4,651 research outputs found

    Image preference estimation with a data-driven approach: A comparative study between gaze and image features

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    Understanding how humans subjectively look at and evaluate images is an important task for various applications in the field of multimedia interaction. While it has been repeatedly pointed out that eye movements can be used to infer the internal states of humans, not many successes have been reported concerning image understanding. We investigate the possibility of image preference estimation based on a person’s eye movements in a supervised manner in this paper. A dataset of eye movements is collected while the participants are viewing pairs of natural images, and it is used to train image preference label classifiers. The input feature is defined as a combination of various fixation and saccade event statistics, and the use of the random forest algorithm allows us to quantitatively assess how each of the statistics contributes to the classification task. We show that the gaze-based classifier had a higher level of accuracy than metadata-based baseline methods and a simple rule-based classifier throughout the experiments. We also present a quantitative comparison with image-based preference classifiers and discuss the potential and limitations of the gaze-based preference estimator

    Why we interact : on the functional role of the striatum in the subjective experience of social interaction

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    Acknowledgments We thank Neil Macrae and Axel Cleeremans for comments on earlier versions of this manuscript. Furthermore, we are grateful to DorothĂ© Krug and Barbara Elghahwagi for their assistance in data acquisition. This study was supported by a grant of the Köln Fortune Program of the Medical Faculty at the University of Cologne to L.S. and by a grant “Other Minds” of the German Ministry of Research and Education to K.V.Peer reviewedPreprin

    Meanings in motion and faces: Developmental associations between the processing of intention from geometrical animations and gaze detection accuracy

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    Aspects of face processing, on the one hand, and theory of mind (ToM) tasks, on the other hand, show specific impairment in autism. We aimed to discover whether a correlation between tasks tapping these abilities was evident in typically developing children at two developmental stages. One hundred fifty-four normal children (6-8 years and 16-18 years) and 13 high-IQ autistic children (11-17 years) were tested on a range of face-processing and IQ tasks, and a ToM test based oil the attribution of intentional movement to abstract shapes in a cartoon. By midchildhood, the ability accurately and spontaneously to infer the locus of attention of a face with direct or averted gaze was specifically associated with the ability to describe geometrical animations using mental state terms. Other face-processing and animation descriptions failed to show the association. Autistic adolescents were impaired at both gaze processing and ToM descriptions. using these tests. Mentalizing and gaze perception accuracy are associated in typically developing children and adolescents. The findings are congruent with the possibility that common neural Circuitry underlies, at least in part, processing implicated in these tasks. They are also congruent with the possibility that autism may lie at one end of a developmental continuum with respect to these skills, and to the factor(s) underpinning them

    Predicting human behavior in smart environments: theory and application to gaze prediction

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    Predicting human behavior is desirable in many application scenarios in smart environments. The existing models for eye movements do not take contextual factors into account. This addressed in this thesis using a systematic machine-learning approach, where user profiles for eye movements behaviors are learned from data. In addition, a theoretical innovation is presented, which goes beyond pure data analysis. The thesis proposed the modeling of eye movements as a Markov Decision Processes. It uses Inverse Reinforcement Learning paradigm to infer the user eye movements behaviors

    An analysis of the dependence of saccadic latency on target position and target characteristics in human subjects

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    BACKGROUND: Predictions from conduction velocity data for primate retinal ganglion cell axons indicate that the conduction time to the lateral geniculate nucleus for stimulation of peripheral retina should be no longer than for stimulation of central retina. On this basis, the latency of saccadic eye movements should not increase for more peripherally located targets. However, previous studies have reported relatively very large increases, which has the implication of a very considerable increase in central processing time for the saccade-generating system. RESULTS: In order to resolve this paradox, we have undertaken an extended series of experiments in which saccadic eye movements were recorded by electro-oculography in response to targets presented in the horizontal meridian in normal young subjects. For stationary or moving targets of either normal beam intensity or reduced red intensity, with the direction of gaze either straight ahead with respect to the head or directed eccentrically, the saccadic latency was shown to remain invariant with respect to a wide range of target angular displacements. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that, irrespective of the angular displacement of the target, the direction of gaze or the target intensity, the saccade-generating system operates with a constant generation time
