17 research outputs found

    Model Checking CTL is Almost Always Inherently Sequential

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    The model checking problem for CTL is known to be P-complete (Clarke, Emerson, and Sistla (1986), see Schnoebelen (2002)). We consider fragments of CTL obtained by restricting the use of temporal modalities or the use of negations—restrictions already studied for LTL by Sistla and Clarke (1985) and Markey (2004). For all these fragments, except for the trivial case without any temporal operator, we systematically prove model checking to be either inherently sequential (P-complete) or very efficiently parallelizable (LOGCFL-complete). For most fragments, however, model checking for CTL is already P-complete. Hence our results indicate that in most applications, approaching CTL model checking by parallelism will not result in the desired speed up. We also completely determine the complexity of the model checking problem for all fragments of the extensions ECTL, CTL +, and ECTL +

    Complexity Results for Modal Dependence Logic

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    Modal dependence logic was introduced recently by V\"a\"an\"anen. It enhances the basic modal language by an operator =(). For propositional variables p_1,...,p_n, =(p_1,...,p_(n-1);p_n) intuitively states that the value of p_n is determined by those of p_1,...,p_(n-1). Sevenster (J. Logic and Computation, 2009) showed that satisfiability for modal dependence logic is complete for nondeterministic exponential time. In this paper we consider fragments of modal dependence logic obtained by restricting the set of allowed propositional connectives. We show that satisfibility for poor man's dependence logic, the language consisting of formulas built from literals and dependence atoms using conjunction, necessity and possibility (i.e., disallowing disjunction), remains NEXPTIME-complete. If we only allow monotone formulas (without negation, but with disjunction), the complexity drops to PSPACE-completeness. We also extend V\"a\"an\"anen's language by allowing classical disjunction besides dependence disjunction and show that the satisfiability problem remains NEXPTIME-complete. If we then disallow both negation and dependence disjunction, satistiability is complete for the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. In this way we completely classify the computational complexity of the satisfiability problem for all restrictions of propositional and dependence operators considered by V\"a\"an\"anen and Sevenster.Comment: 22 pages, full version of CSL 2010 pape

    A Team Based Variant of CTL

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    We introduce two variants of computation tree logic CTL based on team semantics: an asynchronous one and a synchronous one. For both variants we investigate the computational complexity of the satisfiability as well as the model checking problem. The satisfiability problem is shown to be EXPTIME-complete. Here it does not matter which of the two semantics are considered. For model checking we prove a PSPACE-completeness for the synchronous case, and show P-completeness for the asynchronous case. Furthermore we prove several interesting fundamental properties of both semantics.Comment: TIME 2015 conference version, modified title and motiviatio

    LTL Fragments are Hard for Standard Parameterisations

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    We classify the complexity of the LTL satisfiability and model checking problems for several standard parameterisations. The investigated parameters are temporal depth, number of propositional variables and formula treewidth, resp., pathwidth. We show that all operator fragments of LTL under the investigated parameterisations are intractable in the sense of parameterised complexity.Comment: TIME 2015 conference versio

    A decidable weakening of Compass Logic based on cone-shaped cardinal directions

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    We introduce a modal logic, called Cone Logic, whose formulas describe properties of points in the plane and spatial relationships between them. Points are labelled by proposition letters and spatial relations are induced by the four cone-shaped cardinal directions. Cone Logic can be seen as a weakening of Venema's Compass Logic. We prove that, unlike Compass Logic and other projection-based spatial logics, its satisfiability problem is decidable (precisely, PSPACE-complete). We also show that it is expressive enough to capture meaningful interval temporal logics - in particular, the interval temporal logic of Allen's relations "Begins", "During", and "Later", and their transposes

    A decidable weakening of Compass Logic based on cone-shaped cardinal directions

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    We introduce a modal logic, called Cone Logic, whose formulas describeproperties of points in the plane and spatial relationships between them.Points are labelled by proposition letters and spatial relations are induced bythe four cone-shaped cardinal directions. Cone Logic can be seen as a weakeningof Venema's Compass Logic. We prove that, unlike Compass Logic and otherprojection-based spatial logics, its satisfiability problem is decidable(precisely, PSPACE-complete). We also show that it is expressive enough tocapture meaningful interval temporal logics - in particular, the intervaltemporal logic of Allen's relations "Begins", "During", and "Later", and theirtransposes