5,351 research outputs found

    Digital Manipulation of Human Faces: Effects on Emotional Perception and Brain Activity

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    The study of human face-processing has granted insight into key adaptions across various social and biological functions. However, there is an overall lack of consistency regarding digital alteration styles of human-face stimuli. In order to investigate this, two independent studies were conducted examining unique effects of image construction and presentation. In the first study, three primary forms of stimuli presentation styles (color, black and white, cutout) were used across iterations of non-thatcherized/thatcherized and non-inverted/inverted presentations. Outcome measures included subjective reactions measured via ratings of perceived “grotesqueness,” and objective outcomes of N170 event-related potentials (ERPs) measured via encephalography. Results of subjective measures indicated that thatcherized images were associated with an increased level of grotesque perception, regardless of overall condition variant and inversion status. A significantly larger N170 component was found in response to cutout-style images of human faces, thatcherized images, and inverted images. Results suggest that cutout image morphology may be considered a well-suited image presentation style when examining ERPs and facial processing of otherwise unaltered human faces. Moreover, less emphasis can be placed on decision making regarding main condition morphology of human face stimuli as it relates to negatively valent reactions. The second study explored commonalities between thatcherized and uncanny images. The purpose of the study was to explore commonalities between these two styles of digital manipulation and establish a link between previously disparate areas of human-face processing research. Subjective reactions to stimuli were measured via participant ratings of “off-putting.” ERP data were gathered in order to explore if any unique effects emerged via N170 and N400 presentations. Two main “morph continuums” of stimuli, provided by Eduard Zell (see Zell et al., 2015), with uncanny features were utilized. A novel approach of thatcherizing images along these continuums was used. thatcherized images across both continuums were regarded as more off-putting than non-thatcherized images, indicating a robust subjective effect of thatcherization that was relatively unimpacted by additional manipulation of key featural components. Conversely, results from brain activity indicated no significant differences of N170 between level of shape stylization and their thatcherized counterparts. Unique effects between continuums and exploratory N400 results are discussed

    In good company? : Perception of movement synchrony of a non-anthropomorphic robot

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    Copyright: © 2015 Lehmann et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Recent technological developments like cheap sensors and the decreasing costs of computational power have brought the possibility of robotic home companions within reach. In order to be accepted it is vital for these robots to be able to participate meaningfully in social interactions with their users and to make them feel comfortable during these interactions. In this study we investigated how people respond to a situation where a companion robot is watching its user. Specifically, we tested the effect of robotic behaviours that are synchronised with the actions of a human. We evaluated the effects of these behaviours on the robot’s likeability and perceived intelligence using an online video survey. The robot used was Care-O-botÂź3, a non-anthropomorphic robot with a limited range of expressive motions. We found that even minimal, positively synchronised movements during an object-oriented task were interpreted by participants as engagement and created a positive disposition towards the robot. However, even negatively synchronised movements of the robot led to more positive perceptions of the robot, as compared to a robot that does not move at all. The results emphasise a) the powerful role that robot movements in general can have on participants’ perception of the robot, and b) that synchronisation of body movements can be a powerful means to enhance the positive attitude towards a non-anthropomorphic robot.Peer reviewe

    Investigating the Uncanny Valley Phenomenon Through the Temporal Dynamics of Neural Responses to Virtual Characters

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    The Uncanny Valley phenomenon refers to the feeling of unease that arises when interacting with characters that appear almost, but not quite, human-like. First theorised by Masahiro Mori in 1970, it has since been widely observed in different contexts from humanoid robots to video games, in which it can result in players feeling uncomfortable or disconnected from the game, leading to a lack of immersion and potentially reducing the overall enjoyment. The phenomenon has been observed and described mostly through behavioural studies based on self-reported scales of uncanny feeling: however, there is still no consensus on its cognitive and perceptual origins, which limits our understanding of its impact on player experience. In this paper, we present a study aimed at identifying the mechanisms that trigger the uncanny response by collecting and analysing both self-reported feedback and EEG data

