17 research outputs found

    The Complexity of Weighted Boolean CSP Modulo k

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    We prove a complexity dichotomy theorem for counting weighted Boolean CSP modulo k for any positive integer k> 1. This generalizes a theorem by Faben for the unweighted setting. In the weighted setting, there are new interesting tractable problems. We first prove a dichotomy theorem for the finite field case where k is a prime. It turns out that the dichotomy theorem for the finite field is very similar to the one for the complex weighted Boolean #CSP, found by [Cai, Lu and Xia, STOC 2009]. Then we further extend the result to an arbitrary integer k

    On Counting (Quantum-)Graph Homomorphisms in Finite Fields of Prime Order

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    We study the problem of counting the number of homomorphisms from an input graph GG to a fixed (quantum) graph Hˉ\bar{H} in any finite field of prime order Zp\mathbb{Z}_p. The subproblem with graph HH was introduced by Faben and Jerrum~[ToC'15] and its complexity is still uncharacterised despite active research, e.g. the very recent work of Focke, Goldberg, Roth, and Zivn\'y~[SODA'21]. Our contribution is threefold. First, we introduce the study of quantum graphs to the study of modular counting homomorphisms. We show that the complexity for a quantum graph Hˉ\bar{H} collapses to the complexity criteria found at dimension 1: graphs. Second, in order to prove cases of intractability we establish a further reduction to the study of bipartite graphs. Lastly, we establish a dichotomy for all bipartite (K3,3\{e}, domino)(K_{3,3}\backslash\{e\},\, {domino})-free graphs by a thorough structural study incorporating both local and global arguments. This result subsumes all results on bipartite graphs known for all prime moduli and extends them significantly. Even for the subproblem with p=2p=2 this establishes new results.Comment: 84 pages, revised title and mainly the Introduction and the section on partially surjective homomorphism

    Parameterized (Modular) Counting and Cayley Graph Expanders

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    We study the problem #EdgeSub(?) of counting k-edge subgraphs satisfying a given graph property ? in a large host graph G. Building upon the breakthrough result of Curticapean, Dell and Marx (STOC 17), we express the number of such subgraphs as a finite linear combination of graph homomorphism counts and derive the complexity of computing this number by studying its coefficients. Our approach relies on novel constructions of low-degree Cayley graph expanders of p-groups, which might be of independent interest. The properties of those expanders allow us to analyse the coefficients in the aforementioned linear combinations over the field ?_p which gives us significantly more control over the cancellation behaviour of the coefficients. Our main result is an exhaustive and fine-grained complexity classification of #EdgeSub(?) for minor-closed properties ?, closing the missing gap in previous work by Roth, Schmitt and Wellnitz (ICALP 21). Additionally, we observe that our methods also apply to modular counting. Among others, we obtain novel intractability results for the problems of counting k-forests and matroid bases modulo a prime p. Furthermore, from an algorithmic point of view, we construct algorithms for the problems of counting k-paths and k-cycles modulo 2 that outperform the best known algorithms for their non-modular counterparts. In the course of our investigations we also provide an exhaustive parameterized complexity classification for the problem of counting graph homomorphisms modulo a prime p

    The Complexity of Counting Homomorphisms to Cactus Graphs Modulo 2

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    A homomorphism from a graph G to a graph H is a function from V(G) to V(H) that preserves edges. Many combinatorial structures that arise in mathematics and computer science can be represented naturally as graph homomorphisms and as weighted sums of graph homomorphisms. In this paper, we study the complexity of counting homomorphisms modulo 2. The complexity of modular counting was introduced by Papadimitriou and Zachos and it has been pioneered by Valiant who famously introduced a problem for which counting modulo 7 is easy but counting modulo 2 is intractable. Modular counting provides a rich setting in which to study the structure of homomorphism problems. In this case, the structure of the graph H has a big influence on the complexity of the problem. Thus, our approach is graph-theoretic. We give a complete solution for the class of cactus graphs, which are connected graphs in which every edge belongs to at most one cycle. Cactus graphs arise in many applications such as the modelling of wireless sensor networks and the comparison of genomes. We show that, for some cactus graphs H, counting homomorphisms to H modulo 2 can be done in polynomial time. For every other fixed cactus graph H, the problem is complete for the complexity class parity-P which is a wide complexity class to which every problem in the polynomial hierarchy can be reduced (using randomised reductions). Determining which H lead to tractable problems can be done in polynomial time. Our result builds upon the work of Faben and Jerrum, who gave a dichotomy for the case in which H is a tree.Comment: minor change

    Modular Counting of Subgraphs: Matchings, Matching-Splittable Graphs, and Paths

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    We systematically investigate the complexity of counting subgraph patterns modulo fixed integers. For example, it is known that the parity of the number of kk-matchings can be determined in polynomial time by a simple reduction to the determinant. We generalize this to an nf(t,s)n^{f(t,s)}-time algorithm to compute modulo 2t2^t the number of subgraph occurrences of patterns that are ss vertices away from being matchings. This shows that the known polynomial-time cases of subgraph detection (Jansen and Marx, SODA 2015) carry over into the setting of counting modulo 2t2^t. Complementing our algorithm, we also give a simple and self-contained proof that counting kk-matchings modulo odd integers qq is Mod_q-W[1]-complete and prove that counting kk-paths modulo 22 is Parity-W[1]-complete, answering an open question by Bj\"orklund, Dell, and Husfeldt (ICALP 2015).Comment: 23 pages, to appear at ESA 202

    Holographic Algorithm with Matchgates Is Universal for Planar #\#CSP Over Boolean Domain

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    We prove a complexity classification theorem that classifies all counting constraint satisfaction problems (#\#CSP) over Boolean variables into exactly three categories: (1) Polynomial-time tractable; (2) #\#P-hard for general instances, but solvable in polynomial-time over planar graphs; and (3) #\#P-hard over planar graphs. The classification applies to all sets of local, not necessarily symmetric, constraint functions on Boolean variables that take complex values. It is shown that Valiant's holographic algorithm with matchgates is a universal strategy for all problems in category (2).Comment: 94 page