10 research outputs found

    Parameterized Complexity of Safety of Threshold Automata

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    Threshold automata are a formalism for modeling fault-tolerant distributed algorithms. In this paper, we study the parameterized complexity of reachability of threshold automata. As a first result, we show that the problem becomes W[1]-hard even when parameterized by parameters which are quite small in practice. We then consider two restricted cases which arise in practice and provide fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for both these cases. Finally, we report on experimental results conducted on some protocols taken from the literature

    Complexity of Liveness in Parameterized Systems

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    We investigate the fine-grained complexity of liveness verification for leader contributor systems. These consist of a designated leader thread and an arbitrary number of identical contributor threads communicating via a shared memory. The liveness verification problem asks whether there is an infinite computation of the system in which the leader reaches a final state infinitely often. Like its reachability counterpart, the problem is known to be NP-complete. Our results show that, even from a fine-grained point of view, the complexities differ only by a polynomial factor. Liveness verification decomposes into reachability and cycle detection. We present a fixed point iteration solving the latter in polynomial time. For reachability, we reconsider the two standard parameterizations. When parameterized by the number of states of the leader L and the size of the data domain D, we show an (L + D)^O(L + D)-time algorithm. It improves on a previous algorithm, thereby settling an open problem. When parameterized by the number of states of the contributor C, we reuse an O^*(2^C)-time algorithm. We show how to connect both algorithms with the cycle detection to obtain algorithms for liveness verification. The running times of the composed algorithms match those of reachability, proving that the fine-grained lower bounds for liveness verification are met

    On the Complexity of Bounded Context Switching

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    Bounded context switching (BCS) is an under-approximate method for finding violations to safety properties in shared-memory concurrent programs. Technically, BCS is a reachability problem that is known to be NP-complete. Our contribution is a parameterized analysis of BCS. The first result is an algorithm that solves BCS when parameterized by the number of context switches (cs) and the size of the memory (m) in O*(m^(cs)2^(cs)). This is achieved by creating instances of the easier problem Shuff which we solve via fast subset convolution. We also present a lower bound for BCS of the form m^o(cs / log(cs)), based on the exponential time hypothesis. Interestingly, the gap is closely related to a conjecture that has been open since FOCS\u2707. Further, we prove that BCS admits no polynomial kernel. Next, we introduce a measure, called scheduling dimension, that captures the complexity of schedules. We study BCS parameterized by the scheduling dimension (sdim) and show that it can be solved in O*((2m)^(4sdim)4^t), where t is the number of threads. We consider variants of the problem for which we obtain (matching) upper and lower bounds

    A Framework for Consistency Algorithms

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    We present a framework that provides deterministic consistency algorithms for given memory models. Such an algorithm checks whether the executions of a shared-memory concurrent program are consistent under the axioms defined by a model. For memory models like SC and TSO, checking consistency is NP-complete. Our framework shows, that despite the hardness, fast deterministic consistency algorithms can be obtained by employing tools from fine-grained complexity. The framework is based on a universal consistency problem which can be instantiated by different memory models. We construct an algorithm for the problem running in time ?^*(2^k), where k is the number of write accesses in the execution that is checked for consistency. Each instance of the framework then admits an ?^*(2^k)-time consistency algorithm. By applying the framework, we obtain corresponding consistency algorithms for SC, TSO, PSO, and RMO. Moreover, we show that the obtained algorithms for SC, TSO, and PSO are optimal in the fine-grained sense: there is no consistency algorithm for these running in time 2^{o(k)} unless the exponential time hypothesis fails

