012.6365935Blender. (2018). An open-source 3D graphics and animation software. Retrieved from https://www.blender.orgBrown, B. J., Toler-Franklin, C., Nehab, D., Burns, M., Dobkin, D., Vlachopoulos, A., Weyrich, T. (2008). A system for high-volume acquisition and matching of fresco fragments: Reassembling Theran wall paintings. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3). https://doi.org/10.1145/1360612.1360683Cao, Y., & Mumford, D. (2002). Geometric Structure Estimation of Axially Symmetric Pots from Small Fragments. In Proceedings of the signal processing, pattern recognition and applications, IASTED, Crete, Greece, June 25-28, 2002, (pp. 92-97).Cohen, F., Zhang, Z., & Jeppson, P. (2010). Virtual reconstruction of archaeological vessels using convex hulls of surface markings. 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition-Workshops, (pp. 55-61). http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CVPRW.2010.5543528Cohen, F., Zhang, Z., & Liu, Z. (2016). Mending broken vessels a fusion between color markings and anchor points on surface breaks. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(7), 3709-3732. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-014-2190-0Cooper, D. B., Willis, A., Andrews, S., Baker, J., Cao, Y., Han, D., … others. (2001). Assembling virtual pots from 3D measurements of their fragments. In Proceedings of the 2001 Conference on Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage, (pp. 241-254). https://doi.org/10.1145/584993.585032Di Angelo, L., Di Stefano, P., Morabito, A. E., & Pane, C. (2018). Measurement of constant radius geometric features in archaeological pottery. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 124 (March), 138-146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2018.04.016Di Angelo, L., Di Stefano, P., & Pane, C. (2018). An automatic method for pottery fragments analysis. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 128, 138-148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2018.06.008Di Angelo, Luca, Di Stefano, P., & Pane, C. (2017). Automatic dimensional characterization of pottery. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 26, 118-128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2017.02.003Fragkos, S., Tzimtzimis, E., Tzetzis, D., Dodun, O., & Kyratsis, P. (2018). 3D laser scanning and digital restoration of an archaeological find. MATEC Web of Conferences, 178. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201817803013Funkhouser, T., Shin, H., Toler-Franklin, C., Castañeda, A. G., Brown, B., Dobkin, D., Weyrich, T. (2011). Learning how to match fresco fragments. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.1145/2037820.2037824Halir, R., & Menard, C. (1996). Diameter estimation for archaeological pottery using active vision. 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    KINDERTIVITY: Using Interactive Surfaces to Foster Creativity in Pre-kindergarten Children

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    © Owner/Author 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in {Interacción '15 Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interactionhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1145/10.1145/2829875.2829881Taking into account the existent educative and pedagogical techniques, which have proved its effectiveness to foster the innovation and creativity, this thesis poses to develop, experiment and evaluate a new technological framework based on interactive surfaces to be applied in the context of preschool education. The goal is to facilitate the three factors required for creative learning: knowledge, creative thinking and motivation but taking into account the cognitive and interaction limitations of these very young users.Work supported by the MINECO (grants TIN2010-20488 and TIN2014-60077-R) and from GVA (ACIF/2015/075).Nácher-Soler, VE.; Jaén Martínez, FJ. (2015). KINDERTIVITY: Using Interactive Surfaces to Foster Creativity in Pre-kindergarten Children. ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/2829875.2829881SBuxton, B. Multi-touch systems that I have known and loved. 2013. http://billbuxton.com/multitouchOverview.html.Catala, A., Jaen, J., van Dijk, B., and Jord&#224;, S. Exploring tabletops as an effective tool to foster creativity traits. In Proc. of TEI'12, pp. 143--150.Comisi&#243;n Europea. Conclusiones del Consejo de 12 de mayo de 2009 sobre un marco estrat&#233;gico para la cooperaci&#243;n europea en el &#225;mbito de la educaci&#243;n y la formaci&#243;n (&#171;ET 2020&#187;). 2009.Common Sense Media. Zero to Eight: Childrens Media Use in America 2013. 2013.Cropley, A.J. Creativity in Education and Learning: A Guide for Teachers and Educators. Kogan Page, (2001).Damon, W., Lerner, R.M., Kuhn, D., and Siegler, R.S., eds. Handbook of Child Psychology, Volume 2, Cognition, Perception, and Language. Wiley, 2006.Fleck, R., Rogers, Y., Yuill, N., et al. Actions speak loudly with words. Proc. of ITS'09, pp. 189--196.Helmes, J., Cao, X., Lindley, S.E., and Sellen, A. Developing the story. Proc. of ITS'09, pp. 49--52.Hourcade, J.P. Interaction Design and Children. Foundations and Trends&#174; in Human-Computer Interaction 1, 4 (2007), 277--392.Johnson, L., Adams, S., and Cummins, M. The NMC Horizon Report: 2012 K-12. The New Media Consortium, Austin, Texas, 2012.Khandelwal, M. and Mazalek, A. Teaching table: a tangible mentor for pre-k math education. Proc. of TEI'07, 191--194.Mansor, E.I., De Angeli, A., and De Bruijn, O. Little fingers on the tabletop: A usability evaluation in the kindergarten. Proc. of TABLETOP'08, 93--96.Nacher, V., Jaen, J., & Catala, A. (2014). Exploring Visual Cues for Intuitive Communicability of Touch Gestures to Pre-kindergarten Children. Proc. of ITS'14, 159--162.Nacher, V., Jaen, J., Navarro, E., Catala, A., and Gonz&#225;lez, P. Multi-touch gestures for pre-kindergarten children. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 73 (2015), 37--51.Nacher, V., Jaen, J., Catala, A., Navarro, E., and Gonzalez, P. Improving Pre-Kindergarten Touch Performance. Proc. of ITS '14, 163--166..Rick, J., Francois, P., Fields, B., Fleck, R., Yuill, N., and Carr, A. Lo-fi prototyping to design interactive-tabletop applications for children. Proc. of IDC'10, pp. 138--146.Rick, J. and Rogers, Y. From DigiQuilt to DigiTile: Adapting educational technology to a multi-touch table. Proc. of TABLETOP'08, pp. 73--80.Sluis, R.J.W., Weevers, I., van Schijndel, C.H.G.J., Kolos-Mazuryk, L., Fitrianie, S., and Martens, J.B.O.S. Read-It: Five-to-seven-year-old children learn to read in a tabletop environment. Proc. of IDC'04, pp. 73--80.Smith, S.P., Burd, E., and Rick, J. Developing, evaluating and deploying multi-touch systems. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 70, 10 (2012), 653--656

