30 research outputs found

    Partitioning orthogonal polygons into at most 8-vertex pieces, with application to an art gallery theorem

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    We prove that every simply connected orthogonal polygon of nn vertices can be partitioned into ⌊3n+416⌋\left\lfloor\frac{3 n +4}{16}\right\rfloor (simply connected) orthogonal polygons of at most 8 vertices. It yields a new and shorter proof of the theorem of A. Aggarwal that ⌊3n+416⌋\left\lfloor\frac{3 n +4}{16}\right\rfloor mobile guards are sufficient to control the interior of an nn-vertex orthogonal polygon. Moreover, we strengthen this result by requiring combinatorial guards (visibility is only required at the endpoints of patrols) and prohibiting intersecting patrols. This yields positive answers to two questions of O'Rourke. Our result is also a further example of the "metatheorem" that (orthogonal) art gallery theorems are based on partition theorems.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    The Dispersive Art Gallery Problem

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    We introduce a new variant of the art gallery problem that comes from safety issues. In this variant we are not interested in guard sets of smallest cardinality, but in guard sets with largest possible distances between these guards. To the best of our knowledge, this variant has not been considered before. We call it the Dispersive Art Gallery Problem. In particular, in the dispersive art gallery problem we are given a polygon ? and a real number ?, and want to decide whether ? has a guard set such that every pair of guards in this set is at least a distance of ? apart. In this paper, we study the vertex guard variant of this problem for the class of polyominoes. We consider rectangular visibility and distances as geodesics in the L?-metric. Our results are as follows. We give a (simple) thin polyomino such that every guard set has minimum pairwise distances of at most 3. On the positive side, we describe an algorithm that computes guard sets for simple polyominoes that match this upper bound, i.e., the algorithm constructs worst-case optimal solutions. We also study the computational complexity of computing guard sets that maximize the smallest distance between all pairs of guards within the guard sets. We prove that deciding whether there exists a guard set realizing a minimum pairwise distance for all pairs of guards of at least 5 in a given polyomino is NP-complete. We were also able to find an optimal dynamic programming approach that computes a guard set that maximizes the minimum pairwise distance between guards in tree-shaped polyominoes, i.e., computes optimal solutions; due to space constraints, details can be found in the full version of our paper [Christian Rieck and Christian Scheffer, 2022]. Because the shapes constructed in the NP-hardness reduction are thin as well (but have holes), this result completes the case for thin polyominoes

    Complexity of Chess Domination Problems

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    We study different domination problems of attacking and non-attacking rooks and queens on polyominoes and polycubes of all dimensions. Our main result proves that maximal domination is NP-complete for non-attacking queens and for non-attacking rooks on polycubes of dimension three and higher. We also analyse these problems for polyominoes and convex polyominoes, conjecture the complexity classes and provide a computer tool for investigation. We have also computed new values for classical queen domination problems on chessboards (square polyominoes). For our computations, we have translated the problem into an integer linear programming instance. Finally, using this computational implementation and the game engine Godot, we have developed a video game of minimal domination of queens and rooks on randomly generated polyominoes.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figures, 4 tables. Theorem 1 now for d>2, added results on approximation, fixed typos, reorganised some proof

    A (7/2)-Approximation Algorithm for Guarding Orthogonal Art Galleries with Sliding Cameras

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    Consider a sliding camera that travels back and forth along an orthogonal line segment ss inside an orthogonal polygon PP with nn vertices. The camera can see a point pp inside PP if and only if there exists a line segment containing pp that crosses ss at a right angle and is completely contained in PP. In the minimum sliding cameras (MSC) problem, the objective is to guard PP with the minimum number of sliding cameras. In this paper, we give an O(n5/2)O(n^{5/2})-time (7/2)(7/2)-approximation algorithm to the MSC problem on any simple orthogonal polygon with nn vertices, answering a question posed by Katz and Morgenstern (2011). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first constant-factor approximation algorithm for this problem.Comment: 11 page