20 research outputs found

    SLS-PLAN-IT: A knowledge-based blackboard scheduling system for Spacelab life sciences missions

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    The primary scheduling tool in use during the Spacelab Life Science (SLS-1) planning phase was the operations research (OR) based, tabular form Experiment Scheduling System (ESS) developed by NASA Marshall. PLAN-IT is an artificial intelligence based interactive graphic timeline editor for ESS developed by JPL. The PLAN-IT software was enhanced for use in the scheduling of Spacelab experiments to support the SLS missions. The enhanced software SLS-PLAN-IT System was used to support the real-time reactive scheduling task during the SLS-1 mission. SLS-PLAN-IT is a frame-based blackboard scheduling shell which, from scheduling input, creates resource-requiring event duration objects and resource-usage duration objects. The blackboard structure is to keep track of the effects of event duration objects on the resource usage objects. Various scheduling heuristics are coded in procedural form and can be invoked any time at the user's request. The system architecture is described along with what has been learned with the SLS-PLAN-IT project

    A Random Keys Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling

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    Understanding Algorithm Performance on an Oversubscribed Scheduling Application

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    The best performing algorithms for a particular oversubscribed scheduling application, Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN) scheduling, appear to have little in common. Yet, through careful experimentation and modeling of performance in real problem instances, we can relate characteristics of the best algorithms to characteristics of the application. In particular, we find that plateaus dominate the search spaces (thus favoring algorithms that make larger changes to solutions) and that some randomization in exploration is critical to good performance (due to the lack of gradient information on the plateaus). Based on our explanations of algorithm performance, we develop a new algorithm that combines characteristics of the best performers; the new algorithms performance is better than the previous best. We show how hypothesis driven experimentation and search modeling can both explain algorithm performance and motivate the design of a new algorithm

    Non-weighted aggregate evaluation function of multi-objective optimization for knock engine modeling

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    In decision theory, the weighted sum model (WSM) is the best known Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach for evaluating a number of alternatives in terms of a number of decision criteria. Assigning weights is a difficult task, especially if the number of criteria is large and the criteria are very different in character. There are some problems in the real world which utilize conflicting criteria and mutual effect. In the field of automotive, the knocking phenomenon in internal combustion or spark ignition engines limits the efficiency of the engine. Power and fuel economy can be maximized by optimizing some factors that affect the knocking phenomenon, such as temperature, throttle position sensor, spark ignition timing, and revolution per minute. Detecting knocks and controlling the above factors or criteria may allow the engine to run at the best power and fuel economy. The best decision must arise from selecting the optimum trade-off within the above criteria. The main objective of this study was to proposed a new Non-Weighted Aggregate Evaluation Function (NWAEF) model for non-linear multi-objectives function which will simulate the engine knock behavior (non-linear dependent variable) in order to optimize non-linear decision factors (non-linear independent variables). This study has focused on the construction of a NWAEF model by using a curve fitting technique and partial derivatives. It also aims to optimize the nonlinear nature of the factors by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) as well as investigate the behavior of such function. This study assumes that a partial and mutual influence between factors is required before such factors can be optimized. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is used to balance the complexity of the model and the data loss, which can help assess the range of the tested models and choose the best ones. Some statistical tools are also used in this thesis to assess and identify the most powerful explanation in the model. The first derivative is used to simplify the form of evaluation function. The NWAEF model was compared to Random Weights Genetic Algorithm (RWGA) model by using five data sets taken from different internal combustion engines. There was a relatively large variation in elapsed time to get to the best solution between the two model. Experimental results in application aspect (Internal combustion engines) show that the new model participates in decreasing the elapsed time. This research provides a form of knock control within the subspace that can enhance the efficiency and performance of the engine, improve fuel economy, and reduce regulated emissions and pollution. Combined with new concepts in the engine design, this model can be used for improving the control strategies and providing accurate information to the Engine Control Unit (ECU), which will control the knock faster and ensure the perfect condition of the engine

    Inferring Drosophila gap gene regulatory network: a parameter sensitivity and perturbation analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inverse modelling of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) capable of simulating continuous spatio-temporal biological processes requires accurate data and a good description of the system. If quantitative relations between genes cannot be extracted from direct measurements, an efficient method to estimate the unknown parameters is mandatory. A model that has been proposed to simulate spatio-temporal gene expression patterns is the connectionist model. This method describes the quantitative dynamics of a regulatory network in space. The model parameters are estimated by means of model-fitting algorithms. The gene interactions are identified without making any prior assumptions concerning the network connectivity. As a result, the inverse modelling might lead to multiple circuits showing the same quantitative behaviour and it is not possible to identify one optimal circuit. Consequently, it is important to address the quality of the circuits in terms of model robustness.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we investigate the sensitivity and robustness of circuits obtained from reverse engineering a model capable of simulating measured gene expression patterns. As a case study we use the early gap gene segmentation mechanism in <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it>. We consider the limitations of the connectionist model used to describe GRN Inferred from spatio-temporal gene expression. We address the problem of circuit discrimination, where the selection criterion within the optimization technique is based of the least square minimization on the error between data and simulated results.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Parameter sensitivity analysis allows one to discriminate between circuits having significant parameter and qualitative differences but exhibiting the same quantitative pattern. Furthermore, we show that using a stochastic model derived from a deterministic solution, one can introduce fluctuations within the model to analyze the circuits' robustness. Ultimately, we show that there is a close relation between circuit sensitivity and robustness to fluctuation, and that circuit robustness is rather modular than global. The current study shows that reverse engineering of GRNs should not only focus on estimating parameters by minimizing the difference between observation and simulation but also on other model properties. Our study suggests that multi-objective optimization based on robustness and sensitivity analysis has to be considered.</p

