27 research outputs found

    The complexity of the embeddability relation between torsion-free abelian groups of uncountable size

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    We prove that for every uncountable cardinal κ\kappa such that κ<κ=κ\kappa^{<\kappa}=\kappa, the quasi-order of embeddability on the κ\kappa-space of κ\kappa-sized graphs Borel reduces to the embeddability on the κ\kappa-space of κ\kappa-sized torsion-free abelian groups. Then we use the same techniques to prove that the former Borel reduces to the embeddability on the κ\kappa-space of κ\kappa-sized RR-modules, for every S\mathbb{S}-cotorsion-free ring RR of cardinality less than the continuum. As a consequence we get that all the previous are complete Σ11\boldsymbol{\Sigma}^1_1 quasi-orders.Comment: 14 pages, final versio

    Invariant universality for quandles and fields

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    We show that the embeddability relations for countable quandles and for countable fields of any given characteristic other than 2 are maximally complex in a strong sense: they are invariantly universal. This notion from the theory of Borel reducibility states that any analytic quasi-order on a standard Borel space essentially appears as the restriction of the embeddability relation to an isomorphism-invariant Borel set. As an intermediate step we show that the embeddability relation of countable quandles is a complete analytic quasi-order

    Club guessing and the universal models

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    We survey the use of club guessing and other pcf constructs in the context of showing that a given partially ordered class of objects does not have a largest, or a universal element