2,940 research outputs found

    Ergonomics of using a mouse or other non-keyboard input device

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    Ten years ago, when the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations (HSE, 1992) were drafted, the majority of computer interaction occurred with text driven interfaces, using a keyboard. It is not surprising then that the guidance accompanying the DSE Regulations included virtually no mention of the computer mouse or other non-keyboard input devices (NKID). In the intervening period, graphical user interfaces, incorporating ‘windows, icons and pull down menus’ (WIMPS), with a heavy reliance on pointing devices such as the mouse, have transformed user computer interaction. Accompanying this, however, have been increasing anecdotal reports of musculoskeletal health problems affecting NKID users. While the performance aspects of NKID (e.g. accuracy and speed) have been the subject of detailed research, the possible implications for user health have received comparatively little attention. The research presented in this report was commissioned by the Health and Safety Executive to improve understanding of the nature and extent of NKID health problems. This investigation, together with another project examining mobile computing (Heasman et. al., 2000), was intended to contribute to a planned review and updating of the DSE Regulations and accompanying guidance

    Survey of Concurrent Engineering Environments and the Application of Best Practices towards the Development of a Multiple Industry, Multiple Domain Environment

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    This thesis investigates the best practices of fifteen existing Concurrent Engineering Environments (CEE). A CEE is defined as any environment, from physical to virtual, designed to facilitate concurrent engineering with multiple domain experts real time. All existing environments surveyed have been focused on the aerospace industry showing significant reductions in design time and cost. I have identified hardware, software, and peopleware as three major classifications as well as sixteen subcategories with which to compare the different CEEs. The success in reducing time and cost of designs seen in the aerospace industry with the introduction of CEEs can and should be leveraged into additional domains and industries. This thesis explores the attributes of existing environments, the needs of additional industries, and the recommended concurrent engineering environment configuration appropriate for a multi-industry/multi-domain focus

    Leveraging manufacturing process capability in integrated product development

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; and, Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 73-74).by Charles E. Hix, Eric B. Kittleson.S.M

    Performance and Evaluation in Computed Tomographic Colonography Screening for Colorectal Cancer

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    Each year over 20,000 people die from colorectal cancer (CRC). However, despite causing the second highest number of cancer deaths, CRC is not only curable if detected early but can be prevented by population screening. The detection and removal of pre-malignant polyps in the colon prevents cancer from ever developing. As such, screening of the at-risk population (those over 45-50 years) confers protection against CRC incidence and mortality. Although the principles and benefit of screening are well established, the adequate provision of screening is a complex process requiring robust healthcare infrastructure, evidence-based quality assurance and resources. The success of any screening programme is dependent on the accuracy of the screening investigations deployed and sufficiently high uptake by the target population. In England, the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP) delivers screening via initial stool testing to triage patients for the endoscopic procedure, colonoscopy, or the radiological investigation CT colonography (CTC) in some patients. There has been considerable investment in colonoscopy accreditation processes which contribute to high quality services, suitable access for patients and a competent endoscopy workforce. The performance of colonoscopists in the BCSP is tightly monitored and regulated; however, the same is not true for CTC. Comparatively, there has been little investment in CTC services, and in fact there is no mandatory accreditation or centralised training. Instead, CTC reporting radiologists must learn ad hoc on the job, or at self-funded commercial workshops. This inevitably leads to variability in quality and expertise, inequity in service provision, and could negatively impact patient outcomes. To address this disparity and develop evidence-based training, one must determine what factors affect the performance of CTC reporting radiologists, what CTC training is necessary, and what training works. This thesis investigates these topics and is structured as follows: Section A reviews the background literature, describing the public health burden of CRC and the role of screening. Aspects of CTC screening and its role in the BCSP are explored. The importance of performance monitoring and value of accreditation are examined and the disparity between CTC, colonoscopy and other imaging-based screening programmes is discussed. Section B expands on radiologist performance by determining the post-imaging CRC (or interval cancer) rate through systematic review and meta-analysis. Factors contributing to the interval cancer rate are evaluated, and an observational study assessing factors affecting CTC accuracy is presented. The impact of CTC training is assessed via a structured review and best principles for training delivery are discussed. Section C presents a multicentre, cluster-randomised control trial developed from the data and understanding described in Sections A and B. Section D summarises the thesis and discusses future recommendations and research

    Scenario-based system architecting : a systematic approach to developing future-proof system architectures

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    This thesis summarizes the research results of Mugurel T. Ionita, based on the work conducted in the context of the STW15 - AIMES16 project. The work presented in this thesis was conducted at Philips Research and coordinated by Eindhoven University of Technology. It resulted in six external available publications, and ten internal reports which are company confidential. The research regarded the methodology of developing system architectures, focusing in particular on two aspects of the early architecting phases. These were, first the generation of multiple architectural options, to consider the most likely changes to appear in the business environment, and second the quantitative assessment of these options with respect to how well they contribute to the overall quality attributes of the future system, including cost and risk analysis. The main reasons for looking at these two aspects of the architecting process was because architectures usually have to live for long periods of time, up to 5 years, which requires that they are able to deal successfully with the uncertainty associated with the future business environment. A second reason was because the quality attributes, the costs and the risks of a future system are usually dictated by its architecture, and therefore an early quantitative estimate about these attributes could prevent the system redesign. The research results of this project were two methods, namely a method for designing architecture options that are more future-proof, meaning more resilient to future changes, (SODA method), and within SODA a method for the quantitative assessment of the proposed architectural options (SQUASH method). The validation of the two methods has been performed in the area of professional systems, where they were applied in a concrete case study from the medical domain. The SODA method is an innovative solution to the problem of developing system architectures that are designed to survive the most likely changes to be foreseen in the future business environment of the system. The method enables on one hand the business stakeholders of a system to provide the architects with their knowledge and insight about the future when new systems are created. And on the other hand, the method enables the architects to take a long view and think strategically in terms of different plausible futures and unexpected surprises, when designing the high level structure of their systems. The SQUASH method is a systematic way of assessing in a quantitative manner, the proposed architectural options, with respect to how well they deal with quality aspects, costs and risks, before the architecture is actually implemented. The method enables the architects to reason about the most relevant attributes of the future system, and to make more informed decisions about their design, based on the quantitative data. Both methods, SODA and SQUASH, are descriptive in nature, rooted in the best industrial practices, and hence proposing better ways of developing system architectures

