6 research outputs found

    The biased odd cycle game

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    In this paper we consider biased Maker-Breaker games played on the edge set of a given graph GG. We prove that for every δ>0\delta>0 and large enough nn, there exists a constant kk for which if δ(G)δn\delta(G)\geq \delta n and χ(G)k\chi(G)\geq k, then Maker can build an odd cycle in the (1:b)(1:b) game for b=O(nlog2n)b=O(\frac{n}{\log^2 n}). We also consider the analogous game where Maker and Breaker claim vertices instead of edges. This is a special case of the following well known and notoriously difficult problem due to Duffus, {\L}uczak and R\"{o}dl: is it true that for any positive constants tt and bb, there exists an integer kk such that for every graph GG, if χ(G)k\chi(G)\geq k, then Maker can build a graph which is not tt-colorable, in the (1:b)(1:b) Maker-Breaker game played on the vertices of GG?Comment: 10 page

    Positional Games

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    Positional games are a branch of combinatorics, researching a variety of two-player games, ranging from popular recreational games such as Tic-Tac-Toe and Hex, to purely abstract games played on graphs and hypergraphs. It is closely connected to many other combinatorial disciplines such as Ramsey theory, extremal graph and set theory, probabilistic combinatorics, and to computer science. We survey the basic notions of the field, its approaches and tools, as well as numerous recent advances, standing open problems and promising research directions.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the ICM 201

    Pozicione igre na grafovima

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    \section*{Abstract} We study Maker-Breaker games played on the edges of the complete graph on nn vertices, KnK_n, whose family of winning sets \cF consists of all edge sets of subgraphs GKnG\subseteq K_n which possess a predetermined monotone increasing property. Two players, Maker and Breaker, take turns in claiming aa, respectively bb, unclaimed edges per move. We are interested in finding the threshold bias b_{\cF}(a) for all values of aa, so that for every bb, b\leq b_{\cF}(a), Maker wins the game and for all values of bb, such that b>b_{\cF}(a), Breaker wins the game. We are particularly interested in cases where both aa and bb can be greater than 11. We focus on the \textit{Connectivity game}, where the winning sets are the edge sets of all spanning trees of KnK_n and on the  \textit{Hamiltonicity game}, where the winning sets are the edge sets of all Hamilton cycles on KnK_n. Next, we consider biased (1:b)(1:b) Avoider-Enforcer games, also played on the edges of KnK_n. For every constant k3k\geq 3 we analyse the kk-star game, where Avoider tries to avoid claiming kk edges incident to the same vertex. We analyse