8 research outputs found

    Per un piccolo Atlante Linguistico della Grecìa Salentina (ALGreS)

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    The project of the ALGreS (Linguistic Atlas of the Salentine Grecìa) stems from the idea of comparing the geosinonyms of Grico from seven out of nine towns of the Salentine Grecìa (in Apulia, Italy), the ones in which there are people who still understand that language and are able of speaking it; another aim is to make a comparison between a word in Grico and its translation in the local dialect. This attempt is collocated right at the end of the tradition of the linguistic Atlase; its most distinguished ancestor is the ALF (Atlas Linguistique de la France). In this article are discussed seven maps from the ALGreS project

    Gli esploratori delle parole. Gerhard Rohlfs e Oronzo Parlangèli nel Salento dialettale

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    Questo volume, che prende il nome dai due più importanti esploratori delle parole del Salento del secolo scorso, muove da due giornate di studio svoltesi il 19 e 20 dicembre 2019 presso la Sala del Rettorato dell’Università del Salento di cui sono qui raccolti vari contributi selezionati. Al materiale presentato allora si sono man mano aggiunti i contributi di colleghi che hanno aderito a questo volume speciale della rivista Lingue e linguaggi. Dopo la riflessione sui sessant’anni del Vocabolario dei Dialetti Salentini (VDS) e sui cinquanta che ormai ci separano dal tragico incidente che mise fine, davvero troppo presto, alla vita di Oronzo Parlangèli (1968) si è quindi passati alla riflessione scientifica, che certo non ha esaurito il tanto da dire su questi straordinari personaggi della ricerca linguistica. Il volume presenta quattro sezioni. La prima, di carattere introduttivo, contiene interventi sui protagonisti messi a confronto; la seconda punta l’attenzione sull’opera di Gerhard Rohlfs; la terza è incentrata sull’opera di Oronzo Parlangèli; la quarta, infine, è la sezione dei progetti e delle ricerche sul salentino di oggi, nelle più varie prospettive

    The Algres Project

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    The ALGRES project

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    This short paper briefly describes the ALGRES project, an advanced relational programming environment for the specification and rapid prototyping of data-intensive applications. ALGRES is a vehicle for the integration of two research areas: the extension of the relational model to deal with complex objects and operations, and the integration of databases with logic programming. The ALGRES system is intended for the needs of the novel applications in the areas of deductive, engineering, and CAD-CAM databases and of office automation

    The Algres project

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    The Algres Project

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    This short paper briefly describes the ALGRES project, an advanced relational programming environment for the specification and rapid prototyping of data-intensive applications. ALGRES is a vehicle for the integration of two research areas: the extension of the relational model to deal with complex objects and operations, and the integration of databases with logic programming. The ALGRES system is intended for the needs of the novel applications in the areas of deductive, engineering, and CAD-CAM databases and of office automation

    The algres project Advances in Database Technology—EDBT '88

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    This short paper briefly describes the ALGRES project, an advanced relational programming environment for the specification and rapid prototyping of data-intensive applications. ALGRES is a vehicle for the integration of two research areas: the extension of the relational model to deal with complex objects and operations, and the integration of databases with logic programming. The ALGRES system is intended for the needs of the novel applications in the areas of deductive, engineering, and CAD-CAM databases and of office automation

    Integrating object-oriented data modelling with a rule-based programming paradigm

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    none5LOGRES is a new project for the development of extended database systems which is based on the integration of the object-oriented data modelling paradigm and of the rule-based approach for the specification of queries and updates. The data model supports generalization hierarchies and object sharing, the rule-based language extends Datalog to support generalized type constructors (sets, multisets, and sequences), rule-based integrity constraints are automatically produced by analyzing schema definitions. Modularization is a fundamental feature, as modules encapsulate queries and updates, when modules are applied to a LOGRES database, their side effects can be controlled. The LOGRES project is a follow-up of the ALGRES project, and takes advantage of the ALGRES programming environment for the development of a fast prototype.F. Cacace;S. Ceri;S. Crespi-Reghizzi;L. Tanca;R. ZicariF., Cacace; Ceri, Stefano; CRESPI REGHIZZI, Stefano; Tanca, Letizia; R., Zicar