    The interaction between voice and appearance in the embodiment of a robot tutor

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    Robot embodiment is, by its very nature, holistic and understanding how various aspects contribute to the user perception of the robot is non-trivial. A study is presented here that investigates whether there is an interaction effect between voice and other aspects of embodiment, such as movement and appearance, in a pedagogical setting. An on-line study was distributed to children aged 11–17 that uses a modified Godspeed questionnaire. We show an interaction effect between the robot embodiment and voice in terms of perceived lifelikeness of the robot. Politeness is a key strategy used in learning and teaching, and here an effect is also observed for perceived politeness. Interestingly, participants’ overall preference was for embodiment combinations that are deemed polite and more like a teacher, but are not necessarily the most lifelike. From these findings, we are able to inform the design of robotic tutors going forward

    Walking in the uncanny valley: importance of the attractiveness on the acceptance of a robot as a working partner

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    The Uncanny valley hypothesis, which tells us that almost-human characteristics in a robot or a device could cause uneasiness in human observers, is an important research theme in the Human Robot Interaction (HRI) field. Yet, that phenomenon is still not well-understood. Many have investigated the external design of humanoid robot faces and bodies but only a few studies have focused on the influence of robot movements on our perception and feelings of the Uncanny valley. Moreover, no research has investigated the possible relation between our uneasiness feeling and whether or not we would accept robots having a job in an office, a hospital or elsewhere. To better understand the Uncanny valley, we explore several factors which might have an influence on our perception of robots, be it related to the subjects, such as culture or attitude toward robots, or related to the robot such as emotions and emotional intensity displayed in its motion. We asked 69 subjects (N = 69) to rate the motions of a humanoid robot (Perceived Humanity, Eeriness, and Attractiveness) and state where they would rather see the robot performing a task. Our results suggest that, among the factors we chose to test, the attitude toward robots is the main influence on the perception of the robot related to the Uncanny valley. Robot occupation acceptability was affected only by Attractiveness, mitigating any Uncanny valley effect. We discuss the implications of these findings for the Uncanny valley and the acceptability of a robotic worker in our society

    Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to rule by sense of smell! Superhuman Kingship in the Prophetic Books

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    An exploration of the Hebrew Bible's prophetic literature vis-Ă -vis Science Fiction and Science Fiction theor

    Facing the Artificial: Understanding Affinity, Trustworthiness, and Preference for More Realistic Digital Humans

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    In recent years, companies have been developing more realistic looking human faces for digital, virtual agents controlled by artificial intelligence (AI). But how do users feel about interacting with such virtual agents? We used a controlled lab experiment to examine users’ perceived trustworthiness, affinity, and preference towards a real human travel agent appearing via video (i.e., Skype) as well as in the form of a very human-realistic avatar; half of the participants were (deceptively) told the avatar was a virtual agent controlled by AI while the other half were told the avatar was controlled by the same human travel agent. Results show that participants rated the video human agent more trustworthy, had more affinity for him, and preferred him to both avatar versions. Users who believed the avatar was a virtual agent controlled by AI reported the same level of affinity, trustworthiness, and preferences towards the agent as those who believed it was controlled by a human. Thus, use of a realistic digital avatar lowered affinity, trustworthiness, and preferences, but how the avatar was controlled (by human or machine) had no effect. The conclusion is that improved visual fidelity alone makes a significant positive difference and that users are not averse to advanced AI simulating human presence, some may even be anticipating such an advanced technology

    How Do You Like Me in This: User Embodiment Preferences for Companion Agents

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    We investigate the relationship between the embodiment of an artificial companion and user perception and interaction with it. In a Wizard of Oz study, 42 users interacted with one of two embodiments: a physical robot or a virtual agent on a screen through a role-play of secretarial tasks in an office, with the companion providing essential assistance. Findings showed that participants in both condition groups when given the choice would prefer to interact with the robot companion, mainly for its greater physical or social presence. Subjects also found the robot less annoying and talked to it more naturally. However, this preference for the robotic embodiment is not reflected in the users’ actual rating of the companion or their interaction with it. We reflect on this contradiction and conclude that in a task-based context a user focuses much more on a companion’s behaviour than its embodiment. This underlines the feasibility of our efforts in creating companions that migrate between embodiments while maintaining a consistent identity from the user’s point of view