both versions of Avoider-Enforcer games, the strict and the monotone, and for each provide explicit winning strategies for both players. Consequentially, we establish bounds on the threshold biases f^{mon}_\cF, f^-_\cF and f^+_\cF, where \cF is the hypergraph of the game (the family of target sets). We also study the monotone version of K2,2K_{2,2}-game, where Avoider wants to avoid claiming all the edges of some graph isomorphic to K2,2K_{2,2} in KnK_n.   Finally, we search for the fast winning strategies for Maker in Perfect matching game and Hamiltonicity game, again played on the edge set of KnK_n. Here, we look at the biased (1:b)(1:b) games, where Maker's bias is 1, and Breaker's bias is b,b1b, b\ge 1.\section*{Izvod} Prou\v{c}avamo takozvane Mejker-Brejker (Maker-Breaker) igre koje se igraju na granama kompletnog grafa sa nn \v{c}vorova, KnK_n, \v{c}ija familija pobedni\v{c}kih skupova \cF obuhvata sve skupove grana grafa GKnG\subseteq K_n koji imaju neku monotono rastu\'{c}u osobinu. Dva igra\v{c}a, \textit{Mejker} (\textit{Pravi\v{s}a}) i \textit{Brejker} (\textit{Kva\-ri\-\v{s}a}) se smenjuju u odabiru aa, odnosno bb, slobodnih grana po potezu. Interesuje nas da prona\dj emo grani\v{c}ni bias b_{\cF}(a) za sve vrednosti pa\-ra\-me\-tra aa, tako da za svako bb, b\le b_{\cF}(a), Mejker pobe\dj uje u igri, a za svako bb, takvo da je b>b_{\cF}(a), Brejker pobe\dj uje. Posebno nas interesuju slu\v{c}ajevi u kojima oba parametra aa i bb mogu imati vrednost ve\'cu od 1. Na\v{s}a pa\v{z}nja je posve\'{c}ena igri povezanosti, gde su pobedni\v{c}ki skupovi  grane svih pokrivaju\'cih stabala grafa KnK_n, kao i igri Hamiltonove konture, gde su pobedni\v{c}ki skupovi grane svih Hamiltonovih kontura grafa KnK_n. Zatim posmatramo igre tipa Avojder-Enforser (Avoider-Enforcer), sa biasom (1:b)(1:b), koje se tako\dj e igraju na granama kompletnog grafa sa nn \v{c}vorova, KnK_n. Za svaku konstantu kk, k3k\ge 3 analiziramo igru kk-zvezde (zvezde sa kk krakova), u kojoj \textit{Avojder} poku\v{s}va da izbegne da ima kk svojih grana incidentnih sa istim \v{c}vorom. Posmatramo obe verzije ove igre, striktnu i monotonu, i za svaku dajemo eksplicitnu pobedni\v{c}ku strategiju za oba igra\v{c}a. Kao rezultat, dobijamo gornje i donje ograni\v{c}enje za grani\v{c}ne biase f^{mon}_\cF, f^-_\cF i f^+_\cF, gde \cF predstavlja hipergraf igre (familija ciljnih skupova). %fmonf^{mon}, ff^- and f+f^+. Tako\dj e, posmatramo i monotonu verziju K2,2K_{2,2}-igre, gde Avojder \v{z}eli da izbegne da graf koji \v{c}ine njegove grane sadr\v{z}i graf izomorfan sa K2,2K_{2,2}. Kona\v{c}no, \v{z}elimo da prona\dj emo strategije za brzu pobedu Mejkera u igrama savr\v{s}enog me\v{c}inga i Hamiltonove konture, koje se tako\dj e igraju na granama kompletnog grafa KnK_n. Ovde posmatramo asimetri\v{c}ne igre gde je bias Mejkera 1, a bias Brejkera bb, b1b\ge 1

