25 research outputs found

    Meeting Assistant System Berbasis Teknologi Speech-to-Text

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    Kegiatan rapat merupakan hal yang dilakukan secara berkala di setiap organisasi. Rapat tersebut diselenggarakan dengan tujuan untuk menyampaikan perkembangan tugas setiap divisi yang akan dicatat oleh seorang notulis. Pencatatan tersebut digunakan sebagai arsip organisasi yang biasanya disebut notulen rapat. Namun terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam penyusunan notulen rapat. Salah satu kendala tersebut misalnya notulis berhalangan hadir dalam rapat sehingga dibutuhkan orang yang menggantikan posisi notulis. Kendala lainnya adalah kecepatan mengetik atau menulis dari notulis yang belum tentu dapat menyamai kecepatan pembahasan dalam rapat, sehingga ada resiko informasi yang terlewat. Oleh sebab itu, dikembangkan sebuah sistem asisten rapat berbasis teknologi speech-to-text dari Google Cloud API. Tujuan dari pengembangan sistem ini adalah untuk mempermudah proses pembuatan notulen dengan melakukan ekstraksi kata-kata penting dari suatu rapat. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem asisten rapat dapat menangani perekaman dan pengambilan percakapan penting secara ekstraktif. Sistem dapat mencapai akurasi tertinggi sebesar 81,3% ketika kualitas percakapan peserta memiliki struktur kalimat yang baik serta konteks pembahasan agenda terstruktur dengan baik

    Visual recognition of gestures in a meeting to detect when documents being talked about are missing

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    Meetings frequently involve discussion of documents and can be significantly affected if a document is absent. An agent system capable of spontaneously retrieving a document at the point it is needed would have to judge whether a meeting is talking about a particular document and whether that document is already present. We report the exploratory application of agent techniques for making these two judgements. To obtain examples from which an agent system can learn, we first conducted a study of participants making these judgements with video recordings of meetings. We then show that interactions between hands and paper documents in meetings can be used to recognise when a document being talked about is not to hand. The work demonstrates the potential for multimodal agent systems using these techniques to learn to perform specific, discourse-level tasks during meetings

    Commonsense Reasoning for Conversational AI: A Survey of the State of the Art

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    Large, transformer-based pretrained language models like BERT, GPT, and T5 have demonstrated a deep understanding of contextual semantics and language syntax. Their success has enabled significant advances in conversational AI, including the development of open-dialogue systems capable of coherent, salient conversations which can answer questions, chat casually, and complete tasks. However, state-of-the-art models still struggle with tasks that involve higher levels of reasoning - including commonsense reasoning that humans find trivial. This paper presents a survey of recent conversational AI research focused on commonsense reasoning. The paper lists relevant training datasets and describes the primary approaches to include commonsense in conversational AI. The paper also discusses benchmarks used for evaluating commonsense in conversational AI problems. Finally, the paper presents preliminary observations of the limited commonsense capabilities of two state-of-the-art open dialogue models, BlenderBot3 and LaMDA, and its negative effect on natural interactions. These observations further motivate research on commonsense reasoning in conversational AI.Comment: Accepted to Workshop on Knowledge Augmented Methods for Natural Language Processing, in conjunction with AAAI 202

    The ideation compass: supporting interdisciplinary creative dialogues with real time visualization

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    This study presents the potential of live topic visualization in supporting creative dialogs during remote idea generation. We developed a novel Creativity Support Tool (CST) to explore the effects of the live topic visualization. The tool emphasizes the interdisciplinary knowledge background of participants. Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and topic modeling, the tool provides users with a live visual mapping of the domains and topics being orally discussed. To understand the tool’s user perceived effects, we conducted evaluation sessions and interviews with participants (N = 10) from two different disciplinary backgrounds: design and bioscience. The findings show that live visualization of domains and topics supported self-reflection during individual and collaborative creativity and encouraged a balanced discussion, which can mitigate discipline-based fixation in ideation

    Étude Expérimentale d'Extraction d'Information dans des Retranscriptions de Réunions

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    National audienceAn Experimental Approach For Information Extraction in Multi-Party Dialogue Discourse In this paper, we address the task of information extraction for meeting transcripts. The meeting documents are not usually well-structured and lacks of formatting and punctuation while the information are distributed over multiple sentences. We investigate on the use of numerical statistic or topic modeling methods on a real dataset containing multi-part dialogue texts. We evaluate our experiments with respect to the summaries provided in the dataset.Nous nous intéressons dans cet article à l'extraction de thèmes à partir de retranscriptions textuelles de réunions. Ce type de corpus est bruité, il manque de formatage, il est peu structuré avec plusieurs locuteurs qui interviennent et l'information y est souvent éparpillée. Nous présentons une étude expérimentale utilisant des méthodes fondées sur la mesure tf-idf et l'extraction de topics sur un corpus réel de référence (le corpus AMI) pour l'étude de réunions. Nous comparons nos résultats avec les résumés fournis par le corpus

    Patrons linguistiques pour l'extraction de tâches dans des transcriptions de réunions

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    National audienceNous présentons une méthode d'extraction d'informations en deux grandes étapes : (1) analyse morphosyntaxique et annotation sémantique du texte, puis (2) identification de patrons linguistiques par application d'un ensemble de règles sur le texte annoté. Elle est appliquée sur des cas d'usage d'extraction de tâches : des transcriptions de réunions. Une évaluation qualitative manuelle sur un jeu de données réduit montre des résultats encourageants

    Assistente virtual para apoio a coordenadores de reuniões

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    The increasing importance of meetings is an undeniable fact. Meetings are indispensable in any company and they are continuously looking for new ways to increase their efficiency, make them more organized and more time efficient. This Dissertation fulfills the development of an Assistant based on a meetings platform that can help the coordinator and participants, providing them with relevant information. The development of the Assistant started by extraction of requirements, using a user-centric approach. Scenarios were developed for work meetings in a company with the coordinator as the main Persona. Three versions of the Assistant were developed iteratively using Dialogflow. The requirements extracted from the scenarios were used for the first version, resulting in multiple intents for each one. The following versions were evaluated using the System Usability Scale complemented by questions related to both positive and negative aspects. The results obtained (final SUS above 85%) showed that the support system for meetings with the new Assistant is already a useful tool to help coordinators and participants in meetings.O aumento da importância das reuniões é um facto incontestável. São indispensáveis na organização de qualquer empresa e essas procuram cada vez mais maneiras de aumentar a sua eficiência, torná-las mais organizadas e não desperdiçar tempo aos seus trabalhadores. Nesta dissertação é realizado o desenvolvimento de um Assistente que, apoiando-se numa plataforma de apoio a reuniões, possa ajudar o coordenador e participantes de uma reunião fornecendo-lhes informações relevantes. Para o desenvolvimento do Assistente, começou-se por extrair os requisitos usando uma abordagem centrada nos utilizadores. Foram desenvolvidos cenários para reuniões de trabalho numa empresa tendo como Persona principal o coordenador da reunião. Foram desenvolvidas três versões do Assistente, de forma iterativa, usando o Dialogflow. Na primeira versão, foram usados os requisitos retirados dos cenários, criando vários intents(intenções) para cada uma. As versões seguintes foram avaliadas usando o System Usability Scale complementado por questões relativas a aspetos positivos e negativos. Os resultados obtidos (SUS final acima dos 85%) mostraram que o sistema de apoio a reuniões com o novo Assistente é já uma ferramenta útil para ajudar coordenadores e participantes em reuniões.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic