100 research outputs found

    A Research-Oriented Course on Advanced Multicore Architecture

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    ©2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Multicore processors have become ubiquitous in our real life in devices like smartphones, tablets, etc. In fact, they are present in almost all segments of the computing market, from supercomputers to embedded devices. The huge market competence have lead industry and academia to develop vertiginous technological and architectural advances. The fast evolution that are still experiencing current multicores makes difficult for instructors to offer computer architecture courses with updated contents, preferably showing the industry and academia research trends. To deal with this shortcoming, authors consider that a research-oriented course is the most appropriate solution. This paper presents an advanced computer architecture course called Advanced Multicore Architectures, offered in 2015. The course covers the basic topics of multicore architecture and has been organized in four main modules regarding multicore basis, performance evaluation, advanced caching, and main memory organization. The course follows a research-oriented approach that covers theoretical concepts at lectures in which recent research papers are analyzed to provide students a wide view of current trends. Moreover, additional teaching methods like lab sessions with a state-of-the-art multicore simulator or research-oriented exercises have been used with the aim of introducing students to research in these topics. To achieve this fully research-oriented methodology, about 40% of the time is devoted to labs and exercises.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2012-38341-C04-01, and by the Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program Award.Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; Selfa Oliver, V.; Gómez Requena, ME. (2015). A Research-Oriented Course on Advanced Multicore Architecture. IEEE Computer Society. https://doi.org/10.1109/IPDPSW.2015.46

    Randomized cache placement for eliminating conflicts

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    Applications with regular patterns of memory access can experience high levels of cache conflict misses. In shared-memory multiprocessors conflict misses can be increased significantly by the data transpositions required for parallelization. Techniques such as blocking which are introduced within a single thread to improve locality, can result in yet more conflict misses. The tension between minimizing cache conflicts and the other transformations needed for efficient parallelization leads to complex optimization problems for parallelizing compilers. This paper shows how the introduction of a pseudorandom element into the cache index function can effectively eliminate repetitive conflict misses and produce a cache where miss ratio depends solely on working set behavior. We examine the impact of pseudorandom cache indexing on processor cycle times and present practical solutions to some of the major implementation issues for this type of cache. Our conclusions are supported by simulations of a superscalar out-of-order processor executing the SPEC95 benchmarks, as well as from cache simulations of individual loop kernels to illustrate specific effects. We present measurements of instructions committed per cycle (IPC) when comparing the performance of different cache architectures on whole-program benchmarks such as the SPEC95 suite.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    How Multithreading Addresses the Memory Wall

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    The memory wall is the predicted situation where improvements to processor speed will be masked by the much slower improvement in dynamic random access (DRAM) memory speed. Since the prediction was made in 1995, considerable progress has been made in addressing the memory wall. There have been advances in DRAM organization, improved approaches to memory hierarchy have been proposed, integrating DRAM onto the processor chip has been investigated and alternative approaches to organizing the instruction stream have been researched. All of these approaches contribute to reducing the predicted memory wall effect; some can potentially be combined. This paper reviews several approaches with a view to assessing the most promising option. Given the growing CPU-DRAM speed gap, any strategy which finds alternative work while waiting for DRAM is likely to be a win

    Widening resources: a cost-effective technique for aggressive ILP architectures

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    The inherent instruction-level parallelism (ILP) of current applications (specially those based on floating point computations) has driven hardware designers and compilers writers to investigate aggressive techniques for exploiting program parallelism at the lowest level. To execute more operations per cycle, many processors are designed with growing degrees of resource replication (buses and functional units). However the high cost in terms of area and cycle time of this technique precludes the use of high degrees of replication. An alternative to resource replication is resource widening, that has also been used in some recent designs, in which the width of the resources is increased. In this paper we evaluate a broad set of design alternatives that combine both replication and widening. For each alternative we perform an estimation of the ILP limits (including the impact of spill code for several register file configurations) and the cost in terms of area and access time of the register file. We also perform a technological projection for the next 10 years in order to foresee the possible implementable alternatives. From this study we conclude that if the cost is taken into account, the best performance is obtained when combining certain degrees of replication and widening in the hardware resources. The results have been obtained from a large number of inner loops from numerical programs scheduled for VLIW architecturesPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A research-oriented course on Advanced Multicore Architecture: Contents and active learning methodologies

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    [EN] The fast evolution of multicore processors makes it difficult for professors to offer computer architecture courses with updated contents. To deal with this shortcoming that could discourage students, the most appropriate solution is a research-oriented course based on current microprocessor industry trends. Additionally, we also seek to improve the students' skills by applying active learning methodologies, where teachers act as guiders and resource providers while students take the responsibility for their learning. In this paper, we present the Advanced Multicore Architecture (AMA) course, which follows a research-oriented approach to introduce students in architectural breakthroughs and uses active learning methodologies to enable students to develop practical research skills such as critical analysis of research papers or communication abilities. To this end five main activities are used: (i) lectures dealing with key theoretical concepts, (ii) paper review & discussion, (iii) research-oriented practical exercises, (iv) lab sessions with a state-of-the-art multicore simulator, and (v) paper presentation. An important part of all these activities is driven by active learning methodologies. Special emphasis is put on the practical side by allocating 40% of the time to labs and exercises. This work also includes an assessment study that analyzes both the course contents and the used methodology (both of them compared to other courses).This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and by Plan E funds under Grant TIN2014-62246-EXP and Grant TIN2015-66972-C5-1-R, and by Generalitat Valenciana under grant AICO/2016/059. Authors also would like to thank Onur Mutlu for making available online his valuable teaching material.Petit Martí, SV.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Gómez Requena, ME.; Selfa-Oliver, V. (2017). A research-oriented course on Advanced Multicore Architecture: Contents and active learning methodologies. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 105:63-72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2017.01.011S637210

    Compiler-directed energy reduction using dynamic voltage scaling and voltage Islands for embedded systems

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Addressing power and energy consumption related issues early in the system design flow ensures good design and minimizes iterations for faster turnaround time. In particular, optimizations at software level, e.g., those supported by compilers, are very important for minimizing energy consumption of embedded applications. Recent research demonstrates that voltage islands provide the flexibility to reduce power by selectively shutting down the different regions of the chip and/or running the select parts of the chip at different voltage/frequency levels. As against most of the prior work on voltage islands that mainly focused on the architecture design and IP placement related issues, this paper studies the necessary software compiler support for voltage islands. Specifically, we focus on an embedded multiprocessor architecture that supports both voltage islands and control domains within these islands, and determine how an optimizing compiler can automatically map an embedded application onto this architecture. Such an automated support is critical since it is unrealistic to expect an application programmer to reach a good mapping correlating multiple factors such as performance and energy at the same time. Our experiments with the proposed compiler support show that our approach is very effective in reducing energy consumption. The experiments also show that the energy savings we achieve are consistent across a wide range of values of our major simulation parameters