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    \section*{Abstract} We study Maker-Breaker games played on the edges of the complete graph on nn vertices, KnK_n, whose family of winning sets \cF consists of all edge sets of subgraphs GKnG\subseteq K_n which possess a predetermined monotone increasing property. Two players, Maker and Breaker, take turns in claiming aa, respectively bb, unclaimed edges per move. We are interested in finding the threshold bias b_{\cF}(a) for all values of aa, so that for every bb, b\leq b_{\cF}(a), Maker wins the game and for all values of bb, such that b>b_{\cF}(a), Breaker wins the game. We are particularly interested in cases where both aa and bb can be greater than 11. We focus on the \textit{Connectivity game}, where the winning sets are the edge sets of all spanning trees of KnK_n and on the  \textit{Hamiltonicity game}, where the winning sets are the edge sets of all Hamilton cycles on KnK_n. Next, we consider biased (1:b)(1:b) Avoider-Enforcer games, also played on the edges of KnK_n. For every constant k3k\geq 3 we analyse the kk-star game, where Avoider tries to avoid claiming kk edges incident to the same vertex. We analyse both versions of Avoider-Enforcer games, the strict and the monotone, and for each provide explicit winning strategies for both players. Consequentially, we establish bounds on the threshold biases f^{mon}_\cF, f^-_\cF and f^+_\cF, where \cF is the hypergraph of the game (the family of target sets). We also study the monotone version of K2,2K_{2,2}-game, where Avoider wants to avoid claiming all the edges of some graph isomorphic to K2,2K_{2,2} in KnK_n.   Finally, we search for the fast winning strategies for Maker in Perfect matching game and Hamiltonicity game, again played on the edge set of KnK_n. Here, we look at the biased (1:b)(1:b) games, where Maker's bias is 1, and Breaker's bias is b,b1b, b\ge 1.\section*{Izvod} Prou\v{c}avamo takozvane Mejker-Brejker (Maker-Breaker) igre koje se igraju na granama kompletnog grafa sa nn \v{c}vorova, KnK_n, \v{c}ija familija pobedni\v{c}kih skupova \cF obuhvata sve skupove grana grafa GKnG\subseteq K_n koji imaju neku monotono rastu\'{c}u osobinu. Dva igra\v{c}a, \textit{Mejker} (\textit{Pravi\v{s}a}) i \textit{Brejker} (\textit{Kva\-ri\-\v{s}a}) se smenjuju u odabiru aa, odnosno bb, slobodnih grana po potezu. Interesuje nas da prona\dj emo grani\v{c}ni bias b_{\cF}(a) za sve vrednosti pa\-ra\-me\-tra aa, tako da za svako bb, b\le b_{\cF}(a), Mejker pobe\dj uje u igri, a za svako bb, takvo da je b>b_{\cF}(a), Brejker pobe\dj uje. Posebno nas interesuju slu\v{c}ajevi u kojima oba parametra aa i bb mogu imati vrednost ve\'cu od 1. Na\v{s}a pa\v{z}nja je posve\'{c}ena igri povezanosti, gde su pobedni\v{c}ki skupovi  grane svih pokrivaju\'cih stabala grafa KnK_n, kao i igri Hamiltonove konture, gde su pobedni\v{c}ki skupovi grane svih Hamiltonovih kontura grafa KnK_n. Zatim posmatramo igre tipa Avojder-Enforser (Avoider-Enforcer), sa biasom (1:b)(1:b), koje se tako\dj e igraju na granama kompletnog grafa sa nn \v{c}vorova, KnK_n. Za svaku konstantu kk, k3k\ge 3 analiziramo igru kk-zvezde (zvezde sa kk krakova), u kojoj \textit{Avojder} poku\v{s}va da izbegne da ima kk svojih grana incidentnih sa istim \v{c}vorom. Posmatramo obe verzije ove igre, striktnu i monotonu, i za svaku dajemo eksplicitnu pobedni\v{c}ku strategiju za oba igra\v{c}a. Kao rezultat, dobijamo gornje i donje ograni\v{c}enje za grani\v{c}ne biase f^{mon}_\cF, f^-_\cF i f^+_\cF, gde \cF predstavlja hipergraf igre (familija ciljnih skupova). %fmonf^{mon}, ff^- and f+f^+. Tako\dj e, posmatramo i monotonu verziju K2,2K_{2,2}-igre, gde Avojder \v{z}eli da izbegne da graf koji \v{c}ine njegove grane sadr\v{z}i graf izomorfan sa K2,2K_{2,2}. Kona\v{c}no, \v{z}elimo da prona\dj emo strategije za brzu pobedu Mejkera u igrama savr\v{s}enog me\v{c}inga i Hamiltonove konture, koje se tako\dj e igraju na granama kompletnog grafa KnK_n. Ovde posmatramo asimetri\v{c}ne igre gde je bias Mejkera 1, a bias Brejkera bb, b1b\ge 1

