5,341 research outputs found

    Semantic Embedding of Petri Nets into Event-B

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    We present an embedding of Petri nets into B abstract systems. The embedding is achieved by translating both the static structure (modelling aspect) and the evolution semantics of Petri nets. The static structure of a Petri-net is captured within a B abstract system through a graph structure. This abstract system is then included in another abstract system which captures the evolution semantics of Petri-nets. The evolution semantics results in some B events depending on the chosen policies: basic nets or high level Petri nets. The current embedding enables one to use conjointly Petri nets and Event-B in the same system development, but at different steps and for various analysis.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Globally reasoning about localised security policies in distributed systems

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    In this report, we aim at establishing proper ways for model checking the global security of distributed systems, which are designed consisting of set of localised security policies that enforce specific issues about the security expected. The systems are formally specified following a syntax, defined in detail in this report, and their behaviour is clearly established by the Semantics, also defined in detail in this report. The systems include the formal attachment of security policies into their locations, whose intended interactions are trapped by the policies, aiming at taking access control decisions of the system, and the Semantics also takes care of this. Using the Semantics, a Labelled Transition System (LTS) can be induced for every particular system, and over this LTS some model checking tasks could be done. We identify how this LTS is indeed obtained, and propose an alternative way of model checking the not-yet-induced LTS, by using the system design directly. This may lead to over-approximation thereby producing imprecise, though safe, results. We restrict ourselves to finite systems, in the sake of being certain about the decidability of the proposed method. To illustrate the usefulness and validity of our proposal, we present 2 small case-study-like examples, where we show how the system can be specified, which policies could be added to it, and how to decide if the desired global security property is met. Finally, an Appendix is given for digging deeply into how a tool for automatically performing this task is being built, including some implementation issues. The tool takes advantage of the proposed method, and given some system and some desired global security property, it safely (i.e. without false positives) ensures satisfaction of it

    Quantitative Analysis of Opacity in Cloud Computing Systems

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Federated cloud systems increase the reliability and reduce the cost of the computational support. The resulting combination of secure private clouds and less secure public clouds, together with the fact that resources need to be located within different clouds, strongly affects the information flow security of the entire system. In this paper, the clouds as well as entities of a federated cloud system are assigned security levels, and a probabilistic flow sensitive security model for a federated cloud system is proposed. Then the notion of opacity --- a notion capturing the security of information flow --- of a cloud computing systems is introduced, and different variants of quantitative analysis of opacity are presented. As a result, one can track the information flow in a cloud system, and analyze the impact of different resource allocation strategies by quantifying the corresponding opacity characteristics

    Dependability Analysis of Control Systems using SystemC and Statistical Model Checking

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    Stochastic Petri nets are commonly used for modeling distributed systems in order to study their performance and dependability. This paper proposes a realization of stochastic Petri nets in SystemC for modeling large embedded control systems. Then statistical model checking is used to analyze the dependability of the constructed model. Our verification framework allows users to express a wide range of useful properties to be verified which is illustrated through a case study

    Towards Efficient Verification of Population Protocols

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    Population protocols are a well established model of computation by anonymous, identical finite state agents. A protocol is well-specified if from every initial configuration, all fair executions reach a common consensus. The central verification question for population protocols is the well-specification problem: deciding if a given protocol is well-specified. Esparza et al. have recently shown that this problem is decidable, but with very high complexity: it is at least as hard as the Petri net reachability problem, which is EXPSPACE-hard, and for which only algorithms of non-primitive recursive complexity are currently known. In this paper we introduce the class WS3 of well-specified strongly-silent protocols and we prove that it is suitable for automatic verification. More precisely, we show that WS3 has the same computational power as general well-specified protocols, and captures standard protocols from the literature. Moreover, we show that the membership problem for WS3 reduces to solving boolean combinations of linear constraints over N. This allowed us to develop the first software able to automatically prove well-specification for all of the infinitely many possible inputs.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    Portunes: analyzing multi-domain insider threats

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    The insider threat is an important problem in securing information systems. Skilful insiders use attack vectors that yield the greatest chance of success, and thus do not limit themselves to a restricted set of attacks. They may use access rights to the facility where the system of interest resides, as well as existing relationships with employees. To secure a system, security professionals should therefore consider attacks that include non-digital aspects such as key sharing or exploiting trust relationships among employees. In this paper, we present Portunes, a framework for security design and audit, which incorporates three security domains: (1) the security of the computer system itself (the digital domain), (2) the security of the location where the system is deployed (the physical domain) and (3) the security awareness of the employees that use the system (the social domain). The framework consists of a model, a formal language and a logic. It allows security professionals to formally model elements from the three domains in a single framework, and to analyze possible attack scenarios. The logic enables formal specification of the attack scenarios in terms of state and transition properties

    Enhancing workflow-nets with data for trace completion

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    The growing adoption of IT-systems for modeling and executing (business) processes or services has thrust the scientific investigation towards techniques and tools which support more complex forms of process analysis. Many of them, such as conformance checking, process alignment, mining and enhancement, rely on complete observation of past (tracked and logged) executions. In many real cases, however, the lack of human or IT-support on all the steps of process execution, as well as information hiding and abstraction of model and data, result in incomplete log information of both data and activities. This paper tackles the issue of automatically repairing traces with missing information by notably considering not only activities but also data manipulated by them. Our technique recasts such a problem in a reachability problem and provides an encoding in an action language which allows to virtually use any state-of-the-art planning to return solutions

    Applying Formal Methods to Networking: Theory, Techniques and Applications

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    Despite its great importance, modern network infrastructure is remarkable for the lack of rigor in its engineering. The Internet which began as a research experiment was never designed to handle the users and applications it hosts today. The lack of formalization of the Internet architecture meant limited abstractions and modularity, especially for the control and management planes, thus requiring for every new need a new protocol built from scratch. This led to an unwieldy ossified Internet architecture resistant to any attempts at formal verification, and an Internet culture where expediency and pragmatism are favored over formal correctness. Fortunately, recent work in the space of clean slate Internet design---especially, the software defined networking (SDN) paradigm---offers the Internet community another chance to develop the right kind of architecture and abstractions. This has also led to a great resurgence in interest of applying formal methods to specification, verification, and synthesis of networking protocols and applications. In this paper, we present a self-contained tutorial of the formidable amount of work that has been done in formal methods, and present a survey of its applications to networking.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial
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