1,341 research outputs found

    "Violating'' Clauser-Horne inequalities within classical mechanics

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    Some authors have raised the question whether the probabilities stemming from a quantum mechanical computation are entitled to enter the Bell and the Clauser-Horne inequalities. They have remarked that if the quantum probabilities are given the status of conditional ones and the statistics for the various settings of the detectors in a given experiment is properly kept into account, the inequalities happen to be no longer violated. In the present paper a classical simile modeled after the quantum mechanical instances is closely scrutinised. It is shown that the neglect of the conditional character of the probabilities in the classical model leads not only to ``violate'' the Clauser-Horne inequalities, but also to contradict the very axioms of classical probability theory.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps figure

    Voltaire's "Racine": the paradoxes of a transformation

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    This article highlights some paradoxical aspects of Voltaire's admiration for Racine. He paid little attention to Racine's plays as dramatic entities, followed received opinions, and made many unfavourable judgements, especially concerning Racine's mix of tragedy and galanterie. What he idolized was Racine's use of language and his poetic skill. He thus removed Racine's tragedies from the contingencies of the theatre, and transformed them into an eighteenth-century linguistic and cultural ideal that he used for polemical purposes in a war against Shakespeare and encroaching barbarism, leading the Romantics subsequently to reject the `Racine' he had been so influential in creating


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    The importance of methodological basis for accounting of entities intangible assets management research is conditioned by the necessity of enterprise competitiveness insurance in a way of the ability to react to the global challenges of the information economy.The theory of accounting provides a useful account of how entities manage intangible assets within their accounting system. Theoretical insight into the intangible assets accounting questions on the levels of fundamental theories, theories that describe a particular area of reality based on the fundamental theories and particular theories bordering on some empirical laws are appropriated here.The role of intangible assets management in entities activity has received increased attention across a number of disciplines in recent years. Moreover, the issue of intangible assets management has received considerable critical attention in practice of business accounting. At the same time, despite numerous achievements in the field of accounting for intangible assets researches, there are still various points of views at the peculiarities of accounting methodology.In light of recent events in economic researches, it is becoming extremely difficult to ignore the existence of intangible assets accounting methodology. The purpose of the current study is to determine the approaches to define intangible assets both on theoretical and empirical levels and methods of intangible assets accounting for further innovative development management as the methodological basis for accounting process.The paper considers the levels of intangible assets accounting questions. Inventory procedures for intangible assets are researched. Scheme of the account 12 “Intangible assets” sub-accounts transformation is developed. The principle of double-entry balance sheet approach to the concepts of “intangible assets” and “intellectual capital” is discovered.The systematic approach to accounting and analysis of entities intangible assets application, determining the value of intangible assets is a prerequisite for the harmonization of the intangible assets accounting in Ukraine and in the world.Приназначено для исследования подходов к определению нематериальных активов на эмпирическом и теоретическом уровнях и метода их учета для управления инновационным развитием, как основы методологии учета нематериальных активов, что связано со становлением учетного процесса.Неoбхідність досліджень методологічної основи для ведення бухгалтерського обліку та управління нематеріальними активами підприємств обумовлена потребою забезпечення конкурентоспроможності підприємства як способу реагувати на глобальні виклики інформаційної економіки.Теорія бухгалтерського обліку забезпечує дослідження питань стосовно питань, які стосуються здатності суб'єктів господарювання управляти нематеріальними активами у своїй системі бухгалтерського обліку. Теоретичні уявлення стосовно питань обліку нематеріальних активів проявляються на рівнях фундаментальних теорій, таких теорій, які досліджують певний аспект реальності на основі фундаментальних теорій, а також окремих теорій, які межують з деякими емпіричними законами.Роль управління нематеріальними активами в діяльності суб'єктів господарювання отримала більшу увагу протягом останніх років. Крім того, питання управління нематеріальними активами отримало значний розвиток у практиці ведення бухгалтерського обліку. Водночас, попри численні досягнення в галузі обліку нематеріальних активів, існують різні погляди щодо особливостей методології бухгалтерського обліку.У світлі останніх подій в економіці надзвичайно складно ігнорувати існування методології обліку нематеріальних активів. Метою нашого дослідження є визначення підходів до обґрунтування нематеріальних активів як на теоретичному, так і на емпіричному рівнях, аналіз методів обліку нематеріальних активів для подальшого управління інноваційним розвитком як методологічної основи для бухгалтерського процесу.Розглядаються питання обліку нематеріальних активів. Досліджено процес інвентаризації нематеріальних активів. Виявлено принцип подвійного балансового підходу до концепцій «нематеріальні активи» та «інтелектуальний капітал».Визначено, що систематизований підхід до обліку та аналізу застосування нематеріальних активів суб'єктів господарювання є необхідною умовою гармонізації обліку нематеріальних активів в Україні та у світі