    Pozicione igre na grafovima

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    \section*{Abstract} We study Maker-Breaker games played on the edges of the complete graph on nn vertices, KnK_n, whose family of winning sets \cF consists of all edge sets of subgraphs GKnG\subseteq K_n which possess a predetermined monotone increasing property. Two players, Maker and Breaker, take turns in claiming aa, respectively bb, unclaimed edges per move. We are interested in finding the threshold bias b_{\cF}(a) for all values of aa, so that for every bb, b\leq b_{\cF}(a), Maker wins the game and for all values of bb, such that b>b_{\cF}(a), Breaker wins the game. We are particularly interested in cases where both aa and bb can be greater than 11. We focus on the \textit{Connectivity game}, where the winning sets are the edge sets of all spanning trees of KnK_n and on the  \textit{Hamiltonicity game}, where the winning sets are the edge sets of all Hamilton cycles on KnK_n. Next, we consider biased (1:b)(1:b) Avoider-Enforcer games, also played on the edges of KnK_n. For every constant k3k\geq 3 we analyse the kk-star game, where Avoider tries to avoid claiming kk edges incident to the same vertex. We analyse both versions of Avoider-Enforcer games, the strict and the monotone, and for each provide explicit winning strategies for both players. Consequentially, we establish bounds on the threshold biases f^{mon}_\cF, f^-_\cF and f^+_\cF, where \cF is the hypergraph of the game (the family of target sets). We also study the monotone version of K2,2K_{2,2}-game, where Avoider wants to avoid claiming all the edges of some graph isomorphic to K2,2K_{2,2} in KnK_n.   Finally, we search for the fast winning strategies for Maker in Perfect matching game and Hamiltonicity game, again played on the edge set of KnK_n. Here, we look at the biased (1:b)(1:b) games, where Maker's bias is 1, and Breaker's bias is b,b1b, b\ge 1.\section*{Izvod} Prou\v{c}avamo takozvane Mejker-Brejker (Maker-Breaker) igre koje se igraju na granama kompletnog grafa sa nn \v{c}vorova, KnK_n, \v{c}ija familija pobedni\v{c}kih skupova \cF obuhvata sve skupove grana grafa GKnG\subseteq K_n koji imaju neku monotono rastu\'{c}u osobinu. Dva igra\v{c}a, \textit{Mejker} (\textit{Pravi\v{s}a}) i \textit{Brejker} (\textit{Kva\-ri\-\v{s}a}) se smenjuju u odabiru aa, odnosno bb, slobodnih grana po potezu. Interesuje nas da prona\dj emo grani\v{c}ni bias b_{\cF}(a) za sve vrednosti pa\-ra\-me\-tra aa, tako da za svako bb, b\le b_{\cF}(a), Mejker pobe\dj uje u igri, a za svako bb, takvo da je b>b_{\cF}(a), Brejker pobe\dj uje. Posebno nas interesuju slu\v{c}ajevi u kojima oba parametra aa i bb mogu imati vrednost ve\'cu od 1. Na\v{s}a pa\v{z}nja je posve\'{c}ena igri povezanosti, gde su pobedni\v{c}ki skupovi  grane svih pokrivaju\'cih stabala grafa KnK_n, kao i igri Hamiltonove konture, gde su pobedni\v{c}ki skupovi grane svih Hamiltonovih kontura grafa KnK_n. Zatim posmatramo igre tipa Avojder-Enforser (Avoider-Enforcer), sa biasom (1:b)(1:b), koje se tako\dj e igraju na granama kompletnog grafa sa nn \v{c}vorova, KnK_n. Za svaku konstantu kk, k3k\ge 3 analiziramo igru kk-zvezde (zvezde sa kk krakova), u kojoj \textit{Avojder} poku\v{s}va da izbegne da ima kk svojih grana incidentnih sa istim \v{c}vorom. Posmatramo obe verzije ove igre, striktnu i monotonu, i za svaku dajemo eksplicitnu pobedni\v{c}ku strategiju za oba igra\v{c}a. Kao rezultat, dobijamo gornje i donje ograni\v{c}enje za grani\v{c}ne biase f^{mon}_\cF, f^-_\cF i f^+_\cF, gde \cF predstavlja hipergraf igre (familija ciljnih skupova). %fmonf^{mon}, ff^- and f+f^+. Tako\dj e, posmatramo i monotonu verziju K2,2K_{2,2}-igre, gde Avojder \v{z}eli da izbegne da graf koji \v{c}ine njegove grane sadr\v{z}i graf izomorfan sa K2,2K_{2,2}. Kona\v{c}no, \v{z}elimo da prona\dj emo strategije za brzu pobedu Mejkera u igrama savr\v{s}enog me\v{c}inga i Hamiltonove konture, koje se tako\dj e igraju na granama kompletnog grafa KnK_n. Ovde posmatramo asimetri\v{c}ne igre gde je bias Mejkera 1, a bias Brejkera bb, b1b\ge 1