    The organizational implications of medical imaging in the context of Malaysian hospitals

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    This research investigated the implementation and use of medical imaging in the context of Malaysian hospitals. In this report medical imaging refers to PACS, RIS/HIS and imaging modalities which are linked through a computer network. The study examined how the internal context of a hospital and its external context together influenced the implementation of medical imaging, and how this in turn shaped organizational roles and relationships within the hospital itself. It further investigated how the implementation of the technology in one hospital affected its implementation in another hospital. The research used systems theory as the theoretical framework for the study. Methodologically, the study used a case-based approach and multiple methods to obtain data. The case studies included two hospital-based radiology departments in Malaysia. The outcomes of the research suggest that the implementation of medical imaging in community hospitals is shaped by the external context particularly the role played by the Ministry of Health. Furthermore, influences from both the internal and external contexts have a substantial impact on the process of implementing medical imaging and the extent of the benefits that the organization can gain. In the context of roles and social relationships, the findings revealed that the routine use of medical imaging has substantially affected radiographers’ roles, and the social relationships between non clinical personnel and clinicians. This study found no change in the relationship between radiographers and radiologists. Finally, the approaches to implementation taken in the hospitals studied were found to influence those taken by other hospitals. Overall, this study makes three important contributions. Firstly, it extends Barley’s (1986, 1990) research by explicitly demonstrating that the organization’s internal and external contexts together shape the implementation and use of technology, that the processes of implementing and using technology impact upon roles, relationships and networks and that a role-based approach alone is inadequate to examine the outcomes of deploying an advanced technology. Secondly, this study contends that scalability of technology in the context of developing countries is not necessarily linear. Finally, this study offers practical contributions that can benefit healthcare organizations in Malaysia

    Development, modeling and simulation of test equipment for subsea choke valves

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    Masteroppgave i mekatronikk MAS 500 Universitetet i Agder 2014As a step toward being more e_ective and to improve test procedures, GE Oil & Gas wants to develop a workshoptool to automate the testing of Choke Valves. The Choke Valve Workshop Tool (CVWT) main functionis to operate the Hydraulic Stepping Actuator automatically by providing controlled pressure pulses. Electricaland hydraulic equipment will have an interface allowing the test equipment to be connected and used on awide range of Choke Valves. Test results will be transferred and stored automatically based on current need. Adetailed description of the planned CVWT including a complete control system and a Human Machine Interface(HMI) has been developed.A large variety of modeling and simulation tools are on the market today. This report will concentrate onmodel development and Software-In-Loop (SIL) testing performed with SimulationX. The control system andthe HMI have both been thoroughly tested in a SIL setup. Chosen SIL setup uses the Virtual Machine (VM)package in SimulationX which communicates directly with S7-PLCSIM.The dynamic model used in the SIL setup is based on a simpli_ed version of the full scale model. The dynamicmodel replicates the behavior when the Choke Valve is connected to the workshop tool. Some of theparameters used in the model are based on tests results performed in the workshop in Dusavika, Stavanger.SIL has in this project proven its importance being a less expensive, safer and more time e_cient methodto verify program code compared to experimental testing and prototyping. The SIL setup is found to be a lesscomplex setup compared to the HIL method currently being lectured at UIA. However, the SIL has restrictionsregarding communication protocols that can be used, and also that timers in the PLC are lagging behind comparedto real time.Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Simulation, Software-In-Loop, SimulationX, PLCSIM, WinCC, TIA-Porta

    Computed tomography reading strategies in lung cancer screening

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    Sensor-based navigating mobile robots for people with disabilities

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    People with severe physical disabilities need help with everyday tasks, such as getting dressed, eating, brushing their teeth, scratching themselves, drinking, etc. They also need support to be able to work. They are usually helped by one or more persona

    A survey and evaluation of microbased computer aided design systems for design education and practice in Scotland primarily in the area of product design: their application, problems and potential solutions

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    The initial premise of the research centred around the relatively new adoption by the Product Design sector of Computer Aided Design technology. Problems were expected to occur in applying the hardware and understanding the terminology of the software by this sector which prides itself In its artisan skills. The aim of the work was to determine the extent of the adoption of Computer Aided Design and to clarify the problem areas. The research determined, by study of more experienced but similar Computer Aided Design users, that the expected problems Were not insurmountable and were being overcome by the constant improvements of computer hardware and software. However, the problems that were pinpointed actually involved the human issues encountered In working with a Computer Aided Design system and involved issues such as the management skills required, working conditions and understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of Computer Aided Design. The research focused on what had to be considered and what should be known about Computer Aided Design so that it could be effectively used in Product Design. The research was undertaken to establish general solutions to the introduction of Computer Aided Design into companies. These solutions are intended to provide a guide to potential and current users on how to improve the effectiveness of the use of Computer Aided Design systems in Product Design. The research has identified the themes and topics that should be covered in training staff on the use and potential of Computer Aided Design systems