    Evaluating how agent methodologies support the specification of the normative environment through the development process

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    [EN] Due to the increase in collaborative work and the decentralization of processes in many domains, there is an expanding demand for large-scale, flexible and adaptive software systems to support the interactions of people and institutions distributed in heterogeneous environments. Commonly, these software applications should follow specific regulations meaning the actors using them are bound by rights, duties and restrictions. Since this normative environment determines the final design of the software system, it should be considered as an important issue during the design of the system. Some agent-oriented software engineering methodologies deal with the development of normative systems (systems that have a normative environment) by integrating the analysis of the normative environment of a system in the development process. This paper analyses to what extent these methodologies support the analysis and formalisation of the normative environment and highlights some open issues of the topic.This work is partially supported by the PROMETEOII/2013/019, TIN2012-36586-C03-01, FP7-29493, TIN2011-27652-C03-00, CSD2007-00022 projects, and the CASES project within the 7th European Community Framework Program under the grant agreement No 294931.Garcia Marques, ME.; Miles, S.; Luck, M.; Giret Boggino, AS. (2014). Evaluating how agent methodologies support the specification of the normative environment through the development process. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10458-014-9275-zS120Cossentino, M., Hilaire, V., Molesini, A., & Seidita, V. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook on agent-oriented design processes (Vol. VIII, 569 p. 508 illus.). Berlin: Springer.Akbari, O. (2010). A survey of agent-oriented software engineering paradigm: Towards its industrial acceptance. 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    Optimal channel allocation with dynamic power control in cellular networks

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    Techniques for channel allocation in cellular networks have been an area of intense research interest for many years. An efficient channel allocation scheme can significantly reduce call-blocking and calldropping probabilities. Another important issue is to effectively manage the power requirements for communication. An efficient power control strategy leads to reduced power consumption and improved signal quality. In this paper, we present a novel integer linear program (ILP) formulation that jointly optimizes channel allocation and power control for incoming calls, based on the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR). In our approach we use a hybrid channel assignment scheme, where an incoming call is admitted only if a suitable channel is found such that the CIR of all ongoing calls on that channel, as well as that of the new call, will be above a specified value. Our formulation also guarantees that the overall power requirement for the selected channel will be minimized as much as possible and that no ongoing calls will be dropped as a result of admitting the new call. We have run simulations on a benchmark 49 cell environment with 70 channels to investigate the effect of different parameters such as the desired CIR. The results indicate that our approach leads to significant improvements over existing techniques.Comment: 11 page

    Internet Gambling Bibliography: Update and Analysis

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