7,577 research outputs found

    A Review of Models for Evaluating Quality in Open Source Software

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    Open source products/projects targeting the same or similar applications are common nowadays. This makes choosing a tricky task. Quality is one factor that can be considered when choosing among similar open source solutions. In order to measure quality in software, quality models can be used. Open source quality models emerged due to the inability of traditional quality models to measure unique features (such as community) of open source software. The aim of the paper therefore is to examine the characteristic features, unique strengths, and limitations of existing open source quality models. In addition, we compare the models based on some selected attributes

    Productivity Evaluation of Self-Adaptive Software Model Driven Architecture

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    Anticipating context changes using a model-based approach requires a formal procedure for analysing and modelling context-dependent functionality and stable description of the architecture which supports dynamic decision-making and architecture evolution. This article demonstrates the capabilities of the context-oriented component-based application-model-driven architecture (COCA-MDA) to support the development of self- adaptive applications; the authors describe a state-of-the-art case study and evaluate the development effort involved in adopting the COCA-MDA in constructing the application. An intensive analysis of the applica- tion requirements simplified the process of modelling the application’s behavioural model; therefore, instead of modelling several variation models, the developers modelled an extra-functionality model. COCA-MDA reduces the development effort because it maintains a clear separation of concerns and employs a decom- position mechanism to produce a context-oriented component model which decouples the applications’ core functionality from the context-dependent functionality. Estimating the MDA approach’s productivity can help the software developers select the best MDA-based methodology from the available solutions. Thus, counting the source line of code is not adequate for evaluating the development effort of the MDA-based methodology. Quantifying the maintenance adjustment factor of the new, adapted, and reused code is a better estimate of the development effort of the MDA approaches

    Digital Food Marketing to Children and Adolescents: Problematic Practices and Policy Interventions

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    Examines trends in digital marketing to youth that uses "immersive" techniques, social media, behavioral profiling, location targeting and mobile marketing, and neuroscience methods. Recommends principles for regulating inappropriate advertising to youth

    The Relation Between Text and Image Used in Printed Advertisement Revealed on The Message of Advertising

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    Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara teks dan gambar dalam iklan cetak dan juga untuk mengungkapkan pesan antara teks dan gambar dalam iklan cetak. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif karena data dianalisis secara statistik dan 14 iklan cetak dianalisis. Data dari penelitian ini adalah gambar dan teks yang ada dalam iklan cetak. Selain itu, dokumentasi juga digunakan untuk mengetahui bahwa teks dan gambar dalam iklan cetak mengungkapkan strategi pesan iklan.Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa teks dan citra saling terintegrasi satu sama lain. Teks memiliki banyak pengaruh dan kekuatan besar untuk mendukung iklan tercetak guna meyakinkan konsumen akan beberapa produk tertentu. Selanjutnya, strategi yang paling banyak digunakan berdasarkan teori kreatif Frazer adalah brand image dan proposisi penjualan yang unik. Pengiklan mencoba untuk menunjukkan merek terkenal mereka dengan mendukung teks unik dan percaya bahwa produk mereka memiliki banyak keuntungan. Akhirnya, penelitian ini jauh lebih bermanfaat bagi mereka yang ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang cara iklannya bisa menarik konsumen. Ada beberapa cara untuk membuat iklan yang bagus dan salah satu strateginya adalah teks dan gambar harus berkorelasi satu sama lain untuk mengenalkan kepada konsumen untuk membeli produk. Selain itu, penelitian ini memberikan informasi tambahan bagi mereka yang berniat melakukan penelitian mengenai topik yang sama namun berbeda objek penelitian untuk mendapatkan hasil penelitian yang bervariasi. Kata Kunci: teks, gambar, iklan cetak, dan semiotika   Abstract The aim of this study is to find out the relation between text and images in printed advertisement and also to reveal the message  strategy between text and images in the printed advertisement. This study uses descriptive qualitative analysis since the data are not statistically analyzed and 14 printed advertisement are analyzed. The data of this study are picture and text which exist in the printed advertisement. In addition, documentation is also used to know that text and images in printed advertisement reveal the message strategy of advertisement. The findings of this study show that text and image have integrated each other. Text has much influence and big power to support the printed advertisement to convince the consumers of some particular product. Furthermore, the strategy which is used most based on Frazer’s creative theory is brand image and unique selling proposition. The advertisers is trying to show their famous brand by supporting the unique text and believe that their product have many advantages. Finally, this study has much beneficial for those who want to know more about the way the advertisements can attract the consumers. There are several ways to make a good advertisement and one of the strategy is text and image must correlate each other to introduce to the consumers to buy the product. Additionally, this research gives additional information for those who intend to conduct the research on the same topic but different object of the research to get varied result of the research. Keywords: text, image, printed advertisements, and semiotic &nbsp

    Interference hierarchical, heterarhichnyh and cognitive models of advertising communication (Взаємовплив ієрархічних, гетерархічних та когнітивних моделей рекламної комунікації)

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    In the article has considered the general features of advertising models of effective communication between sellers and consumers. The author analyzed and explained the different approaches of hierarchical, heterarhichical and cognitive models in advertising communication (У статті подано загальну характеристику моделей вивчення ефективності рекламної комунікації. Головна увага зосереджена на розгляді ієрархічних, гетерархічних та когнітивних моделях та аналізі різних підходів до їх вивчення

    What's the 'big deal', and why is it bad deal for universities?

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    At first sight the “big (or all-you-can-eat) deal” seems excellent value for libraries and their users, and represents the shining possibilities of the electronic age. A more thorough-going evaluation, however, exposes dangers for universities, their funders and publishers. This paper examines the big deal in the light of fundamental market conditions and suggests alternative models for procuring electronic resources. The roles and strengths of the players in the information supply chain are defined and traditional hard-copy procurement is analysed in terms of these roles and the concepts of authority, branding and monopoly. The fundamentals of procuring electronic resources and prevalent purchasing models are discussed in terms of the same roles and concepts. The advantages of the big deal are laid out - access to resources, low unit costs etc. The dangers are also discussed. These arise mainly from the publishers’ position as monopolists. The possible long-term effects, on library budgets and academic publishing, of dealing with monopoly suppliers are examined. Means of avoiding or minimising these dangers – consortia, alternative publishing methods, new economic models to promote competition – are examined

    The electronic library: cornucopia or poisoned chalice?

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    At first sight the "big (or all-you-can-eat) deal" seems excellent value for libraries and their users, and represents the shining possibilities of the electronic age. A more thorough-going evaluation, however, exposes dangers for libraries, their funders and publishers. This paper examines some of the implications of electronic resources for collection development. The roles and strengths of the players in the information supply chain are defined: creators, publishers, intermediaries, libraries. Traditional hard-copy procurement is analysed in terms of these roles and the concepts of authority, branding and monopoly. The fundamentals of procuring electronic resources are discussed in terms of the same roles and concepts. The advantages of the big deal are laid out - access to resources, low unit costs etc. The dangers are also discussed. These arise mainly from the publishers' position as monopolists. The possible effects on academic publishing of dealing with monopoly suppliers are examined. Means of avoiding or minimising these dangers - consortia, alternative publishing methods - are examined