21 research outputs found

    Closed on-line bin packing

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    An optimal algorithm for the classical bin packing problem partitions (packs) a given set of items with sizes at most 1 into a smallest number of unit-capacity bins such that the sum of the sizes of the items in each bin is at most 1. Approximation algorithms for this NP-hard problem are called on-line if the items are packed sequentially into bins with the bin receiving a given item being independent of the number and sizes of all items as yet unpacked. Off-line algorithms plan packings assuming full (advance) knowledge of all item sizes. The closed on-line algorithms are intermediate: item sizes are not known in advance but the number n of items is. The uniform model, where the n item sizes are independent uniform random draws from [0,1], commands special attention in the average-case analysis of bin packing algorithms. In this model, the expected wasted space produced by an optimal off-line algorithm is Θ(√n), while that produced by an optimal on-line algorithm is Θ(√n log n)- Surprisingly, an optimal closed on-line algorithm also wastes only s Θ(√n) space on the average. A proof of this last result is the principal contribution of this paper. However, we also identify a class of optimal closed algorithms, extend the main result to other probability models, and give an estimate of the hidden constant factor

    Probabilistic alternatives for competitive analysis

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    In the last 20 years competitive analysis has become the main tool for analyzing the quality of online algorithms. Despite of this, competitive analysis has also been criticized: it sometimes cannot discriminate between algorithms that exhibit significantly different empirical behavior or it even favors an algorithm that is worse from an empirical point of view. Therefore, there have been several approaches to circumvent these drawbacks. In this survey, we discuss probabilistic alternatives for competitive analysis.operations research and management science;

    Optimal Random Matchings, Tours, and Spanning Trees in Hierarchically Separated Trees

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    We derive tight bounds on the expected weights of several combinatorial optimization problems for random point sets of size nn distributed among the leaves of a balanced hierarchically separated tree. We consider {\it monochromatic} and {\it bichromatic} versions of the minimum matching, minimum spanning tree, and traveling salesman problems. We also present tight concentration results for the monochromatic problems.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in TC

    From Balls and Bins to Points and Vertices

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    Given a graph G = (V, E) with |V| = n, we consider the following problem. Place m = n points on the vertices of G independently and uniformly at random. Once the points are placed, relocate them using a bijection from the points to the vertices that minimizes the maximum distance between the random place of the points and their target vertices. We look for an upper bound on this maximum relocation distance that holds with high probability (over the initial placements of the points). For general graphs and in the case m ≤ n, we prove the #P -hardness of the problem and that the maximum relocation distance is O(√n) with high probability. We present a Fully Polynomial Randomized Approximation Scheme when the input graph admits a polynomial-size family of witness cuts while for trees we provide a 2-approximation algorithm. Many applications concern the variation in which m = (1 − ǫ)n for some 0 < ǫ < 1. We provide several bounds for the maximum relocation distance according to different graph topologies

    An Average-Case Analysis for Rate-Monotonic Multiprocessor Real-time Scheduling

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    We introduce the "First Fit Matching Periods" algorithm for static-priority multiprocessor scheduling of periodic tasks with implicit deadlines and show that it yields asymptotically optimal processor assignments if utilization values are chosen uniformly at random. More precisely we prove that the expected waste is upper bounded by O(n^(3/4) * (log n)^(3/8)). Here the waste denotes the ratio of idle times, cumulated over all processors and n gives the number of tasks. The algorithm can be implemented to run in time O(n log n) and even in the worst case, an asymptotic approximation ratio of 2 is guaranteed. Experiments yield an expected waste proportional to n^0.70, indicating that the above upper bound on the expected waste is almost tight