51,955 research outputs found

    Non-Adaptive Data Structure Bounds for Dynamic Predecessor

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    In this work, we continue the examination of the role non-adaptivity plays in maintaining dynamic data structures, initiated by Brody and Larsen. We consider non-adaptive data structures for predecessor search in the w-bit cell probe model. In this problem, the goal is to dynamically maintain a subset T of up to n elements from {1, ..., m}, while supporting insertions, deletions, and a predecessor query Pred(x), which returns the largest element in T that is less than or equal to x. Predecessor search is one of the most well-studied data structure problems. For this problem, using non-adaptivity comes at a steep price. We provide exponential cell probe complexity separations between (i) adaptive and non-adaptive data structures and (ii) non-adaptive and memoryless data structures for predecessor search. A classic data structure of van Emde Boas solves dynamic predecessor search in log(log(m)) probes; this data structure is adaptive. For dynamic data structures which make non-adaptive updates, we show the cell probe complexity is O(log(m)/log(w/log(m))). We also give a nearly-matching Omega(log(m)/log(w)) lower bound. We also give an m/w lower bound for memoryless data structures. Our lower bound technique is tailored to non-adaptive (as opposed to memoryless) updates and might be of independent interest

    Data Structuring Problems in the Bit Probe Model

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    We study two data structuring problems under the bit probe model: the dynamic predecessor problem and integer representation in a manner supporting basic updates in as few bit operations as possible. The model of computation considered in this paper is the bit probe model. In this model, the complexity measure counts only the bitwise accesses to the data structure. The model ignores the cost of computation. As a result, the bit probe complexity of a data structuring problem can be considered as a fundamental measure of the problem. Lower bounds derived by this model are valid as lower bounds for any realistic, sequential model of computation. Furthermore, some of the problems are more suitable for study in this model as they can be solved using less than ww bit probes where ww is the size of a computer word. The predecessor problem is one of the fundamental problems in computer science with numerous applications and has been studied for several decades. We study the colored predecessor problem, a variation of the predecessor problem, in which each element is associated with a symbol from a finite alphabet or color. The problem is to store a subset SS of size n,n, from a finite universe UU so that to support efficient insertion, deletion and queries to determine the color of the largest value in SS which is not larger than x,x, for a given xU.x \in U. We present a data structure for the problem that requires O(klogUloglogUk)O(k \sqrt[k]{{\log U} \over {\log \log U}}) bit probes for the query and O(k2logUloglogU)O(k^2 {{\log U} \over {\log \log U}}) bit probes for the update operations, where UU is the universe size and kk is positive constant. We also show that the results on the colored predecessor problem can be used to solve some other related problems such as existential range query, dynamic prefix sum, segment representative, connectivity problems, etc. The second structure considered is for integer representation. We examine the problem of integer representation in a nearly minimal number of bits so that increment and decrement (and indeed addition and subtraction) can be performed using few bit inspections and fewer bit changes. In particular, we prove a new lower bound of Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) for the increment and decrement operation, where nn is the minimum number of bits required to represent the number. We present several efficient data structures to represent integers that use a logarithmic number of bit inspections and a constant number of bit changes per operation

    Non-Adaptive Data Structures For Predecessor Search

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    In this work, we continue the examination of the role non-adaptivity plays in maintaining dynamic data structures, initiated by Brody and Larsen. We consider non-adaptive data structures for predecessor search in the w-bit cell probe model. In this problem, the goal is to dynamically maintain a subset T of up to n elements from {1, ..., m}, while supporting insertions, deletions, and a predecessor query Pred(x), which returns the largest element in T that is less than or equal to x. Predecessor search is one of the most well-studied data structure problems. For this problem, using non-adaptivity comes at a steep price. We provide exponential cell probe complexity separations between (i) adaptive and non-adaptive data structures and (ii) non-adaptive and memoryless data structures for predecessor search. A classic data structure of van Emde Boas solves dynamic predecessor search in log(log(m)) probes; this data structure is adaptive. For dynamic data structures which make non-adaptive updates, we show the cell probe complexity is O(log(m)/log(w/log(m))). We also give a nearly-matching Omega(log(m)/log(w)) lower bound. We also give an m/w lower bound for memoryless data structures. Our lower bound technique is tailored to non-adaptive (as opposed to memoryless) updates and might be of independent interest

    The computational complexity of Kauffman nets and the P versus NP problem

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    Complexity theory as practiced by physicists and computational complexity theory as practiced by computer scientists both characterize how difficult it is to solve complex problems. Here it is shown that the parameters of a specific model can be adjusted so that the problem of finding its global energy minimum is extremely sensitive to small changes in the problem statement. This result has implications not only for studies of the physics of random systems but may also lead to new strategies for resolving the well-known P versus NP question in computational complexity theory.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Weighted ancestors in suffix trees

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    The classical, ubiquitous, predecessor problem is to construct a data structure for a set of integers that supports fast predecessor queries. Its generalization to weighted trees, a.k.a. the weighted ancestor problem, has been extensively explored and successfully reduced to the predecessor problem. It is known that any solution for both problems with an input set from a polynomially bounded universe that preprocesses a weighted tree in O(n polylog(n)) space requires \Omega(loglogn) query time. Perhaps the most important and frequent application of the weighted ancestors problem is for suffix trees. It has been a long-standing open question whether the weighted ancestors problem has better bounds for suffix trees. We answer this question positively: we show that a suffix tree built for a text w[1..n] can be preprocessed using O(n) extra space, so that queries can be answered in O(1) time. Thus we improve the running times of several applications. Our improvement is based on a number of data structure tools and a periodicity-based insight into the combinatorial structure of a suffix tree.Comment: 27 pages, LNCS format. A condensed version will appear in ESA 201

    Nonapproximability Results for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

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    We show that for several variations of partially observable Markov decision processes, polynomial-time algorithms for finding control policies are unlikely to or simply don't have guarantees of finding policies within a constant factor or a constant summand of optimal. Here "unlikely" means "unless some complexity classes collapse," where the collapses considered are P=NP, P=PSPACE, or P=EXP. Until or unless these collapses are shown to hold, any control-policy designer must choose between such performance guarantees and efficient computation

    Efficient Lock-free Binary Search Trees

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    In this paper we present a novel algorithm for concurrent lock-free internal binary search trees (BST) and implement a Set abstract data type (ADT) based on that. We show that in the presented lock-free BST algorithm the amortized step complexity of each set operation - {\sc Add}, {\sc Remove} and {\sc Contains} - is O(H(n)+c)O(H(n) + c), where, H(n)H(n) is the height of BST with nn number of nodes and cc is the contention during the execution. Our algorithm adapts to contention measures according to read-write load. If the situation is read-heavy, the operations avoid helping pending concurrent {\sc Remove} operations during traversal, and, adapt to interval contention. However, for write-heavy situations we let an operation help pending {\sc Remove}, even though it is not obstructed, and so adapt to tighter point contention. It uses single-word compare-and-swap (\texttt{CAS}) operations. We show that our algorithm has improved disjoint-access-parallelism compared to similar existing algorithms. We prove that the presented algorithm is linearizable. To the best of our knowledge this is the first algorithm for any concurrent tree data structure in which the modify operations are performed with an additive term of contention measure.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, submitted to POD