    Utilização de algorítimos genéticos para solução de problema de programação de produção de um refinaria de petróleo

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Análise dos principais aspectos envolvidos na atividade de programação da produção de uma refinaria de petróleo, considerando o atual estágio de desenvolvimento de aplicativos computacionais para apoiar esta atividade. Estudo dos algoritmos genéticos, ressaltando a adequabilidade desta técnica para a otimização de problemas não lineares que envolvem variáveis discretas e contínuas, como é o caso do problema de programação de produção. Detalhamento de desenvolvimento de um modelo baseado em algoritmos genéticos para resolução da programação de produção do sistema de armazenamento de Gás Liqüefeito de Petróleo de uma refinaria. Apresentação dos resultados obtidos a partir de software comercial baseado em algoritmos genéticos

    New approaches to optimization in aerospace conceptual design

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    Aerospace design can be viewed as an optimization process, but conceptual studies are rarely performed using formal search algorithms. Three issues that restrict the success of automatic search are identified in this work. New approaches are introduced to address the integration of analyses and optimizers, to avoid the need for accurate gradient information and a smooth search space (required for calculus-based optimization), and to remove the restrictions imposed by fixed complexity problem formulations. (1) Optimization should be performed in a flexible environment. A quasi-procedural architecture is used to conveniently link analysis modules and automatically coordinate their execution. It efficiently controls a large-scale design tasks. (2) Genetic algorithms provide a search method for discontinuous or noisy domains. The utility of genetic optimization is demonstrated here, but parameter encodings and constraint-handling schemes must be carefully chosen to avoid premature convergence to suboptimal designs. The relationship between genetic and calculus-based methods is explored. (3) A variable-complexity genetic algorithm is created to permit flexible parameterization, so that the level of description can change during optimization. This new optimizer automatically discovers novel designs in structural and aerodynamic tasks


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    The focus of this thesis is on the use of adaptive search techniques for the automatic generation of software test data. Three adaptive search techniques are used, these are genetic algorithms (GAs), Simulated Amiealing and Tabu search. In addition to these, hybrid search methods have been developed and applied to the problem of test data generation. The adaptive search techniques are compared to random generation to ascertain the effectiveness of adaptive search. The results indicate that GAs and Simulated Annealing outperform random generation in all test programs. Tabu search outperformed random generation in most tests, but it lost its effectiveness as the amount of input data increased. The hybrid techniques have given mixed results. The two best methods, GAs and Simulated Annealing are then compared to random generation on a program written to optimise capital budgeting, both perform better than random generation and Simulated Annealing requires less test data than GAs. Further research highlights a need for research into the control parameters of all the adaptive search methods and attaining test data which covers border conditions

    Multiobjective genetic programming for financial portfolio management in dynamic environments

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    Multiobjective (MO) optimisation is a useful technique for evolving portfolio optimisation solutions that span a range from high-return/high-risk to low-return/low-risk. The resulting Pareto front would approximate the risk/reward Efficient Frontier [Mar52], and simplifies the choice of investment model for a given client’s attitude to risk. However, the financial market is continuously changing and it is essential to ensure that MO solutions are capturing true relationships between financial factors and not merely over fitting the training data. Research on evolutionary algorithms in dynamic environments has been directed towards adapting the algorithm to improve its suitability for retraining whenever a change is detected. Little research focused on how to assess and quantify the success of multiobjective solutions in unseen environments. The multiobjective nature of the problem adds a unique feature to be satisfied to judge robustness of solutions. That is, in addition to examining whether solutions remain optimal in the new environment, we need to ensure that the solutions’ relative positions previously identified on the Pareto front are not altered. This thesis investigates the performance of Multiobjective Genetic Programming (MOGP) in the dynamic real world problem of portfolio optimisation. The thesis provides new definitions and statistical metrics based on phenotypic cluster analysis to quantify robustness of both the solutions and the Pareto front. Focusing on the critical period between an environment change and when retraining occurs, four techniques to improve the robustness of solutions are examined. Namely, the use of a validation data set; diversity preservation; a novel variation on mating restriction; and a combination of both diversity enhancement and mating restriction. In addition, preliminary investigation of using the robustness metrics to quantify the severity of change for optimum tracking in a dynamic portfolio optimisation problem is carried out. Results show that the techniques used offer statistically significant improvement on the solutions’ robustness, although not on all the robustness criteria simultaneously. Combining the mating restriction with diversity enhancement provided the best robustness results while also greatly enhancing the quality of solutions

    Scheduling of manufacturing systems based on extreme value theory and genetic algorithms

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (p. 143-154).by Velusamy Subramaniam.Ph.D