    Formal Executable Models for Automatic Detection of Timing Anomalies

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    A timing anomaly is a counterintuitive timing behavior in the sense that a local fast execution slows down an overall global execution. The presence of such behaviors is inconvenient for the WCET analysis which requires, via abstractions, a certain monotony property to compute safe bounds. In this paper we explore how to systematically execute a previously proposed formal definition of timing anomalies. We ground our work on formal designs of architecture models upon which we employ guided model checking techniques. Our goal is towards the automatic detection of timing anomalies in given computer architecture designs

    The development of translation theories in Europe

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    Este artigo trata do desenvolvimento dos estudos da tradução na Europa, no siculo XX. O maior enfoque está na mudança da perspeciiva de pesquisa, da comparação entre línguas para a confrontação de textos e da focalização datradução como atividade pragmática para a investigação do pensamento do tradutor (perspectiva cognitiva). Paralelamente à discussão dos conceitos teóricos, comenta-se também o desenvolvimento institucional dos estudos da tradução.Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt die Entwicklung der europäischen Übersetzungswissenschaft im 20. Jahrhundert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Wandel der Forschungsperspektive vom Vergleich einzelner Sprachen hin zur Gegenüberstellung von Texten und von der Betonung des Handlungscharakters der Übersetzung hin zur Untersuchung des übersetzerischen Denkens (kognitive Perspektive). Parallel zur Diskussion theoretischer Konzepte, ist auch die institutionelle Entwicklung der Übersetzungswissenschaft Gegenstand der Untersuchung

    Mobility, Modernity, and the Middle Class: Transmediatization and Brazilian Television

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    Mobility, Modernity, and the Middle Class: Transmediatization and Brazilian Television examines the process of transmediatization in Brazil as a failed process of digital modernity. Following the pattern of diverse modernities and cultures of convergence, this dissertation argues that there are also multiple regimes of transmediatization. This dissertation provides a framework for analyzing the Brazilian regime of transmediatization through mobility, participation, and expansion, using the Brazilian telenovela Cheias de Charme (2012, TV Globo) as an extensive case study. Through an analysis of the telenovela and its transmedia extensions, industrial discourse, and sociohistorical context, I illustrate how the telenovela functioned as a site of transmediatizing modernity. In doing so, I seek to bridge the gap between theories of modernity and studies of transmedia. With mobility, I refer to the rapid circulation of people, goods, and ideas in modernity. I connect this with audiences moving across platforms and devices with transmedia engagement as well as the potential for social mobility through transmediatization. Participation refers to the increasing potential for democracy in modernity, and I correlate this with the democratizing potential of transmediatization. Finally, with expansion I bring together the nation-building of modernity with world-building in transmedia. These dimensions of transmediatization are not independent of each other but are integrally connected. I argue that the regime of transmediatization in Brazil is an era fraught with paradox and ambivalence. The process of social mobility through transmediatization also became a process of class discrimination. While transmediatization functioned as a process of empowerment and national integration, it was also exploitative and disciplinary as participants were shaped into ideal viewers and ideal citizens

    ‘Nsumwinu’: meaning and role in the structural composition of melodies in the urban music of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    The examination of the inserted nsumwinu (singular - Kasumwinu), in the lyrics of popular songs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), reveals hidden roles that are both musical and linguistic. Musically, the compositional technique of the melodic contour is derived from the observation of the semantic level of the language represented by the sequential pattern of tones on words that compose the kasumwinu. Linguistically, this sequential pattern of tones that determines the meaning of the word, must be faithfully observed in the music’s compositional process of the basic melodic contour, i.e., the linguistic tones dictate the direction of musical intervals, leaving the decision of the size of the interval to the creative discretion of the composer.1 This essay will reveal the linguistic significance and role of nsumwinu, in the urban music of the DRC, and to conclude that they provide the musical flexibility without altering the overall meaning of their intended message.The examination of the inserted nsumwinu (singular - Kasumwinu), in the lyrics of popular songs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), reveals hidden roles that are both musical and linguistic. Musically, the compositional technique of the melodic contour is derived from the observation of the semantic level of the language represented by the sequential pattern of tones on words that compose the kasumwinu. Linguistically, this sequential pattern of tones that determines the meaning of the word, must be faithfully observed in the music’s compositional process of the basic melodic contour, i.e., the linguistic tones dictate the direction of musical intervals, leaving the decision of the size of the interval to the creative discretion of the composer.1 This essay will reveal the linguistic significance and role of nsumwinu, in the urban music of the DRC, and to conclude that they provide the musical flexibility without altering the overall meaning of their intended message

    STFC Centre for Environmental Data Archival (CEDA) Annual Report 2013 (April 2012-March 2013)

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    The mission of the Centre for Environmental Archival (CEDA) is to deliver long term curation of scientifically important environmental data at the same time as facilitating the use of data by the environmental science community. CEDA was established by the amalgamation of the activities of two of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) designated data centres: the British Atmospheric Data Centre, and the NERC Earth Observation Data Centre. We are pleased to present here our fourth annual report, covering activities for the 2013 year (April 2012 to March 2013). The report consists of two sections and appendices, the first section broadly providing a summary of activities and some statistics with some short descriptions of some significant activities, and a second section introducing some exemplar projects and activities. The report concludes with additional details of activities such as publications, software maintained etc