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We present a new dynamic partial-order reduction method for stateless model checking of concurrent programs. A common approach for exploring program behaviors relies on enumerating the traces of the program, without storing the visited states (aka stateless exploration). As the number of distinct traces grows exponentially, dynamic partial-order reduction (DPOR) techniques have been successfully used to partition the space of traces into equivalence classes (Mazurkiewicz partitioning), with the goal of exploring only few representative traces from each class. We introduce a new equivalence on traces under sequential consistency semantics, which we call the observation equivalence. Two traces are observationally equivalent if every read event observes the same write event in both traces. While the traditional Mazurkiewicz equivalence is control-centric, our new definition is data-centric. We show that our observation equivalence is coarser than the Mazurkiewicz equivalence, and in many cases even exponentially coarser. We devise a DPOR exploration of the trace space, called data-centric DPOR, based on the observation equivalence. 1. For acyclic architectures, our algorithm is guaranteed to explore exactly one representative trace from each observation class, while spending polynomial time per class. Hence, our algorithm is optimal wrt the observation equivalence, and in several cases explores exponentially fewer traces than any enumerative method based on the Mazurkiewicz equivalence. 2. For cyclic architectures, we consider an equivalence between traces which is finer than the observation equivalence; but coarser than the Mazurkiewicz equivalence, and in some cases is exponentially coarser. Our data-centric DPOR algorithm remains optimal under this trace equivalence. Finally, we perform a basic experimental comparison between the existing Mazurkiewicz-based DPOR and our data-centric DPOR on a set of academic benchmarks. Our results show a significant reduction in both running time and the number of explored equivalence classes

    Predictive Monitoring against Pattern Regular Languages

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    In this paper, we focus on the problem of dynamically analysing concurrent software against high-level temporal specifications. Existing techniques for runtime monitoring against such specifications are primarily designed for sequential software and remain inadequate in the presence of concurrency -- violations may be observed only in intricate thread interleavings, requiring many re-runs of the underlying software. Towards this, we study the problem of predictive runtime monitoring, inspired by the analogous problem of predictive data race detection studied extensively recently. The predictive runtime monitoring question asks, given an execution σ\sigma, if it can be soundly reordered to expose violations of a specification. In this paper, we focus on specifications that are given in regular languages. Our notion of reorderings is trace equivalence, where an execution is considered a reordering of another if it can be obtained from the latter by successively commuting adjacent independent actions. We first show that the problem of predictive admits a super-linear lower bound of O(nα)O(n^\alpha), where nn is the number of events in the execution, and α\alpha is a parameter describing the degree of commutativity. As a result, predictive runtime monitoring even in this setting is unlikely to be efficiently solvable. Towards this, we identify a sub-class of regular languages, called pattern languages (and their extension generalized pattern languages). Pattern languages can naturally express specific ordering of some number of (labelled) events, and have been inspired by popular empirical hypotheses, the `small bug depth' hypothesis. More importantly, we show that for pattern (and generalized pattern) languages, the predictive monitoring problem can be solved using a constant-space streaming linear-time algorithm

    Value-centric Dynamic Partial Order Reduction

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    The verification of concurrent programs remains an open challenge, as thread interaction has to be accounted for, which leads to state-space explosion. Stateless model checking battles this problem by exploring traces rather than states of the program. As there are exponentially many traces, dynamic partial-order reduction (DPOR) techniques are used to partition the trace space into equivalence classes, and explore a few representatives from each class. The standard equivalence that underlies most DPOR techniques is the happens-before equivalence, however recent works have spawned a vivid interest towards coarser equivalences. The efficiency of such approaches is a product of two parameters: (i) the size of the partitioning induced by the equivalence, and (ii) the time spent by the exploration algorithm in each class of the partitioning. In this work, we present a new equivalence, called value-happens-before and show that it has two appealing features. First, value-happens-before is always at least as coarse as the happens-before equivalence, and can be even exponentially coarser. Second, the value-happens-before partitioning is efficiently explorable when the number of threads is bounded. We present an algorithm called value-centric DPOR (VCDPOR), which explores the underlying partitioning using polynomial time per class. Finally, we perform an experimental evaluation of VCDPOR on various benchmarks, and compare it against other state-of-the-art approaches. Our results show that value-happens-before typically induces a significant reduction in the size of the underlying partitioning, which leads to a considerable reduction in the running time for exploring the whole partitioning